Should Zero Have Returned in X2?

Treleus · 9074

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on: February 20, 2012, 08:48:15 AM

Man, I love listening to that theme. It's powerfully bombastic, really upbeat, and reeks of awesome, not unlike the fact that Zero returns to the series in X2 with a vengeance. He matches X shot for shot and brings in a dramatically new element to the series: the Z-saber. People thought Zero was cool in X1? He just got way cooler in X2, and he's here to stay. God, he's so cool.

If you know me, then you're probably aware that's a fact I've come to begrudge recently. As I've reflected on where the Mega Man franchise has gone since Mega Man X, I came to feel like the franchise's 2D experiences have never gotten much better than the early half of the X series, and its level of story engagement not much better than what X1 or X4 had to offer. We got a good taste of more open-world gameplay that emphasizes talking to NPCs and using melee weapons in the Mega Man Zero and ZX series, and with those games came a greater and more consistent emphasis on individual dialogues with a small ragtag band of freedom fighters (or guardians/mercenaries in the ZX games) and predictable philosophical banter with every single enemy you fight--and they all spout the same high-and-mighty insane **** about creating a new world by destroying the current one. For me, none of those things feel like refinements of what I enjoyed best from the SNES X games: a tight, engaging plot with minimal dialogue and an equally tight and engaging game design. And I think all those things that the 2D experience has evolved thus far ('cept for the style of storytelling perhaps) can be traced back to Zero's return in X2.

As much as I loved the way he returned in X2, his glorious fanfare, nice redesign with new saber weapon, and a thrilling chance to fight him and all, I don't think he should have come back because his sole reason for doing so was to derail what was so well laid down in X1: X's journey to grow and discover his destiny. By returning in X2, X's destiny was immediately boiled down to having to destroy Zero--something that was unceremoniously pointed out to us at the end of X3, and something that was, uh, well, already accomplished in X1. X4 had virtually nothing to do with X other than to inadvertently allude to his hypothetical 180 Face Heel Turn in Mega Man Zero with a single ending cutscene. X5 actually ended up culminating X3's ending wiiiiith ... a somewhat lame rehash of X2's fight between X and Zero. Impressive? Eh.

Story contentions aside, what about the fundamental game experience? Zero had star appeal ever since he saved X from Vile in X1. Everybody loved him, everybody thought he was super cool (myself included), some people thought he was a girl, and naturally everyone wanted to play as him. Everyone wanted to be Zero. X would never come to match that mystique for the rest of his career, and to me that's one of the biggest failures of the X series in terms of story and game planning, as well as basic character development. To me it's also a sign of immature storytelling, but the Rule of Cool has a powerful way of offsetting those kinds of imperfections, and many might've rationalized that Zero died before his time and deserved to steal the spotlight. That aside, though, what did Zero eventually bring to the X series that changed everything? His saber. Before X2, Mega Man was generally all about jumping and shooting. Shoulda been called Jump n' Shoot Man X introduced dashing and wall-kicking, but X4 finally changed the game with all-saber gameplay. As an added bonus, you got to play as Zero! FOR THE ENTIRE GAME! Holy ****, son. It just got real. You were playing as the badass you always wanted to be, and MAN is his saber not nearly as strong as it was in X3. And he can't shoot a thing out of one buster anymore, let alone two. Well, okay, that makes sense. Wouldn't want to make the game too easy, right? And we can't just cut X out altogether, right?

To cut a long story short, I don't really hate Zero, and I don't begrudge people for liking him so much and how he impacted the series. But I think he should've stayed dead in X1, at least until another series like Mega Man Zero rolled around after the X series had a sound, satisfying conclusion (X5 wasn't it). Despite Inafune's subtle intentions, the X series started with and was supposed to be about X, and we know that because that's what we ended up getting with X1. It was a solid experience that set up a very particular theme, tone and focus for the rest of the series: X's growth and potential as a person, and how he resolves that with the burden of being a Maverick Hunter in a society full of crime and uncertainty. Zero died for all that. Would the game have been much different had X been Zero instead? Or had Zero never died at all? Well, in the first case, that would've cut out the character that served Zero's function in X1, so unless they always intended for there to be a personal parallel character to whoever you played as, the story and the experienced would've turned out much different. Maybe even less impactful. Or maybe they could've switched places, and (Mega Man) X's death in Zero's place would've served as symbolic to the new direction the franchise would go. As for the second case, they would've continued to be brothers in arms, not unlike Mega Man and Proto Man. I wouldn't have had a problem with that if they treated Zero more or less like they treated Proto Man: a secondary character that had relevance to the story and you could sometimes play as or borrow his stuff.

