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Reply #3875 on: August 21, 2013, 10:38:12 AM
Jenny nods as they continue down the hallway, Hierophant peeking through the small window of each door at the observation of each Pokemon and sensing a mixture of enjoyment and reluctance from each of them.

At one point, he noticed one of the doors had a familiar collection of energies, prompting him to look towards the window and see Meowth and Mewtwo in the middle of an evaluation of sorts.  He almost swore he saw one of the scientist freak out upon seeing him pass by and scuttle away from the window in a vain attempt to avoid him getting anymore information out of his appearance.

He was aware that James was somewhere in this Institute, but he couldn't tell if the scientist that tried to avert his gaze was one of them since he was too focused on getting this last evaluation out of the way to put some more thought into what he just saw.  Reluctantly, he continues to follow after Jenny and Phoenix towards where the colleagues would be bringing the voluntary Ditto to initiate their evaluation.


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Reply #3876 on: August 21, 2013, 01:22:56 PM
(Trying to not imagine Steiner looking at the side of my head while typing this...)

The whirlpool widened and widened until a the water dipped down into a mouth in the ocean, creating a massive rectangular black hole that consumed the water around it. The Superia continued downward until it disappeared below the water's surface. Waterfalls of the oceans fell and splashed upon the greatship as the hole closed up and the fortress descended toward the hangar. Steiner's men did their best to land the ship carefully, all the while sweating bullets from the passings of Kyogre and the subtle shaking from outside. The mad scientist looked on at the inside of his home as it came into view. After all those years of trouble, he'd finally returned without being empty handed. As the ship landed and made a loud thud against the steel floor, Steiner hung out of the open hatch as his followers cheered and roared with applause. He paid no mind to the imminent threats that loomed over his head as he wanted to pour confidence into the heads of his lackeys. He jumped off and was shortly followed by his shadow Froslass at which most of the crowd was amazed to see. Steiner raised his Doomball in the air as if offering it to a higher power.

"Everyone! I return with grand news! I sought out on my quest to find the god that would put us on the map, put us on top of the world! The Universe! I hold here in my hand...that god." Steiner exclaimed to his subjects.

The crowd cheered then grew silent in wonderment as Steiner caressed his trophy. He slightly opened one eye to find himself still in the hangar with these peons.

"Well, I've done my part! Now, clean the ship up, inside and out! I want it ready for my next excursion. Prim and trim her, will you? I also need lab crew to get the bodies off the walls and bring them down." Steiner said as he began to walk through the crowd. "I'm starving as well. Have a meal prepared when I reach my lab. I have much MUCH work to do." Steiner said as he walked down the bay and through a pair a steel doors, leading to an underwater tunnel. The blackened Froslass followed keeping up with its master. It couldn't help, however, feel like it should be taking orders from another as well.

Julia's eyes opened suddenly to the thought of Steiner's smile and cackle. She relaxed a bit as she realized she was on one of the beds in a pokemon center. She laid still but her eyes scanned the room, still groggy from waking up so fast. The only thing she could remember was the smell of crisp air but it was so ominous. Then came visions of Steiner standing over the body of Froslass but she couldn't tell what he was doing. It looked like Froslynn was having a terrible nightmare. Next was him walking over to Ahrzayl. She kept fading in and out of consciousness. He got closer and closer to her. The there was a bright red flash and she was gone. Julia looked up at the ceiling and squeezed her eyes shut, letting a tear drop from them. It wouldn't be long now until a doctor showed up to check on her. She rose her hand to her mouth and the whole bottom of her face was completely wrapped in bandages. Fortunately, the metal brace had been removed but the anger and hate was still there. When she got out, there would be nowhere she wouldn't look for the man that did that too her and took her best friend away from her.

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Reply #3877 on: August 21, 2013, 02:09:39 PM
Back at the Institute, Yeung excused himself from the psych eval, ducking into another room.  Pulling out his smartphone, he dialed a number and waited.  The call again went to voicemail. "Hey Steiner, it's Yeung.  Could you call me back when you get the chance?  I have something I need to discuss with you.  Sorry for calling you so often, but it's pretty important and I'm running on a deadline.  When you get the chance, give me a call, okay?  Thanks, bye."  Hanging up, Yeung returned to the interview room.

Mewtwo glanced up from the sequencing exam.  The instructions were simple enough, and Yeung had explained them to him and Meowth.  Just circle the next pattern in the sequence, which Mewtwo had been doing, albeit somewhat sloppily, as he didn't use a writing utensil very often.

Yeung walked over to the table to inspect their progress. "Excellent, excellent.  After this, we can do the questionnaires."

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Reply #3878 on: August 21, 2013, 03:56:10 PM
Back in the station, Giovanni entered and spoke with the receptionist, requesting to meet with the less-than-hospitable Jenny.  He was followed by his attorney, Prosecutor Payne.  The receptionist relayed the information to Cousin Jenny, who had since returned from the cafeteria, a folder in her arms.

Jenny blinked at the request. "Sure, I'll go get her," she turned and walked away, stopping by her office momentarily to drop off the folder, and then proceeded to make her way to her cousin's room, rapping on the door. "Giovanni is here with his attorney, are you ready to interview him?"
After the doctor arrived as per her sister's instruction, and getting the good-to-go from said doctor, Officer Jenny went into the bathroom to tidy herself up, being a total mess and all. After a splish, and a splash later, Officer Jenny went to the closet to pull out a fresh set of uniform, the smell of Venomoth balls tingling her nostrils. Pulling the uniform on quickly, she was just about to buckle on her boots when her private mobile phone rang. Slightly cursing under her breath, she hopped over to her phone, and saw that it was a private call. D'uh. Raising an eyebrow, she answered.

