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Reply #2425 on: July 11, 2013, 06:21:13 AM
(Anyway, so no size restrictions.  Also, no Nurse Joy threatening Mewtwo with a Poke Ball... which would just end with him mind-tricking her anyway.  Anti-climactic, yaaaay...)

Quickie headed for the Pokemon Center and stopped to take in the large building.  "I forgot how big this place was..."

Mewtwo stopped as well, but mainly for his own personal reasons, one of them being a general wariness of Pokemon Centers.  Quickie had teased him once or twice about it, calling it a White Coat Syndrome.  He rubbed his eyes and noisily cleared his throat, which led to a brief coughing fit before he glanced up to see Quickie looking at him with concern. 

Quickie reached up and felt his forehead.  "Yeah, you're still warm, and your fur is still nasty-feeling..."  She nodded to the Center.  "Look, we'll just go in and get a room and get you a good meal."

It took a long moment before Mewtwo's stubbornness finally relented.  "Very well..."  Heaving a defeated shrug, he followed Quickie into the Center.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2426 on: July 11, 2013, 07:15:29 AM
(Jedi mind trick! 8D)

Dr. Wily II had already left his Pokemon with Nurse Joy, and requested that they be sent directly to his assigned room once they were ready. His Pichu-sized Pikachu initially popped out of its PokeBall in protest, however, Dr. Wily II coldly placed it into Nurse Joy's hands, saying...

"I'll leave them in your caring hands." With that, Dr. Wily II slowly walked towards his assigned room.

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Reply #2427 on: July 11, 2013, 08:24:50 AM
Once inside, Mewtwo disappeared down a corridor toward the rooms while Quickie made her way to the concierge to speak with Nurse Joy.  Moving silently down the hall, Mewtwo could hear various comments from a number of the rooms, though he did not pay the conversations much mind.  His focus was on hiding in plain sight and not drawing attention to himself.  Though, after a while, he paused outside one of the rooms.  After a brief scan, he knew that Wily was assigned this room.

But, there was something off.  Something he could not quite identify.  Something... wrong

Mewtwo crouched by the door, silent.  Since the strange occurrence in the sickbay, where Wily brandished an oversized syringe like a sword, there was something amiss about the man.  It all culminated with the confrontation in the engine room, and Mewtwo was forced to actually subdue Wily to prevent him from harming Steiner.  He had to restrain his creator.  His father.

His father was changing.

Mewtwo swallowed and averted his gaze to the hallway.  His own creation was a matter with which he was still coming to terms, though being able to meet and speak to one of his creators did help.  Though, he still wanted to find Blaine.  He had so many questions that he wanted to ask, as he still had with Wily.  But, for some strange reason, Wily was changing.  And he wasn't sure how or if he could stop it.

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Reply #2428 on: July 11, 2013, 08:40:13 AM
Once inside his assigned room, Dr. Wily II adjusted his sunglasses in the dim lighting. Being prescription-based, the sunglasses soon adjusted to the surrounding ambience. As he slowly massaged the bridge of this nose...

"Tsk... That Pikachu... Such a pesky rat..."

Dr. Wily II slowly eased himself into the bed, and laid down. Thoughts about how to destroy Team Rocket filled his head, and began to slowly laugh manically...

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Reply #2429 on: July 11, 2013, 08:42:52 AM
Mewtwo heard the muffled words and laugh escape the room and he shivered.  Team Rocket must have done something to him, he surmised.  That must be it.  That is the only explanation that he can think of.  Humans change, yes, but not this drastically!

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Reply #2430 on: July 11, 2013, 09:13:54 AM
While still laughing, the Pokemon Transfer Machine pinged to life, as it transferred 5 of Dr. Wily II's 6 Pokemon. It seemed that his Pikachu was still in a protest fit over what happened earlier at the reception area, and is currently under observation for possible behavioral trauma.

Dr. Wily II smirked at the report, and held the PokeBalls of his 5 Pokemon.

"These 5 is more than enough... Good riddance of that Pikachu... All I need now are those 3 bumbling Team Rocket agents..."

