Back at the base, Domino conferred via video feed with several field agents within the Fuchsia City borough limits, including Butch and Cassidy. "Today's explosion has been all over the news, and I know the source of it. Several witness accounts have described a large, purple, bipedal Pokemon in the epicenter of the blast radius, and I have more accounts that it was hiding out in the Fuchsia City Pokemon Center. As far as I am aware, it's still there."
She began to pace back and forth as she talked. "This Pokemon, as many of you already know, is one of ours. It was an experiment gone wrong, and it is extremely dangerous. Do not, under any circumstances, directly engage this Pokemon! It has the ability to brainwash humans, and using those abilities, it has acquired a posse of trainers who would willingly protect it. The link with one trainer, Lexi Shank, is so strong that it can affect her strength. We have had to use physical force on this woman, and she finally went down with a stun blast that was calibrated for this fugitive Pokemon! That Pokemon could summon its posse in a heartbeat, and likewise for its slave to summon its master!"
Domino stopped pacing and turned to face the cameras. "That Pokemon has caused considerable property damage, and it can do it again. What I want you all to do is to turn the community against that Pokemon. Make them aware of what caused today's explosion, and where that Pokemon is hiding. We will force it out into the open, and we can secure the community's help in capturing it! Once the community is made aware of that ticking time bomb, they will stop at nothing to remove it!"