My basic point is by having both X and Zero as playable heroes in the same series, the focus for storytelling and game design is halved to ill effect. Especially when one of the more central guys on the team likes the not-main-character more and intends to make him the star at main-character's expense. Saber combat is cool and all, but I like it much better when it's synthesized with the kind of gameplay evolution that followed X1 with X2's double busters and air-dashing and X3's cross-charge with up-dash. I just think it better belonged in another spinoff series.

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Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 06:18:44 PM
As much as I like what became of both characters over time, I think I really do agree with you, especially given how the Zero series turned out and ZX series still found a need for a Zero like experience instead of emphasizing what made the X and Zero duo dynamic (and X's gameplay) so nice in the first place.

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Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 07:52:28 PM
especially given how the Zero series turned out

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Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 08:25:05 PM

Honestly, (and this is probably going to be a very unpopular opinion) I feel like Capcom wrote themselves into a hole regarding handling how to handle the old stalwarts X & Zero and needed a new hook to bring in a new gen into the robot side of the franchise, hence the Kamen Rider ZX series. Problem with that is, on the game play side of things, we still wind up playing a Zero like experience as the fused form of Model X and Z is pretty much a weakened Zero series Zero, X is just a catalyst to play as one of four other established molds with some variance but no real "new" elements or surprise to themselves, and the X model itself isn't even relevant as the game locks you from playing the character in any meaningful way until post game while dictating in story that the characters never use raw X post ZX fusion and aside from being overpowered due to game mechanics, there's nothing there but traditional Jump 'N Shoot Man shenanigans. Story wise, it's the continued adventures of X, Zero and the past heroes played out by people mostly unrelated to their legacy and with no desire to really learn of the past endeavors. It just feels like things are living in a bubble and nothing besides the creepy omen that initiates these conflicts and the Biometals have any sort of relevance at times. The theme of the series is pretty much "screw destiny", but as it stands, it always boils back down to a legacy that was best explored when these characters were their own person instead of enablers for randoms.

Basically, ZX as a series right now feels like watered down Zero with none of the intrigue potential. Advent did a lot to try and change this up but with no further continuation, it remains hard to see how much further this series would go with its mold.

At this point though, I'm probably griping over nothing and wanting something different from what's established at current, while using the best theme in the series (Main Megaman/Robot character's desire and thus the player's desire to get stronger and more capable in comparison to the threats about and equal in caliber to the senior character) to push it forward. Maybe I'm just a fanboy for the robots, but eh, it's just never been as good to me as it was when it was X-Zero-Sigma and their dynamics.

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Reply #4 on: February 20, 2012, 09:12:06 PM
Agreed. The narrative resolution of the ZX series just boils down to a cliched "screw destiny, kill God" setup propped up by an emphatic, but unnecessary restatement of Mega Man Zero gameplay. Why play as any other character when you can just play as X or Zero? Or Omega? The multiple Biometal forms just felt like needless customizations, each with their own very specific and almost exclusive uses against certain bosses or terrain traversals. They're glorified Maverick weapons bundled with specific armor upgrades. The game never really puts you in sustained situations that make you think, "Well I should definitely use HX in this area" and led you into a fun use of a given Biometal. HX is arguably the most useful of the four Biometals with the airdashing and tornado move. I remember totally wasting that Area K miniboss by stunning it with the Storm Tornado tornado move and then wacking at the head until it split in two. Beyond that, I never used it. Or any other Biometal much. It was more fun and familiar to just stick with ZX or X, once you unlocked him.

I feel like they could've taken some cues from Zero's fighting-game-moves system and used that to facilitate how you used X's Maverick weapons. Hitting the start button to select your weapon or cycling through them with the L/R buttons in the heat of battle were pretty unwieldy methods of using X's 8 weapons. Having customizeable button combinations for activating this move or that would've made using Maverick skills easier, quicker, and more fun, opening up more room for stage designers to legitimately challenge players without frustrating them or giving them weapons they'll little often use on average. Couple that with the ability to store your max charge level--for two busters--and you could bust out super-charged combos. Cross-charged combos even. Some of these special moves might even become unique legacy moves for X that can be carried into sequels, kinda like how Zero always has that ground pound move or the Kuuenzan spinning air blade move.  

