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Reply #4150 on: September 26, 2013, 11:22:44 AM
(Well, I'm going to bed.  Should've been in bed almost two hours ago.)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #4151 on: September 26, 2013, 11:49:36 AM
"The findings in the report can be easily fabricated. Seeing is believing!!"

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Offline Mirby

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Reply #4152 on: September 26, 2013, 12:07:58 PM
(Dammit Payne... Submit fake evidence once, however unwittingly, and it haunts you for the rest of your career!  -u-')

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Reply #4153 on: September 26, 2013, 12:09:28 PM
(Like I said, he's a blundering genius. 8D)

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Reply #4154 on: September 26, 2013, 11:55:05 PM
Quickie cast a furtive glance back to Mewtwo before leaning in to speak with Maya. "I don't think that this is a good idea...  Mewtwo's in enough trouble as it is, this demonstration may do more harm than good."

Mewtwo continued to gnaw on his bottom lip until he realized that he had bitten through it.  He curled his lip inward and sucked on the wound, hoping that the bleeding would stop in time.  The last thing he needed was for the judge or Payne to see blood dripping from his mouth.

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Reply #4155 on: September 27, 2013, 12:17:03 AM
The Judge crossed his arms. "Hmmm, well... Mr. Payne may have a point; seeing is believing."

He then glared at Mewtwo. "Make sure this demonstration is the only thing you do. Don't try anything underhanded." The Judge warned.

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Reply #4156 on: September 27, 2013, 12:41:16 AM
The warden glanced at Mewtwo, then to Ryuta, then to Phoenix, then to the judge, then to Payne, then back to Mewtwo, noticing that he had chewed through his bottom lip.  "Aw, crap," the warden muttered under his breath before glancing to the judge. "Just a moment here."  He undid the muzzle and one of Mewtwo's cuffs, and handed him a tissue. "Soak it up with this.  Sucking on it will just make it worse."

Mewtwo nodded and took the tissue and held it against his mouth.  He looked to the judge. "If you wish for a demonstration, then I shall provide one.  No more, no less.  However, I am uneasy about this, as I do not wish to incriminate myself by means of this demonstration, which could be performed by another Pokemon.  As I see it, this act borders on charlantry and a means by which the prosecution will twist the truth.  For an unbiased result, I suggest that you take the prosecution's request into serious consideration."

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Reply #4157 on: September 27, 2013, 01:03:32 AM
Tarot Skitty quickly shuts its curled mow as it irked at the thought of endangering Mewtwo's freedom even further than it already was.  Though no one could do a thing about this without the judge's say so, it also didn't want to be put on the brunt end of an attack if only because the opposing side will continue to rip the physical evidence until it resembled their crude, untrustworthy masterpiece to shove straight into Mewtwo's face.

Moaning, it turns its attention towards the Judge, "Well...if there really is no other choice, might I suggest someone unfamiliar with the use of my cards be the demonstrator that will prove my point of just how magical these cards are?  I'd love to do it myself, really, but I think it would make my point more believable if someone other than me and those who have accompanied me handled the Fool card and take whatever attack Mewtwo or some other trainer's Pokemon throws at them...."


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Reply #4158 on: September 27, 2013, 01:37:54 AM
(let bitchy jenny do it let bitchy jenny do it let bitchy jenny do it)

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Quickman

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Reply #4159 on: September 27, 2013, 01:51:38 AM
Giovanni rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.  Having Mewtwo take part in the demonstration was a bad idea, and that beast even made sure to drill that point home.  Obviously, it had been doing its homework. "I'm surprised it knows anything about due process..."  He let out a groan, then looked to Payne. "May want to consider another option.  Much as I hate to say it, Mewtwo has a point."

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Reply #4160 on: September 27, 2013, 02:00:58 AM
Tarot Skitty pawed at its chin, seeming in deep, nervous thought, before looking back towards the Judge, "Another suggestion...if you don't mind me asking....  But perhaps a Pokemon with a Transform ability?  I'm sure you've read the reports, but most of this was because a former Team Rocket renegade by the name of Carr stole me and my cards, used the Fool card to obtain the ability to Transform, and took control of Mewtwo's clones by taking on his Shiny form and forcing them to accompany his coup to take control of the organization.  If his trials coming up soon, we could catch two Pidgey with one throw....  If you're interested, that is...."


