Dr. Wily II's attempts at sprites and stuff (KOBUN MADNESS!)

Dr. Wily II · 445622

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Offline borockman

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Reply #950 on: February 19, 2010, 02:43:52 PM
Lol, random indeed, and nice puzzle stage I think.

Hmm, so we can expect some percentages for the next boss. 8D

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Offline DarkWaltz

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Reply #951 on: February 19, 2010, 06:45:00 PM
Random makes the world go 'round.  8D

30% insta-kill to 70% insta-heal oh boy, this'll be interesting. XD

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #952 on: February 20, 2010, 04:24:29 AM
Hehe, it will be later. XD

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Reply #953 on: February 20, 2010, 10:49:26 PM
Wily you sick demented freak. Making a weapon like that. Why?

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #954 on: February 26, 2010, 03:44:07 AM
BECAUSE. [eyebrow]

Chapter Five: The return of Napalm Man!? RAMBO MAN!

When he finally got there, all kinds of military weaponry can be seen: Fighter jets, tanks, missile launchers, weapons of mass destruction.
Megaman: So many weapons... Does DWII intend to use these for chaos? I won't let him!
With that, he runs towards the weapon warehouse, where he is greeted with robot minions.

*Fast forward to boss room*
Megaman: Whew, that was difficult. Trying to hit the enemies while trying to avoid hitting all those missiles sure wasn't easy...
Just then a Robot Master teleported into the shadows.
??: You have finally come. I didn't expect you to reach here at all.
Megaman: Belittling me? Who are you?
??: Forgotten me already? *steps into the light*
Megaman: Napalm Man?
Rambo Man: Haha, I used to be Napalm Man. But with DWII's modifications, I'm now Rambo Man! Now twice the power and armour!
Megaman: Rambo Man? Twice as powerful? We'll see... Weapon Change, RAINBOW BLAST!!!

Megaman fired off the Rainbow Blast, but Rambo Man didn't seem to care, he didn't even bother to dodge!
Megaman: This should be over fast.
As contact was made, Megaman is shocked to see that the Rainbow Blast was deflected when it hit Rambo Man's body.
Rambo Man: As you can see, my armour is impervious to your Rainbow Blast. Now eat this, TWIN MISSILE!!!
Rambo Man fired off Twin Missile from both his arms, and was aimed directly at Megaman.

Megaman: Missiles? Ha, I can easily jump over them.
Which he did, but the missiles began to home in on him, and contact was made.
Megaman: GAH! Homing ability?
Rambo Man: Why yes. Don't you like it? Have some Napalm Missiles as well! *missiles shoot off from his shoulders*
Megaman: Since I can't dodge, then I'll shoot them down! *missiles successfully destroyed*
Although Megaman successfully destroyed all the incoming missiles, he didn't noticed that Rambo Man has positioned himself right in front of him because of all the smoke the missile explosions created.

Rambo Man: Surprise! NAPALM BLAST!!! *head cannon discharges a napalm explosion*
Megaman had no time to react and was hit with the full blast and was sent flying.
Megaman: AHHHHHHH!!! *lands on the ground a short distance away*
Rambo Man: Hahaha!!! It seems like you are defeated Megaman. There's no way you can stop me! Now to finish you off. ROCKET TACKLE!!! *charges towards Megaman on his tank threads*
Megaman: No, I can't lose to you. Weapon Change, RANDOM PRESENT!!! *throws out a parcel*
Rambo Man screeched to a halt and began to inspect the parcel. The parcel exploded, and Rambo Man felt recharged instantly.

Rambo Man: Ha! Your weapon just recharged me! Thank you so much! Hahahahaha!!!
Megaman: [parasitic bomb]! It failed... No, I must believe in this weapon... Again, RANDOM PRESENT!!! *throws out another parcel*
Rambo Man inspected it again, and he felt even more energy flowing in his body.
Rambo Man: Thank you for the present again, Megaman! Hahahahahaha!!!
Megaman: Failed again... No, third time's the charm... RANDOM PRESENT!!! *another parcel thrown out*
Rambo Man: Hahahahaha!!! You still want to use this weapon to help me? Hahahaha!!! You are so... ...
But before Rambo Man can finish his statement, the parcel exploded with a huge blast, instantly destroying Rambo Man.
Megaman: Like I'd say, third time's the charm...

You get... TWIN MISSILE!!!

