Easy Mode Mockery why?

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Reply #25 on: February 09, 2011, 12:56:36 AM
Okay, on MM10's Easy Mode, it is pitifully easy, yes.  At the same time, if you like helmetless Rock or ProtoMan, it's a nice way to dodge being punished.  Really hate this double-damage crap.  But yeah, Easy Mode is a bit of an opposite extreme.

Also, "slip of the finger" is not the only way to die.  You may also die if, accustomed to Normal's disappearing block patterns, you take the lower route of Sheep Man's stage and an Easy-specific block appears DIRECTLY OVER YOUR HEAD as you attempt to make the jump.


Easy Mode mockery is fun.  I laugh at myself as much as I laugh at others.  Hey, we can't all be good at every game.  Japanese bunny girls laugh at my weakness in traditional fighters, won't stop me from ripping your ass apart in Smash.

That said, there is a certain mentality shift that's gone on since the onset of the internet.  Contra 4 really opened my eyes to this, compare it to the original.  It USED to be some cheat for a zillion lives made you feel special for knowing how to access secret stuff.  It could even be considered a standard part of the "core" gamer's lives, and whether you needed it or not, it took the pressure off.  Now, you need HELP?  You can't just no-damage clear it all?  Then you must suck, and must be punished with an incomplete game. ::)

Normal is the only mode to start on... unless you're five years old. Otherwise, the A.I. is set to a level that's just standing around with maybe a rare attack here or there, or some other idiotic changes.

NOBODY is to make that statement until they have cleared Powered Up!'s Copy Robot stage as Roll.

And remember, this is "Mr. Cleared Gate's Lab Unarmored On Xtreme Mode Just To Smite The Ignorant Masses" talking.

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Reply #26 on: February 09, 2011, 01:02:14 AM
Well in some RPGs, like Valkyrie Profile, you do need to play normal mode or above to get the best ending.
or in Star Ocean 3, you have to play normal mode to get the access to battle trophy.

Well, I do play easy mode sometimes to get the feeling of the game/re-familiarized with a complex battle system.

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Reply #27 on: February 09, 2011, 01:06:17 AM
One nice thing about Legends: Easy Mode isn't even there until you've cleared Normal.  It exists, but it exists strictly to have fun and to flaunt your overpowered self.  We could learn a thing or two from that.

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Reply #28 on: February 09, 2011, 01:32:26 AM
I guess the whole point is, that it shouldn't be some crime to be easy moding. *shrugs* As in Contra, it was actually COOL to have the ability to get those lives and breeze the game without worry. Not everyone wants to stress while playing a game. Not everyone is in it for the broken challenge.

They should still have full access to the game without having to break their brain or their thumbs going through the hardest difficulty. (Valkyrie Profile anyone?) I dunno... I'll never be for the whole mockery and limitation thing. I just don't get it. Humor isn't something I care for or need. It's cute in small doses, but these days, mocking and making fun of others and ripping each other apart is prevalent everywhere.

But hey, everything is relative I guess. One man's trash is another man's treasure and all that.

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Reply #29 on: February 09, 2011, 01:34:00 AM
NOBODY is to make that statement until they have cleared Powered Up!'s Copy Robot stage as Roll.

And remember, this is "Mr. Cleared Gate's Lab Unarmored On Xtreme Mode Just To Smite The Ignorant Masses" talking.
I do believe the 100%'s across all the robit masters let's me say that.

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Reply #30 on: February 09, 2011, 01:53:34 AM
That said, there is a certain mentality shift that's gone on since the onset of the internet. 

I think you're referring to gamers actually having an outlet and voice!  8D

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Reply #31 on: February 09, 2011, 02:47:34 AM
And peer pressure from fellow gamers, and bandwagoning to fuel gigantic overreactions every time our presuppositions are disrupted.