Offline Phi

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Reply #4161 on: September 27, 2013, 02:05:08 AM
(Sorry about my unfamiliarity with this stuff, but does it HAVE to be a Pokemon?)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #4162 on: September 27, 2013, 02:22:53 AM
Payne felt something rising from his stomach after hearing what Giovanni said. Wiping the sweat off his brow...

"F-fine then. How about we use miko girl over there as a test subject? And since the Skitty has spoken, I believe the Institute has a Ditto?"

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Reply #4163 on: September 27, 2013, 02:28:43 AM
Maya looked up, shocked a bit. "What? How? No! Nick, help!"

"Your Honor, this girl is only 17. Surely it would be irresponsible of the court to allow the use of a potentially harmful attack on a minor?"

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Offline Phi

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Reply #4164 on: September 27, 2013, 02:38:20 AM
(Okay, guess not. I'll go with my original plan then.)

The Judge took both Mewtwo and Tarot Skitty's words into consideration.

He itched at his beard and began to speak, "I understand, Mewtwo. Thank you for speaking up. You know, you seem like quite an intelligent being, despite hearing about these... rabid attacks."

The Judge turned his attention to Tarot Skitty. "Very well, I will accept a participate who is unfamiliar with these cards of yours, as a demonstrator. But, to be sure, I will pick the person."

He tilted his head forward and scanned the audience, "Hmmm... Ah, yes! You will do. Officer Meekins, please stand in this spot, in front of the stand."

Officer Meekins shot up from his seat. "W-who, me?!"

The Judge nodded. "Is there another Officer Meekins in this courtroom?"


"... erm, just step in front of the stand, please. The demonstration will be held here." He pointed to an open area between the witness stand and his bench.

Officer Meekins grabbed his megaphone and shouted into it, "AS YOU WISH, YOUR HONOR!"

He ran to the designated area the judge pointed to.

"Oy..." The Judge furrowed his brow and massaged his nose-bridge with his index finger and thumb.

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Reply #4165 on: September 27, 2013, 02:45:41 AM
Mewtwo's ears rang after Meekins shouted into the megaphone at full volume.  He cringed, biting his lip, which only served to cause it to bleed again.

The warden looked at it, then looked to the judge.  "Excuse me, could I request a cup of ice and a cup of water for my client?"

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Reply #4166 on: September 27, 2013, 03:21:19 AM
(Lol, Meekins... This should be fun. XD)

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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #4167 on: September 27, 2013, 07:37:57 AM
Tarot Skitty watched with both confusion and uncertainty as the jumpy officer scrambles to the front of the courtroom before looking back to the judge, "As a bit of a warning, I'll be substituting another card in Fool's place.  Without his personality and such, I'll be nothing more than a mindless toy drifting about the courtroom and becoming a bigger hindrance to this current situation."

It then opens its mouth, allowing Yan-Yan to drift out towards Meekins while Merrick, who had been added to the deck of this kind of situation, quickly takes its place, causing its entire being to glow and grow to the exact appearance of Hierophant with the only exception being the miter perched neatly on his slightly shaggy blue hair.

Hierophant, meanwhile, took notice of Mewtwo's constant biting of his lips, wishing he could use the spells provided by the Magician card to cure his current wound, but worries it would only further jeopardize Tarot Skitty's chances of escaping the region without drawing too much attention to the capabilities of its cards.


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Reply #4168 on: September 28, 2013, 02:48:03 AM
Mewtwo's ears rang after Meekins shouted into the megaphone at full volume.  He cringed, biting his lip, which only served to cause it to bleed again.

The warden looked at it, then looked to the judge.  "Excuse me, could I request a cup of ice and a cup of water for my client?"

The Judge nodded. "Of course. Bailiff, please get a cup of water and ice for Mewtwo."

