Rockman Complete Works translation

Henger83 · 10450

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Offline Henger83

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on: August 08, 2010, 01:41:21 AM

I am working on a translation for Rockman Complete Works. I've changed many things into English already but there are a few screen I'd like some help with but I need some one who is good with photoshop. It's just a few images per game. I did a most of them already but those were not as complex to do.

Mainly what I need is the Japanese text removed so that I can place the English text in its place. Basically you'd have to be good at recoloring the image to make it look like the text was not there at all.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 05:39:54 PM by DeGamer »

Offline KoiDrake

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Reply #1 on: August 08, 2010, 01:53:19 AM
Not really offering to help since I'm a bit too busy at the moment, but if you have Photoshop then you can do this stuff by yourself very easily. You only need to use the "Patch Tool" and a low opacity "Clone Stamp" to do this.

Offline Henger83

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Reply #2 on: August 20, 2010, 03:47:04 AM
Actually yes, I am using photoshop. I never used it before though. Some of the tools there I really didn't know what they were for. I'll try and edit them myself. As for the rest, I'm almost done with most of the graphics menus & text that were added to the playstation version. I'll post a video of it so you guys can see it action.  8)

The only thing that may take me a while is changing the text in the Database and the hints Dr. Light gives you in Navi Mode. Thanks to a friend in Japan I now have a full complete English translation of the Navi Mode hints and Database info. I know exactly where the text is store in the game and I can easily change it. I just need to learn about how the game points to each text character so that I can have the game point to the right letter so that the English words will display properly (if anyone wants to help with this let me know).

Some of you may think, well the Navi mode hints are already translated in the MM Anniversary Collection. Yes that is true, but many of those hints were either mistranslated, poorly worded, or don't make any sense in that version of the game.

Posted on: August 12, 2010, 19:37:08
Alright. I made a video of some of the things I've changed in the game. There is some additional stuff I change but that was after I made the video which I hope you'll see soon enough. Here is the link  :) :


I know some of the letters in the fonts look a bit squished together, but that's really all the space I had to work with.  :\

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Reply #3 on: August 20, 2010, 04:35:00 AM
Don't know how to soft reset.

(should work on all 6 CWs, but it acts differently in CW4)

Quick Press: Back to Title
Hold all buttons down for a while: Quit the Game

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Offline Henger83

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Reply #4 on: August 20, 2010, 08:58:12 PM
L1+R1+Select+Start to soft reset only works with 4-6. That doesn't work with Rockman 1-3, at least not on the PS1 versions anyway. 

The other one with holding all the buttons I didn't even know about (reminds me of the Dreamcast). I just tried it on part 1 and nothing happened.

Offline Teancum

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Reply #5 on: September 29, 2010, 01:10:39 AM
Really cool project. Will you keep us up to date on your project? Would love to see this completed.

Offline Henger83

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Reply #6 on: October 03, 2010, 05:39:17 PM
Sure thing. So far, we are up to Rockman 4 in terms of translation, but it's not finalized yet. I haven't had enough free time to sort this one out yet but I will. 5 and 6 are partially translated but we need to go over those as well.

As far as the hacking goes, everything you see in that video that I did for Rockman 1, I've also done for 2 and 3 (along with some additions that the other games didn't have). I also touched up on the font I originally used in the videos. I think it looks cleaner/neater now so I won't be changing it again. But there are some additional things I need to change in parts 2 and 3. 

Elratauru, has worked on some screens that I was requesting help with and here is the result:

If I had already found the pointers for the Japanese text strings used in the Database and the navi hints, I would have released an English patch for at least part 1 already. That's the main hold back right now (apart from that screen with Dr Light). Here's a pic. Don't worry about the artifacts on each letter, I already fixed that.

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Reply #7 on: October 14, 2010, 11:25:57 AM
Nice to see progress. I've been trying to get my hands on all of these (Just missing 2 now) Would love to see all the menu's in english. Keep up the good work and let us normal people know what we can do to help!

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Reply #8 on: October 17, 2010, 02:53:29 AM
No problem.  :)  If anyone has experience decompressing or unencrypting graphics and want to help let me know. I need that screen with Dr. Light so I can change the text, as well as a few small pieces of graphic text.

Actually, one thing that has always annoyed me more than Capcom being rejected of releasing these in the US back then when these games came out, was the prices that the games would go for individually outside of Japan. The first time I saw Rockman 1 CW for the psx was a week after it's release in a game store in downtown NYC. I asked them how much and he said $79.99. I thought it was a mistake, so I asked him to make sure and after he checked he said that the price was correct. I was thinking to myself the game is approximately $30 (back then) and you are selling it for $80, WTF!? That's almost 3 times the price for a game that was just released. I understand they need to import it and then make a profit after that, but damn. These games were NEVER rare. A lot of them were made and they ended up being released multiple times, and yet, I STILL see people selling these versions for ripoff prices.  o//////o

If anything, that money should go to the people who made the games, not to greedy sellers saying that these versions are rare.

I usually buy every version of a game I collect, but to buy the re-release of these games and only the packaging is different is a waste of money and space for my gaming collection. If I knew for a fact, the content was different, I'd buy it. Speaking of which, for anyone that has the re-releases of this game (if one of your discs has these product numbers then those are the one I'm referring to: SLPM-87250 and SLPM-87409) can you please post the names of each file along with the dates of each?

Offline VixyNyan

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Reply #9 on: October 17, 2010, 03:03:11 AM
Files? o.o

They should all be the same (with added copy protection here and there I guess) and I do own the Original CWs, the PSOne Books and Capcom Game Books editions.

The only real difference is the packaging. The disc cover of the PSOne Books editions are the same as the original CWs, while the Capcom Game Books have Rock on each cover, with a white background and blue colors on the CW1 disc and orange colors on the CW2 disc. The books themselves are just guides with maps in them, and with little to no story information at all.

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