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Reply #2025 on: June 30, 2013, 03:15:30 AM
"That, and if he can only protect the holder from a single attack, so don't be afraid to use the same attacks on him if necessary," Hierophant said, "You only have a split second to launch another attack before he can absorb and learn the technique of another attack."

Sakura catches Meowth though unfortunately the other two fell on their backs.

"Ugh that does it I'm [tornado fang]ing sick of this stupid brat!" Sakura yelled as she took out another Pokeball.  "Go Shiva!"

"Jynx!" Shiva cried as she came out of her Pokeball.

"Xuangzang, Vulcan, you too!" Sakura ordered.

"What do you have in mind?" Xuangzang asked as he and the other 2 Pokemon listened closely.

"We're going to use our own version of Tri Attack, there's no way he can copy 3 attacks at once!" Sakura stated.

"You might be on to something but it's risky." Xuangzang cautioned.

"We have no other choice but to try." Sakura said with determination "Xuangzang use Thunder Bolt, Shiva use Ice Beam, Vulcan use Flamethrower!"

The three Pokemon fired their attacks and the forces combined to make a stream of Fire, Ice, and Lighting.

Carr turns around upon feeling the elemental energy flying towards him.  Unfortunately, Fool couldn't figure out which of the three attacks to defend against.

Cursing under his breath, Carr spreads his arms out, causing his hands to glow and swings them downward, sending glowing sawblades towards the oncoming projectiles and the Pokemon who launched them, but wasn't strong enough to dissipate or redirect them as they pushed through the gust and sawblades and slammed into him, sending him flying into a nearby tree as the lasting electrical affects momentarily stun and paralyze him while the ice and fire starts singing his skin and uniform.


Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #2026 on: June 30, 2013, 03:16:59 AM
(Okay so what exactly happened?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Quickman

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Reply #2027 on: June 30, 2013, 03:22:40 AM
Quickie got Mewtwo into a huddle. "Alright, multiple attacks work.  You can launch a few at once, can you?"

Mewtwo nodded. "Not at the exact same time, but I can switch the attacks around rapidly enough."

"Good," Quickie nodded, "we'll sandwich him.  Go for ranged attacks, mix them up.  Shadow Ball, Psywave, got any non-Psychic attacks?"

"I can use our surroundings as projectiles."

"Excellent.  Shadow Ball, Psywave, then throw a nice hail of rocks at him.  If we need to, follow it up with another Shadow Ball, then Psycho Cut.  Ready?"  Quickie held out her palm.

Mewtwo gave Quickie's palm a slap with his own.  "Ready."  The duo broke their huddle and Mewtwo got into position, forming a Shadow Ball, waiting for his opportunity to launch his attack.

(Waiting to find out, then Mewtwo can attack if he needs to.)

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2028 on: June 30, 2013, 03:40:37 AM
(If you're confused by why Carr can be hit by Air Slash, when the Fool card sees, or is hit by an attack, he draws the energy towards him and imprints it into the holder's conscience.  Once that happens, the holder is no longer immune and can be hit by the same attack without consequence.  But if it has something to do with Carr's attack on the three elemental attacks, I had him use Air Slash under the impression that it could cancel out their oncoming projectiles.  I'll fix the post if that's too much of a stretch)

Carr staggers to his feet, his uniform suffering minor tears while his exposed skin is patched with smoldering soot and first degree burns.

He starts to stagger towards Mewtwo, his hands and eyes beginning to glow.

"That Mewtwo...is coming with me...!"

He then thrusts his hand towards Mewtwo, intending to unleash his Psychic attack to restrain his joints.


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Reply #2029 on: June 30, 2013, 03:44:44 AM
(I really think he needs more than that Air Slash to cancel something as monstrous as that Triple Attack.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2030 on: June 30, 2013, 03:47:00 AM
"Now!" Quickie commanded.

Mewtwo immediately launched a Shadow Ball at Carr and followed it up with a Psywave.  He then focused his powers on the ground, unearthing debris, clumps of earth, and rocks, sending them toward Carr in a hail.  He then readied another Shadow Ball.

Quickie stepped closer to Mewtwo.  "You're not taking him.  Not again."  Idly, she wondered what Jessie, James, and Meowth were doing.  After all, their old comrade had returned and was doing battle...

