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Reply #4100 on: September 19, 2013, 02:06:32 AM
"NO!" Mewtwo snapped, standing for a moment, only to be shoved back down.

"Easy, easy," the warden soothed, "let your friends win the case and everything will be okay.  You relax, these outbursts won't look good."

Across the room, Misty let out a quiet wimper while Ash half-stood to protest, but decided better of it and sat down.  He looked across the room at Mewtwo. "Don't give them any ammo, Mewtwo.  You can do this."

Misty also looked at Mewtwo. "Hang in there.  We'll help keep your friends safe."  She offered a reassuring smile.

Mewtwo returned their gazes and took a deep, cleansing breath.  He counted to ten and focused on maintaining control.

At the prosecution, Giovanni looked to Jenny. "It's working like a charm.  Soon, Mewtwo will be so enraged that the court will have no choice but to hand it over to us."

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Reply #4101 on: September 19, 2013, 02:16:04 AM
Payne jumped at Mewtwo's snap, but he still had one last comment to make.

"Of course... Should the need, and time arises... If the clones proved to be too violent... We have to protect mankind... So..."

Payne did the classic thumb slicing over his throat gesture.

"I hope you will make the correct decision, Your Honour. For the people."

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Reply #4102 on: September 19, 2013, 02:24:44 AM
Misty put her hand to her mouth. "No..."

"You can't do that!" Ash snapped before catching himself.  He quickly looked to Misty. "Can he do that?"

Misty shrugged, shaking her head. "I don't know..."

A few rows behind, Domino cringed. "Giovanni has lost his mind."  She snorted. "Dammit, if I was up there instead of that nasty harpy..."  She shook her head. "He's lost his mind.  Mewtwo and its clones are too valuable to destroy like this!  It could take years to clone it again, and the result wouldn't even be the same!"  She looked to Meowth.  "I don't care if you blow my cover or James's cover, or whatever, you need to do something."

At the defense, Quickie chewed on her knuckle.  The sooner she or Ash and Misty were able to testify, the sooner they could prove how evil Team Rocket was.

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Reply #4103 on: September 19, 2013, 02:42:26 AM
The Judge looked at Payne, and then at Mewtwo.

He folded his arms and sat there for a few seconds before responding, "Violence against violence, hmm... I'm not sure if I'm too comfortable with that decision. That being said, this trial is far from over, and we still need more information regarding these "clones" and Mewtwo's role in all this. It seems like quite the dangerous creature, indeed, but I'm open to other witnesses throwing their hat into the ring and unveiling further details about it."

He then turned his attention to Phoenix, "Mr. Wright, are there any witnesses that you'd like to call to the stand?"

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Reply #4104 on: September 19, 2013, 02:56:38 AM
Meowth fidgets irritably as Payne continues to pressure the jury into antagonizing Mewtwo and his clones and disregard any further need to pile more evidence proving otherwise.

He wants to do just as Domino pleads; rush onto the stand and defend Mewtwo's individuality and reasons for letting the clones run loose in the first place, but knows that even the bitchy Jenny had authority over the courtroom and the rest of the city she was stationed in and could easily sway the jury to mistake him for one of Mewtwo's clones.  Not only that, but he would end up not only betraying Giovanni for standing up to Mewtwo, but also Mewtwo himself by simply suggesting he rethink his monetary situation.

He turns his glance towards Tarot Skitty and Hierophant, who were sitting a few rows in front of them.  Even though Ash and Misty will defend Mewtwo without question, there was still the matter of that Shiny Mewtwo that Carr imitated.  He had to get them to at least understand why Mewtwo acted the way he did in Route 11 and Vermilion City.

Meowth slinks off the bench and crawls over to where Tarot Skitty was sitting, muscling his way into its purple robe and shoving it off its seat.  Hierophant snaps his head towards the ensuing fiasco as Meowth wrangles the Fool-materialized Robot Master onto his shoulders and begins carrying him towards where Phoenix is.  Unsure of what was going on, and worrying that this fiasco might get Tarot Skitty kicked out of the courtroom, he gets up and goes after the lumbering cat Pokemon, being careful not to draw attention to himself or the unwitting Robot Master.