"Hello? Yes, Officer Jenny here. Who? HE'S WHAT!? I'LL BE RIGHT OVER!"

Hanging up, a vile smirk stretched across her face. "Giovanni-boy's here~"

Racing outside, and hopping onto her Harley Davidson bike (8D), Officer Jenny turned on the throttle, and it wasn't long that she returned at the Vermillion Station. Entering via the back entrance, which directly linked to the back of the office, Officer Jenny arrived just in time to hear her cousin calling out to her. "ALMOST READY!!" A final straightening out of her uniform, Officer Jenny went over to the door, and opened it. "Alright, please let the both of them in."

Back at the Institute, Yeung excused himself from the psych eval, ducking into another room.  Pulling out his smartphone, he dialed a number and waited.  The call again went to voicemail. "Hey Steiner, it's Yeung.  Could you call me back when you get the chance?  I have something I need to discuss with you.  Sorry for calling you so often, but it's pretty important and I'm running on a deadline.  When you get the chance, give me a call, okay?  Thanks, bye."  Hanging up, Yeung returned to the interview room.

Mewtwo glanced up from the sequencing exam.  The instructions were simple enough, and Yeung had explained them to him and Meowth.  Just circle the next pattern in the sequence, which Mewtwo had been doing, albeit somewhat sloppily, as he didn't use a writing utensil very often.

Yeung walked over to the table to inspect their progress. "Excellent, excellent.  After this, we can do the questionnaires."

Joe had been in the background, observing the evalution in the silence. The way Dr. Yeung treated the 2 Pokemon reminded him of a movie he watched... Rise of the Planet of the Primeapes? Either way, at least Meowth seemed amused by the activity. Upon hearing Dr. Yeung asking for preparations on the questionnaire section, Joe emerged from the corner of the room, and appeared between Ryuta and... Where did James sneak of to?

Posted on: August 21, 2013, 21:51:13
Hierophant cringe slightly as Phoenix began questioning the concept of endless backpacks, deciding it best not to imply that Taylor wasn't the only one with a TARDIS-like bag.

They eventually arrive at the exam room where Jenny heads in and retrieves Yan-Yan, getting some last minute evaluation from the doctor in charge before heading back out.

"Let's head out back where my car is parked," she said, "I have a feeling the citizens are still reeling from the incident yesterday and might not fancy seeing something that remotely resembles the sketch distributed throughout the newscast."

Hierophant nods as they follow her towards the back of the station where her police car had been parked.  Once inside, they drive a few miles towards the Pokemon Institute, parking in an empty spot at the edge of their lot.

Jenny climbs out first, looking towards the still lit interior of the facility.  Even though it was early afternoon, the lights still shown brightly out the window, obviously because of the lack of windows in the hallway.

She still felt nervous about having to rely on the Institute, which is still under investigation for any undercover Team Rocket grunts that might attempt to sabotage the case, but she couldn't risk having to hunt down a wild Ditto, or endanger the cards showing them off to the public by borrowing a trainer's Ditto.

Hierophant was equally concerned, having sensed an immense flood of curiosity, most of which extend to levels of discomfort that made him want to find a different means of proving the vast capabilities of Yan-Yan's card.  But he was in no position to speak otherwise, since he has only been in the region once and hasn't become accustomed to everything that goes on in each city.

Jenny lets out a bit of a reluctant sigh before looking towards him and Phoenix, "Well...let's get this over with.  I suggest you don't make any contact with some of the colleagues wandering around the hallway, lest you want them staring at the card on your back after we get the last part of the evaluation done."

Hierophant compressed his lips in concern before nodding as Jenny turns her attention to Phoenix, "I've only heard about you through other officers, so I'm not exactly sure how well you'll be able to investigate both the schemes going on within the Institute and the situation between Mewtwo and Team Rocket.  If there's anything you feel you need assistance on, don't be afraid to call my cousin for a hand."
Dr. Wily II watched as the group disappeared. Turning to find Quickie, he sheepishly asked. "... So... What now? There doesn't seem to be an update on the return of the CDs..."

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

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Reply #3879 on: August 21, 2013, 11:22:59 PM
Quickie shrugged. "We play the waiting game."

Giovanni entered Jenny's office, followed closely by his attorney, Mr. Payne.

(Someone take Payne, please?)

Seating himself, Giovanni straightened his blazer and adjusted his signet ring before motioning to Payne for a folder. "I have records of Mewtwo's creation and its disobedience.  As you'll see, it's caused millions of dollars in property damage, and its actions had claimed the lives of many of my employees, including most--if not all--of the scientists who created it.  I know of only two survivors, both of which left my employ shortly after the incident."  He handed the folder to Jenny. "Another member of my scientific team is currently employed by the Pokemon Institute, from where he was on loan, and I've been told that he is in direct contact with Mewtwo."

Payne leaned in to whisper something to Giovanni.  Giovanni nodded and returned his gaze to Jenny. "As you can see from those records, and as you know, Mewtwo is a very dangerous creature.  I've tried controlling it multiple times, and each attempt ended with the destruction of my facilities and my employees injured or dead.  It lacks remorse, it lacks compassion, and it lacks restraint.  Even if I do get it back, I can assure you that it won't be long until it yet again escapes.  Therefore, I'd like to propose the option of having it put down."