I do believe the 100%'s across all the robit masters let's me say that.
Your merit in gameplay and your judgement of game balance are two different things.  You fail at logic if you truly believe any worthwhile gamer should be ready and willing to tackle all 8 Robot Masters with absolutely no healing opportunities available as an every-day play session, let alone do so within Powered Up!'s claustrophobic screen ratio.  The completionist in me demanded that I buster-only all RMs in my first run, and even after that the teleporter room was STILL hell.

That level of difficulty is ordinarily reserved for Complete Works' Hard Mode, and far surpasses any X-series "Hard/Xtreme" mode ever offered.  "Normal" is just a label, nothing more.

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Reply #32 on: February 09, 2011, 03:21:48 AM
Honestly, playing Easy mode should only be mocked when it's insulting to the players' skills like MM10's, in fighting games (hi CvS2 and TvC), or when someone plays Easy mode exclusively without ever trying any other modes (of course you'll never be good enough to do them if you never even try).

Thankfully the last one remains as a "what if" that I just thought of, I've never met someone like that XD

and even after that the teleporter room was STILL hell.

The teleporter room with Mega Man is bearable on any difficulty since at least you have the weakness weapons, but with any of the other playable characters not named Overpowered Playable Blues...good god, I don't think I've ever gotten farther than that with any of them, I can't even imagine how the hell I'd do it with Gutsman and Oilman.

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Reply #33 on: February 09, 2011, 03:23:36 AM
And peer pressure from fellow gamers, and bandwagoning to fuel gigantic overreactions every time our presuppositions are disrupted.
Your merit in gameplay and your judgement of game balance are two different things.  You fail at logic if you truly believe any worthwhile gamer should be ready and willing to tackle all 8 Robot Masters with absolutely no healing opportunities available--

See, now you're implying things I never said. I only said normal mode is enough for a starting point. I'm pretty sure you can heal just fine in Normal.


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Reply #34 on: February 09, 2011, 03:24:03 AM
gotta say I'm agreeing with Hypershell. Again.

On both points, in fact. My main meal however is the peer pressure crap and the over all obnoxiousness that is the modern gaming community. It's like they're [tornado fang]ing in middle school again/still. Which could explain my frustration with them, given that kind of thinking is the epitome of ignorance and inconsideration of the world around you, as well as the myriad of variety of player and personae that humans can and do come in.

As for Solar's response... I don't really think it should be done at all. *shrugs* Is it necessary? Well, it isn't like it'll ever stop though, so whatever.

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Reply #35 on: February 09, 2011, 03:35:29 AM
Well, I don't really mean mocking them, I only used that word because of the title. I mean more like telling them "dude, why the hell are you playing on easy mode?" and convince them to move on.

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Reply #36 on: February 09, 2011, 03:39:43 AM
Okay, maybe it's just because I have a very strong personality and don't understand other's mindset....but if you're bothered by peer pressure from GAMERS...ESPECIALLY ONLINE, then not being able to deal with them making fun of you for playing Easy Mode is the least of your worries in life!  -_-


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Reply #37 on: February 09, 2011, 03:55:43 AM
Well, I don't really mean mocking them, I only used that word because of the title. I mean more like telling them "dude, why the hell are you playing on easy mode?" and convince them to move on.

I wonder if that method works for everyone.

Okay, maybe it's just because I have a very strong personality and don't understand other's mindset....but if you're bothered by peer pressure from GAMERS...ESPECIALLY ONLINE, then not being able to deal with them making fun of you for playing Easy Mode is the least of your worries in life!  -_-

*I* am not bothered (outside of disliking how it can effect others and has done so over time) by such things, to be honest. Though I guess the question is why it is done at all? Is it really necessary? Should we excuse assholery just because 'everyone does it' and all that? Eh, I just don't think it is necessary. Some people are actually offended by that.

Of course, some would counter that they "shouldn't let it bother them" and "bullying and making fun of people is a part of life" and all that jazz. But instead of being defeatist about it, we should instead ask, "why do people do that? and should we condone such behavior?" not that I'm a saint or what have you. I've done my share of picking on others or pushing buttons, usually where warranted (that's an opinion though). Not trying to ride the moral high horse, but no one really asks these questions and pushes them. *shrugs*

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Reply #38 on: February 09, 2011, 05:02:28 AM
I still have yet to get past Fire Leo on Adults (and don't get me started on the unlockable difficulties).