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Reply #5 on: February 21, 2012, 02:13:15 AM
I think that Zero earned his spot in X2.  Both X and Zero are great.  Period.

Trying to change what is already established might not go well with many fans.  As for me, I don't really care what happens as long as I am satisfied in the end. 

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Reply #6 on: February 21, 2012, 05:38:44 PM
Honestly, (and this is probably going to be a very unpopular opinion) I feel like Capcom wrote themselves into a hole regarding handling how to handle the old stalwarts X & Zero and needed a new hook to bring in a new gen into the robot side of the franchise, hence the Kamen Rider ZX series.
Oh, ZX. Yeah, it had... some issues. I thought you were saying MMZ itself was lame.

Offline Treleus

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Reply #7 on: February 21, 2012, 10:34:20 PM
I think that Zero earned his spot in X2.  Both X and Zero are great.  Period.

Trying to change what is already established might not go well with many fans.  As for me, I don't really care what happens as long as I am satisfied in the end. 

So it this just fixes a bunch of stuff that was wrong/broken, you'd be satisfied with some welcome retconning/remaking?

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Reply #8 on: February 22, 2012, 04:19:05 AM
So it this just fixes a bunch of stuff that was wrong/broken, you'd be satisfied with some welcome retconning/remaking?

Yes.  I am an open person.  I just respect things for what they are. 

If Zero becomes more popular with the fans and more significant than X in story, I'll live with it and just play the games.  I'll do the same when it is the other way around.

If I like, dislike, or become impartial to something, I'll keep it real everytime.  

Edit:  Removed something that I already said.  

"Well.  This is just delightful!" - Marino, from Mega Man X Command Mission

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Reply #9 on: February 22, 2012, 05:00:07 AM
Something similar happened to Sonic with Shadow.. And that's for another time.

Well, I do agree with you on some cases, but there's the thing that's been bugging me: If there was no Zero, or he was a different character.. Would Mega Man Legends/Mega Man Battle Network exist? That strikes me as odd when Network Transmission centered around this particular character, albeit in a different universe entirely.

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So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

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Reply #10 on: February 22, 2012, 02:15:41 PM
Something similar happened to Sonic with Shadow.. And that's for another time.

Not that similar.

Well, I do agree with you on some cases, but there's the thing that's been bugging me: If there was no Zero, or he was a different character.. Would Mega Man Legends/Mega Man Battle Network exist? That strikes me as odd when Network Transmission centered around this particular character, albeit in a different universe entirely.

Odd question, since Zero has nothing to do with Legends and Battle Network is non-canon. He amounts to a cameo end boss in Battle Network Transmission and a spot in the show, but that's about it.

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Reply #11 on: February 22, 2012, 03:13:54 PM
:\ I do not like this ZX bashing, at all. Leave ZERO-ZX out of this anti-Zero vendetta of yours, it has nothing to do with it. The matter at hand is the X-series and its lack of main character emphasis, not what comes after.


Battle Network is non-canon.

Battle Network is totally canonical, both to itself and the other Rockman series. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure Gaia was thinking from the perspective of game development .

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Reply #12 on: February 22, 2012, 05:06:49 PM
X series is really the only issue in terms of character focus...

Zero series is about Zero, and ZX sort of splits it a bit since neither X or Zero are at the forefront as much as Vent/Aile and Serpent/Albert/PnP...

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #13 on: February 22, 2012, 05:47:26 PM
:\ I do not like this ZX bashing, at all. Leave ZERO-ZX out of this anti-Zero vendetta of yours, it has nothing to do with it. The matter at hand is the X-series and its lack of main character emphasis, not what comes after.

You seem rather annoyed or rather threatened.

Where did you get the Zero-ZX bashing? If I don't like them, I have my reasons, but this thread doesn't have anything to do with either outside of possible examples I'd like to use. And I'll cite those examples as I please.

Actually, wait a minute, they have one crucial shared aspect to the X series: Zero! So they're both just barely in the purview of this discussion, but again, I don't have a problem with Zero being in Mega Man Zero. The series is legitimately about him.