Yeung looks to Joe and Ryuta. "There are a few ways we can do this.  Each interview could be conducted separately with one of the Pokemon and yourself, while I observe.  The sessions could be conducted by myself on a one-on-one basis with one or both of you observing.  We could conduct the interview with both of them in the same room, but I don't want them influencing each other.  So, what I think we should do is take one of them aside and interview them, then move onto the other.  We can start with Meowth.  The next room has a camera set up, so he can be taken in there and interviewed, while Mewtwo waits out here.  If it gets bored, there are some other puzzles in the box, so it can occupy itself with those."

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #3880 on: August 21, 2013, 11:56:01 PM
Ryuta reluctantly nods, wanting this eval to be over and done with more for Mewtwo's sake than his own reasons.

James, meanwhile has chosen now to slip out of the room and attempt to head back to Domino's room to try and warn her of Hierophant and Jenny's presence in the facilty, but due to the winding hallways leading to her office, he inadvertently almost encounters the two and the odd looking man following after them.  Irked, he scrambles into the nearest room he could open and ducks away from the windows to avoid Hierophant spotting and uncovering his identity.  Unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to see if anyone noticed him when he almost dove out of the way of a flamethrower flying at him.

Sitting on the floor near the door and looking to the source, he finds himself in the room where they had been keeping the clones; Charizardtwo being the least happy seeing what it thought was another sadistic scientist saunter in to poke it with more needles and pull its scales.

"How...how coincidental...." he mutters with a nervous laugh before pulling himself upright.

"What was that noise?" Jenny yelps as she pokes her head towards the window of the room.  James irks and drops to a sitting position below the window, watching as Jenny pans around the room and noticing the cramped confinements the clones were subjected to.

Hierophant poked his head through the other door, though he has yet to notice James due to his focus being on the discomforting positions of the clones larger than the Pikachu and Meowth clones sitting in the crates.

"Should those clones be kept in such cramped boxes?" he asked.

"The regulation of this Institute is almost appalling," Jenny sighs, "I'll have to talk to the Principal while we're here to at least widen the space they were confined to."

She then marches off, prompting Hierophant and Phoenix to follow after her, leaving James to poke his head out the window before sighing with relief and looking back to the clones sitting uncomfortably in their cramped confinements, wondering if he should stick around and keep an eye on them or continue towards Domino's office and warn her of their presence.

(Trying to not imagine Steiner looking at the side of my head while typing this...)

The whirlpool widened and widened until a the water dipped down into a mouth in the ocean, creating a massive rectangular black hole that consumed the water around it. The Superia continued downward until it disappeared below the water's surface. Waterfalls of the oceans fell and splashed upon the greatship as the hole closed up and the fortress descended toward the hangar. Steiner's men did their best to land the ship carefully, all the while sweating bullets from the passings of Kyogre and the subtle shaking from outside. The mad scientist looked on at the inside of his home as it came into view. After all those years of trouble, he'd finally returned without being empty handed. As the ship landed and made a loud thud against the steel floor, Steiner hung out of the open hatch as his followers cheered and roared with applause. He paid no mind to the imminent threats that loomed over his head as he wanted to pour confidence into the heads of his lackeys. He jumped off and was shortly followed by his shadow Froslass at which most of the crowd was amazed to see. Steiner raised his Doomball in the air as if offering it to a higher power.

"Everyone! I return with grand news! I sought out on my quest to find the god that would put us on the map, put us on top of the world! The Universe! I hold here in my hand...that god." Steiner exclaimed to his subjects.

The crowd cheered then grew silent in wonderment as Steiner caressed his trophy. He slightly opened one eye to find himself still in the hangar with these peons.

"Well, I've done my part! Now, clean the ship up, inside and out! I want it ready for my next excursion. Prim and trim her, will you? I also need lab crew to get the bodies off the walls and bring them down." Steiner said as he began to walk through the crowd. "I'm starving as well. Have a meal prepared when I reach my lab. I have much MUCH work to do." Steiner said as he walked down the bay and through a pair a steel doors, leading to an underwater tunnel. The blackened Froslass followed keeping up with its master. It couldn't help, however, feel like it should be taking orders from another as well.

Chariot peeked out the window, barely unnoticed by the band of half-wit boot-kissers cheering the return of their manic science overlord, barely overhearing his joyous speech of capturing a god.  His only assumption was that he had somehow managed to catch Arceus as it was the only Legendary Pokemon worshiped like a god.

His contemplation is cut short when Steiner ordered the ship to be cleaned.  He had to get Synthis and Jessie out of the ship before they're spotted and bombarded by whatever crazy experiment the mad scientist was intending to subject them to.

Looking out the captain's chambers, he finds Jessie still inputting the override commands, pondering if it was a long process or the ship wasn't accepting any of them.  He decides to leave her alone and heads for the bridge exit only to suddenly hear a computerized voice echo throughout the ship.

Manual Override code accepted.  Customary authorization has been reset to default ID input for access to ship controls.

"Jackpot!" Jessie squeals as she flops down in her chair and begins punching in her ID number, "Now it's only a simple matter of retaking control of the Grand Rhydon and taking it back to Team Rocket to be reestablished to a more worthy pilot!"

"Aren't you the least bit concerned about what that guy has in that contraption of a Pokeball!?" Chariot almost exclaimed.

"My mission is to find Mewtwo's 'slave' and bring her back to Team Rocket to lure it back to where it rightfully belongs!" Jessie protests, "Whatever nonsense Ahrzyal has gotten this ship into is her own fault and hers to clean up!"

"Were you even paying attention to what that maniac said!?  He has some kind of Legendary god Pokemon in his possession and if we don't figure out some way of getting it out of his hands, he's going to use that Pokemon to take over this planet; perhaps even the organization you hail to!"