Megaman: 4 more Robot Masters to go. But before that... Weapon Change, RAINBOW BLAST!!!
Megaman used Rainbow Blast to destroy all the weapons in sight, he did not want all these weapons to fall into the hands of DWII for chaos and destruction. With the deed done, he teleported back to Dr. Light's lab.

Dr. Light: It seems that you have destroyed all the weapons at the military base.
Megaman: Yes, I can't let all those weapons fall into the hands of DWII.
Dr. Light: True, it must be done.
Megaman: So Dr. Light, what does this Master Weapon do?
Dr. Light: Hmm, let me see... Twin Missile, fires out a pair of missiles, that homes in on the enemy’s weak spot if any.
Megaman: Sounds useful.
Dr. Light: You should rest a bit. Roll, get Megaman his favourite oil drink.
Roll: Right away!
Megaman: But I can't. There are 4 more dangerous Robot Masters all there, and only I can stop them.
Dr. Light: True, but even heroic robots need their rest.
Roll: Here you go, Megaman! Your favourite!
Megaman: Thanks Roll.

Just then, the Mayor called.
Mayor: Megaman, the Robot Museum is under attack again!
Megaman + Dr. Light: What? Again?
Mayor: Yes, and it seems that DWII is behind the attack!
Megaman: That DWII, I'll make him pay!
And with that, he quickly dashed off to the Robot Museum.

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Offline borockman

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Reply #955 on: February 26, 2010, 04:28:49 AM
Hmm, so without the weakness all of them are almost unbeatable?

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #956 on: February 26, 2010, 05:40:20 AM
Nah, they'll be just a bit more difficult without their weakness. :P

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Offline Stardius

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Reply #957 on: February 26, 2010, 02:49:27 PM
Upgraded version of Napalm Man? Can there be RM more awesome than that? Only pity is that he was destroyed by the power of random  XD

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Reply #958 on: February 26, 2010, 05:51:05 PM
Rambo Man.. does his video game suck?  8D

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #959 on: March 05, 2010, 05:45:31 PM
Upgraded version of Napalm Man? Can there be RM more awesome than that? Only pity is that he was destroyed by the power of random  XD
Oh, there will be another. XD

Rambo Man.. does his video game suck?  8D

Posted on: February 27, 2010, 13:10:42
Chapter Six: Sticky predicament! Attack of the Tar Devil!

When he reached there, the place was still in a mess from DWII's first attack. But this time round, robot minions are patrolling the area.
Megaman: It seems that DWII is trying to keep me out. As if I'll let him have his way!

*Fast forward to boss room*
*DWII is in his flying saucer, and carrying Enker and Dark Man*
Megaman: DWII!!!
DWII: Megaman? You're still alive? No matter, with the stolen Enker, Napalm Man and Dark Man, I will destroy you for sure!
Megaman: But why? Why all these destruction?
DWII: Why? The robotics community ridiculed me because of my Chimera Masters! Saying that they were monstrosities that should have never been created! Well, let's see who is laughing NOW! My new generation of Robot Masters will bring them down to their knees!
Megaman: But that's not the peaceful way!
DWII: Who cares! At least I'll have my revenge! Mwahahahaha!!! Tar Devil, get rid of Megaman!
*DWII escapes through the roof, and a black puddle formed right on the ground under the saucer*

Megaman: Tar Devil? Don't tell me it's a variant of the Yellow Devil? (FYI, yes, Tar Devil is a variant, it shoots out globs of tar instead)
Just as Megaman said that, the puddle started to shoot out globs of tar in his direction. Megaman dodged the best he could, but his leg got stuck to the ground by one of the globs. On the other side of the room, the other globs had reformed back to the giant body of the Tar Devil, but something is different about this Devil from the rest... You can't see the mono-eye!

Megaman: Where's the mono-eye? Devils usually show their mono-eyes right after reforming!
But no mono-eye is seen. Instead, the Tar Devil began to advance to punch Megaman. How the Tar Devil can see without showing its mono-eye is because the tar globs themselves have pinhole cameras to help see the surroundings. In other words, the Tar Devil can see as well as a mono-eyed Devil. But there is still the mono-eye unit to control everything...

Megaman: GAH! *sent flying by Tar Devil's punch, landed with a loud thud* Argh... Weapon Change, BRIGHT LIGHT!!!
A bright flash radiated from Megaman's body, but it did not slow the Devil down.
Megaman: Ok, that didn't work. Weapon Change, RAINBOW BLAST!!!
A rainbow was fired and hit the Devil, resulting in a huge explosive splat.
Megaman: Yes, I did it!
But he spoke too soon, as the Tar Devil began to reform itself, but with no sign of the mono-eye.