I beat VJ1 on Adults. It was complete hell. I have yet beaten VJ2 on Adults

....Ugh, I remember those days yelling at my controller and throwing hissy fits. *shudders*  8D

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Reply #39 on: February 09, 2011, 05:59:29 AM
*I* am not bothered (outside of disliking how it can effect others and has done so over time) by such things, to be honest. Though I guess the question is why it is done at all? Is it really necessary? Should we excuse assholery just because 'everyone does it' and all that? Eh, I just don't think it is necessary. Some people are actually offended by that.

Of course, some would counter that they "shouldn't let it bother them" and "bullying and making fun of people is a part of life" and all that jazz. But instead of being defeatist about it, we should instead ask, "why do people do that? and should we condone such behavior?" not that I'm a saint or what have you. I've done my share of picking on others or pushing buttons, usually where warranted (that's an opinion though). Not trying to ride the moral high horse, but no one really asks these questions and pushes them. *shrugs*

Just to be clear, I'm not saying you, I'm just saying people in general who are bothered by it, especially on the net. I mean, offline I can understand how bullying effects people because along with verbal abuse can also come physical abuse, plus the person is vocal & in your face directly, so there is a huge difference. However, online? It makes little sense to me cause it's literally words on a screen, especially over something as insignificant as playing a game on Easy Mode. As for why it's done, that's because like Shell' and I said, the net has given gamers a voice and for some gamers, an outlet for their frustrations from their offline lives perhaps. Just like offline bullying can be an outlet for bullies due to their home life or many other factors. "Why people do that" can have so many answers depending on the person or the situation, so ultimately there is no one answer to that question. Hell, some people are just assholes.

Also, you shouldn't condone such behavior, but really there's nothing that can be done about it. It's Freedom of Speech, so as much as we don't like when someone makes fun of someone or mocks them, there really is nothing you can do about it. So logically the only alternative is to not let it bother you, because you cannot tell people what not to say to someone. I mean, we can to a certain degree on forums like this, but overall you ultimately don't know what's going to bother someone and what not. For example, what if what we've been talking about was bothering someone for no reason other than they were uncomfortable with our discussion? What if someone got pissed at you for talking about your sweetie pie all the time, or me for arrogantly pumping myself up on a secondly basis? LoL, are you gonna stop, cause I'm certainly not! XD


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Reply #40 on: February 09, 2011, 06:16:24 AM
Just as well... I think there should be a solution to everything. If people could talk to and understand one another, perhaps things wouldn't be so disconnected.

Inaction is often the first resort when it should be the last. Or at least, that is how I feel. I'll continue to try and opt for understanding in future encounters, as I have in past ones as well.

Until then, I suppose we are not ready yet.

Well, I helped support the topic instead of letting it go the direction it was at first. I feel I've done my part, unless necessary, I'll just walk away now.

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Reply #41 on: February 09, 2011, 07:26:35 AM
Just as well... I think there should be a solution to everything. If people could talk to and understand one another, perhaps things wouldn't be so disconnected.

Inaction is often the first resort when it should be the last. Or at least, that is how I feel. I'll continue to try and opt for understanding in future encounters, as I have in past ones as well.

Until then, I suppose we are not ready yet.

LoL, well if people could talk to each other and understand one another without someone getting emotional, hurt, or pissed about the discussion, yeah the world would be a much better place. I long for that world. Hell, that's one of the reasons why people need to NOT get bothered by what others say. Honestly, how can you have an honest and understanding conversation with someone if you have to watch what you say to avoid hurting someone's feelings? Plus again, how can one know what will upset someone and what won't?  Making a joke about someone who plays Easy Mode might not upset one gamer and it might upset another. So how do you know? The answer is, you don't know. It's not defeatist. It's just life. Some things in life have no logical answer or reason behind them.