Hearing this caused Jessie to stall a bit with her finger hovering over the enter button.  Another nut job has gotten his hands on a Legendary Pokemon?  If she could phone in back up, nay, steal ownership of that Pokemon and presented to Giovanni herself, not only will Team Rocket be the ones calling the shots, she will be praised as the one that allowed it to happen.

Squealing with delight, she slams her finger on the enter button, causing another computerized voice to blare throughout the ship.

Team Rocket ID Number accepted.  Authorization: Jessie.

"Why chuck one Pokeball at a Pidgey when can chuck two and get the same result!?" she squeals again while looking through the ships menu for weapons, "I'll just bring up some weapons I can use to sink that abomination of a hide out, fetch whatever Pokeball that crazed scientist used to capture the Legendary god Pokemon and fly out of this oceanic nightmare with no less harm done than whatever fate befalls the fool who dared to involve a Team Rocket member!"

Chariot just stood between the threshold of the captain's chambers, unsure of whether or not Jessie's plan was going to work without some other looming threat waiting to crash her party.

"I hope this thing's designed to float...." he grumbles while throwing his hand over his face.

Julia's eyes opened suddenly to the thought of Steiner's smile and cackle. She relaxed a bit as she realized she was on one of the beds in a pokemon center. She laid still but her eyes scanned the room, still groggy from waking up so fast. The only thing she could remember was the smell of crisp air but it was so ominous. Then came visions of Steiner standing over the body of Froslass but she couldn't tell what he was doing. It looked like Froslynn was having a terrible nightmare. Next was him walking over to Ahrzayl. She kept fading in and out of consciousness. He got closer and closer to her. The there was a bright red flash and she was gone. Julia looked up at the ceiling and squeezed her eyes shut, letting a tear drop from them. It wouldn't be long now until a doctor showed up to check on her. She rose her hand to her mouth and the whole bottom of her face was completely wrapped in bandages. Fortunately, the metal brace had been removed but the anger and hate was still there. When she got out, there would be nowhere she wouldn't look for the man that did that too her and took her best friend away from her.

Ryo, Posu and Nega wandered into the hospital to check on the Shiny Charizard.  While the two cheering Pokemon were heading towards him, Ryo sensed Julia had woken up and decides to go check on her despite knowing that one of the doctors was already heading over to do the same.

He soon finds the door where her aura was and heads inside, finding her laying in bed with a bandage covering her lower mouth, indicating that they had taken the grotesquely screwed band from her mouth and had transferred her here to let her recover.  Though it was against his better judgement, he decides to head into the room and get a better sense of her billowing aura, seeing a mixture of anger and hate among the sorrow of losing her best friend.


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Reply #3881 on: August 22, 2013, 08:17:18 AM
One of the Institute's directors, an older gentleman by the name of Schwartzbaugh, stepped out of an office and walked up to Jenny and Heirophant, smiling and extending his hand.  "I'm Leonard Schwartzbaugh, we spoke on the phone.  I'm one of the directors for this facility, and I specialize in the study of Pokemon attacks and abilities.  Please, follow me, we have a Ditto ready for you to use."

Down the hall, unnoticed by the others, Domino stepped out of her office and walked over to the door where James still sat, poking his head out of the room.  She glanced at Jenny and Heirophant, and then looked back to James, her voice a shrill whisper. "What're you doing?  And the hell is that smell?"  She wrinkled her nose.  "Is that burned hair?"

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Reply #3882 on: August 22, 2013, 08:27:58 AM
(The Superia indeed does have the ability to transform into a submarine. There are four turrets on each end of the ship and it now has a pokecannon on each side of it too.)

schools of underwater pokemon swam by the transport tunnel Steiner was walking through to access the central part of the base. Steiner, for what he had done, seemed somehow relaxed. He tossed his doomball up in the air and caught it over and over as he neared the gigantic sphere shaped laboratory. There weren't many ways his plans could go wrong. Moments later, a door opened to the menacing scientist and the lights in the room flickered on to reveal a lab that looked quite old. Almost like it had been found, there were odd scribbles on the wall that looked like another language. Papers were strewn about the place as well as all sorts of equipment. In the center was a large green tube mounted on a computer like terminal. Steiner worked is way through his room to a creaky looking bed that sat in the corner, were a blinking red light emitted. A call on his answering machine, for him? Who on earth could have called him and better yet have his number? He walked over to the phone, placing the pokeball that held Ahrzayl on the tube console, and pressed the the flashing red button. Dr. Yueng's messages played back. Steiner took no time to pick the phone up and dial the number back, turning back to his Doomball.

"Can you hold on a moment, my dear? This won't take long. I promise you will be the center all of my attention once I am through." Steiner said in a low tone. "Ah! Hello doctor! It surely has been a while." Steiner greeted, smiling a wide grin. He adjusted his glasses.

Julia stared at Ryo. She vaguely remembered the moments atop Mt. Moon but nothing more. She managed to sit up but curled her eyebrows as she felt around her mouth once again. She looked to him and pointed to the bandages, noting him that she couldn't talk.

The Charizard sitting outside the center huffed as it waited for any news on the girl it had saved. Many had walked passed it, giving it odd looks, thinking it was an evil pokemon for being a black Charizard. Little did they know it was the rarest pokemon anyone could find. It was a wonder that Ahrzayl was able to find it but remembering back, it really wasn't a surprise. She had done something amazing and that talent shouldn't go unwatched or unloved. Soon enough, the pokemon that had helped them escape marched up to its side and notified it that Julia had awoken. Hearing the news, the shiny Charizard quickly stood to it's feet and asked it the operation had been completed.