This isn't an anti-Zero vendetta per se. This is a pro-X dialogue where I identify Zero, as he was implemented in the X series, as a problem in that context. I'm not saying Zero shouldn't ever be in the X games as a playable character. I just think it'd be best that if he did exist in the X games, it would be either as a copy/rough equivalent of X for co-op and story purposes OR as an NPC for just story purposes. If I want to play a game about Zero, I'll play Mega Man Zero. If I want to play a game about X, I'd prefer it if it's mostly about X, not mostly about Zero.


Battle Network is totally canonical, both to itself and the other Rockman series. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure Gaia was thinking from the perspective of game development .

Battle Network is not in the Mega Man to Legends canon, so Zero's existence in any series between that has no logical bearing on Battle Network's universe. And how does Zero in particular magically affect game development?

Story intricacies aside, ZX is pretty much just Mega Man Zero: Part 2 if only for gameplay alone. For a combination of X and Zero in Model ZX, he looks mostly like Zero to boot. Traditionally X gameplay is the after-game unlockable.

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Reply #14 on: February 22, 2012, 06:37:55 PM
I dont think canon means what you think it means.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #15 on: February 22, 2012, 07:14:17 PM
Not that similar.

Odd question, since Zero has nothing to do with Legends and Battle Network is non-canon. He amounts to a cameo end boss in Battle Network Transmission and a spot in the show, but that's about it.

Zero did have a major role in Network Transmission under the "Zero Virus" scheme before the true boss was revealed. Plus I'm sure this had something to do with both the game's development per-say, story and gameplay wise. Battle Network IS an alternate universe, but Zero still made quite an impact on both universes, why did Dave and Lan know each other in 2 if he never appeared in 1 at all?

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

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Reply #16 on: February 22, 2012, 07:46:26 PM
I must be missing something. Never played any BN past 1, so tell me: does some parallel-universe fuckery happen that somehow connects the BN universe to the X universe, or was BN in the same universe as that and Classic/Legends/Zero/ZX all along?

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Reply #17 on: February 22, 2012, 07:53:22 PM
The BN/SF series happen in another universe, but that doesn't make them non-canon, just irrelevant to the X universe, that's what everyone has been saying. You don't seem to know what canon means.

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Reply #18 on: February 22, 2012, 11:37:48 PM
You seem rather annoyed or rather threatened.

Where did you get the Zero-ZX bashing? If I don't like them, I have my reasons, but this thread doesn't have anything to do with either outside of possible examples I'd like to use. And I'll cite those examples as I please.

I have no problem with it per say, but if such heavy critics about the series are going to be voiced (by you and others), I'd rather it occur in a new thread where I can properly address everything without derailing this one. The topic here is to address the ill-focus of the X-series in both plot and gameplay, not one's dismay of everything else.

Battle Network is not in the Mega Man to Legends canon, so Zero's existence in any series between that has no logical bearing on Battle Network's universe. And how does Zero in particular magically affect game development

Canon is the total body of works that is officially recognized as true. Battle Network isn't any less true than the X or classic series, and vice versa, they're just on different continuities. Besides, they do even share concepts from time to time, and are all part of the greater Rockman mythos. For example, events in Battle Network 2 and Star Force explain those of Mega Man X5.

In terms of game development, the complete removal of Zero from the X-series would certainly have affected the plot and characters of Battle Network Transmission. Likewise, with the X-series plot steering into a different direction, the ultimate envisioned future of Mega Man Legends would not be as it is today. So certainly, if Zero did not exist, things would be different. But we're not talking about complete removal of the character, as you said. What we should instead focus on is on how to make the X-series more complete, without removing the values it has now.

This is a pro-X dialogue where I identify Zero, as he was implemented in the X series, as a problem in that context. I'm not saying Zero shouldn't ever be in the X games as a playable character. I just think it'd be best that if he did exist in the X games, it would be either as a copy/rough equivalent of X for co-op and story purposes OR as an NPC for just story purposes. If I want to play a game about Zero, I'll play Mega Man Zero. If I want to play a game about X, I'd prefer it if it's mostly about X, not mostly about Zero.

Is the problem really the implementation of Zero and not instead the implementation of X? X himself was the focus of the first three games, but those titles did not have has much story presentation as the ones that came after. Had X been given 'equal' focus in those we'd still have the same Zero, but we'd have a deeper, more fleshed out story overall. To give focus back to X and ignore Zero wouldn't do the series much good either, it'd just be different, not better.