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Reply #2431 on: July 11, 2013, 09:19:36 AM
Mewtwo continued to crouch outside the door, listening intently.  What was Wily planning?  And to disregard his own Pokemon so callously?  There was something wrong, that was not Wily.  It didn't sound like Wily!  The voice, though it was Wily's, carried all of the wrong inflections.  The undertone of it was decidedly... evil.

Mewtwo swallowed again, but ended up choking on it and coughing, which he tried to silence as quickly as possible.

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Reply #2432 on: July 11, 2013, 09:24:02 AM
Dr. Wily II heard something just outside of his door, and decided to investigate. Switching off the report on the Transfer Machine, and pocketing his PokeBalls, he approached the door, and it slid open...

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Reply #2433 on: July 11, 2013, 09:32:33 AM
The longer WilyII's inner darkness consumed his conscience, the more it began to bother Merrick.  He knew his white magic could work for so long without him staying clung to the doctor's back, but he had other priorities to focus on than acting as a soul repellent for as long as it takes to figure out a permanent solution to this psychological problem.

His only assumption was that ever since Wily found the tracking device in Mewtwo's tail his anguish and anger had slowly manifested into a psychological monster fueling his desire to exact his revenge on the rest of Team Rocket for harming what he considers his cherished child.  And he couldn't help but think it had something to do with the process that resulted in Mewtwo's existence.

Creating a psychic Pokemon is risky, given what has to be incorporated in order to give it those abilities.  Could there have been a lingering essence that latched onto WilyII during Mewtwo's creation that slowly manifested into a dark desire the more he witnessed bad things happening to his creation?  He could never figure out psychic energies beyond his own Tarot reading abilities, but at the same time he felt he shouldn't prod any further into something that was most likely up to Mewtwo to investigate, and should only focus on keeping WilyII sane for as long as it would take for a solution to be found, or he strays away from the group to handle this problem on his own.

Merrick looks back towards the cheering trio as they continued to converse with Ahrzyal before heading over to the Pokemon Center, deciding to check on Wily before figuring out where Chariot is sleeping, believing that Hierophant and his Pokemon may end up sharing a room for the rest of the day.

Once inside, he noticed Nurse Joy trying to put a Pichu-size Pikachu in the Pokemon Transfer Machine only to be constantly shocked and jerked about by its frantic need to get away from the machine.  Sensing it belonged to WilyII, though terrified by his drastic change, Merrick knew his white magic hasn't done its job and he may need to give the slowly degrading doctor another jolt of sanity.  But he feels his main priority was calming down the frantic Pikachu.

He drifts over to the wiggling Pokemon and pops partway out of the card, almost startling Nurse Joy as he reaches over and runs his currently tiny hand over the frightened Pokemon's head in a vain attempt to get its attention and hopefully calm it down.


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Reply #2434 on: July 11, 2013, 09:33:51 AM
Mewtwo jumped, too deeply immersed in his own musings to hear Wily approach until the door was opened.  He stood and rubbed the back of his neck.  "Well... I had... sensed something and just... wanted to check in..."  He glanced down the hallway.  "Quickie is acquiring a room for us... and... well... I happened to wander away as she was doing so..."

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #2435 on: July 11, 2013, 09:45:37 AM
"I s- Ahem... I see. There is nothing to worry about... After the hectic week we had, some proper rest is required. Once Quickie is done with the registration, you should go lay down as well." Dr. Wily II said, although he seemed to be glaring down at Mewtwo while speaking.

The Pikachu screeched in shock at the... Thing that was approaching it, and struggling harder against Nurse Joy's grab, until it finally popped free, making a mad dash for Quickie.

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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #2436 on: July 11, 2013, 09:52:09 AM
Merrick cringed as the small Pikachu jumped out of Joy's hands and scrambled outside, lamenting the fact that not everyone is quick to accept the existence of a lively card.  Deciding it best not to chase after it, he continues towards where Wily is, finding him confronting Mewtwo, though this time attempting to feint his inner murderous desires.

He quickly threw the back end of his card against the wall, using its flatness to avoid being spotted as he tries to eavesdrop on the conversation despite not being able to see anything without popping his head out of the card first.


