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Reply #1900 on: June 24, 2013, 06:28:11 AM
Mr. Spook conjured up a tub of popcorn and an extra-extra-extra-EXTRA large Dr. Pepper. Pyro and his Pokemon gathered round to watch Quickie make her move. The immortal boy grabbed a fist full of popcorn and twitched in anticipation.

"This is going to be so awesome!"

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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1901 on: June 24, 2013, 06:29:47 AM
"Do not worry Mr. Knight, if something goes a miss I will step in.  They're lucky I don't now for making my trainer cry." Xuangzang stated.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1902 on: June 24, 2013, 06:36:14 AM
"Light things up, Phoenix," Quickie nodded, folding her arms calmly.  "Flame Charge."  She smirked as a malicious thought came to her mind.  "Don't be afraid to singe Jessie's hair."

The Flareon barked and engulfed itself in flames as it charged pell-mell for Jessie and Frillish's position.

Quickie had a hunch that her efforts would be futile and they'd send her back to the Pokemon Center with her tail between her legs, but she didn't care.  She had nothing to lose.  She just needed to get this battle out of the way so she can focus on her real mission.

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Reply #1903 on: June 24, 2013, 06:51:21 AM
"First rule of battle: know your opponents weakness and how best to counter it," Jessie proclaims before pointing towards the charging Flareon, "Go ahead, Frillish!  Show them what I mean with a Bubble Beam attack!"

Frillish remains in Phoenix's path as she spews out a stream of bubbles in her direction.

Excalibur eventually makes it back to Stone Town, finding Hierophant standing behind Sakura as his Pokemon attempt to calm her down.

The blue haired priest looks towards him, then the distant cloud of mist, suggesting there was a battle going on.

"Maybe we should head over there and keep an eye on the battle, just in case things get a little out of hand," he suggests towards Sakura.


Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1904 on: June 24, 2013, 06:58:28 AM
Sakura nodded as she got up and ran to where Quickie was.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1905 on: June 24, 2013, 06:59:07 AM
"Pheonix, ease off, Mabel, Night Slash," Quickie motioned for the Flareon to return and for the scrawny Meowth to take the charge.  Mabel dodged the Bubble Beam, as it was not directed at her, and unsheathed her claws, leaping at Frillish with a shrill screech.

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Reply #1906 on: June 24, 2013, 07:11:29 AM
"Come on, Wily!" Ahrzayl yelled. "We've got to go!"

Ahrzayl proceeded to backtrack, looking out for security that would be headed their way. She put her hand up to her earpiece.

"Julia! Is the ship ready for flight?" She asked.

"Ahr, what's going on? The alarms are blaring from below. Is everything okay?" Julia asked worriedly.

"Yes, everything's fine. It's just test day today so make sure that once I'm on board, we take off immediately." Ahrzayl explained.

"Um, yes ma'am. Steiner is on board as requested too."

"Good. Stand by until I give the go, alright?"

"Okay. See you soon Ahr."

Ahrzayl didn't want to get those two involved but she couldn't stand the thought of them working for Team Rocket any longer. Mewtwo wasn't the only one they'll be rescuing today. She turned the corner with Wily and Mewtwo and headed for the elevator.

At that same time in the decon room...

The froslass coughed up the last bit of toxic fumes then rehinged its mouth. She wiped her mouth in disgust and hoped that would never have to be done again. With both missions completed, Froslynn knew she needed a nice rest. Not until they were in the skies though. She phazed through the floor and made her way back to the group.

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Reply #1907 on: June 24, 2013, 07:19:11 AM
Sakura nodded as she got up and ran to where Quickie was.

Hierophant watched Sakura leave before looking towards the rest of his and Chariot's Pokemon, "We should go too.  We can't let more than just those trio know about the magical properties of Tarot Cat's cards."

The group nods as they run off after Sakura, Excalibur gaining the lead due to his speed bust from his earlier Flame Charge.

"Pheonix, ease off, Mabel, Night Slash," Quickie motioned for the Flareon to return and for the scrawny Meowth to take the charge.  Mabel dodged the Bubble Beam, as it was not directed at her, and unsheathed her claws, leaping at Frillish with a shrill screech.

"Out of the way Frillish," Jessie commands, "Let's leave the cat fight to the cats!"

Frillish leaps out of the way, revealing Meowth standing behind her, his claws out and ready to retaliate.