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2031 on: June 30, 2013, 04:03:50 AM
(Fixed both the posts to compensate for the unnecessary uber overpowering.  Hopefully it makes a little more sense and keeps him and his control over the cards balanced)

Carr, now slightly disoriented from the pain and obsession with getting his hands on Mewtwo, barely registers the oncoming Shadow Ball as Fool, once again, breaks it down into energy and imprints it into his conscience.  He quickly uses his Psychic powers to stop the smaller debris in his tracks, but the larger ones bashed into him, making him drop the smaller debris out of recoil.  Before he could counter Mewtwo's conjuring Shadow Ball, however, he is suddenly hit from behind by another Shadow Ball thrown by Yamask, and several Air Slashes from Woobat.

"Keep hitting him with Air Slash!" Jessie exclaims, "Make sure it's strong enough to blow those cards right off his body!"

"You too, Yamask!" James proclaims, "Don't give him one second to think!"

"As for me!" Meowth suddenly lands on Carr, digging his claws into his uniform and attempting to rip Wheel of Fortune off his back, "I'll be taking liberty of liberating one of your cards!"

Hierophant watched the situation working in everyone else's favor, only to suddenly notice Tarot Skitty wasn't on his person.  Realizing he must have left it on Skarmory, he turns around only to find the armored Pokemon no longer where it last stood.

Meowth was about to rip the card out of Carr's back when his body suddenly froze and was yanked off the squat ex-Rocket.

"Hey!  What-!?" he yelps before being thrown towards Mewtwo.  Jessie and James stare in shock before looking up to find Carr's Skarmory drifting overhead, holding Tarot Skitty by its tail in its beak with the duct tape torn down the back and the last card missing from its back.

"Don't tell me...." The two mutter before seeing Skarmory use its talons to restrain Woobat and Yamask and throw them at their respected trainers, knocking them flat onto their backs.


Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #2032 on: June 30, 2013, 04:09:19 AM
"Damn Vulcan use Flamethrower on that Skarmory!" Sakura shouted.

"Blaze!" Vulcan cried as he spewed fire from his maw once again.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2033 on: June 30, 2013, 04:10:46 AM
Mewtwo catches Meowth, stepping backward from the recoil.

Meowth hung limp in his arms for a moment in a complete daze, before he squirmed and shook his head, finally looking at Mewtwo. "Hey, long time, no see!"

"Likewise," Mewtwo set Meowth on the ground between him and Quickie, then readied another Shadow Ball and slung it at Carr. "Formalities will need to wait, however.  We have more pressing matters."  He extended both arms, wincing as the extension tugged at the gunshot wound.  Ignoring it, he raised his arms and swung downward, firing a Psycho Cut, the blade-shaped wave sent speeding toward Carr.

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2034 on: June 30, 2013, 04:34:19 AM
Skarmory attempts to stop the flamethrower, but couldn't even dent its bulge.  Before it realized the situation, the burning stream slams into it and sends it spinning a few feet back, causing it to let go of Tarot Skitty and send it flying down near Carr.

Fool sees the projectiles coming, causing his card to glow again, breaking it into stream so of energy as they enter Carr's conscience.  Unfortunately, he was too disoriented and aggravated at the sudden turn of events.

"Enough...." he seethed before standing straight and screaming at the top of his lungs, "ENOUGH!!!"

A dome of psychic energy starts to grow out from his presence, freezing everyone caught within its realm.  Hierophant quickly gets in front of Mewtwo, Quickie and Meowth and holds his staff out, causing another rain of crystalline ice wide enough to cover him and the other three while causing a misshapen bubble to form around it.

"Get in here, quickly!" he calls out to the others.  Jessie and James panic as they do as told, Woobat and Yamask quickly following after them.  The cheering trio, along with Genbu, remain in doors as Synthis bounds into the crystalline barrier to avoid getting caught in Carr's psychic outburst.


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Reply #2035 on: June 30, 2013, 04:38:58 AM
"Shiva, Vulcan return!" Sakura cried as she returned the 2 Pokemon before grabbing Xuangzang and getting under the barrier.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2036 on: June 30, 2013, 04:39:08 AM
Mewtwo saw the dome coming and focused on raising a Barrier around the group, to help augment Heirophant's attempt.  "I can assure you," even his telepathy was stressed, "that this will not be easy to defend.  He had harnessed my powers... before I had learned to focus and control them... and thus every attack... will be at full force."  He grit his teeth and focused on maintaining the Barrier.