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Reply #4105 on: September 19, 2013, 04:12:30 AM
Quickie looked up to Phoenix. "We've got enough evidence, we can turn this around.  We just need to ask the right questions and have our witnesses say the right things."

(If Suppercut doesn't show, anyone want to step in as Phoenix?)

Mewtwo dropped his gaze to his bonds.  If the case isn't turned in their favor, he and his clones looked forward to a life of experimentation, or being outright euthanized.  He brought his gaze back up. "How can you think that this is right?  To deny living beings a proper life, due solely to how we were born?"  He fixed his gaze on the judge.  "We are more than clones.  We are alive and we deserve a proper life befitting of all living beings!"

The warden put a hand on Mewtwo's shoulder.  "I'd stop right there, if I were you.  Save it for when you're on the stand.  You'll have plenty of time to talk, then."  He looked past Mewtwo in order to speak to Ryuta.  "Honestly, aside from a couple of outbursts, this guy's taking it pretty well.  Just need to remind him to keep calm."

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Reply #4106 on: September 19, 2013, 04:17:27 AM
(I don't know, I still want to pull off those pranks I was thinking about.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #4107 on: September 19, 2013, 04:49:51 AM
"He may be a Pokemon, one created by humans at that, but he is quick to understand what's best for himself and those who trust and befriend him," Ryuta said, "He just needs to learn to have faith in them and not immediately focus on the bad things that could happen without his intervention."


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Reply #4108 on: September 19, 2013, 04:59:03 AM
The warden nodded.  "He's very humanlike in that regard.  Stubborn like the rest of us."  He laughed a bit, then looked to Mewtwo.  "No offense."

Mewtwo didn't respond, mainly because he didn't hear it.  He gnawed on his bottom lip and looked to Phoenix.

Offline Phi

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Reply #4109 on: September 19, 2013, 05:26:13 AM
(That warden is such a bro.)

Offline Mirby

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Reply #4110 on: September 19, 2013, 05:47:58 AM
Darunia continued to glare intensely at Payne.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #4111 on: September 21, 2013, 04:20:52 AM
Phoenix smiled at the words he liked to hear. "Well, Your Honor, how about we call Tarot Skitty, the fellow involved with the cards, to the stand?"

(There are some pranks I'd like to pull too. :3 )


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Reply #4112 on: September 21, 2013, 04:26:43 AM
(Welcome back! :D)

Quickie looked to Tarot Skitty, and then to Heirophant.  A few rows back, Mewtwo craned his neck to get a good look.

Across the aisle, Misty looked to Ash. "Tarot Skitty?"

Ash shrugged. "All I know is the sooner I get up there, the sooner I can prove to everyone just how evil Team Rocket is."

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Reply #4113 on: September 21, 2013, 04:52:10 AM
As Payne tried to ignore the strange staring sensation, Officer Jenny was clearly irritated by the defence's witness.

"The [tornado fang]'s a Tarot Skitty!?"


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Offline Phi

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Reply #4114 on: September 21, 2013, 05:00:29 AM
The Judge stroked his beard, once again.

"Very well. Tarot Skitty, please come to the stand."

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #4115 on: September 21, 2013, 05:05:18 AM
(So I'll just be waiting for Sakura's prank before I have Sapph pull another one. Would this trial be getting covered live on the news in-world?)

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #4116 on: September 21, 2013, 05:21:55 AM
Time once again stopped in the courtroom as the doors of the courtroom swung open.  Sakura and N walked in and looked around the court room.
Sakura was currently wearing a white lab coat with a black pencil skirt, black boots and a burgundy shirt.

“I seriously still can’t believe this stupid fiasco is even happening.” Sakura grumbled.

