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Reply #1450 on: June 06, 2013, 08:02:02 PM
Mew appeared behind Quickie, "Mew?"

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Reply #1451 on: June 06, 2013, 08:04:36 PM
Quickie turned around. "I'll go wake him up..."  She reluctantly entered the room.

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Reply #1452 on: June 06, 2013, 08:05:27 PM
"Zach please protect Mewtwo however you can!" Sakura pleaded.

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Reply #1453 on: June 06, 2013, 08:18:38 PM
Zach nodded and hovered in behind Quickie. He also gave Mewtwo a gentle nudge via telepathy.


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Reply #1454 on: June 06, 2013, 08:26:37 PM
Mewtwo opened his eyes and gazed groggily at Quickie.  He then closed them and went back to sleep.

Quickie shook him again. "You have to get up.  Team Rocket is on its way!"

Mewtwo did not respond.

"Come on!" Quickie urged. "You have to get up!  I wish I could just let you sleep, but I can't!"

After a long moment, Mewtwo lifted his head.  His eyes were glazed over.  He groggily pulled himself to a seated position before finally standing.  His movements were tired and slow, and his head lolled forward as he followed Quickie out of the room.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1455 on: June 06, 2013, 08:30:32 PM
"Something is not right." Xuangzang noted.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked.

"Mewtwo's tiredness isn't natural, he should have at least said something." Xuangzang reasoned.

"Maybe he's sleep walking?" Sakura pondered.

"i wouldn't put it past him, perhaps I should give him a small jolt." Xuangzang offered.

"Let's ask Quickie first before you zap him." said Sakura.

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Offline Pyro

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Reply #1456 on: June 06, 2013, 08:33:19 PM
Mew halted them for a second and gazed into Quickies eye with his large baby blues so he could bridge her mind with Mewtwo's.

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Reply #1457 on: June 06, 2013, 08:39:17 PM
Quickie was hesitant at first.  She glanced out the window and saw that the convoy had arrived and set up a secure perimeter.  Outside, other trainers frantically tried to defend themselves from the Team Rocket agents, only for their Pokemon to be subdued and restrained.  Quickie looked to Mewtwo, who looked as if he would keel over from exhaustion.  "Do it."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1458 on: June 06, 2013, 08:40:53 PM
(Is this reagrding the bridging of minds or zapping?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1459 on: June 06, 2013, 08:41:36 PM
As Giovanni came up on the comlink, she quickly stood and saluted. Recieving her orders and coordinates, the boss hung up and she bowed out. Ahrzayl sat back in her chair and input the coordinates with a bit of a startling result. It looks like she was headed back to the pokemon center. She'd have a chance to get back at that trainer, no all of them but she'd havd to follow the osses orders in the process. With just maintenance tests being run, they should be fine going back in to battle.

"Alright everyone." Ahrzayl spoke into the intercom. "Giovanni himself as given the orders to return to our previous location. We're on our way now, so man your stations, grab the stun pokemon, and if needed, ready the turrets to stun as well. Considering our current position, we will be arriving in about ten minutes. That is all."

A pokeball shot up from the side console next to her and she snatched it from the air. She looked at it intently.

"When you and I meet again, thing'll be different." Ahrzayl said to the reflection in the ball and ran back to get Froslynn up.

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Reply #1460 on: June 06, 2013, 08:45:00 PM
(Is this reagrding the bridging of minds or zapping?)

(The zapping.)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1461 on: June 06, 2013, 08:46:33 PM
"Very well I'll hit him with a mild Thunderbolt." Xuangzang nodded.

His tail engine glowed as he struck Mewtwo with a low powered Thunder Bolt.

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Reply #1462 on: June 06, 2013, 08:53:19 PM
Mewtwo jolted upright as his limbs went rigid.  Afterward, he clutched his chest, panted, shook his head, and looked to Quickie.  "...Did I sleep-walk?"

Quickie didn't answer the question, but instead pointed to the window.  "Team Rocket is out there."

Mewtwo looked out the window.  His eyes felt heavy and his head felt as if it were full of sand.  He shook his head, trying to fight the feeling.  "Giovanni is with them."  He shook his head again.  "This is my fight, not yours.  I will face him."  He rubbed his eyes and shook his head once more before taking a few groggy steps to the door.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1463 on: June 06, 2013, 08:57:57 PM
"Hold up Mewtwo this ain't just your fight, I can't let them keep doing what they're doing.  They hurt Pokemon like you and hurt trainers like us by taking our friends.  I can't forgive that, I will stop them!" Sakura declared.

"You can't change her mind." Xuangzang stated "Her Ideals are very powerful, which is why I decided to stay by her side.  Whatever you may think, you are not alone in this."