(Steiner's lab is pretty much a beat up version of Ceil's lab from MMZ and sorry this took so long. Uber distracted.)

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Reply #3883 on: August 22, 2013, 08:38:31 AM
"So many weapons," Jessie snickers, "I could just blow this facility up and spare the boss anymore headaches, but I don't want to harm that precious Legendary Pokemon!"

She then begins messing with the controls, "I'll just have to take a personal tour around this place and figure out a way to get it to wherever that selfish scientist took the Pokemon!  And if anyone gets in my way of accomplishing a mission, I'll just have to knock them down with a non-lethal weapon!"

"Yeah...like they're not going to notice a giant ship bumbling through a facility...." Chariot grumbles.

Jessie was no longer listening to him as she pilots the ship away from the docks, startling some of the personnel that were still getting on, and begins flying around the hanger in search of a means to getting further into the facility without causing unnecessary damage.

Ryo attempts to comprehend Julia's inability to say anything when one of the doctors came in and spotted him near her bed.

"Hey!  You!  This isn't a Pokemon Center!  Go back out into the lobby and wait until your trainer is well enough to let you in!"

Ryo wrinkles his nose before turning around and marching out of the room, eventually making his way back to the Charizard to tell it what he learned before getting kicked out.

One of the Institute's directors, an older gentleman by the name of Schwartzbaugh, stepped out of an office and walked up to Jenny and Heirophant, smiling and extending his hand.  "I'm Leonard Schwartzbaugh, we spoke on the phone.  I'm one of the directors for this facility, and I specialize in the study of Pokemon attacks and abilities.  Please, follow me, we have a Ditto ready for you to use."

Down the hall, unnoticed by the others, Domino stepped out of her office and walked over to the door where James still sat, poking his head out of the room.  She glanced at Jenny and Heirophant, and then looked back to James, her voice a shrill whisper. "What're you doing?  And the hell is that smell?"  She wrinkled her nose.  "Is that burned hair?"

James irks as he grabs Domino and yanks her into the room, barely missing Hierophant looking behind him at the sound of her voice.

"I'll explain the Charizard clone's behavior later," he mutters, "Right now, one of the three Jennys are here, and she has that kid that knows about the white Skitty and its cards."

Jenny remained oblivious as she nods and follows after the director, prompting Hierophant to redraw his attention back to their leaving figure and quickly follow after them.


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Reply #3884 on: August 22, 2013, 08:57:58 AM
A call on his answering machine, for him? Who on earth could have called him and better yet have his number? He walked over to the phone, placing the pokeball that held Ahrzayl on the tube console, and pressed the the flashing red button. Dr. Yueng's messages played back. Steiner took no time to pick the phone up and dial the number back, turning back to his Doomball.

"Can you hold on a moment, my dear? This won't take long. I promise you will be the center all of my attention once I am through." Steiner said in a low tone. "Ah! Hello doctor! It surely has been a while." Steiner greeted, smiling a wide grin. He adjusted his glasses.

Yeung's phone went off and he answered it. "Hello?  Oh, hello!  Indeed it has, could you give me one quick second, please?  Thanks."  Cupping his hand over the receiver, Yeung looked to Ryuta and Joe.  "I'm sorry, but we'll need to continue this at another time.  I need to take this call.  Could you perhaps take Mewtwo back to its crate?  Meowth, too?  There should be some handlers in the room if you need help.  Thanks."  Returning his attention back to his call, he ducked into another room.  "I'm sorry I left so many messages, I'm running on a deadline and there's a project I'd like to discuss with you..."

Mewtwo waited until Yeung had left the room before standing.  He looked to Ryuta for a moment, and then made his way to the door. "I shall be cooperative.  I just wish to see my clones."

James irks as he grabs Domino and yanks her into the room, barely missing Hierophant looking behind him at the sound of her voice.

"I'll explain the Charizard clone's behavior later," he mutters, "Right now, one of the three Jennys are here, and she has that kid that knows about the white Skitty and its cards."

Jenny remained oblivious as she nods and follows after the director, prompting Hierophant to redraw his attention back to their leaving figure and quickly follow after them.

Domino glanced out into the hall again, and then ducked back inside. "Lay low for a while, they won't be in this wing for long.  I heard what they came for, I do work here, you know."

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Reply #3885 on: August 22, 2013, 09:29:55 AM
Ryuta nods, There should be a route that will take us past the room on the way to your crate.  I'll try to make it look like I got lost getting you there if any of the colleagues here ask."

"You don't know this kid," James mutters, "He's like a Lucario.  He can see past our disguises without even blinking and every card he has can detect where the Skitty and the other cards are.  And knowing him, he's not going to leave the institute until he gets them back, and once he does, at least one of those cards is going to reveal the Shadow Project we're still investigating."

He pauses a moment and looks back out the door, "I'm sure he can at least understand the severity of the calamity our boss might cause with this project, but even if he swore to keep our identity a secret, one of the Jennys might pressure him into spilling."


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Reply #3886 on: August 22, 2013, 09:36:58 AM
Domino nodded. "Yeah, and with the way Giovanni's been so... distant about this project, I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one to pull our plugs."  She sucked in her breath and looked around the room, spying a large, empty crate at the end.  "Whose bright idea was it to bring Mewtwo's crate in here?"

The scientist on duty just looked up from the magazine he was reading and shrugged. "Yeung's I think."  He returned to his reading, and then jumped as his phone buzzed.  He pulled it from its holster and slid it open, glancing at the screen. "Oh, they're bringing the Pokemon back, so you might wanna duck out... or stick around and help.  I hear Mewtwo's a bit of a handful."