That same, Maverick Hunter X did a superb job in taking what we had, and adding to it. For once we truly saw X as the main character. Had that series continued, I have no doubt we'd have seen similar improvements in X1-3, even if some of those improvements are actually Zero orientated. See, X3 is a rather odd title being all about the virus but not at all being about Zero. Much the same, X4 covers a lot of Zero's past, but ignores the virus.  In my opinion, this needed to be addressed in the never-to-be-now remakes.

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Reply #19 on: February 23, 2012, 12:49:12 AM
Oh come on, guys. You know what I was trying to say. The canons of BN/SF and the other Mega Man series are separated, but nevertheless official. I was never trying to say BN was unofficial. That's retarded.

EDIT: Oh hey, I wonder why I didn't do this before:

:\ I do not like this ZX bashing, at all. Leave ZERO-ZX out of this anti-Zero vendetta of yours,

>>Zero X2 Theme<<

Man, I love listening to that theme. It's powerfully bombastic, really upbeat, and reeks of awesome, not unlike the fact that Zero returns to the series in X2 with a vengeance. He matches X shot for shot and brings in a dramatically new element to the series: the Z-saber. People thought Zero was cool in X1? He just got way cooler in X2, and he's here to stay. God, he's so cool.

As much as I loved the way he returned in X2, his glorious fanfare, nice redesign with new saber weapon, and a thrilling chance to fight him and all,

"Enjoyed" is probably a better word that "loved"

To cut a long story short, I don't really hate Zero, and I don't begrudge people for liking him so much and how he impacted the series.

Just sayin, guys.

Besides, they do even share concepts from time to time, and are all part of the greater Rockman mythos. For example, events in Battle Network 2 and Star Force explain those of Mega Man X5.

Please explain.

In terms of game development, the complete removal of Zero from the X-series would certainly have affected the plot and characters of Battle Network Transmission. Likewise, with the X-series plot steering into a different direction, the ultimate envisioned future of Mega Man Legends would not be as it is today. So certainly, if Zero did not exist, things would be different. But we're not talking about complete removal of the character, as you said. What we should instead focus on is on how to make the X-series more complete, without removing the values it has now.

Technically I'm not even talking about complete removal. Just removal starting from after X1.

Is the problem really the implementation of Zero and not instead the implementation of X? X himself was the focus of the first three games, but those titles did not have has much story presentation as the ones that came after. Had X been given 'equal' focus in those we'd still have the same Zero, but we'd have a deeper, more fleshed out story overall. To give focus back to X and ignore Zero wouldn't do the series much good either, it'd just be different, not better.

Along with overall better characterization of and more story for X, I'd take either "Zero dies for good" after X1 or "Zero sticks around as either a co-op sidekick or NPC". I'm ambivalent about whether to cut Zero's saber gameplay and make him a rough X clone (like Protoman is to Mega Man), keep it as is, improve/alter it somehow, or give it to X as is or altered somehow. Most people probably don't want Zero's saber gameplay from X4 on to change at all, but seeing as how we've got Mega Man Zero, I wouldn't miss it much. I might like to see X get a stronger one-or-two-hit saber like how Zero's worked in X3, but even that I'm not sure about.

That same, Maverick Hunter X did a superb job in taking what we had, and adding to it. For once we truly saw X as the main character. Had that series continued, I have no doubt we'd have seen similar improvements in X1-3, even if some of those improvements are actually Zero orientated. See, X3 is a rather odd title being all about the virus but not at all being about Zero. Much the same, X4 covers a lot of Zero's past, but ignores the virus.  In my opinion, this needed to be addressed in the never-to-be-now remakes.

Incoming Whiny MHX Tirade WARNING WARNING

Having watched a playthrough of MHX, I wouldn't call the final product a "superb" job of adding to what was already there, because X just sounds like an idiot and a mindless killer most of the time, constantly repeating how everyone's a Maverick. Also, he's apparently a really gullible git. Who walks up to somebody in a mech when you can still clearly see the guy's hands on the levers? Dolt. And why was Vile such a pushover? It's like the fight against CF-0 at the beginning of X2. It's supposed to be this GIANT MECH and he goes down with like 3 charged shots. Easily placed ones too. I preferred the unwinnable fight against a mech suit twice your size from X1. At least then X goes down because he's overpowered, not because he's a moron.