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2037 on: June 30, 2013, 05:07:21 AM
Carr seethed in anger and frustration as he starts marching towards the group, picking up every rock that had been affected by his psychic powers and throwing them at the Crystalline barrier as well as the one formed by Mewtwo.

"You cannot stop me...!  I have become more powerful than even Giovanni can ever hope to become...!" he seethed, "I will have Mewtwo, and I will use him to gain control of Team Rocket and all who blindly follow their backstabbing snob of a leader...!"

Hierophant looked between the oncoming madman and the duffel back slung on his shoulder.  There were three cards that could bypass Fool's power, but just giving out the password while the white-dressed trio were in the area could give them more incentive to start chasing and stealing the bag from him.  But he couldn't think of any other Pokemon that could withstand the immense psychic powers that were billowing out of Carr's energy, and he can't be sure how much longer he could keep this up.

Compressing his lips in reluctance, he pulls the duffel bag in front of him and pushes the flaps apart before whispering into it.


The flap flashes as Hierophant speaks into it.

"I'm sorry, Merrick," he mutters, "But it looks like we're going to need your help...."

Out of the bag is another card, looking exactly like Hierophant, but with the green and white miter covering the crown of his slightly spiky blue hair.

"YEEK!  THAT CARD LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE YOU!!!" Jessie yelps in shock.

Hierophant compresses his lips before addressing the rest of the group, "Merrick may not have anything that will stop his psychic powers, but his opposition to the Fool card's powers can protect anyone who holds his card from any status effects or psychic abilities that man's learned so far."


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Reply #2038 on: June 30, 2013, 05:09:59 AM
"Should we try giving it to Mewtwo?" Sakura asked.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2039 on: June 30, 2013, 05:19:53 AM
Mewtwo gave Sakura a wild look. "Are you sure about that?"

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2040 on: June 30, 2013, 05:28:11 AM
Hierophant looks towards Mewtwo, noticing he was beginning to strain from his attempt to maintain the barrier.

"I dunno," he said, "He doesn't look too good.  Something must've been in those bullets to make him this weak and strained."

"Have you tried healing him with Magician's powers?" Merrick asked.

"I tried, but the bandage is wrapped tightly, and even if it's removed, there might be some residue too thin to be removed that might cause infections if I seal it up with white magic," Hierophant sighs.

"I see...." Merrick mutters before looking towards Mewtwo, "Well...if he is willing to go out there and stop that guy, I can use some of my own white magic to dull any pain he might be in, and return his strength.  But if we get separated, he'll dwindle back to the stat he's currently in."


Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #2041 on: June 30, 2013, 05:30:15 AM
"Yeah you might have a point." Sakura sighed "I just thought it would be a good idea to protect him since he's after him."

"What if I return to my normal size and freak him out?" Xuangzang offered.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #2042 on: June 30, 2013, 05:42:14 AM
Mewtwo merely shot a glare to Heirophant. "I am merely tired from a particularly bad week.  My power is fully restored."  He cringed, still working to maintain the Barrier. "If this is our only chance, I will take it."

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Reply #2043 on: June 30, 2013, 06:01:40 AM
Hierophant cringes slightly while scrunching his head between his shoulders, "Sorry...."

Merrick closes his eyes while placing his fists behind his back in contemplation of their choices, "If Fool's been subjected this Pokemon's psychic powers, we're going to need more help keeping the barrier up." he opens his eyes and looks towards Hierophant, "How many times has he used Psychic since being attacked by it?"

"Two maybe?" Hierophant estimates.

"Then he should be inexperienced enough to break concentration with a simple distraction.  But we're going to need someone who has an attack he already gained in order to make sure he's knocked for a loop and not given another ability to use."


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Reply #2044 on: June 30, 2013, 06:30:14 AM
"If how these cards work as you say they do," Mewtwo tensed and coughed, but otherwise held his attack, "then right now, it would be as if I were to fight myself.  A more... inexperienced self.  Though, less-focused."  He inhaled. "I am willing to fight myself."

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Reply #2045 on: June 30, 2013, 06:43:23 AM
Merrick seemed unsure, but nods in acceptance, knowing that it was probably the best option they had.  He floats over to Mewtwo and lands on his back, bending the structure down to fit along his uneven spine.

Upon fully connecting with Mewtwo's back, the frames began glowing, relieving the fatigue and strain he had been suffering throughout most of the day.

You should be able to pass through his psychic barrier now.... Merrick spoke into Mewtwo's conscience, though no one else can hear him.

Carr was now a few feet from the crystalline barrier.