"I've always wanted to try a claw attack that won't damage my nails!" he snickers as he lets the claws rake across his face.  Though the force threw him a few feet from where he stood, the glowing properties of the Night Slash crawled out of the gashes created by the claws and crawled towards the card on his back, causing another agonized, human-like cat yowl that surrounded him with purple glowing energy.  While struggling to get up through the pain, he inhales deeply and fires a Hydro Pump towards his female counterpart.


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Reply #1908 on: June 24, 2013, 07:26:04 AM
The Hydro Pump soaked Mabel to the bone, and the Meowth looked even more scraggly and pathetic than she did when the battle started.  However, Quickie noted the effects of the Night Slash and quickly recalled Mabel.  "Phoenix.  Crunch."  Phoenix bounded for Meowth, teeth gleaming.  

Quickie looked to Jessie.  "I've never been a good trainer, hell, not even a passable trainer.  Never.  I could never do it.  But, you know what?  That didn't matter in the least.  Yeah, I'm shoddy.  But, Mewtwo didn't see that.  He didn't see my weaknesses and he didn't exploit my strengths.  He saw me for me.  And I saw him for him.  And before your boss came and took him, you know what he asked me to do?"  She straightened and folded her arms.  "He asked me to be his trainer, knowing full well that I am absolutely terrible at it.  That's how much confidence he has in me.  So, I can't let him down.  You can mop the floor with me, that's fine.  But, I'm still going after him."

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #1909 on: June 24, 2013, 07:50:32 AM
Meowth barely got to his feet when Phoenix clamped down on his tail, sending a mildly familiar sensation of pain trailing up to his brain.  He shrieks loudly before leaping into the air only to be tethered straight towards Phoenix.  Regaining enough of his senses despite being in a world of pain, he taps into the Thunder Fangs he picked up from Excalibur and attempts to aim for the Flareon's ear, the closest he could get considering the length of his tail, his fangs sparking with electricity the closer he got to his target.

"Then act like the trainer he trusts and fight for his safe return!" Jessie proclaims, "As I've stated before, our loyalties still lie with Team Rocket, and we can't afford to betray them even for a friend.  Even the brat and his Pikachu knew this during the times we were forced to put aside our differences and work together."


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Reply #1910 on: June 24, 2013, 07:58:44 AM
Jessie was right.  Quickie may be a terrible trainer, but she has proven her mettle before.  And she can do it again.  So, she may be defeated, but she will not go down without a fight.  "Now, Blanc, while Meowth's distracted!  Aura Sphere!  You too, Mabel, get in there with another Night Slash.  Get that damn card out of his back.  We'll gang-beat him down if we have to!"

The Togekiss blasted a charged wave of energy toward Meowth, while Mabel scratched at his back.

"Phoenix, Crunch him again!"

Phoenix bit even harder.

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #1911 on: June 24, 2013, 08:10:06 AM
Meowth yelps and yowls in pain as the slashes scratched every area that wasn't blocked by the card, and Phoenix's increased pressure of her Crunch intensifies the pain riding up his tail.  Due to already having obtained Night Slash he was no longer immune to its critical beat down.  Surprisingly the card remains unscathed despite the amount of claw marks being racked across its decorative back.

"Don't let them get that card, Frillish!  Use Psychic on that scrawny Meowth!"  Jessie demands.

Frillish's eyes glow as a white outline surrounds Mabel, slowing her to a stop.  A meager toss of her feathery arms sends Mabel flying into the air just as the Aura Sphere flew towards Meowth, causing another yowl to draw the energy out of the sphere and into the card, flashing an outline of blue around Meowth as the ability is added to his conscience.  Desperate to alleviate his predicament, he turns his body towards Phoenix launching an equally powerful Aura Sphere from his paws.


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Reply #1912 on: June 24, 2013, 08:19:18 AM
"Blanc, target Frillish with a Shadow Ball!"  Quickie ordered as both Mabel and Phoenix went flying in two directions.  "Phoenix!  Use Return on Frillish!  Mabel, keep at Meowth!  Fury Swipes!  Hell, hit him with a Pay Day!  Bean him right between the eyes!  Show him how a true Meowth plays!"  She turned her glare to Meowth.  "A true Meowth.  Like your cloned brother."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1913 on: June 24, 2013, 08:19:53 AM
Sakura caught up to where Quickie was in the middle of her battle

"Come on Quickie you can do it!" Sakura shouted while panting "You're a much better trainer than you think you are, don't ever think otherwise!"