Megaman: What? Oh man... Random Present is too risky... Wait, Twin Missile homes in on an enemy's weak spot... That has got to be it! Weapon Change, TWIN MISSILE!!!
The Tar Devil has just reformed itself when Megaman fired Twin Missile. The missile splitted up and began to home in on the Tar Devil's weak spot. The Tar Devil tried to block, but to no avail. The missiles flew right into its body, and explosions were heard inside it.

Megaman: I got you now. Multiple TWIN MISSILES!!!
All the Twin Missiles split and homed in for the kill. The Tar Devil had nowhere to run and "absorbed" all of the missiles. Soon, he began to balloon and then, a huge explosion, and it rained down flaming tar bits.
Megaman: That takes care of the Tar Devil, but DWII got away...
Dr. Light: Nevermind Megaman. Come back to the lab, I've got something for you.
Megaman: Ok then. *teleports away*

*Back at Dr. Light's lab*
Dr. Light: Megaman, I'm pleased that I have modified Rush so that you get become Super Megaman again.
You get... RUSH ADAPTER!!!
Megaman: This is definitely going to help in the coming battles.

Just then, a news report that the downtown disco has been taken over.
Megaman: A disco? My next opponent is a disco dancer? WHAT THE HELL IS DWII THINKING?!?!
Dr. Light: No matter what, he must be stopped!
Megaman: I'm on it!

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Offline borockman

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Reply #960 on: March 05, 2010, 11:30:06 PM
Well, if even a disco place surprised him, wait till he see the school and the bakery.  8D

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Offline Mega Greasy Houdini Tek 54321

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Reply #961 on: March 05, 2010, 11:33:47 PM
Wonder how that will turn out. XD

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #962 on: March 06, 2010, 01:40:39 PM
Pity, I only have 3 more chapters left. XD

But yeah... Teach Man and Green Baker Gal... XD

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #963 on: March 06, 2010, 07:29:04 PM
This...is actually some awesome and funny stuff. xD

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #964 on: March 08, 2010, 01:36:23 PM

Chapter Seven: The king of dance! BOOGIE MAN!

When he reached the downtown district, everything is flashing in multicolour neon lights. It's so blinding, Megaman had a tough time advancing.
Megaman: If only I have Protoman's shades... I'll be cool, and not blind...
*The whole downtown is the stage, boss room is the disco*
After slowing feeling his way around, he finally reached the disco.

Megaman: Really, what the heck is DWII thinking? A disco dancing Robot Master?
??: And what's wrong with that, Jack?
Megaman: Who's that?
Boogie Man: I'm the daddy-o of dance, the hip of the hop, Boogie Man! Check out my AFFRO!!! *combs his hair*
Megaman: O_O
Boogie Man: Saturday Night FEVER!!! You dig it?
Megaman: This... is just... so not right...
Boogie Man: Time to BOOGIE!!! DANCE-FLOOR OF DOOM!!!

The ground underneath Megaman began to flash in different colours, and soon, a dance floor platform materialised. (Imagine all those para-para dance games in the arcade)
Boogie Man: Boogie along, or risk going BOOM! GO!
Boogie Man started to dance, and Megaman tried to imitate, but the moves were too difficult, and after the end, an explosion blew Megaman across the stage.
Boogie Man: If you can't walk the walk, you can't talk the talk. You dig? *combs his hair*

Megaman: I wasn't really made to dance you know...
Boogie Man: Bad, man. Maybe try dancing to this, GIANT DISCO BALL OF DOOM!!!
Boogie Man throws out a giant disco ball, and floated to the top of the stage, and started to turn on its own.
Megaman: Why does this weapon also end with doom?
Just then, lasers were fired from the disco ball in multiple directions. (For those that have played ZXA, this is similar to the Queen bee Falseroid's laser beam attacks from her giant abdomen...) Megaman tried his best to dodge, and barely came out unscathed.

Boogie Man: OW! Such hot moves! *combs his hair*
Megaman: That's it! SUPER MEGA BUSTER!!!
With the Buster Upgrade, the power of his buster has increased twofold.
Boogie Man: WOH!
Using his slick dance moves, Boogie Man easily dodged all of Megaman's shots.

Boogie Man: My time to shine! RECORD SLICER!!!
Megaman: Records can be used as weapons as well?
Boogie Man: Oh yeah, BABY!!!
Megaman dodged in the nick of time, and saw the record slice right through a few pillars behind.