"What's wrong...?  Finally ran yourself into a wall...?" he snickers exhaustedly, "If you'd just hand Mewtwo over and refrain from fighting back...I promise to only leave with your memories of Mewtwo, the cards, Team Rocket, and me completely wiped from your conscience...."

"Can he even do that?" Hierophant ponders nervously.


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Reply #2046 on: June 30, 2013, 06:56:39 AM
Mewtwo looked back at Quickie for a moment. "I will not permit myself to be captured.  Not again."  He glanced to Jessie and James.  "We have allies."  With that, he stepped through the fortification, preparing a Psywave.  Once he had a clear shot, he released it.

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Reply #2047 on: June 30, 2013, 07:11:17 AM
Carr's eyes widen as he sees Mewtwo not only bypass his psychic barrier, but unleash a powerful Psywave towards him.  He tries to lift himself up, but he was too exhausted burdened by burns to concentrate on his own body, forcing him to watch helplessly as the blast connects with his burn-riddled body and send him flying back several feet, landing next to Tarot Skitty's motionless form.

With his concentration cut, the barrier dissipates, allowing the wild Pokemon that had been caught inside to scatter upon release.  Hierophant immediately drops his crystalline barrier and runs for Tarot Cat only to be pelted to the ground by the Skarmory, who uses Hanged Man's gravity abilities to pull Carr's dazed and weakened body, and Tarot Skitty towards its talons while making a beeline for the town exit.

"Their getting away!" James exclaims.

"After them!" Jessie shouts as she and James bound around the group and gave chase.  Meowth was about to follow, but stops near Mewtwo and waves to him.

"Love to stay and catch up on old times, but we've got important Team Rocket business to take care of!  We'll make sure not to mention you if we run into the boss anytime soon!"

Jessie suddenly shows up behind Meowth and grabs him by the scruff of his neck, "Let's go!  We're going to lose them!"

Meowth yelps as the feminine Team Rocket member hauls him off the ground and speeds off after James and the retreating Skarmory.

Synthis tries to run after them, but soon realizes Hierophant's floored state and runs over to lick one of the nicks on his exposed skin, causing him to stir and struggle to pull himself to his hands and knees.

"Ow....  I didn't think stars could hurt so much...." he groans while rubbing a bruise on the back of his head.


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Reply #2048 on: June 30, 2013, 07:12:29 AM
Wily also stepped out of the airship and explained himself quickly.  He patted his labcoat pocket, feeling the CD inside, complete with the imaging data.  He hadn't an opportunity to actually study the scans himself, and while he had deleted the files on Team Rocket's computer, he was partially glad that he managed to keep the CD.  He looked over to Mewtwo as the clone cleaned himself, noting the IV still secured in his neck-tube, and Wily reminded himself to remove it when he had a chance.  

He knew, however, that such a chance would not present itself right away, as he was quite certain that Team Rocket would not allow them to run for very long until launching yet another assault.  Though, with the amount of damage the base sustained and how meticulous Giovanni was about security, breaches would be dealt with, first.  Then, cleaning up Mewtwo's mess.  And Wily knew from experience that Mewtwo can create quite the mess.

(... OK, officially lost myself to the plot as well. XD Let's see how to insert myself back...)

After explaining himself to the group about his actions, and the seeming acceptance from the group, let Dr. Wily II feel a bit more at ease. More so at seeing the heartwarming reunion between Mewtwo and Quickie. As Dr. Wily II turned back towards the Grand Rhydon, he thought about how to help the group leave Stone Town in one piece, and far away from Team Rocket. Perhaps he can find Julia and ask about the ship's blueprints...

(... Yea... Going into the background for me, and perhaps my WilyRP side. :P 8D As for Joe...)

Domino heard the cries for help and ordered her team to dig Joe out of the debris.  "Get him out, patch him up, and we'll meet in the ready room."  She needed to get checked out, as well, as she had been frozen by that renegade Froslass.  Though the effects wore off and she fought her way to the hangar, her body was still wracked with shivers and her skin was red and raw.

Finally out from under the debris, Joe jumped for joy... Until he found out the hard way that he had sprained his right ankle. In pain, Joe nodded at Domino's orders, after given some temporal medical attention, slowly limped his way towards the ready room. Wonder what's going to happen now...

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #2049 on: June 30, 2013, 07:15:24 AM
"Hierophant are you okay?" Sakura asked as she ran over and helped him up.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection