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Reply #3325 on: July 29, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
"I'm afraid so...." Nurse Joy said, "They said that Officer Jenny and the Pokemon Institute want you and the clones to be transferred back to their station."

She tries to smile some, "The good news is that they're willing to allow me and one of my Chansey's to come along to make sure the transfer goes smoothly and the clones are in tip top shape for whatever examination the Institute is going to perform on them."

Meowth, unfortunately, didn't feel comfortable about the idea of being transferred to a Police Station or coming face to face with the Pokemon Institute, "Oooooh....  I don't feel comfortable being spotted by the other police and, least of all, the Pokemon Institute....  But at the same time I don't want those clones to be mistreated for something they were forced to do...."

As the situation inside the Pokemon Center was being sorted out, a large, unmarked big rig drives up to where the officers were holding Hierophant and the "deformed" Pokemon.  Another officer was at the wheel, motioning for the three that apprehended them to corral them into the trailer.  The trio nod, the officer constraining Hierophant pushing him towards the entrance of the trailer while a second officer pulled Excalibur by a long control stick and the third carried Genbu and the unmoving Tarot Skitty.

Once loaded, the driver looks towards another officer standing by in case any passerby took notice of the round up and attempted an overreacting riot, "Are we loading the clones as well?"

"No," the driver said, "Just the young priest and his deformed Pokemon.  Whatever he did to them, we don't want him using on the clones to take away their markings and fool the rest of the station into blaming us for misinterpreting their differences.  The station isn't far from here, so we'll bring the rig back once they've been transferred there."

The officer nods as he steps out of the way, allowing the big rig to drive down the linear wharf making up the majority of Vermilion City until they arrived at the station.

As the trailer was opening, the first officer turns towards Hierophant, "If you have their Pokeballs, put them in so we can safely transfer them to the examination center in the station."

Genbu almost freaks at the thought of being crammed in the Pokeball while Hierophant cringes at what the officers might think of his response.

"I...I can't!  Genbu hates Pokeballs, that's why I shrunk him in the first place!" he almost protested, "As for Excalibur, he belongs to a friend, so I can't be sure if he took the Pokeball with him when he ran off.  And the white Skitty...." he hesitates a moment, not wanting to admit that Tarot Skitty isn't really a Pokemon, "...I couldn't get any of the Pokeballs to confine it, not even the Master Ball."

The officers didn't seem convinced about his response to Tarot Skitty, mostly because he didn't specify its gender when he flat out gave away the gender of the other two Pokemon affected by his magic.

"Let's finish this in the station," the first officer said, "We still need to send the rig back to the Pokemon Center in case the clones are even less cooperative to being confined to any sort of Pokeball."

The other two nods as they begin dragging Hierophant and Excalibur from the trailer and into the back of the station where it had a wider opening to allow the Shiny Arcanine through.

Down the hallway, Hierophant spots James and Yamask sauntering ever so cautiously towards them only to suddenly stop upon seeing him and Excalibur about to cross their path.

"Wait a minute!" Hierophant yelps as the officers were getting closer to the irked fake, "That's the officer that tried to get me arrested earlier!  He also stole one of the cards that was used during the attack near the Pokemon Center!"

James' irk worsens as he swivels to where his back was facing the wall, trying to mislead the officers into thinking Hierophant was lying, "Why, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I dunno about him," the second officer said, glaring at Yamask who still has the Hanged Man card on its mask, and is still holding the Fool card from fight outside the station earlier, "Because this Pokemon is carrying two of them."

James struggles hard not to panic at his slowly debilitating situation, "What!?  That!?  Oh, that's probably just a-!"

He reaches over to rip the card off Yamask only for both of them to suddenly ignite into red and green sparks, causing both to stiffen and yelp in shock and pain of the surging opposing energy.  Hierophant just stood within the first officer's grasp, eyebrows furrowed as he didn't have any free hands to slap over his face.

Nice going, you moron!  Did you already forget what happened the last time you grabbed your Pokemon while he was carrying the Hanged Man card!? Danny exclaims within James' conscience.

