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Reply #2125 on: July 03, 2013, 08:04:43 AM
Seeing the large syringe send Mewtwo behind the console prompt the two Hierophants to react in their own personified way; Merrick harshly smacking his hand over his face while his human counterpart tries to act nonchalant, but inadvertently grimaces instead.

Once the currently neurotic Pokemon comes back to the table, they decide to try and help, Hierophant holding the tail out straight while his card counterpart lays himself flat on the top of its base, causing the edges to flash as the irritation subsides as well as any intentional pain that might come from extracting the needle.


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2126 on: July 03, 2013, 11:00:51 AM
Dr. Wily II returned to the trolley, and picked up a small syringe packet. Fiddling around the trolley, and finally findng the local anesthatic, Dr. Wily II ripped open the packet, and proceeded to fill the syringe up with the anesthatic. Turning around to face Mewtwo again, this time without joking around, he noticed Hierophant and a magical card helping out as well. Nodding, Dr. Wily II said...

"Alright, keep still." Dr. Wily II then injected the anesthatic into Mewtwo's tail, somewhere below the bump. "Ok, good boy. Now stay still, and it'll all be over before you know it." Dr. Wily II said, well picking up a scarpel.

(OK, unless anyone else has anything to add, a timeskip to after the surgery is best.)

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Reply #2127 on: July 03, 2013, 11:06:10 AM
(Time skip works for me.)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2128 on: July 03, 2013, 11:18:42 AM
(Time skip hooooooooooooooooo...)

About 10 minutes have past, and Dr. Wily II was carefully stitching up the wound he made to remove the foreign object in Mewtwo's tail. The object was small, but consisted of a few smaller parts, and Dr. Wily II ensured he removed everything. Wiping his forehead after cutting off the final strand...

"Alright, everything's removed, and the stitching is complete. See? Done in a jiffy, and without complications."

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Reply #2129 on: July 03, 2013, 11:21:28 AM
Quickie nodded and patted Mewtwo on the shoulder.  "You did great."

Mewtwo let out a long breath, then he coughed and rubbed his eyes.  "What was it that you took out?"

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2130 on: July 03, 2013, 11:42:46 AM
With the situation resolved, Hierophant took his hands off Mewtwo's tail while Merrick pops off its base and straightens back to its normal flatness.

Mewtwo didn't seem to be getting better, but they were certain that it could be fixed with some much needed rest and recovery.


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Reply #2131 on: July 03, 2013, 11:45:50 AM
"Let's see... *fiddles around with the object* ... Well, from what I can see, this is a battery, possibly the power source... Then there's this circuit-board... Which seems to be blinking intermittently..." Dr. Wily II paused, and then exclaimed.

"A TRACKING DEVICE!! I knew it!! I knew Team Rocket wouldn't have left us alone for so long!! DARN THEM!!" Dr. Wily II went to a nearby wall, and punched it.

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Reply #2132 on: July 03, 2013, 12:00:41 PM
Quickie chewed on her knuckle. "If we destroy it, it won't send the signal, and they'll know we tampered with it."

"Actually, let me see that," Mewtwo got off the table and picked up the tracking device to examine it closely.  There was some writing on one of the microprocessors, which he could recognize, but was unable to read it clearly.  He took the tracking device to one of the consoles and made use of the magnification equipment there, bringing the writing into focus.  "This... this cannot be..."

Quickie walked over to look. "What?"

"It says 'Fujisoft'!" Mewtwo turned around and pointed at it.  "I created Fujisoft!  I wrote the program for this device!"

Quickie blinked at him, dumbfounded. "You wrote programs for Team Rocket?"

"Not for them directly," Mewtwo shook his head. "I write and sell proprietary bioinformatics software, and have secured contracts with various organizations.  However, the microprocessors were made more widely available, at least my programming for them."

"When were you doing all of this?!" Quickie was still shocked at Mewtwo's side project.

"When my time allows," Mewtwo's voice dropped, "though I have had this project for a long time, no one knows its true origin.  I have had to use other humans as puppets, and their memories would be erased after their usefulness has ended.  The programming language and everything... I already had that.  I had created that back on New Island... back when, well... I was not in the right frame of mind..."

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Reply #2133 on: July 03, 2013, 12:06:03 PM
"So...does this mean they know where we are and could attack any place we would land in?" Hierophant asked nervously.


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Reply #2134 on: July 03, 2013, 12:39:48 PM
"... You CREATED Fujisoft!?" Dr. Wily II was just as dumbfounded as Quickie. Astonishment aside, this can work in their favour. "Mewtwo, you said you were the one that created the programming for the device. Is it possible to rewrite the core programming, and feint your signal?"

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Reply #2135 on: July 03, 2013, 05:51:54 PM
A Yanma flew in at that moment and hovered near Pyro.

"Yan yan!"

Pyro nodded and looked to the tracking device Dr. Wily II removed from Mewtwo. He snatched the device and then tied a string around it so it would fit around the Clear Wing Pokemon's tail.