"Yes, your honor." The bailiff walked through a door on the left side of the court, leading to a room where only the judge and staff members were allowed in.

Inside was a fridge, soda machine, two couches, five chairs, a fondu fountain with a variety of cheeses and meats placed on the side, a jukebox, water-cooler, a mini basketball hoop hanging from the back of the door and a round table with a chess board.

The bailiff opened the fridge and emptied several ice cubes into a plastic cup. Next, he walked over to the water-cooler, took another plastic cup and filled it with water. He carefully held these two cups as he was walking toward the exit, when he suddenly stopped, retraced a few steps near the fondu fountain and popped a couple of cheese squares into his mouth.

"Sooooo tasty!" He moaned out as he continued through the exit.

He made his way to the warden and handed him the cups filled with water and ice.

"Here ya go."

Offline Quickman

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Reply #4169 on: September 28, 2013, 03:03:30 AM
The bailiff had obliged and brought a cup of water and a cup of ice, which the warden handed to Mewtwo. "Here, crunch on these, if you need to chew on something."  He took out some ice and wrapped the tissue around it. "Also, here, this will help."

Mewtwo nodded and held the makeshift ice pack to his bitten lip.  "I apologize for that."

The warden nodded. "Just don't take advantage of this, else you'll be cuffed again.  You've been pretty good so far, just a couple of outbursts.  Keep up the good behavior, let the court and the media see a nice, docile Pokemon."  He snapped his fingers.  "Shed some tears if you have to.  Remorse is a good thing in situations like this.  If you show genuine remorse for your actions, things may go easier."

Mewtwo nodded slowly.  He glanced over at the prosecution and met Jenny's gaze, who responded by drawing her finger across her neck in a decisive slicing motion.  He didn't need to probe her mind to know that she included his fellow clones in that verdict.  Mewtwo dropped his gaze to his lap.  Hopefully the demonstration involving this Meekins fellow will help turn the tide.  He didn't want to lose his family.  

Across the aisle, Domino pulled her smartphone from her purse and turned it on, thumbing through her browser for the local news site.  Already there were several headlines on the main page pertaining to the trial.  Don't people around here have anything better to do? She rolled her eyes and then selected one of the reports.  This one was focused on Mewtwo's outburst, demanding that he and his clones deserve a better life.  Obviously, it tugged at the heartstrings of a few activists in the area, and already his sour reputation was beginning to see some change for the better.

Domino pulled out her earphones, plugged them in, and then watched the full report, curious on how they displayed Mewtwo's telepathic speech.  The speech was shown as subtitles with the reporter's voice-over, the footage otherwise silent.

Glancing up at the media, Domino noted a few extra stenographers in their ranks.  Apparently they're summoned for cases involving psychics.  Hope your fingers are up to the challenge when Mewtwo is finally on the stand...

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Reply #4170 on: September 28, 2013, 04:11:40 AM
(Wait, did Meekins transform already?)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #4171 on: September 28, 2013, 04:13:59 AM
(I'm taking no.)

Payne was tapping his right foot impatiently as he saw the bailiff bring some ice and water for Mewtwo.

"Your Honour, I think we should start the demostration now?"

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Reply #4172 on: September 28, 2013, 04:27:02 AM
(Not yet, we still don't have anyone provide a Ditto)


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Reply #4173 on: September 28, 2013, 04:34:15 AM
(Bringing in someone with a Ditto...)

A bailiff entered the courtroom, followed by a staff member from the Pokemon Institute.  The staffperson walked up to the front of the room and turned around, holding up a Poke Ball. "May I present to the court a Ditto."  She turned and handed the Poke Ball to Payne.  Then, she found a seat in the front row and sat.

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Reply #4174 on: September 28, 2013, 04:38:47 AM
Payne held the Ditto Pokeball. As if possessed, he threw out the Pokeball.

"Ditto!! I choose you!!"

With a flash of red, a pink gelantinous blob plopped out, crying out in cute Ditto voice. Staring at the blob...

"Ditto!! Use Transform!!"

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