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Reply #1464 on: June 06, 2013, 09:05:55 PM
Mewtwo regarded Sakura with a tired and level gaze.  He shook his head again.  "You may fight them if you wish, however Giovanni is mine.  We have... unfinished business."  He continued to the door and stepped outside.

Amidst the commotion, Giovanni took notice to Mewtwo's emergence.  "It's here... and more brazen than I thought."

Domino nodded, confirming the visual.  "I had given our agents orders to not engage it directly.  Mewtwo is ours.  AC-065-Σ still has it well under its control.  Say the word, and I can authorize targeted attacks."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1465 on: June 06, 2013, 09:08:49 PM
"Fine with me just be careful okay, they definitely have some tricks on their sleeves." Sakura cautioned.

"You must  take care to be aware that you are not in a perfect state, you must not let your guard down for a second." Xuangzang warned.

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Offline Pyro

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Reply #1466 on: June 06, 2013, 09:18:16 PM
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina marched towards Mewtwo and walked beside him in an effort to intimidate the rockets, and even Mew flew out while invisible to whiz around an unwary grunt and zapped her on the posterior. As for Pyro, he appeared behind one to strap a birthday on his head hat and blew on a party favor. He tossed up confetti and cheered.

"Happy birthday!" 8)

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Reply #1467 on: June 06, 2013, 09:21:19 PM
Sakura sent out her Blaziken, Milotic, Roserade, Jynx, and Lucario out and got ready for battle griping her katana as Xuangzang's engine began to whirl again.

"Let's party." Sakura stated.

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Reply #1468 on: June 06, 2013, 09:54:25 PM
Hierophant watched as Pokemon were disabled one by one by the fleet's stun weapons, feeling helpless to want to rush out there and risk getting his own Pokemon hurt and captured while the greedy mass was still strong and confident.  Ryo, meanwhile, watches with strained frustration at the horrid light show, trying to pick out the most powerful trainer to lend his, Posu and Nega's Helping Hand to, only to be quickly interrupted by a Team Rocket Member stabbing or shooting their Pokemon with a stun weapon and either proceed to step all over it as though it were carpet, or wrangle it into a cage and store it for "rehabilitation".

It wasn't long before both teams noticed Mewtwo staggering outside, each sensing a different kind of energy that indicates the same force was hampering him down and keeping him from performing at his best.

Ryo growled in frustration.  He sensed Mewtwo's determination to face off against the one responsible for giving him these problems, but frets he will go down before he could even reach the onslaught outside.  He turns to Posu and Nega, barking and pointing outside, to which they reluctantly agree with a nod before following him outside and simultaneously fire off their own brand of Helping Hand in the hopes of strengthening Mewtwo's struggle against the source of his mental slowdown.

Hierophant continued to watch from inside, keeping his Tarot Energy focused on the opposing convoy.  Synthis began nudging his side, begging him to let them out, but he only looks between them and the lopsided fight with furrowed eyebrows.

"No....  Not yet....  It's too soon...." he mutters, "That convoy's leader is up to something, and I don't want either of you encouraging his intentions.  We'll wait until he starts to waver, then figure out what to do next."

Synthis furrows his eyebrows in frustration, but understands Hierophant's ability to sense others' energy through Tarot and knows he is mostly right.  Reluctantly, he plops his rump to the ground and groans while Genbu walks up to him and pats him on the shoulder in an attempt to show sympathy as well as assure him that Hierophant will detect when the time is right to get involved.


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Reply #1469 on: June 07, 2013, 10:11:19 AM
Giovanni stepped out of the vehicle and stood beside it, watching Mewtwo through a pair of binoculars.  The beast looked haggard.  "Look at it!  It can barely stand!"  

Domino nodded, standing on the other side of the vehicle.  "AC-065-Σ is doing excellent work.  Capturing it shouldn't be a problem."

"And transport?"  Giovanni looked over the hood of the car, lowering his binoculars.  "Before, Mewtwo was cooperative with me, and transporting it was not an issue.  Now, it's a disobedient beast.  Given the opportunity, it would escape any restraints we slap on it, and I would rather not pay for a new helicopter."  He returned his gaze to the battlefield.

"I brought a supply of tranquilizers, which should knock it out sufficiently for transport, so long as the dosage is constant," Domino nodded.  "However, due to the previous attack, we can't slow it down too much, else we risk stopping its heart.  Our technicians, however, have synthesized AC-065-Σ's brain secretions, and we can use that to keep Mewtwo nice and docile.  Think about it like a chemical lobotomy."