"Yammers wants to play 'Follow the Leader'," he said. 8)

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Reply #2136 on: July 03, 2013, 10:22:22 PM
"... You CREATED Fujisoft!?" Dr. Wily II was just as dumbfounded as Quickie. Astonishment aside, this can work in their favour. "Mewtwo, you said you were the one that created the programming for the device. Is it possible to rewrite the core programming, and feint your signal?"

Mewtwo nodded.  "I could do that.  Though, I would need to connect it to my computer."  He glanced around the room. "Unless I have access to this ship's computer system, I cannot be certain if it uses my programming language."  He took a moment to retrieve the tracking device from the Yanma.  "My programming language is rather... exclusive.  Hence why I specialize in rather... exclusive fields."  He paused and undid the string around the tracking device. "I mostly conduct my work in bioinformatics."

"Bioinformatics?"  Quickie raised an eyebrow.

"In short, DNA sequencing," Mewtwo clarified.

"Ah," Quickie nodded.  She looked to Heirophant and Merrick and quickly explained Mewtwo's previous neurotic behavior.  "Oh, Mewtwo gets nervous in regards to anything even remotely related to a laboratory.  He's gotten sick before, but he wouldn't dare seek treatment, mainly due to his paranoia.  And," she shrugged, "he just doesn't like doctors."

"I have my reasons," Mewtwo cut in. "I started life as a science experiment.  And when Team Rocket recaptured me, they were going to experiment on me.  They had experimented on me before, and they had threatened to do the same to my fellow clones, experiments which would have resulted in their deaths."  He nodded to Heirophant. "So you can perhaps understand why I would be a bit... apprehensive in certain situations."

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Reply #2137 on: July 04, 2013, 03:00:28 AM
Pyro tilted his head, "So no 'Follow the Leader?'"

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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2138 on: July 04, 2013, 03:34:53 AM
Excalibur waited outside due to his size and the sign near the mart reading "Pokemon larger than 3' must be in Pokeball to enter", with Danny's card laying picture up on his back, the tarot having projected himself out of the card, boredly picking loose fur from the Shiny Arcanine's back.

After a moment, Chariot comes out of the Pokemart, holding a deflated Chingling pouch almost five times the size of the average Chingling.

"You couldn't have gotten a regular pouch to hold our supplies in?" Danny mutters irritably.

"It was on sale, plus I kinda like a little decoration to go with holding more than a few potions and berries," Chariot retorts while strapping the pouch onto Excalibur's neck like a Saint Bernard's wine barrel.

Danny heaves an annoyed sigh before rubbing his temple, "I can't believe I'm related to you...."

"Whatever, let's get back to the Pokemon Center and wait to see if the others will show up," Chariot grumbles before leading Excalibur back to the intended location.


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Reply #2139 on: July 04, 2013, 03:51:37 AM
Meanwhile, in Station 47...

The door opened as Butch and Cassidy entered.  Hart turned around in his chair and put out his cigarette. "About time you showed up!"  He nodded to a video feed, on which was a rather haggard-looking Domino, who still managed to somehow appear authoritative despite her sweat-tousled hair and red skin.  It was obvious to Hart that she had a bad day, but she wasn't going to let it stop her.

Domino folded her arms as Giovanni sat down beside her.  Giovanni spoke first, noting Butch and Cassidy's appearance. "Buck and Cassidy finally got there?  What took them so long?"

Domino nodded to him. "Assignment and traffic."  She nodded to Hart. "Jessie and James still there?"

"Locked up tight," Hart nodded.

"Good," Domino gave a curt nod of her head.  "After this, I want them transferred to our new base, as Giovanni and I need to speak with them... privately."

"Gotcha," Hart nodded as the video feed switched off.  "They're all yours, Brayden."  He stepped back to allow Butch and Cassidy room to interrogate Jessie and James.

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Reply #2140 on: July 04, 2013, 04:01:17 AM
Butch gnashed his teeth when Hart screwed up his name like everyone else did. He had considered legally changing his name but with the constant assignments and missions, it got lost in the shuffle and he had to suffer the indignity of it time and again. Cassidy smirked when she laid eyes on a haggard Jesse and haughtily crossed her arms.

"Well, well, well," she said, "Loot what the Persian dragged in. Still chasing that worthless Pikachu, Jesse. Or have you debased yourself by becoming a hot dog vendor again?"

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Reply #2141 on: July 04, 2013, 04:18:05 AM
Jessie almost turned red as her hair upon seeing the snarky upstart standing outside the cage.  She was aware they were going to be interrogated by these numbnuts, but not while they had little to prove their reasons for detracting from their main objective.

"And what about you?" she seethed, trying hard to hide her jealous anger through a taunting smirk, "Still trying to find ways to trick those poor, ignorant trainers into leaving their precious Pokemon in the hands of complete strangers?"


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Reply #2142 on: July 04, 2013, 04:44:53 AM
Hart leaned back in his chair, put his feet up, and lit another cigarette. "Cut to the chase already, time's a-wasting."   He opened a channel on his radio. "Moore, bring a transport to my location.  We have to take Jessie and James to the base."

"Acknowledged, over," there was a burst of static and Moore's channel was closed.