The only time I thought the script really could've shined were X's exchanges with Storm Eagle and Boomer Kuwanger. Most of the other Mavericks also had good dialogue and voices, with the exception of the obligatory flamboyantly gay hairstylist/curator character in Launch Octopus. Other nitpicks include how Mark Gatha growls every time he reaches his third charge level, the unimpressive look of the upgraded buster shot (is there a name for that?), and switching the extremely memorable rematch with Vile from the first Sigma Stage to the third stage. I could understand how the director might've thought that would've been more appropriate, especially since they also wanted to promote Vile's eminence in the bad-guy hierarchy a little more, but some of the little things that made that scene really awesome were lost in the transition, like X's rematch with the mech (where maybe he could've visibly damaged the mech this time if he gets the buster upgrade beforehand, or used a specific Maverick weapon) and how Zero blows his containment pod before leaping onto the Ride Armor's back. Yeah, I didn't really mind Zero looking cool then, and I would've minded it even less if the game made me feel like X has gotten at least as strong enough to peel the paint off of Vile's mech. Or cause some smoke or something. Vile could still win before getting his mech trashed, but you know.

The story really could've come to a head with the exchange between X and Sigma, but I felt it was cut short and drowned out by GATHA'S ABRUPTLY LOUD YELLING. I think I have more of a problem with the voice direction that I do with Gatha's talent, since I appreciated his performance in X8 a bit better, but even in Command Mission I didn't really like his vocal delivery that much, so Gatha = 1, Voice Director = ???. Voice talent aside, it didn't really seem like a dramatic climax in the conflict between X and Sigma's characters so much as a loud buildup to what everyone was expecting anyways: a final boss battle. And this is after just listening to X crying havoc Maverick all the time. I don't have a problem with being angry, but I wasn't at all convinced by either Gatha's performance or the script. I just wasn't impressed.

WEAPON GET or ... something. I dunno

Speaking of X3's virus, that's another thing that I think should be rewritten. Rather than treating the virus like a legitimate threat and explanation for Mavericks, the virus should've just been a propaganda scheme perpetrated by Doppler. Makes a lot more sense and makes a better story.

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Reply #20 on: February 23, 2012, 10:28:32 PM

Offline Treleus

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Reply #22 on: February 23, 2012, 11:58:06 PM
Because I like Zero...s'all. I don't need to express myself in a wall of text.

Offline The Great Gonzo

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Reply #23 on: February 24, 2012, 01:49:23 AM
because X just sounds like an idiot and a mindless killer most of the time, constantly repeating how everyone's a Maverick.'s been a while since I played MHX, but IIRC all of the Mavericks were clearly, well, Mavericks. And X does try to avoid fighting quite a few of them before they declare that they're obeying Sigma no matter what.

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Reply #24 on: February 24, 2012, 02:17:29 AM
Because I like Zero...s'all. I don't need to express myself in a wall of text.

Point taken. A sentence or two to carry the conversation would've done fine, but a one-word response kinda asks to be poked fun at.

I liked him until he became popular enough to warrant two series starring, well, him. Now I'm just a little tired of how cool he is and want to have X actively compete for my interest. Plus I miss firing off double shots and getting armor upgrades to sweet SNES tunes.'s been a while since I played MHX, but IIRC all of the Mavericks were clearly, well, Mavericks. And X does try to avoid fighting quite a few of them before they declare that they're obeying Sigma no matter what.

My problem with that is what could've been decent glimpses of the relationships X had with these Mavericks are too quickly brushed aside to get to the fight. I don't normally like large sequences of text interspersed too frequently in my fighting game, but these were different. Look at Storm Eagle. You don't even really know why he's fighting X, and once the fight's over, there's no meaningful after-dialogue about why Storm did what he did. Spark Mandrill proposes that X is wrong about what he's doing, but nothing comes of that. Apparently Boomer Kuwanger and X were good friends, and that's the last we hear of that. These were titillating glimpses of character in the classic, memorable, but otherwise throwaway bosses from X1, and I felt like a little more could've been done with that to develop X's character, taking us for a ride in his psyche and the emotions he's supposed to experience--as the first of his kind to do that, but the only one who could supposedly think more deeply about than anyone else.