Giovanni snapped his glare to Domino.  "I don't want a mindless zombie!  Mewtwo's intelligence may be a problem, but it's also its greatest asset.  Reducing it to a drooling puppet would hurt my plans; I need it to be able to think!"

"It would only be temporary and for transport," Domino assured him.  She looked through her own pair of binoculars.  "In laboratory tests, the serum didn't cause any long-term damage.  It acted like sodium thiopental, and we've had success with using it in interrogations.  Mewtwo will be able to comprehend commands and still maintain a level of autonomy, but its mind will remain pliable."  She glanced at Giovanni.  "The dosage would be adjusted for long-term use.  For transport, however, it would be best if it was kept in a twilight state.  The serum will anesthetize it without risking cardiac arrest."

"Good, good," Giovanni nodded in approval.  "Though, if we're to catch it, we need to separate it from its friends, there.  Have the team focus attacks on those other Legendaries and draw them away from Mewtwo.  Once Ahrzayl arrives, we can have her engage Mewtwo in order to distract it, then your team can go in and grab it."

"I'll order the targeted attacks on your command," Domino gave a curt bow of her head.  She put down her binoculars and opened communications with the combat units.

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Reply #1470 on: June 07, 2013, 10:59:23 AM
A few of the Team Rocket grunts surround Ryo, Posu and Nega, each holding a different brand of stun weapon.

"Hey!  Lookie here!" one chortles, "Where're your trainers?"

"I don't see a name tag or dog collar anywhere," another chuckles, "They must be strays just waiting to be captured and turned into our loyal pets."

The third grunt points a stun stick towards Ryo, "Target the Riolu first!  It'll make a fine addition to our army once it's been...coaxed into our establishment!"

Ryo yelped as he, Posu and Nega split from the oncoming stun weapons.  But the Riolu didn't get far when another grunt appears in front of him and thrusts another stun stick towards him, hitting him square in the chest and filling up full of electricity, locking up every joint in his body.  Several more surround Ryo and jab their own weapons into him further pumping him full of electricity and increasing the paralysis preventing him from fighting back.

Just as the grunts were about to smirk at their success, Posu and Nega flank Ryo's sides, grabbing his arm and using their electrical abilities to shift the currents onto them.

"Pli!  Pli-li!" Posu shouts, getting Ryo's attention as he strains a glance towards her.

"Mi Mi!" Nega calls out, drawing Ryo's strained glance towards him.

Taking in whatever they were squeaking to him, Ryo nods and tosses the two cheering Pokemon in the air, allowing them to unleash a Discharge attack, amplified by the electrical energy unleashed by the grunt's stun weapons and their own stored electricity.  Ryo watches before spreading his arms out and unleashing his own Discharge attack using both his Copycat abilities and what little electricity coursed through his systems.

"Ack!  What's this!?" one of the grunts cries as the electrical storm plows through him and the other grunts, "Since when did Riolu use electricity!?"

"Its not!" another calls out, "It must be using Copycat!"

"Fall back!  The weapons are only increasing the energy of their attack!"

Hierophant watched from inside, unsure of how much longer the trio can last before the grunts snap back to attention and attempt to use some other means of knocking them out.  Not wanting to let that happen, he runs to the door as it slides open and pulls Ryo in, prompting Posu and Nega to follow after them.

"Hey you!  Are those your Pokemon!?" startled grunt snarls as he confronts him, "You're gonna pay for interfering with our business!"

He lifts his stun pole to stab and incapacitate Hierophant only to be rammed in the gut by Synthis' Tackle attack, ramming him into the other grunts and knocking them to the ground.  Hierophant compresses his lips as he brings his staff out and points it at the grunts.

"Miracle Beam!"

The orb glows brightly as a surge of white sparks surrounded the grunts standing within its glow, causing slight pain, but jarring enough of their senses to further startle them away from the Pokemon Center.  Hierophant takes this time to usher Synthis back inside while backing up himself before the double doors slid shut, cutting off any further connection between his staff and the grunts affected by it.

They quickly run to Ryo as he struggles to sit up, still dazed and slightly handicapped by what little electricity continues to course through his systems.  Thankfully it was a quickly dying process that would only take a few minutes of rest before he is back on his feet, giving some relief to Hierophant both for Ryo's safety and the lack of need to waste anymore magical energy for the time being.


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Reply #1471 on: June 07, 2013, 11:11:41 AM
Sapph groaned as he slowly woke up, somehow having slept through the commotion. "Blugh... Wha's goin' on?" He mumbled, trying to get up and only succeeding in falling over.

Rush pushed him back upright. "You're hopeless." He grumbled, pointing at a window. "We're under attack!"

This bit of news snapped Sapph fully conscious. "Why the hell didn't you wake me up sooner!?" He snapped, hurrying to quickly find Sakura.