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1914 on: June 24, 2013, 08:28:42 AM
"Counter with your own Shadow Ball, Frillish!" Jessie exclaims frantically.

Frillish attempts to conjure up a huge ball of dark energy only to be whacked by Phoenix's Return attack, throwing her towards Yamask, who barely jumps out of way, inadvertently allowing her to collide into James, who was still lost as to whether he should get involved or not.

Meowth, meanwhile struggles to overcome everything that was being thrown at him.  He wanted to obtain the Pay Day attack, but Mabel's Fury Swipes kept distracting him from staying within the range of where the coins would hit.

"Don't remind me!~" Meowth yelps, "I still have my own survival to worry about!~"

Jessie fumes as she shoots a glare towards James, "Are you just going to stand there!?  Get in here and help us!"

"Uh...right...!" James yelps before pointing towards Blanc, "Use Night shade on that Togekiss!"

Yamask's eyes glow as its body glows a pale purple, sending rings of dark energy towards Blanc.


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Reply #1915 on: June 24, 2013, 08:36:09 AM
"Blanc, fly out of there, now!"  Quickie looked to Mabel.  "You're up, girl.  Night Slash the Yamask.  Let Meowth have a few coins, as lord knows he can't make any himself."  She sneered at Meowth for a moment before she moved her gaze to Phoenix.  "Go ahead, give Frillish a nice Crunch."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1916 on: June 24, 2013, 08:37:51 AM
"That Meowth doesn't know Pay Day?" Sakura asked.

"Perhaps not but being able to learn human speech is quiet a feat." Xuangzang nodded.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1917 on: June 24, 2013, 08:51:22 AM
"Useless waste of intellect, if you ask me," Chariot grumbles only to be knocked over by Excalibur shoving his nose against his side.

James struggles to think of something, but ends up getting knocked over again by Yamask flying into him from Mabel's Night Slash slamming into it.

"You can be mean...." Meowth moans before getting hit in the head with a giant koban that shatters into smaller ones and flies into the card on his back and surround him with a gold glow.

"Well...if he hasn't learned Pay Day then, he does now...." Hierophant mutters while scratching his cheek.

Too bad Meowth was overwhelmed with scratches and bites to think straight as he staggers to his feet, eyes swirling while he stumbles around, trying to see where's what.

Jessie was too focused on the state of her Frillish to pay any notice to everything else around her.

"Hurry!  Counter with your Bubble Beam!" she demands.

Frillish attempts to fire off her Bubble Beam just as Phoenix closes in on her.


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Reply #1918 on: June 24, 2013, 08:53:23 AM
"So how do those card things work, I'm kinda confused." Sakura asked.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1919 on: June 24, 2013, 08:56:25 AM
"I do it because I care," Quickie snapped off a curt nod toward Meowth.  "Phoenix, back off, Blanc, give Frillish a Shadow Ball.  Or two.  Your call."

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Reply #1920 on: June 24, 2013, 09:08:48 AM
"You wanna play Shadow Ball!?  Allow me to serve!" Jessie proclaims before looking towards Frillish, "Show that Togekiss how to throw a real Shadow Ball!"

Frillish holds her feathery arms up as a sparking, shadowy ball appears before her, with one meager push, she throws it towards the two oncoming Shadow Balls, causing a larger explosion that pushed back everyone in the vicinity.

Chariot stabs his spear into the ground and uses it as an anchor to keep from flying back while Excalibur stands between Sakura, Hierophant and the other smaller Pokemon and uses himself as a shield to keep them from getting caught in the ensuing gust.

"I can only tell you that each of the 22 cards has a special power they can grant to those who stick them onto their body, preferably the back where it's the least...questionable...."  Hierophant tries to explain amidst the loud booming noise.


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Reply #1921 on: June 24, 2013, 09:16:25 AM
"Blanc, you're the most capable of all of us, make Jessie eat her words,"  Quickie regained her balance and threw her gaze to the Togekiss.  "Keep pecking away at it, we can play Shadow Ping-Pong all day if we have to."  She snapped her gaze to Phoenix, her mouth set in a firm line.  "Look for an opening.  Take your time, look for an opening.  When you have one, launch a Return attack on that Frillish.  You can do it, Phoenix, I know you can."