Megaman: Yikes! That sure was sharp record...
Boogie Man: PLATINUM!!! *combs his hair*
Megaman: -_-;; Why does he keep combing his hair? Unless... Weapon Change, TWIN MISSILE!!!
Megaman fired the Twin Missile, and true enough, started to home in on Boogie Man's afro.

Boogie Man: Watch where you aim that thing!
Boogie Man started to dance to try to dodge the Twin Missile, but to no avail, and in the end, the Twin Missile completely destroyed his hair, and his head.
Megaman: That sure was fast, just one hit from Twin Missile...

You get... RECORD SLICER!!!
Megaman: Time to get back to Dr. Light's lab. *teleports*
Dr. Light: Ah, Megaman, you defeated another Robot Master.
Megaman: Yes, I'll never look at disco the same way again. What does this Master Weapon do?
Dr. Light: Let me see, Record Slicer, allows you to cut about anything with it.
Megaman: Slice and dice!

Just then, the mayor called in.
Mayor: Megaman! There are strange seismic activity near the old dormant volcano. If the seismic activity continues, it might cause the volcano to erupt again! Please investigate and stop what's causing it before it's too late!
Megaman: It seems that DWII is getting serious.
Dr. Light: Please do take care.
Megaman: Don't worry, I will stop DWII! Time to go super! Rush, Adapter mode! *bright flash of light* SUPER MEGAMAN!!!
With that, he flew at top speed to the pinpointed location of the seismic activity.

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Reply #965 on: March 08, 2010, 01:45:28 PM
The afro of doom ment the doom for Discoman....*sniff*

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Reply #966 on: March 08, 2010, 01:47:13 PM
Good read, Doc.

Offline borockman

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Reply #967 on: March 08, 2010, 02:17:32 PM
I always knew that afro can be your biggest strength and weakness!  XD

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Reply #968 on: March 09, 2010, 04:56:15 PM
Wow, what a great chapter doc!  8D

I always knew that afro can be your biggest strength and weakness!  XD


"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

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Reply #969 on: March 09, 2010, 07:05:21 PM
Yet an awesome chapter, Wily. XD Now I got 'Disco Fever' stuck in my head.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #970 on: March 14, 2010, 06:50:51 AM
My job is done. >0<

Chapter Eight: Explosive revenge! BLASTER MAN!

The old volcano hasn't erupted for as long as the people can remember.
The surrounding area used to be full of wildlife, but has Megaman flew overhead, nothing can be heard; no birds chirping, no deer running, nothing.
Megaman: The animals must have thought that the volcano was going to erupt and evacuated the area.
Rush: Megaman, look ahead!
Megaman: *shocked* What is that?

In the direction that Megaman is looking, is a huge man-made structure. And it seems that the machinery on the structure is drilling into the ground.
Megaman: This must be the cause of the seismic activity.
Rush: We must go in and stop the drilling!
Megaman: Don't have to tell be twice. Let's go! *flies towards the structure*

*Imagine Crash Man's stage, yep, a long upward climb up*
*Fast forward to the gate that leads to the boss room, and Megaman is still in Rush Adapter mode*
Megaman: That was a long upward climb. Good thing that Dr. Light reinstalled the Rush Adapter.
Rush: *sarcasm* Yah, good for you... I'm tired...
Megaman: Hehe, ok, Rush Adapter, deactivate. There, go and rest while I take care of this Robot Master.
Rush: Ok, but remember, call me if you need me. *teleports out*
Megaman: Ok, time to see which Robot Master is behind this.

When Megaman entered through the gate, the room is filled with potholes with lava in them. Some were even erupting.
Megaman: Besides dodging attacks, I must dodge the area hazards? DWII really is getting serious...
Then, behind a lava geyser, Megaman can see a silhouette of a Robot Master.
Megaman: You there! Stop the drilling now!
??: And why should I?
The Robot Master came into view, and Megaman saw another Robot Master that's based off of Napalm Man.
Megaman: Another Napalm Man variant?
Blaster Man: Why yes. DWII adored Napalm Man, and wanted to base some of his creations off him. I'm one of them, Blaster Man! But I'm better, I'm also upgraded with the Dark Mans' power!
Megaman: Big talk. Let's just start, SUPER MEGA BUSTER!!!
Megaman fired a super charged shot, but Blaster Man just stood still.

Megaman (in thought): Don't tell me, Blaster Man's armour is just as thick as Rambo Man's?
His suspicions were proven correct when the charged shot was easily deflected.
Megaman: Why must there be another thick armoured enemy?
Blaster Man: Because we are invulnerable! STUN RINGS!!!
Megaman (dodges): Weren't those from Dark Man 2?
Blaster Man: As I said earlier, I have the weapons of all the Dark Mans! BLASTER SHOTS!!!
Megaman (dodges): You may have their weapons, but I know how to dodge them!
Blaster Man: Oh really? Then eat this, ROCKET PUNCHER!!!

Megaman: Rocket Puncher?
Megaman tried to dodge, but the puncher homed in on him, knocking the wind out of him.
Megaman: GAH! When did DWII get plans for the Rocket Puncher?
Blaster Man: And why should I tell you? *advances towards Megaman* Now have a taste of my weapon, BLAST EFFECT!!!
Megaman: GAH! I can't move! *gets blasted by the full force of Blast Effect* AHHHHHHHHH!!! *collapses on the ground*

Blaster Man: Haha!!! Blast Effect first compresses the explosive power of explosions, then, once released, the resulting expansion of the explosions will overpower anything!
Megaman: I... underestimated... you... but... I... will... not... let... you... win...
Blaster Man: And how are you going to do that in your current state? Let me just end this for you. BLAST EFFECT!!!
Megaman: Rush! Adapter mode!!!

Megaman flew away just in time before the Blast Effect hit using the Rush Adapter, and drank an E-Tank to replenish his energy.
Blaster Man: You live? You sure are lucky, but not for long. STUN RINGS!!!
Megaman: Those are easy to dodge, now that I can fly. Take this, ROCKET PUNCHER!!!
Blaster Man: HA! ROCKET PUNCHER!!!
Both knuckles hit straight on, with none of them letting back.
Megaman: I will not let you win! SUPER CHARGE!!!

With that, Megaman's Rocket Puncher increased in power and speed, overpowering Blaster Man's Rocket Puncher, and homed in on him.
Blaster Man: Ha! I still can deflect your puncher!
Megaman: Not if I slice you in half. Weapon Change, RECORD SLICER!!!
Blaster Man: And what makes you think that can harm m... *SLICE*
Megaman: Why? Because Record Slicer cuts through anything, even the thickest of armour.
Blaster Man: GAH!!! *explosion*
You get... BLAST EFFECT!!!

Megaman: That was lucky... Since Blaster Man is similar to Rambo Man, Bright Light will not work, neither will Rainbow Blast, Random Present is too random, and I doubt Twin Missile will work... Anyways, better get back to Dr. Light's lab. But before I go, I should do something about this structure.
Megaman began to destroy all drilling equipment in the structure to prevent any further activities, before teleporting back to Dr. Light's lab.

Dr. Light: Megaman, welcome back. You finally stopped the source of the seismic activities.
Megaman: Yes. 6 down, 2 more to go...
Dr. Light: Yes, you've done a wonderful job so far.
Megaman: Thanks, could you analyze this Master Weapon?
Dr. Light: Let me see... Blast Effect, allows you to create an explosion right in front of your palm. This weapon can also be used to blast open cracked blocks that you may encounter along the way.
Megaman: That sounds powerful.

Just then, a news report stated that the sewage treatment plant has been taken over by a Robot Master.
Megaman: The sewage treatment plant? Something smells... bad...
Dr. Light: That's strange. Why would DWII want a Robot Master to take over the sewage treatment plant?
Megaman: Maybe he wanted to stink up the place...
Dr. Light: Maybe, just be careful.
Megaman: No worries, Dr. Light.
And with that, Megaman dashed off in the direction of the sewage treatment plant.

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Reply #971 on: March 14, 2010, 12:49:37 PM
The bosses are getting cockier and cockier!  XD

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Reply #972 on: March 19, 2010, 01:19:52 PM

Chapter Nine: The stench of evil! PUNGENT MAN!

Upon reaching the plant, Megaman could smell the pungent-ness of sewage.
Megaman: Why was I built to be able to smell? Might as well turn it off, or else I can't advance... *click* Ok, time to defeat this Robot Master!
*Fast forward to the boss room*
Megaman: Finally, the boss room.
The boss room resembles a large boiler room, with large pipes leading to every part of the plant. And standing right in front of the control panel, is a large Robot Master.
Megaman: Get away from the control panel!
??: Megaman? You came?
Megaman: Well yah, and I'm here to stop you!
Pungent Man: That's what you think. I'm Pungent Man, and I'll be the one to defeat you!
Megaman: Well, I've heard that countless times, and I'm still here.
Pungent Man: Argh... Take this, PUNGENT PUNCHER!!!