“I truly can’t either, especially with the other side willing to kill Mewtwo and all those clones.” N sighed.

“Yeah Giovanni definitely doesn’t want Mewtwo back after he escaped, he wants revenge against him and Quickie and he doesn’t care how he gets it.  Honestly between him and your dad I don’t know who’s the bigger depraved megalomaniac bastard.” Sakura ranted.

“I don’t want to talk about that right now, let’s just do what we came here to do and get out of here.” N said quickly.

“Right the evidence should go to that dude with the crazy hair and the lady who looks like a shrine maiden.” Sakura said pointing in their direction.

“Okay.” N said as he walked over to place the evidence. 

It consisted of Joe’s fake Pokedex and notes of the messages on them that was signed by the Fuchsia Police to confirm its validity as well as the picture of the Steelix sinkhole.

Meanwhile Sakura went over to the balding lawyer.

“So this must be the lawyer who’s representing Giovanni, I guess he noticed Pyro’s and Sapph’s pranks already though I have a different one in mind.” Sakura cackled as she took out another Sharpie.  She then proceeded to draw a giant dick on Payne’s head.

N walked over to her and raised an eyebrow.

“….What is the significance of that?” N asked.

“This lawyer must be so desperate that he’s willing to suck Giovanni’s dick to get paid.” Sakura explained.

“….I don’t even want to know how your mind works.” N facepalmed.

“Whatever let’s just get the [tornado fang] out of here!” Sakura said as they both left the room and time flowed forward once again.

(Been awhile since Sakura's has been so vulger right?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Quickman

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Reply #4117 on: September 21, 2013, 05:34:25 AM
Giovanni rubbed his nose and scowled.  He knocked back the sour dregs of his coffee and looked to Payne for the possibility of getting another cup... only to see the vulgar image drawn on the man's head.  "What the hell is going on with you?!"  He spat on a tissue and thrust it into Payne's hand.  "Wash your forehead!"

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Reply #4118 on: September 21, 2013, 05:44:24 AM
Payne was a bit taken aback by Giovanni's comment, and took out his pocket mirror again. Shining it on his forehead, he noticed... A thing. A large... Thing... Drawn on his forehead. Gasping in sheer shock, Payne frantically used the provided tissue to rub away the image.

"I really have no idea!!"

"Heh. Dick sucker."


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Reply #4119 on: September 21, 2013, 05:48:02 AM
(I'm amazed that he can just rub sharpie away with just a tissue, twice.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #4120 on: September 21, 2013, 05:50:46 AM
(The second tissue has spit, anything can come out with spit! 8D)

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Offline Quickman

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Reply #4121 on: September 21, 2013, 05:59:05 AM
(It was covered in spit.  Spit makes a good solvent for marker.)

Quickie looked over at Payne rubbing his forehead. "He must be really sweaty..."

"That's normal," Maya nodded. "You should see him when his heartburn acts up."

At the prosecution, Giovanni furrowed his brow.  He moved his gaze across the room, finally meeting Mewtwo's.  He sneered, then looked to Payne and Jenny. "Look at that beast.  Just look at its face.  It's just seething inside."

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Reply #4122 on: September 21, 2013, 06:17:15 AM
Although time had stopped for a second time, Hierophant, Tarot Skitty, and its cards were still aware of the pranks that were being pulled, but neither could find the time to ponder about it as time starts up again, almost causing Tarot Skitty to fall off Meowth as he continues forward, completely unaware of anything but dragging Yan-Yan materalized Robot Master to the stand as per Phoenix's request.

Hierophant stops near the gate separating the audience from the stands, more worried about what Meowth was intending to do with this next leg of the trial and if it was going to help Tarot Skitty's lack of speaking human tongue.


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Reply #4123 on: September 21, 2013, 07:01:42 AM
(GESSO WATTU?! Phoenix (and I) still need to actually watch the events on the tape, and for him to actually take notice of the growing pile of...gifts... XD )

Somewhere in the courthouse lobby, a teenager wearing typical Trainer garb stepped in front of the courtroom doors. He took out a Pokeball and snickered. "Phoenix had better be thankful for our interest in his abilities."