The third officer dumps Genbu and Tarot Skitty onto the second and marches over to pull the two apart, quickly noticing Danny's card sticking out of his back, "Hey!  The kid's telling the truth!  This officer has another card on his back!"

The first officer then leers closer to James, causing fountains of sweat, "Now that we're in this situation, is this officer even part of the force?  I know Officer Jenny said she was going to do a routine profile check, but in all my time working in the force I've never seen, or heard of someone fitting this young deputy's description."

He marches closer to James, inadvertently turning Hierophant around and dragging him along the way, "What's your name, son?  We'll need to keep a written record for when Jenny finds the time to perform her profile check."

"W-wait!  The card!"  Hierophant tries to cut in.

Unfortunately, James was too flustered and terrified of being found out and arrested to realize what was being inputted into his conscience.  Without thinking, he yanked his hands away before shoving them towards the officers and the flustered priest, causing a spherical barrier of raw energy to burst out around him, knocking them into a nearby wall while Yamask remained unharmed due to the opposing energy of the Hanged Man card protecting it from the impact, though the heat and brightness were unbearable, causing it to stumble away to avoid being subjected to anymore torment.

James snaps his eyes open once the brightness faded, seeing the three officers knocked unconscious to the floor, the first piled on top of the still conscious Hierophant while the other two fell on top of Excalibur, leaving him pinned to the floor and in a position where he couldn't get up without hurting them, Genbu and Tarot Skitty in the process.  Panicked, he looked between the aftermath and his hands before plastering his back against the wall.

"Let's...let's get out of here before anymore officers see this and try to arrest us!" he yelps before making a break for the station exit, prompting Yamask to follow afterwards.

Hierophant grunts while he digs out the key's from the officer's belt and tussles it into the keyhole on the cuffs, getting one hand loose as he gently pushes the officer off and starts running after James, forming his staff and pointing it towards them.

"Miracle Beam!"

James yelps again and yanks a nearby door open, blocking the glowing energy of his bright, sparking light.  Hierophant grits his teeth in exasperation before continuing the chase, rounding the corner to find several more officers running towards the scene after the explosion went off.

"What's going on here!?" one of them demanded.  James quickly throws his back against the wall and points to Hierophant.

"Stop him!  He used his magic to incapacitate those officers down the hall!"

"Not this again...." Hierophant groaned as the officers rushed and slammed him to the floor, wrestling his wrist back behind him and slapping the other cuff back on.  One of them then ripped his staff out of his hand.

"Go check on the officers and round up the deformed Pokemon that came with this priest," one of them shouts, "We'll him to the containment room as per Jenny's orders!"

One of the officers saluted and heads off to do as told while the other two haul Hierophant to his feet and begin dragging him towards their intended destination.


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Reply #3326 on: July 29, 2013, 11:54:31 PM
Quickie heard the commotion outside and risked a glimpse into the hall.  A number of officers were dragging Heirophant down the hall, toward another cell. "Officer!  That's Heirophant!  He can explain the cards, I was carrying his Tarot Skitty in my backpack!  He can vouch for Mewtwo!"

Unfortunately, the noise was loud enough that in the next room, Mewtwo could hear it. "Heirophant!"  He stood, only to be thwarted by the guards and wardens.

"Easy there," Lee stepped forward, grabbing Mewtwo by the arm, "settle down, okay?  We can't let you get all excited."

Kirby grabbed Mewtwo's other arm and with Lee's help, they forced Mewtwo back to a crouch. "Just relax.  Finish your tea, we can get you some more.  You need to stay calm."

One of the officers held up their shield. "Don't make us use this on you.  Stun shields hurt like hell, buddy, I done the training to find out.  You listen to the wardens and don't get all uppity."

"Heirophant can vouch for me, he is a witness!  You will not detain him!" Mewtwo's glare darkened. "Do not force my hand."

"Don't you threaten us," the other officer stepped forward. "I'm warning you.  Don't make us take you down."

The other officer poked his head out into the room. "Someone get its trainer out of here!  She's not supposed to have any contact with Mewtwo."

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Reply #3327 on: July 30, 2013, 12:08:49 AM
Jenny pinches her temple before shouting at the top of her lungs, "EVERYONE STOP!"