Megaman: What? It looks just like Hard Knuckle, easily avoidable. *jumps out of the way*
Pungent Man: So, you dodged... Then try dodging this, PUNGENT BLAST!!! (fired from his head port)
Megaman: Pungent Blast? So easily dodged again.
Pungent Man: Oh yeah? *jumps and lands, creating shockwaves*
Megaman: Woh, can't move!
Pungent Man: BODY SLAM!!! *charges towards Megaman*
Megaman: Can't dodge in time... *CRASH* AHHHHH!!!

Pungent Man: Painful, isn't it...
Megaman: Minor... setback...
Pungent Man: Since you are still a bit stunned, PUNGENT PUNCHER!!!
Megaman (gets hit): GAH! Why does it hurt so badly?
Pungent Man: Because the knuckle has a corrosive property due to the interaction of my gases... It slowly corrodes at your body!
And sure enough, the area on Megaman's chest that got hit by the Pungent Puncher started to show signs of corrosion.

Megaman: Ah... SUPER MEGA BUSTER!!!
Despite Pungent Man's bulk, he is surprisingly fast on his feet, and easily dodged the buster shot.
Megaman: Weapon Change, BRIGHT LIGHT!!!
Pungent Man: Ha! That's it?
Megaman: Bright Light doesn't affect, and his movements are too fast, making me very hard to hit... I know, Weapon Change, TWIN MISSILE!!!
Megaman hoped that Twin Missile will home in on Pungent Man's weak spot, but the weapon just flew straight ahead, indicating no weak spots on Pungent Man.

Megaman: D***! There's only one weapon I haven't tried yet... Blast Effect. But how do I lure him in close enough for me to blast him? I've got it! Weapon Change!
Pungent Man: Not attack me? Oh well, PUNGENT BLAST!!!
Megaman (in thought): Yes! I was waiting for this! *jumps out of the way*
Pungent Man, seeing Megaman dodge his Pungent Blast attack, began to jump, and lands, creating shockwaves.
Megaman (in thought): YES! Now I got him!
Pungent Man: BODY SLAM!!!
Megaman: This is it. Just a little closer... BLAST EFFECT!!!

Pungent Man: Blast Effect!? NO!!!
As if spontaneously, the explosions from Blast Effect ignited the gases coming out from his head port.
Megaman: Oh dear, I may have bitten off more than I can chew... Gotta get out of here!

Megaman, after getting the Master Weapon, quickly teleported out of the place and back to Dr. Light's lab, just before the whole plant erupted into a huge fireball explosion.

Dr. Light: Megaman! You ok?
Megaman: Yes, but I accidentally blew up the sewage treatment plant.
Dr. Light: It can't be avoided, since the Robot Master you fought was filled with flammable gases. DWII sure is devious... If he can't control the plant, he'd rather destroy it with a huge bang from his Robot Master.
Megaman: All the more I should continue fighting! So Dr. Light, what does this Master Weapon do?
Dr. Light: Hmm... Pungent Puncher, allows you to fire a slightly controllable corrosive knuckle that corrodes armour.
Megaman: I'll put it to good use...

Just then, the mayor called in.
Mayor: Congratulations on defeating 7 of the Robot Masters Megaman. I have received a report that the last Robot Master is currently converting an abandoned warehouse into a castle fortress. Megaman, please get to the warehouse district and defeated the last of DWII's Robot Masters.
Megaman: I've got it. You can count on me!

Well, as the title says, this is the last chapter of the DWII Saga that I wrote about 3 years back.
I might continue it in the future, might not. Who knows what will happen in the future...
And about Megaman being able to smell... For those of you that were here before the great crash, would know about a topic about whatever Megaman could smell. Yeah... Based on that thread. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #973 on: March 19, 2010, 01:43:11 PM
You know Wily, as much a those stories are just dialogue mostly, it would be interesting to see you continue them... with an improved writing style.
Also, they take me back to my old days, when I wrote a Sonic fanfic called SONIC DA HEDGEHOG. It was written basically the same as this... except in Polish, and with more grammar errors. : P


(also, I haven't read the Rambo Man one, because I loathe Rambo)

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Reply #974 on: March 19, 2010, 02:07:57 PM
Yeah, I was thinking about continuing them in proper writing style... XD
We'll see.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.