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Reply #2143 on: July 04, 2013, 05:36:45 AM
Cassidy laughed, but it was a humorless laugh that dripped with sarcasm, "How drole, but let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?"

"The boss is not happy with you," Butch added, "He wants answers about those cards you used in Stone Town and what the hell was up with Carr."

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Reply #2144 on: July 04, 2013, 05:59:13 AM
From around the corner, Steiner leaned against the door brace of the sick bay. He had two fingers pressed against the rim of his glasses that triggered a small listening devise at the end. They'd located something that was obviously planted by someone at the base on Mewtwo. Instead of talking into his mini radio, Steiner clicked the button on and off. Morse code. He let them know that someone was operating on Mewtwo, removing something of Team Rocket technology. Steiner continued to listen in, peering occasionally into the room for a split second. With Ahrzayl and the other two down for the night, he'd have no interruptions. He then adjusted his glasses.

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Reply #2145 on: July 04, 2013, 06:20:06 AM
During one of his glances into the room, Steiner came face-to-face with Mr. Spook. The Gengar opened his mouth and licked Steiner on the face with his tongue slowly working its way up to his forehead.

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Reply #2146 on: July 04, 2013, 06:53:00 AM
Paralyzed for the moment, Steiner had his eyes closed in frustration and slight surprise. How in the world did that pokemon get so close so fast? Now, of course, he was exposed.

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Reply #2147 on: July 04, 2013, 07:04:43 AM
Cassidy laughed, but it was a humorless laugh that dripped with sarcasm, "How drole, but let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?"

"The boss is not happy with you," Butch added, "He wants answers about those cards you used in Stone Town and what the hell was up with Carr."

Hearing their awareness to the cards made Jessie and James even more agitated at the thought of telling these two, of all people, knowing their discovery.

"And why should we tell you!?" Jessie seethed.

"Yeah," Meowth concurs, "For all we know, you'll just take our word and twist it around until it sounds like you were the ones who found the cards while all we did is play around with them like lab Ratatas!"

"If anyone's going to know about our latest discovery, it's the boss himself!" James protests, "You know how much he hates being anything but the second to know everything!"

From around the corner, Steiner leaned against the door brace of the sick bay. He had two fingers pressed against the rim of his glasses that triggered a small listening devise at the end. They'd located something that was obviously planted by someone at the base on Mewtwo. Instead of talking into his mini radio, Steiner clicked the button on and off. Morse code. He let them know that someone was operating on Mewtwo, removing something of Team Rocket technology. Steiner continued to listen in, peering occasionally into the room for a split second. With Ahrzayl and the other two down for the night, he'd have no interruptions. He then adjusted his glasses.

Hierophant became bothered by someone watching them, but assumed it was the Bug Pokemon that were running loose on the ship.  Merrick, however, seemed to know more about what was watching them, and the final straw that got him to investigate was the sudden spike in surprise.

He drifts towards the wall and plants the back of his card against it, slipping to the frame of sickbay's entrance and pops part way out of the picture to look around the corner and figure out what was going on.


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Reply #2148 on: July 04, 2013, 08:22:19 AM
Mewtwo nodded.  "I could do that.  Though, I would need to connect it to my computer."  He glanced around the room. "Unless I have access to this ship's computer system, I cannot be certain if it uses my programming language."  He took a moment to retrieve the tracking device from the Yanma.  "My programming language is rather... exclusive.  Hence why I specialize in rather... exclusive fields."  He paused and undid the string around the tracking device. "I mostly conduct my work in bioinformatics."

"Bioinformatics?"  Quickie raised an eyebrow.

"In short, DNA sequencing," Mewtwo clarified.

"Ah," Quickie nodded.  She looked to Heirophant and Merrick and quickly explained Mewtwo's previous neurotic behavior.  "Oh, Mewtwo gets nervous in regards to anything even remotely related to a laboratory.  He's gotten sick before, but he wouldn't dare seek treatment, mainly due to his paranoia.  And," she shrugged, "he just doesn't like doctors."

"I have my reasons," Mewtwo cut in. "I started life as a science experiment.  And when Team Rocket recaptured me, they were going to experiment on me.  They had experimented on me before, and they had threatened to do the same to my fellow clones, experiments which would have resulted in their deaths."  He nodded to Heirophant. "So you can perhaps understand why I would be a bit... apprehensive in certain situations."

"Looks like you were doing a lot of things after your initial escape from Team Rocket..." Dr. Wily II commented, still digesting this new information.

"As for a computer terminal, maybe we can ask for one from Ahrzayl or Julia."

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Reply #2149 on: July 04, 2013, 08:30:14 AM
"Until then," Mewtwo sniffed the tracking device, growled at it, and placed it on the table, "we should at the very least take care to not damage it.  Should it cease in its transmission, that will raise more alarm."

"Besides," Quickie stepped forward, "you need rest.  You can worry about hacking later.  Get that fuzzy butt to bed."

Mewtwo nodded and made his way to the entrance.

Quickie looked from Mewtwo to Wily, then glanced at the tracker. "Whoever implanted that tag did a lousy job.  He probably had that infection festering for a while, no thanks to whatever agent thought that they were a vet."