The entire area becomes silent as she points towards the officers restraining Hierophant, "You two, bring that kid into the interrogation room two doors from Mewtwo's and wait for my sister to get there and interrogate his association to Mewtwo and the cards.  And bring the Pokemon the three officers claimed he deformed.  They'll be of no harm as long as he follows procedure and not cause any further problems."

She gives Hierophant a stern glare as he nods in obedience and lets the officers drag him off to their relocated destination while Jenny confronts the occupants in Mewtwo's confinement, "You four, back away from Mewtwo and stop threatening him.  Dangerous as he is, manhandling him with threats and provocations is NOT going to make him calm down any quicker or quieter.  He is a Psychic-type, afterall.  He can tell how fairly we're treating his trainer and the boy associated to this fiasco."

She waits until everyone does as told before heading back to the observation room, "I'm sorry.  I'm afraid the visit's over for the time being.  We'll try again when everything's calmed down."


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Reply #3328 on: July 30, 2013, 01:14:29 AM
Quickie nodded slowly and returned to the interrogation room.  She took a seat and grabbed her sketchbook, thumbing to a blank page and picking up her pencil.  But, she didn't draw.  She just sat there for a very long moment, staring at the blank page.  After a few more minutes, she looked up to Officer Jenny. "Before they take Mewtwo anywhere, could someone please talk to him?  A counselor, a psychologist, a social worker, someone who would listen to him without throwing accusations in his face."

In another part of the station, Archie, the head of the computer crimes division, was searching through the discs supplied to him.  It took him a while, but he cracked the password and had begun to view the contents of the first disc. "Lot of documentation on here..."

Another Officer Jenny, the divorced sister-in-law of the Fuchsia Jenny's second cousin twice removed, walked into the office. "Damn circus out there.  We got clones coming in, brought in a priest and deformed Pokemon, got an aggressive clone in the Quiet Room, its trainer's in Interrogation, I hear that Giovanni is actually on his way over to do paperwork..." she trailed off, heaving an exhausted sigh. "Have any luck in here?"

"Got the first disc cracked," Archie nodded, "top-secret records on here.  I don't think I'm supposed to be seeing any of this.  I mean, it's not government property, but top secret is top secret, you know?  I'm reeeeeally uncomfortable looking at all this..."

"What about that thing?" Jenny pointed to Mewtwo's computer. "Any luck with that?"

Archie shook his head. "It's sealed completely.  I can't even unscrew it, and hell if I can find any ports on it.  They said it belongs to the clone and only it can use it."

"Might have to break down and let the clone open it up for you," Jenny shrugged. "I really don't like the idea, but I can't think of any way to open it.  Could saw it open, but we can't damage personal property."

"Yeah, I considered sawing it open, too," Archie turned around. "We get a team on it and set up surveilance.  I'll bring in my rig, and we get the Commander in, and we let the clone get its computer up and running.  Then, we take over."

"Sounds good," Jenny nodded. "I don't like it, but I don't think we have much of a choice.  I'll go tell Jenny, see if we can't get another room opened up.  The Pokemon Institute want to take the clone tonight, but we can't release it until we're done with it.  Anything to stall them a bit longer." She turned and left the room to inform her sister-in-law.

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Reply #3329 on: July 30, 2013, 01:29:51 AM
Jenny searches through her phone for a list of available counselors that specialize human-etiquette Pokemon, "I'm searching right now, but you have to remember I now have my hands full dealing with the situation in Mewtwo's room, the deformed Pokemon that are being blamed on that young priest, and the possibility of moles lurking about, pumping uneducated accusations into everyone's ears.  I don't want think this was just another plow by that organization to ensure we're too ruffled and discombobulated to cooperate in a proper, professional manner, but given their track records in the past, I'm finding a hard time convincing myself otherwise."


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Reply #3330 on: July 30, 2013, 02:57:25 AM
"Uneducated accusations, eh?" Taylor said. "Reminds me of that guy trying to cause a riot back in Fuchsia... wonder if he's somehow involved in this."