"Because last time I tried to wake you up after teleporting, you nearly got us kicked out of the pokemon center because you puked on the floor!" Rush growled, following. "We swapped out Don and Saburo for Molen and a certain friend of ours." Rush said, indicating an unusual pokeball that was now on Sapph's belt.

"Things must be dire around here..." Before Sapph could get to where Sakura was, he came to a screeching halt, having seen something out the window beyond the chaos caused by Team Rocket. Or rather, someone. "Obsidian..." Sapph gritted his teeth and, almost completely forgetting about the rest of the chaos, rushed out of the pokemon center and charged past the Team Rocket grunts, heading straight into the woods, where he saw Obsidian lurking.


Rush, on the other hand, made a beeline straight for Quickie and Sakura. "Sapph's gone off the deep end!"

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Reply #1472 on: June 07, 2013, 11:27:08 AM
Quickie didn't pay too much attention, as her focus was on Mewtwo, who was tiredly surveying the battle.  She saw the clone's vision lock onto something in the distance, and he started off.

Mewtwo shook his head and took off into the air, before landing a short distance from Giovanni.  That tightness in his chest immediately returned and he rubbed at it with his hand, panting a bit before shaking his head once again.  He locked his focus on Giovanni, trying to see through the cloudiness and fatigue.  "This ends now."

Giovanni turned around and smirked.  "Well.  Don't you look terrible."

"My condition means nothing, as I can still fight,"  Mewtwo narrowed his eyes. 

Unnoticed, on the other side of the vehicle, Domino quietly contacted her team and began to relay commands.  Giovanni kept his gaze on Mewtwo, concerned with keeping the beast's attention on him.  "You still have that fire in you.  Still willing to fight even if you can barely hold your head up.  But, if that's what you wish..."  He finally nodded to Domino.  "Give it something to fight."

Domino nodded and relayed a command through her comlink.  She sneered.  "This should be fun."

Within moments, a surge of pain gripped Mewtwo, radiating down his left arm.  He staggered forward and landed on all fours, panting heavily.  "Wha--what--?"

"You wanted to fight,"  Giovanni sneered.  "Then, we gave you something to fight.  Unfortunately, your opponent has to telecommute, but that should be no problem for you, now would it?"  He chuckled as Domino's team moved in and formed a secure perimeter, weapons drawn. 

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Reply #1473 on: June 07, 2013, 11:41:05 AM
Ryo grunts as he struggles to get back up, but the still dissipating energy stiffened his joints, making the effort more difficult than it should be.

"Keep still, Ryo," Hierophant suggests, "If you keep moving like this, it'll only take longer for the effects to wear off."

Posu and Nega soon flank Ryo's side once again, placing their hands on his chest and knees and using their sacks to drain what little still crawled within his systems.  They look back outside, lamenting the neck-throttling conflict between the trainers in the town and Team Rocket grunts fighting back with their stun weapons.  It was then that Hierophant noticed one of the trainers running out of the Pokemon Center and towards the woods, his focus appearing to be locked on another overlord of sorts lurking within.

He can't help but think this was some kind of trap to separate the trainers from each other, but at the same time he isn't sure how Sapph will hold up rushing towards the source like a brash Rhyhorn.

"Genbu, stay here and keep an eye on Ryo, Posu, and Nega," he said towards the Torterra before turning his attention to his Leafeon, "Synthis, come with me!  I want to see what that guy's up to and if he can handle whoever's drawing him out into the open."

Synthis and Genbu bark in acknowledgement as the Leafeon follows Hierophant out of the Pokemon Center and to where Sapph had run off to, leaving Genbu to tend to Ryo's recovering predicament; Posu and Nega still filtering the electricity coursing through his body.


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Reply #1474 on: June 07, 2013, 11:56:45 AM
Sapph continued to charge through the woods, finding his way to a clearing, where Obsidian was waiting.

"It's been too long, Sapphire Knight." Obsidian said, drawing his sword. "Now, where did we leave off?"

"OBSIDIAN!" Sapph lunged at the black-armored knight bringing his own sword down. "How did you survive!? I cut your head off and kicked your body down a mountain!"

Obsidian simply rose his sword to block. "Oh, when I started taunting you with the revelation that I lived, I think you figured it out." He said, kicking Sapph back. "I am Immortal!"

Sapph gritted his teeth as he skidded back, holding his chest where he had been kicked. "How? Gene splicing? Reviving your remains!?"

"Magic." Obsidian replied, gathering a ball of aura in his free hand. "Magic which you most likely experienced!"

Sapph charged again and sliced away the aura ball after Obsidian threw it. The conversation was over, and the fight was on for reals now.

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