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Reply #42 on: February 09, 2011, 07:32:38 PM
Logic has no place once emotions get involved. Just the way of things.

As far as the topic at hand... Well, I don't ever touch easy, but that's because I'm the type of guy who likes a challenge. I've known plenty of people where challenge simply isn't their thing, but they would like to be able to finish the game. I don't see a problem with that, as long as the easy mode in question doesn't overdo it (as MM10's does, apparently).

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Reply #43 on: February 10, 2011, 02:31:10 AM
Okay, maybe it's just because I have a very strong personality and don't understand other's mindset....but if you're bothered by peer pressure from GAMERS...ESPECIALLY ONLINE, then not being able to deal with them making fun of you for playing Easy Mode is the least of your worries in life!  -_-
Personally?  I don't give a damn.  But the general attitude is taken as a consensus among the hardcore, and in turn, actually shapes game development.  See my Contra 4 example earlier.

See, now you're implying things I never said. I only said normal mode is enough for a starting point.
Point taken (although I don't think where you start is nearly as important as where you end up, but whatever).  As grueling as PU's Normal is, Easy can be downright patronizing.  The game really lacks any proper balance.

Case in point: Yellow Devil.  We go from "you have 2 body lengths to maneuver the shitstorm" to "Yellow Devil just stands there and takes your punishment".  Seriously?

I'm pretty sure you can heal just fine in Normal.
Then I don't know what Normal Mode you were playing, because I was referring to the teleporter room, which is devoid of health capsules.  No other MegaMan game expects you to clear 8 Robot Masters under such conditions, barring the aforementioned Hard Mode of the PS1 remakes.

Hell, EASY MODE doesn't even have any healing in the teleporter room.  It's just that the bosses are stupid enough that it doesn't matter.

The teleporter room with Mega Man is bearable on any difficulty since at least you have the weakness weapons, but with any of the other playable characters not named Overpowered Playable Blues...good god, I don't think I've ever gotten farther than that with any of them, I can't even imagine how the hell I'd do it with Gutsman and Oilman.
Since the main draw of the game is its gazillion expansions, including player selection, the fact that we're talking about 2 players out of 11 isn't very encouraging.

There's also a certain lack of foresight, IMHO, in screwing with the weapon order while simultaneously presenting unlock mechanics which encourage the player to ignore it their first time through.  You'd think Oil Man and Time Man could have simply been inserted into the existing weapon order, but not so.  And it wasn't until the teleporter room that I found that out.

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Reply #44 on: February 10, 2011, 02:38:27 AM
You mean inserting them without changing the old weapon order? Well, I don't see how that would be possible without making a weapon the weakness of two RMs. Then again technically that wouldn't be the first time, but also then again Metal Blade is just that godly.

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Reply #45 on: February 10, 2011, 02:47:03 AM
You could do that, or you could eliminate weaknesses only where the insertion is necessary.  PU just rewrites the entire thing; only two RMs share their old weaknesses (one of which, CutMan, is irrelevant in the teleporter rematches anyway).

Shadow Blade wants a word with you, BTW.

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Reply #46 on: February 10, 2011, 03:01:53 AM
I honestly didn't know/forgot about that, but MM3s weakness cycle is already weird, can you blame me? >.>


Cut>Bomb>Ice>Fire>Oil>Elec>Time>Guts>Cut right? Eh, at least they kinda make sense....ok at least the first half makes sense, I have no [tornado fang]ing clue why Oil>Elec>Time>Guts.

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Reply #47 on: February 10, 2011, 03:49:46 AM
Gaming is all about telling people you're better than they are and rubbing it in their faces.

If people suddenly stopped making fun of noobs, the whole industry would collapse.  Think of the global economy.

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Reply #48 on: February 10, 2011, 05:58:25 AM
The man has a point.

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Reply #49 on: February 10, 2011, 07:55:45 AM
Gradius Rebirth can be a bit tough on Easy.

I guess that's one of the few exceptions.