Phoenix barked and set up a point watch, waiting for the right time to strike, as Blanc sent a barrage of Shadow Balls at Frillish.

"Mabel," Quickie nodded towards a spot on the battlefield. "I know, you're new at this.  So's Phoenix.  I've only been with you guys for a few days, but we have someone counting on us.  And we have to prove to him that we can fight for him.  We can't do a group attack, we need to focus our energies.  Take them out, one by one.  Go after anyone else who gets in your way, but your goal is taking down that Frillish.  And you can do that with Night Slash.  Wait for an opening, then go for it."

Mabel took up a point guard, poised and ready.

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Reply #1922 on: June 24, 2013, 09:19:24 AM
"Is that card thing I saw on your back one of those too?" Sakura asked Hierophant.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1923 on: June 24, 2013, 09:52:31 AM
"Let's add a little more challenge to our game; unleash another cloud of Mist!" Jessie commands.

Frillish spews out another surrounding of frosty white clouds, barely managing to out maneuver the oncoming Shadow Ball.

"Now launch another Shadow Ball and follow it up with Psychic!"

Frillish conjures up another Shadow Ball and throws it at Blanc before her eyes flashed white, attempting to freeze Blanc into place so the Shadow Ball can hit without fail.

"Is that card thing I saw on your back one of those too?" Sakura asked Hierophant.

Hierophant nods, "The one I have can cast healing and offensive magic" he then pauses a moment as he looks at his staff while scratching the back of his head, "Unfortunately, my first attempt at casting an offensive spell almost burnt down an entire building, so I've been holding off on any further practicing until I find a less hazardous place to work on my impact endurance."


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Reply #1924 on: June 24, 2013, 09:54:14 AM
"Come on, Wily!" Ahrzayl yelled. "We've got to go!"

Ahrzayl proceeded to backtrack, looking out for security that would be headed their way. She put her hand up to her earpiece.

"Julia! Is the ship ready for flight?" She asked.

"Ahr, what's going on? The alarms are blaring from below. Is everything okay?" Julia asked worriedly.

"Yes, everything's fine. It's just test day today so make sure that once I'm on board, we take off immediately." Ahrzayl explained.

"Um, yes ma'am. Steiner is on board as requested too."

"Good. Stand by until I give the go, alright?"

"Okay. See you soon Ahr."

Ahrzayl didn't want to get those two involved but she couldn't stand the thought of them working for Team Rocket any longer. Mewtwo wasn't the only one they'll be rescuing today. She turned the corner with Wily and Mewtwo and headed for the elevator.

At that same time in the decon room...

The froslass coughed up the last bit of toxic fumes then rehinged its mouth. She wiped her mouth in disgust and hoped that would never have to be done again. With both missions completed, Froslynn knew she needed a nice rest. Not until they were in the skies though. She phazed through the floor and made her way back to the group.

As the elevator rose, Mewtwo stepped in front of Wily and Ahrzayl, motioning for them to stay behind him.  He tensed, watching the floors count down, readying himself for what awaited him at their destination.  With a lurch and a beep, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open.  Immediately, several laser sights were trained on Mewtwo, though he could not readily see who were holding the weapons.  

Around a corner, peering through her rifle's scope, Domino kept her aim steady.  "If it moves, shoot it."

"Let's add a little more challenge to our game; unleash another cloud of Mist!" Jessie commands.

Frillish spews out another surrounding of frosty white clouds, barely managing to out maneuver the oncoming Shadow Ball.

"Now launch another Shadow Ball and follow it up with Psychic!"

Frillish conjures up another Shadow Ball and throws it at Blanc before her eyes flashed white, attempting to freeze Blanc into place so the Shadow Ball can hit without fail.

Hierophant nods, "The one I have can cast healing and offensive magic" he then pauses a moment as he looks at his staff while scratching the back of his head, "Unfortunately, my first attempt at casting an offensive spell almost burnt down an entire building, so I've been holding off on any further practicing until I find a less hazardous place to work on my impact endurance."

Quickie gave a quick nod to Mabel and Phoenix.  There's your opening.

Without a sound, Mabel and Phoenix attacked, Mabel going for one side with Night Slash, and Phoenix flanking with Return.