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Reply #3331 on: July 30, 2013, 03:26:24 AM
"It's starting to sound that way," Jenny said, "My sister is currently investigating the situation with the current Gym Leader there and will share when she's certain that it wasn't simply word of mouth."

The two new officers sat Hierophant in a chair in front of a table, while a third brought in the Pokemon he "deformed", tying Excalibur to a leash attached to the wall before placing Genbu and Tarot Skitty on the table.

The second still held his gold staff, maneuvering it around while rubbing his hands around it.

"This is the thing that was used to disable our previous three officers?" one asked, "Where's the button on this thing."

"According to some of the officers that saw him use it on the culprit imitating Mewtwo," the third began, "He pointed the staff at him, said one word and he was down like a seizure patient."

"What!?  That can't be all!" the second snorts as he points the staff into the air, "So what?  I just say Flamethrower and this thing magically shoots out a beam of fire, or something?"

"It's not a Pokemon, you know...." Hierophant mutters, "You either have to be trained in a certain culture, or use a card with strong magical properties...."

"Oh, please," the second snorts again, "You mean to tell me that unless I was some warlock like you, I have to rely on some card to use what only a Pokemon can control?"

"To put it bluntly...."

The second chortles as he pulls Merrick out of Tarot Skitty's deck, "So you're saying all I have to do is hold this card along with the staff and say something like...oh...I dunno...Teleport?"

Hierophant cringes as he attempts to get up, "I don't think you should say it like-!"

His warning, unfortunately, came too late as the area around the officer glows and shoots a beam of light through the ceiling, shrinking out of existence a second later.


The remaining two officer panic as they looks around for their now missing companion.

"George!?  Where'd ya go!?" one of them shouts.

"Come back, George!" the second calls out as he and his cohort stumble out of the room and began running around the station in search of the officer that cast the spell, leaving Hierophant to  stare at their fleeing figures before collapsing back on his chair and sighing exasperatedly.


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Reply #3332 on: July 30, 2013, 03:29:34 AM
Dr. Wily II sighed. "I guess it can't be helped. Come on Meowth, we can still pass you off as a clone, and not a member of a certain organization. Nurse Joy, if you could lead the way..."

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Reply #3333 on: July 30, 2013, 03:31:06 AM
(Are these cops dumber than the average trainer or something? >0<)

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Reply #3334 on: July 30, 2013, 03:35:22 AM
(Just trying to keep up the daily dose of lighthearted nonsense.... 8D)

Nurse Joy compresses her lips as she nods remorsefully, "I'll go find a Chansey that's willing to cooperate with the rougher officials, you and Meowth explain the situation to the clones and return them to their Pokeballs."

"I can talk to them, but after all this, I'm worried they might be less willing to cooperate," Meowth mutters while eyeing the remaining officials standing outside, "Especially with the way the officials outside are staring at them."

No sooner had Joy left the room, however, a bright beam of light slams down in the lobby, dissipating to reveal an officer holding Hierophant's staff in one hand and Merrick in the other.  He appears to be flat on floor, half-dazed before snapping back to his sense and jumping to his feet, screaming and tossing the handheld trinkets aside before making a beeline for the exit.


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Reply #3335 on: July 30, 2013, 03:44:19 AM
Dr. Wily II shielded his eyes from the bright onslaught. After some time passed, and the light dissipated, he looked out to find a staff, and a tarot card. "Aren't these..." Dr. Wily II went over to pick the items up, and reeled back for a moment. Walking back towards Meowth... "For some reason, I feel like I should bring these along. You better not have any thoughts about grabbing these."

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Reply #3336 on: July 30, 2013, 03:54:56 AM
"He wouldn't if he tried," Merrick said, "Not unless he wants to experience a different kind of Thundershock."

Meowth irks nervously.  Though he has been hit with lightning enough times to grow a immunity to it, he still didn't enjoy the sensation.

"I...think I'll wait until we resolve the situation with Mewtwo and his clonse before going back to the usual Team Rocket rigmarole...." he mutters nervously.


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Reply #3337 on: July 30, 2013, 04:07:12 AM
Dr. Wily II eyed Meowth for a bit, before turning back towards the tarot card. He then placed the card and staff into his tote bag... The staff magically fit inside. Turning back to see Nurse Joy motioning them over, he turned to Meowth and said... "Come on, let's go." With that, Dr. Wily II headed off.

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Reply #3338 on: July 30, 2013, 04:29:44 AM
Merrick wasn't comfortable being put in a bag, but having remembered what happened the last time he confronted discombobulated and terrified Pokemon he didn't want to instigate another riot just floating about like it was a normal routine.

Meowth, meanwhile, nods and hops off the table to confront and tell the clones what's happening.  Some of them nodded in acceptance while others, particularly Charizardtwo due supposedly to being cloned from Ash's Charizard back before it fully accepted his trust, were still uptight about being examined by something other than a Pokemon.

Jenny eventually finds a number and presses the call button, pressing the phone against her ear, "Hello, Mr. Ippongi.  This is Officer Jenny.  I'm sorry if this seems sudden, but if you've been keeping up with the news, you must know why I called you, and the urgency that requires you to be involved in this.  You seem to be the only one I can think of to speak to any rare, one-of-a-kind Pokemon without discrimination."

There was a pause, "Yes, I'm very sorry.  I've tried real hard to train our officers to be a little more mutual to large, rare Pokemon, but most of them still refuse to regard them as anything but wild animals that can only be taught four things at a time....  Okay, where should I expect to find you so the officers aren't startled by your sudden appearance?  The receptionist?  Alright, I'll be there in a bit to let the receptionist know I called you here."

She then closes the phone and sticks it back on her belt before looking over to Quickie and Taylor, "I believe I found someone who might try to gain Mewtwo's trust without being too rough with him.  If you want, you can come with me and introduce yourselves so he'll know who he's dealing with."


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Reply #3339 on: July 30, 2013, 04:54:54 AM
Quickie nodded and followed Officer Jenny. "I can at least give him a message to relay to Mewtwo, telling him that I requested someone on his behalf.  He might be more trusting if he knows of my involvement."

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Reply #3340 on: July 30, 2013, 05:20:28 AM
"It should be fine, as long as it's just that," Jenny said, "Everything else will be left between Mr. Ippongi and the Institute."

They soon arrive near the receptionist desk, seeing her staring somewhat irksome at the man sitting at the bench with an Shiny Eevee sitting on his shoulder and looking ready to call in backup.

Jenny looks towards the receptionist while raising a hand, "Stand down.  I called him here."

The receptionist still remained irksome, but reluctantly pulls her hand away from the phone.  Jenny walks over to the man and presents his hand to him.

"This is Ryuta Ippongi," she said, "He specializes in studying the emotions of all living things and using his own energy to tame and communicate with them.  He once used this ability to safely escort a Raikou back to the other Legendary Beasts after a yakuza corralled it into one of the radio towers in Johto and used it to cause a city-wide blackout."


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Reply #3341 on: July 30, 2013, 05:23:09 AM
"Who is that man?" N asked while he and Sakura were waiting for Misty to arrive.

"I have no idea, though he seems different than most of the idiots here." Sakura whispered.

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Reply #3342 on: July 30, 2013, 05:35:43 AM
Dr. Wily II followed Nurse Joy to the Examination room, seeing that the clone Pokemon were being looked at by some Chanseys. He went to each of the clone Pokemon, and explained the situation to them. Although they were hesitant to be balled up again, they relented. Dr. Wily II picked up their respective PokeBalls, and recalled them. Turning to face Nurse Joy... "So sorry for all the inconvenience."

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Reply #3343 on: July 30, 2013, 05:46:57 AM
"Not the first time, certainly won't be the last," Nurse Joy sighs, "You best go on ahead, I'll be by shortly with one of the Chanseys."


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Reply #3344 on: July 30, 2013, 05:53:38 AM
"Alright, I'll be with Meowth while you get ready." Dr. Wily II bowed, and left the room, heading back to where Meowth is. Upon reaching, he noticed Meowth having a bit of trouble with a Charizard. He walked over and asked.

"Need some help?"