He pressed the button on the Pokeball, and it began to whir up inside, as if charging energy. Then, all of a sudden, the Trainer dropped the Pokeball, which opened up to reveal...
[spoiler=Technical bullshit... tldr it's a time stop I guess]
A growing negative space, colored a crimson red tint, which grew in an instant over the courtroom and lobby. The borders of which were outlined by a magical aquamarine band of both mystic symbols and Suppercut Industries logos. Inside the realm, all humans and Pokemon were put at a standstill; technically, they didn't exist within the realm, yet their existence could be changed through it. Time also didn't exist in the realm, and as such, time appeared to have stopped.[/spoiler]

Mewtwo seemed to be the only person seemingly unaffected by it. He kept still, assuming it was another person who was there to assist Phoenix, and pretended to be caught in the "time stop".

The "Trainer", still in a convincing "generic wannabe trainer" outfit, strolled casually over to Payne. "Now...if I wanted to be original...I'd have to find a different target..." His gaze shifted slowly over to Jenny, and a smirk grew on his face. The trainer reached into his backpack (which was so cleverly disguised to look like a generic Pokemon bag, complete with more Pokeball-like devices in the Pokeball pocket) and produced a pair of cat ears, which he clipped to the sides of Jenny's hair. He giggled for a second before turning back to the dropped Pokeball. He dropped a medium-sized machine which started generating energy, and plugged it into the open Pokeball.

With a small laser pointer-like device, he bestowed upon Phoenix the Rings of Fuzetsu-Moviness (There's a technical term, I think...).

"Wh...where am I?!" Phoenix screamed, having no idea what was going on. "And who are you?!"

"Someone who is very interested in your abilities, Mr. Wright," the mysterious trainer replied. "You should probably check on your desk."

Before Phoenix could react verbally to the pile o' gifts, he spoke again, "This one should probably do the trick..." and picked out the tape Sapph gave him. He pulled out a projector-like device, also with Suppercut Industries insignia on it, and popped the tape into the VCR he hooked up to it just then. The projector whirred to life, but produced no image for an awkward minute. "Damn old models..." he muttered under his breath.

Soon, Phoenix was shown, on a trippy holographic screen, the events of Stone Town. (Which were what again? :P )


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Reply #4124 on: September 21, 2013, 07:57:07 AM
The events in Stone Town played out, which included a pit stop made by Quickie's group, with Mewtwo present.  Shortly afterward, the Superia--then called the Grand Rhydon--appeared, with the intent to steal Pokemon for Team Rocket.  Mewtwo had battled in an attempt to defend the small town's Pokemon Center, though it was obvious in the video that he was having great difficulty.  That difficulty was revealed later to be due to another Team Rocket experiment; a cybernetically-augmented Alakazam with remote attacking abilities, namely a remote Disable locked onto Mewtwo. 

Eventually, that connection was broken and soon after, the video showed Team Rocket spearheading a military operation on the town, with its agents capturing Pokemon right and left.  This was mainly to draw Mewtwo out into the open, and force him to battle.  The augmented Alakazam once again used its remote attacks to disable Mewtwo and allow Giovanni and Domino to capture him, with the aid of Dr. Wily II, who was also drawn out into the fray.

About a week later, Mewtwo and Wily had escaped, with the help of Ahrzayl, and they returned to Stone Town.  There, Carr had somehow gotten ahold of the Tarot Skitty and was using the power of the tarot cards to attack Team Rocket, starting with Ahrzayl's sudden arrival.  Once again, the trainers and Mewtwo were forced to battle.  In order to even the odds, Mewtwo utilized one of the tarot cards and thwarted Carr enough to send him into retreat.  The group departed soon after that.

A few rows behind, Mewtwo watched the recording, but kept silent and still.