"A bit," Domino said flatly.  She glanced out into the hall again, seeing two handlers head for the interview room. "The coast's clear," she looked to James, "we'd better head out now."

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Reply #3887 on: August 22, 2013, 10:02:08 AM
James wanted to stick behind and monitor Mewtwo's behavior, but knows that the longer he sticks around the room, the more bothered Hierophant might become by his familiar energy and want to take another peek.  Letting out a reluctant sigh, he stands straight and heads out, acting as casual as possible while Ryuta and Mewtwo continue towards the area, the former deciding not to pay any mind to what he had been doing in the room prior.


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Reply #3888 on: August 22, 2013, 10:15:14 AM
Domino also ducked out and casually struck up a pointless conversation with James as they headed for her office. "...An' I told har, I told har that shay wuz jus' wastin' har toime wit' that goiy, an' shay shud dump hizzass!"  It was only after the words had escaped her mouth that she realized that she was emphasizing the dialect a bit too much.  She made a mental note to dial it back, but didn't want to do so immediately after she had spat out that overblown wad of forced dialogue.

Mewtwo either didn't notice, or he simply didn't pay any mind.  His head was bowed and his gaze was on the floor.  He was not looking forward to being crammed in that crate again, but it meant that he could see his clones, so he would tolerate the confinement.

Behind him, Joe led Meowth down the hall.  "Maybe they'll get you guys some kibble or something," his words were merely for the sake of making conversation and an attempt to ease the tension.  He wasn't looking forward to dealing with Mewtwo, should he get upset during the transfer.

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Reply #3889 on: August 22, 2013, 10:26:39 AM
As the two were leaving, Ryuta felt the need to walk over and get their attention, "Since you were just in there, would you mind getting Mewtwo and a few of ther larger clones a bigger crate?  If he's going to be here another day, they should at least have a bit more space to stretch out their joints."

James tries not to flinch as he looks towards Ryuta, pushing his glasses back to look sophisticated, "I'll run that by our colleagues when they come by for another eval."

He then continues onward, taking one last glance into the room next to where the clones were being kept, watching as Hierophant, Jenny and Phoenix watch the scinetist place a Ditto on the ground.

Jenny scratches her chin in contemplation while studying Yan-Yan, who fidgets uncomfortably in his card, seeming aware that Team Rocket was somewhere close by and was uncomfortable about cooperating with them most likely within eyesight of the performance, "So...how do you think we should approach this last part of the evaluation...?  We need someone fresh and free of knowledge concerning these cards so we can get a better report on how well one can transform using this card.  I've already volunteered for most of the evaluation back at the station, so I'm pretty much out of the running."


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Reply #3890 on: August 22, 2013, 11:22:11 AM
Schwartzbaugh shrugged.  "Honestly, this is entirely new for me."  He looked to one of his colleagues. "My assistant, here, can document the transformation, and we could get one of our interns if you need someone with less experience."

His assistant, a younger woman with dark hair, nodded. "I'm Dr. Walters," she extended her hand, "and I work with Trainer volunteers, primarily."  She nodded to the room behind her. "We have several Trainers interning here, so if you prefer to work with one, one of my interns specializes in Dittos."

In another room, as Mewtwo was locked into his designated crate, he looked to Meowth, who was ushered inside another crate.  he waited until the handlers had left before he surveyed his similarly-captive clones.  "All of you... You have not been harmed, have you?"  He fell silent as the clones responded in various grunts, squeals, and growls.  "I apologize for this... None of you should be here, none of you deserve to be here.  You were all gathered under a ruse, by an impostor who preyed upon your trust.  That impostor has been dealt with, but right now, we need to focus on ourselves, on our safety."  He paused for a moment.  "However easy it may be to do so, I cannot simply destroy our confines and escape.  There are other matters at play, here... and I need to maintain control if we are to succeed..."

He paused again, reaching behind his head to unwrap the itchy bandage from his neck tube and thread it between the bars of the crate, where it dropped on the floor.  "So as to protect all of you, I had offered myself for their studies.  Whatever they wish to learn from you, they can learn from me.  You do not deserve to be here, you are all innocent in this."

The scientist on duty had not spoken, his attention on his magazine.

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Reply #3891 on: August 22, 2013, 12:03:56 PM
Jenny scratches her chin some more, "You think you can find one that won't get greedy or spread rumors to the rest of the facility and draw attention to the capabilities of these cards?  It's mostly protocol, since we don't want another fiasco being blamed on them and those who understand how they work."

Ryuta, having stayed behind to keep watch of Mewtwo and his clones, decides to pull up a spare stool and sit down at the corner where he and Meowth had been placed in to avoid drawing unnecessary attention from newcomer scientists.  He had since moved Kumitsune to his lap where he curled up and proceeded to doze of for what could be another long day of waiting.


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Reply #3892 on: August 22, 2013, 12:21:22 PM
Jenny scratches her chin some more, "You think you can find one that won't get greedy or spread rumors to the rest of the facility and draw attention to the capabilities of these cards?  It's mostly protocol, since we don't want another fiasco being blamed on them and those who understand how they work."

Walters nodded. "Sure.  We have a nice lad interning here named Mason.  I'll go get him," turning, she ducked out of the hall.

"We understand that this is a test, and at this point, we have absolutely no desire to keep these cards," Schwartzbaugh explained. "Our interns have absolutely no knowledge of this, and Dr. Walters was only told the barest minimum."

Ryuta, having stayed behind to keep watch of Mewtwo and his clones, decides to pull up a spare stool and sit down at the corner where he and Meowth had been placed in to avoid drawing unnecessary attention from newcomer scientists.  He had since moved Kumitsune to his lap where he curled up and proceeded to doze of for what could be another long day of waiting.

Joe also pulled up a stool and sat.  He leaned over toward Ryuta. "So, now what?"

The other scientist finally looked up from his magazine.  "I'm sorry, didn't see you come in."  He gave a nod.  "I'm Reese, chief bottle washer and candy striper."  He gave a chuckle, leaning back in his chair and putting his feet up on the table. "If you need anything, let me know.  Also, watch out for that Charizard, it's not very nice."

Mewtwo glowered, shifting about in the cramped crate in an attempt to make himself comfortable. "If you had harmed any of my clones..."

"Your clones?" Reese put his feet down, staring at Mewtwo.  "You own these Pokemon?"

"I created them," Mewtwo clarified rather harshly.

Reese just gaped at him, then looked to Ryuta and Joe. "Pokemon making Pokemon, talking Pokemon, you guys ever seen anything this weird?  I mean, the talking Meowth, there," he pointed to Meowth, "and Mewtwo, here," he pointed to Mewtwo, "and all these clones..." he trailed off, shaking his head and returning to his magazine. "I swear, man...  I swear.  My job was perfectly normal until these freaks showed up..."

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Reply #3893 on: August 22, 2013, 12:35:26 PM
Ryuta attempts to say something, but was momentarily interrupted by the lone scientist sitting in the room.  Deciding to ignore him, he turns his attention back to Joe.

"We wait until the next evaluation...whenever that is...." Ryuta mutters, "I just hope they get a better crate for Mewtwo and the large Pokemon clones lining up the room."

Jenny nods, "Alright then, send him in."

Hierophant seemed more preoccupied by the passing figures of James and Domino, still pondering over how he was going to get Tarot Skitty back without them noticing and causing a ruckus to get it back, or for that matter what was going to happen if the scientist with the Hermit energy came across the exam room during the Transformation eval.


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Reply #3894 on: August 23, 2013, 05:03:17 AM
Dr. Walters returned with a young male Trainer. "This is Otto, he specializes in Dittos."

Otto gave a nod and doffed his cap. "How do you do?"

"Otto is a three-time League champion and is currently interning here to advance his studies in Pokemon transformation," Walters explained.

Joe nodded to Ryuta, and then looked to Reese. "So, when's the next evaluation?"

Reese glanced up, and then made his way to a computer, pulling up a schedule. "Okay, um... Okay, Yeung's got a lumbar puncture scheduled for Mewtwo later.  Two, actually.  He also wants some skin scrapings of the Blastoise..."

Mewtwo bristled at the mention of his Blastoise clone. "Leave my clones out of this."

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Reply #3895 on: August 23, 2013, 06:03:28 AM
Jenny studies Otto a moment before nodding, "Alright.  I guess he'll have to so if we don't want the rest of the Institute getting word of the powers behind these cards."

Hierophant then hands Yan-Yan over to Otto, "You don't have to place the card anywhere, just hold the picture towards the Ditto and wait for it to transform.  Once you feel something surrounding your senses, think of a Pokemon you want to turn into.  If you stay concentrated on that Pokemon, you should be able to change into a physical variation of that Pokemon."

"Is there any reason why you need samples from the other clones?" Ryuta asked, "I figured the case is solely about Mewtwo and the trouble he inadvertently caused trying to stop an imposter from manipulating his clones."


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Reply #3896 on: August 23, 2013, 06:40:24 AM
"I think it's got something to do with the stripes and the mottling," Reese shrugged.  "Wants to make sure they're not diseased or anything."  He shrugged again. "But, if they're just clones, and Mewtwo's the only real factor in this, then I guess we could just skip them.  Not sure what to do with the clones, though, haven't heard from my supervisor."

Mewtwo gave off a low growl. "Whatever you wish to know about my clones, I will tell you.  Do not involve them in your testing."

"Whatever you say," Reese shrugged. "Look, I'm just doing my job.  Mooney comes in next, and he can give you more info.  I'm just a lab tech.  You need me to get samples, I'll do it, but really, I don't have a lot of say."  He glanced at the schedule again. "But, hey, if you really want to take your little clone buddies' places, then we'll get some skin scrapings off of you.  Doesn't make a difference to me."

Otto nodded and held Yan-Yan, pointing the design towards the Ditto.  He waited for a long moment until the Ditto assumed the correct shape, and a few moments later, Otto dropped his gaze to the floor, quiet and distant.  An odd glow began to surround his body, which caused Walters to back up.  Another few minutes passed, and Otto had assumed an almost-holographic semblance of his Ditto's shape.

Walters let out a startled gasp and Schwartzbaugh's jaw dropped.  Even the Ditto emitted a sharp squeak, which snapped Otto from his trance, the apparition fading.  His grip loosened, dropping the card as he came to his senses.

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Reply #3897 on: August 23, 2013, 06:54:20 AM
Ryuta glances towards Mewtwo again before turning his focus back towards Reese, "I think for the sake of staying on track, you'd best just have your colleagues take samples from only Mewtwo and only tout his clones as involuntary accomplices who were unaware of what the culprit imitating him could do."

Hierophant and Jenny remained nonchalant while Phoenix seemed equally dumbfounded by Otto's transformation into a Pokemon bearing the colors of his clothes and skin.  Yan-Yan, feeling that everyone's had their fill of what he can do, quickly retreats back towards Hierophant, causing Otto to lose the shape he turned into and revert back to his original appearance.

Jenny stays neutral as she writes down what she sees on a notepad she carried with her before looking towards Phoenix, "I think it's best you add this to your own notes right now.  I don't think we can afford an encore without drawing the rest of the Institute's attention."

Hierophant remained silent a moment before looking towards Jenny, "Can I be excused a moment.  There's something I need to do before we head back to the station."

Jenny looks towards Hierophant, somewhat unsure of letting him wander the facility unattended, but figuring he knew something he feels will draw the attention of the more sketchy members of the Institute if she and Phoenix followed after him.

"This might go against regulations...." she mutters, "But as long as you're back here in ten minutes I guess I should let you do what you need to do so no one else knows the capabilities of these cards."

Hierophant nods as he heads out of the hallway, relying on Yan-Yan's ability to sense Tarot Skitty and the remaining cards to lead him through the hallways in search of where they were being kept.


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Reply #3898 on: August 23, 2013, 07:00:34 AM
"Well? I'm in the middle of a scientific breakthrough that...shouldn't go untouched upon any longer." Steiner smiled at the large green tube.

Soon, very soon everything will be under him. With the sheer power Ahrzayl....or Azrial should he say, nothing will stand against him. The base would launch to space and he would control everything with his chaotic queen. As he listened to what the doctor had plans for he steadily became lost in thought within his mind. Not minding the blinking red button on the wall.

The hangar was havoc. The thrusters of the Superia blew wind all around, throwing the workers and scientists around the large room. Some were on ropes, trying their best to get onto the giant ship that was swerving out of control. The cleaning crew and a few others were hiding behind crates, trying to radio to Steiner about the situation.

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Reply #3899 on: August 23, 2013, 07:14:48 AM
Ryuta glances towards Mewtwo again before turning his focus back towards Reese, "I think for the sake of staying on track, you'd best just have your colleagues take samples from only Mewtwo and only tout his clones as involuntary accomplices who were unaware of what the culprit imitating him could do."

Hierophant and Jenny remained nonchalant while Phoenix seemed equally dumbfounded by Otto's transformation into a Pokemon bearing the colors of his clothes and skin.  Yan-Yan, feeling that everyone's had their fill of what he can do, quickly retreats back towards Hierophant, causing Otto to lose the shape he turned into and revert back to his original appearance.

Jenny stays neutral as she writes down what she sees on a notepad she carried with her before looking towards Phoenix, "I think it's best you add this to your own notes right now.  I don't think we can afford an encore without drawing the rest of the Institute's attention."

Hierophant remained silent a moment before looking towards Jenny, "Can I be excused a moment.  There's something I need to do before we head back to the station."

Jenny looks towards Hierophant, somewhat unsure of letting him wander the facility unattended, but figuring he knew something he feels will draw the attention of the more sketchy members of the Institute if she and Phoenix followed after him.

"This might go against regulations...." she mutters, "But as long as you're back here in ten minutes I guess I should let you do what you need to do so no one else knows the capabilities of these cards."

Hierophant nods as he heads out of the hallway, relying on Yan-Yan's ability to sense Tarot Skitty and the remaining cards to lead him through the hallways in search of where they were being kept.

Walters had recovered and taken the Ditto into another room.  Otto himself still seemed flustered, but eventually excused himself back to his duties, while Schwartzbaugh thanked Jenny for the demonstration. "That was certainly... unexpected.  Since we're here, is there anything else you might need?  The other Pokemon involved in the incident, we're waiting on orders from the precinct."

Down the hall, Domino had excused herself from her office and made her way to the women's restroom.  She had a terrible headache and her lunch had given her stomach cramps, and trying to figure out Giovanni's mysterious ways was not helping matters.  Readjusting her pigtails, she shouldered her purse and gave one last look to her office before heading down the hall.  Seeing Heirophant walk toward her direction, she dropped her gaze and fiddled with her smartphone.

"Well? I'm in the middle of a scientific breakthrough that...shouldn't go untouched upon any longer." Steiner smiled at the large green tube.

Soon, very soon everything will be under him. With the sheer power Ahrzayl....or Azrial should he say, nothing will stand against him. The base would launch to space and he would control everything with his chaotic queen. As he listened to what the doctor had plans for he steadily became lost in thought within his mind. Not minding the blinking red button on the wall.

The hangar was havoc. The thrusters of the Superia blew wind all around, throwing the workers and scientists around the large room. Some were on ropes, trying their best to get onto the giant ship that was swerving out of control. The cleaning crew and a few others were hiding behind crates, trying to radio to Steiner about the situation.

"...that's basically the gist of it," Yeung explained. "You've done more work in this field than anyone, so I'd like your help with this project.  The thing that's holding me up, aside from the police, is the fact that I don't know how the Shadow Pokemon process will affect talking Pokemon.  I have two of them, one's a Meowth that taught itself to speak, and the other's a telepathic clone that--get this--made its own clones.  For highly-intelligent Pokemon, I'm concerned with what could basically be a lobotomy."  He glanced at his computer, pulling up a recent e-mail, which he read with a despondent sigh.  "But... Now Giovanni's changing his mind, so if you're busy, then don't worry about it.  I mean, we got the clone, and we can do anything we want with it, but now he's talking about just euthanizing it.  It's too dangerous, he says."

Yeung gave off another sigh.  He didn't like Giovanni's alternate plan one bit.  It seemed like a waste to spend so much money on creating a powerful and highly-intelligent creature, only to turn around and destroy it for its sheer disobedience.

"If you already got something you're working on, then I'm sorry I bugged you."  Yeung turned away from his computer.  "Good to hear from you again, though..."