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Reply #2437 on: July 11, 2013, 09:54:25 AM
Quickie caught the Pikachu in her arms.  "I'll go take him to his room, if that's not a problem."

Nurse Joy shrugged and smiled, shaking her head.  "Not a problem at all."  She smoothed her hair and handed Quickie a keycard.  "Your room is 305, your friend's room is 310.  My Chansey will be around later with antibiotics for your Pokemon.  You sure you don't want it examined?"

Quickie shook her head.  "No, he was already checked out at another center and we ran out of his medicine.  Thanks, though."  She walked down the hall, petting the tiny Pikachu.  Rounding a corner, she paused, seeing Mewtwo about five doors down from their room, looking into another room.  Quickly, she trotted down the hall and saw Wily standing in the doorway.  "Oh, hey, here's your Pikachu.  He was giving Joy some trouble."

Mewtwo watched Quickie pass the Pikachu to Wily, then locked his gaze on the man.  There was still something decidedly wrong.

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Reply #2438 on: July 11, 2013, 10:05:07 AM
Dr. Wily II stared at his Pikachu for a bit, before relieving it off Quickie's hands. "Why... Thank... You. I hope it has not been too much trouble..." The Pikachu upon hearing his words, literally froze in place.

"I guess you have acquired a room for yourself and Mewtwo?"

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Reply #2439 on: July 11, 2013, 10:08:36 AM
"Yeah, we're right up the hall," Quickie jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "Nurse Joy's going to send a Chansey over in a bit," she looked to Mewtwo, "so we can finally deal with that pesky infection.  Luckily for you, it's just one quick shot."

Mewtwo bristled at the words, but kept his gaze on Wily.  Even the Pikachu knew that something was amiss.

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Reply #2440 on: July 11, 2013, 10:14:09 AM
"Ah yes... His infection... Ahem... Sorry, throat's a bit itchy... Well, do make sure Mewtwo gets plenty of rest. He'll need it."

With that, Dr. Wily II bowed, and went back into his room, the door closed behind him.

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Reply #2441 on: July 11, 2013, 10:18:06 AM
Quickie stood there for a moment, then nodded to Mewtwo.  "You heard the man.  You need rest."  She took a tentative sniff of his dry, scraggly fur.  "And a bath."

Mewtwo reluctantly stood and followed Quickie to their room.  He cast a sidelong glance over his shoulder at Wily's room, reminding himself to investigate later on.

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Reply #2442 on: July 11, 2013, 10:37:03 AM
Merrick watched as the trio parted ways, Wily heading back into his room while Quickie escorted Mewtwo to their quarters.  He was still concerned about the Pikachu that didn't want to be anywhere near Wily, but considering his poor attempt at acquainting to a Pokemon driven to distrust by the mere change of its trainer's behavior, he felt any further prodding would shatter what little will the Pikachu had left to trust anyone.

Reluctantly, he peels his card off the wall and heads back outside, feeling a need to get some fresh air and check back up on the cheering trio and Ahrzyal.


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Reply #2443 on: July 11, 2013, 11:39:25 AM
"Look! I'm not part of Team Rocket any more! Now let me go! Let me go! Uuuuugh!" Ahrzayl screamed as she struggled from being tied up.

Holding her down was a foot, somehow powerful enough to keep the raging girl down.

"You lie. My father told me about you and trust me, he knows that organization. I'm not going to let you bring your deeds or harm to this city or it's pokemon...Miss Hypnotist." Said the figure in a cold voice.

The three pokemon watched on until Ahrzayl called for them to get Heirophant or someone. Maybe they could clear her name. She planted her face in the dirt, tired of struggled for the moment. It was pretty futile, escpecially against Janine, the city's new gym leader.

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Reply #2444 on: July 11, 2013, 12:12:14 PM
The trio look to each other before Ryo barks to Posu and Nega to get Sakura or Quickie.  The two nod and split in different directions; Posu heading to where Sakura is, and Nega heading to the Pokemon Center where Quickie is.

Merrick arrived shortly afterwards to find Ryo attempting to move towards Janine with the intention of getting her off Ahrzyal.  Worried that he would get associated with the misunderstanding, he runs over to the Riolu and hovers in front of his face.

"Wait!" he calls out, "I know you want to help Ahrzyal, but you're still in training and barely anyone recognizes you enough to believe anything you might say.  We should figure out some other way of explaining this situation without giving that Gym Leader anymore incentive to think Ahrzyal put us up to this!"

Ryo felt frustrated, but knows he can't lump Blazkrieg into this misunderstanding.  Letting out a reluctant grunt, he flops down to a sitting position and goes into a meditative state, trying to calm his mind and think of a better solution to helping Ahrzyal out of this predicament.  Merrick observes before flying over to Ahrzyal and planting himself, facei-up on her back, using his white magic to wash away any pain she was suffering from Janine's dominating stomp.

"Try and stay calm," he whispers to Ahrzayl, "I believe one of the two trainers that trust you know this person.  If they know anything about this person, they should bring something that'll prove you're no longer a threat."


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Reply #2445 on: July 11, 2013, 12:31:12 PM
(Sakura can take the lead, as I'm getting some sleep.)

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Reply #2446 on: July 11, 2013, 03:24:16 PM
Back inside his room, Dr. Wily II slowly walked towards his bed, and sat at the edge, his Pikachu still frozen in place in his hands.

You pesky RAT!! You almost blew my cover... I can't let you do that... Do you UNDERSTAND!?' Pikachu jumped out of Dr. Wily II's hands, and onto the bed, shouting and objecting to what his trainer had said.

"Pika!! Pi-pika-pi!! Pika-chu-pi!!
"ENOUGH!! The old man is no longer around... Like they said... Out with the old... AND IN WITH THE NEW!!"

Dr. Wily II raised Pikachu's PokeBall, and recalled it. Despite its protest, Pikachu was recalled, and the PokeBall shook violently. "Oh no you don't." With inhuman strength, Dr. Wily II broke the release button mechanism on the PokeBall, preventing the Pikachu from popping out unless with external help. He then placed the still shaking PokeBall into the bed-side drawer, and locked it.

"Now with him out of the way... Time for some rest... AND PLOTTING!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

(I'm sorry... Pikachu... O^O)

(And time for a flashback to reveal why this is all happening...)

Years before the Pokemon Mansion was destroyed, in an undisclosed location in said Mansion, Dr. Wily II was working on an Alakazam. This Alakazam was his life's work... His blood, sweat, tears... And it was nearing completion. Back then, Dr. Wily II was ambitious, total disregard for Pokemon life... This Alakazam... He caught it himself as an Abra, and trained it slowly until it evolved... All for this day.

The Alakazam had not been cooperative, why would it? However, his trainer wanted it to do follow his commands... How could it reject him? With puppy-dog eyes, the Alakazam resigned to its fate, as Dr. Wily II personally performed the lobotomy. As soon as the Alakazam's skull was opened, a massive surge of psychic energy hit Dr. Wily II squarely in the chest and head, causing him to fall to the floor. When Dr. Wily II finally woke up, the Alakazam's brain was already connected to multiple wires and probes. As Dr. Wily II looked at Alakazam's face, it was visibly crying. At that very moment, Dr. Wily II's ambitions, madness and memories they had together before this experiment were locked away, Alakazam's final wish for its trainer using that surge of psychic energy.... It used Disable.

Present day, with the altered Alakazam completely incapicitated, the psychic lock placed on Dr. Wily II was released, causing his old personality to return. With a vengenece.

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Reply #2447 on: July 11, 2013, 04:19:55 PM
(I am imagining how Mr. Spook would use his Disable attack on evil DWII.

Mr. Spook used Disable!

Dr. Wily II can no longer feel his legs!

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Reply #2448 on: July 11, 2013, 04:30:58 PM
(Oh lawl, that would be funny. XD Though everything has gone accordingly to plan... Uber-Dark, but still to plan... bVd)

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Reply #2449 on: July 11, 2013, 04:35:03 PM
(Did he account for Pyro, the living embodiment of chaos? Though how can you account for someone whose very presence makes the improbable happen? As well as attract legendaries. :P)

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