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Reply #3345 on: July 30, 2013, 05:56:56 AM
"It should be fine, as long as it's just that," Jenny said, "Everything else will be left between Mr. Ippongi and the Institute."

They soon arrive near the receptionist desk, seeing her staring somewhat irksome at the man sitting at the bench with an Shiny Eevee sitting on his shoulder and looking ready to call in backup.

Jenny looks towards the receptionist while raising a hand, "Stand down.  I called him here."

The receptionist still remained irksome, but reluctantly pulls her hand away from the phone.  Jenny walks over to the man and presents his hand to him.

"This is Ryuta Ippongi," she said, "He specializes in studying the emotions of all living things and using his own energy to tame and communicate with them.  He once used this ability to safely escort a Raikou back to the other Legendary Beasts after a yakuza corralled it into one of the radio towers in Johto and used it to cause a city-wide blackout."

Quickie gave a slight bow and extended her hand. "I'm Lexi Shank, also known as Quickie.  I requested that someone be brought in to talk to Mewtwo.  He's agitated, depressed, and confused, and I'm no longer permitted to talk to him."

"Who is that man?" N asked while he and Sakura were waiting for Misty to arrive.

"I have no idea, though he seems different than most of the idiots here." Sakura whispered.

Quickie glanced over to Sakura and gave a small wave. "You two happen to know the number of a good lawyer?  Because I'm going to need one..." she trailed off, returning her gaze to the floor. "I'll contact my attorney in Saffron, but I don't think they deal with criminal cases..."

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Reply #3346 on: July 30, 2013, 06:00:11 AM
"Not really a Lawyer but the Cerulean Gym Leader and some of her friends are going to be coming here to help us make a case against Team Rocket." Sakura explained.

"I think that's her now." N stated as he saw a red head on a Swanna just about to land.

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Reply #3347 on: July 30, 2013, 06:14:36 AM
"Alright, I'll be with Meowth while you get ready." Dr. Wily II bowed, and left the room, heading back to where Meowth is. Upon reaching, he noticed Meowth having a bit of trouble with a Charizard. He walked over and asked.

"Need some help?"

"Not exactly sure you'd be able to help out," Meowth said, "I keep telling him the solutions to saving Mewtwo and the other clones, but all he keeps saying is that as long as Mewtwo is being treated poorly, he'll refuse to go with this particular police force.  He's almost acting as stubborn as that twerp's Charizard before they traveled to the Orange Islands."

Quickie gave a slight bow and extended her hand. "I'm Lexi Shank, also known as Quickie.  I requested that someone be brought in to talk to Mewtwo.  He's agitated, depressed, and confused, and I'm no longer permitted to talk to him."

Ryuta stood up and took the hand in shaking, resting his other hand on the Shiny Eevee sitting on the respected shoulder, "So I've been told.  Spirit sensing is almost on par with being a psychic, so he shouldn't react too badly to my presence."

Quickie soon noticed that the hand she was clutching felt mechanical, almost as if it was a machine.


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #3348 on: July 30, 2013, 06:21:11 AM
"Well, I am the Cinnabar Island Gym Leader, I have a slight affinity with Fire-types, so... Who knows?" Dr. Wily II said, all the while inching himself closer to the Charizard.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #3349 on: July 30, 2013, 06:29:04 AM
"At least he seems nice." N smiled.

"Yeah the fact that he has a Shiny Eevee that hasn't evolved is good in my eyes." Sakura nodded.

As they were talking about this Misty entered the building.

"Sakura?" Misty called out.

"Oh hey." Sakura said as she walked over to her "Thanks for coming."

"No problem, there was no way I'm going to let Team Rocket do something like this." Misty stated "Anyway I have about 3 others that are going to be coming here though I don't know when they'll arrive.  One is coming from Viridian City, another is coming from Johto, and I don't know when the last one will be here.  I also tried asking Brock but he's too busy studying for his Pokemon Doctor exam but he should send me some of his info here.  Janine and Erika sent me some other things as well that should help and I called some past associates that are sending me more."

"Damn you came prepared." Sakura whistled.

"When it comes to Team Rocket you have to be prepare." Misty sighed.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection