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Reply #2075 on: July 01, 2013, 06:32:21 AM
Both forms of Chariot start to notice a sudden lack of swearing and a distancing of their presence from behind, followed by the same suspicious presences that had been watching them earlier.  Tarot Skitty looks behind him to see the trio had been surrounded by black-garbed grunts bearing the same red R as the trio that had been chasing them, all of whom were grabbing and pulling them away from Excalibur's trail while demanding reasons for being apprehended.

"That's unusual," he mutters, "I would assume they'd be helping them chase after us, not coral them into a corner and arrest them."

"Those three aren't the brightest members of the organization," Chariot grumbles, "It's the rest of the organization we need to worry about."

"Ah...right....  I should've guessed...." Tarot Skitty groaned, "Well, we're almost near the road, so hopefully we can speed things up and ditch the rest of those grunts."


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Reply #2076 on: July 01, 2013, 07:18:18 AM
Slade's comlink crackled and he answered it. "Kolins, go ahead."

"The intruders are heading for the road," Kolins announced.

"Good," Slade switched channels, "Jeminez, follow the other intruders, make sure they don't turn back, but don't engage them unless you have to."  He switched channels again. "Hart, you got the trio?"

Hart's voice crackled over the connection and Slade could hear Jessie protesting in the background. "We got 'em, and we're on our way to Station 47."

"Good," Slade replied, "Put them in holding and await further orders."

"Yessir," Hart answered before closing the connection.

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Reply #2077 on: July 01, 2013, 07:42:32 AM
"Doesn't look like the more competent Team Rocket grunts are giving up so easily," Tarot Skitty mutters, seemingly more out of lethargy than trying to keep conversation between him, Excalibur and Chariot, "If I didn't know better, I'd say they were going to use us as living beacons to lead them back to Hierophant and his new companions."

"If that's the case, then may be we can lead them on a wild goose chase and waste the rest of their energy," Chariot said, feeling somewhat better from his recovery from the Stun Spores.

"That's...going be a problem...."

Chariot lifts his head up to find Tarot Skitty starting to sag forward, "Don't tell me...."

"Oh yeah....  That conniving little Mankey either didn't know, or feel bothered to refuel Tarot Skitty when he got the rest of the cards back...." Tarot Skitty grunts, "I think I have about an hour left before it drops for a long cat nap...."

Chariot grits his teeth as he looks towards his hands, flexing them again, "I think the Stun Spore's almost gone, we can try to switch places, but that might slow Excalibur down."

"Don't think we have much of a choice...." Tarot Skitty mutters, "If we don't try, you're going to have a very uncomfortable ride to the nearest Pokemon Center, which could be for miles."

Chariot grimaces before letting out a reluctant groan, "Right....  Let's get this over with and hope we don't trip Excalibur in the process."

They start swapping positions, being careful not to kick or stomp Excalibur along the way and slow him down.  Once Tarot Skitty is laying in the same position as Chariot, the human knight leans his hands on his materialized counterparts back both to keep him situated and to keep himself from falling over from his still recovering body.

No sooner had they switched positions, the road began to appear in the distance.  Chariot looks down towards Excalibur.

"Try and sniff out the nearest Pokemon Center," he said, "I don't think it matters if they follow us or not as long as we're out of their territory."

Excalibur arfs as they break through the shadows of the forest and into the bright afternoon light of the open road.  Once there, his nose starts to glow green as he whips his head around before heading off in the direction his Odor Sleuth drew him towards.


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Reply #2078 on: July 01, 2013, 10:04:20 AM
Back on the newly-rechristened Superia...

Quickie had made her way to the galley of the ship, briefly introducing herself to any crew she passed, and managed to find a cup to fill with water.  Carefully, so as not to spill the water as she walked back, as turbulence buffeted the ship, she returned to the corner of the main flight deck and got to a crouch, waking Mewtwo up with one hand.  "Hey, you thirsty?"

Mewtwo nodded and pulled himself to a seated position.  He took the cup in both hands and began to drink.

Quickie put her hand on his shoulder again, then reached up to feel the tip of his ear.  "You're a bit warm.  You feeling okay?"

Mewtwo nodded. "Fine.  Just had a rough week.  The warmth may be from the contrast dye, as it made me feel uncomfortably warm."

"Most likely that, then," Quickie nodded. 

Mewtwo finished drinking and set the cup on the floor beside him.  He leaned back against the bulkhead and exhaled. "They had an ulterior motive for those scans they performed.  They wished to control me by implanting circuitry in my brain."

"What?!" Quickie stared at him wide-eyed.  "Good thing you got out when you did!"  She sat down beside him.  "Also... I'm sorry I didn't go after you sooner.  I didn't know where they took you.  I tried to get to you, I did!  But, Team Rocket doesn't play fair.  I'm sorry.  I really am sorry."

"I saw what happened," Mewtwo nodded. "They were armed with weapons that even I could not stand up to."  He looked to Quickie.  "What happened was not your fault.  And you cannot be faulted for not knowing where to find me.  The fact of the matter is this: I escaped.  Wily escaped.  We acquired a new ally in the process.  What happened this week is behind us, and we should not dwell on things that we cannot change.  Our focus is on the days that lay ahead."

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Reply #2079 on: July 01, 2013, 10:20:11 AM
Hierophant and his card counterpart had been occupying the lounge, the miter-less original sitting on the couch with Synthis curled up beside him and the still miniature Genbu resting on the ottoman, all watching Ryo, Posu and Nega practicing their cheering performance in the same manner as Blazkrieg's Japanese Cheering Squad.

There wasn't any music playing, mostly because there weren't any speakers, and quite possibly the noise of the Pokemon grunting as they pulled off sharp punches and pivots were bothersome enough, but it wasn't like they hadn't practiced without music before.  They were still learning the ropes, after all, and music would play a better factor in their participation once they get each move down pat.

Hierophant soon starts to wonder how he was going to explain this situation to Ryuta.  Since they were going to be on the run for a while, there was probably no way he could send Ryo, Posu, and Nega back without Team Rocket noticing and forcing the squad to cooperate with them, further tarnishing any reason for a Pokemon division.  Their only option was to play by ear and see how things go before deciding what was best for the trio and their reunion with the squad.


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Reply #2080 on: July 01, 2013, 11:44:31 AM
Quickie stood, somewhat unsteadily due to turbulence, and picked up the cup. "I'll get you some more water.  You hungry?"

Mewtwo nodded as Quickie passed her backpack to him.  He opened the main pocket, rifled through it, found something to eat, and closed the pocket and set it aside.  He watched Quickie walk back to the galley, then scratched at the base of his tail.  He coughed, scratched some more, then rubbed his eyes and yawned. 

Quickie made her way toward the galley, passing by the lounge.  She stopped to watch Ryo, Posu, and Nega practice their cheers.  "It's so cute when Pokemon cheer.  I miss seeing that."

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Reply #2081 on: July 01, 2013, 11:58:22 AM
"I guess that's another reason Ryuta decided to open up a Pokemon division for his cheering squad section," Hierophant said as he continues to watch, "Alongside wanting to broaden the belief that anyone can perform a cheer regardless of species or stance."


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Reply #2082 on: July 01, 2013, 12:03:51 PM
Quickie smiled and watched for a while longer, until she heard Mewtwo cough.  "Goodness!"  She looked over her shoulder.  "How much dust did you inhale today?"  She shook her head and then nodded to the galley.  "Well, I'm going to go get some more water..."  She smiled to the practicing Pokemon, then headed for the galley.

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Reply #2083 on: July 01, 2013, 12:29:24 PM
Hierophant watched Quickie leave before looking to where the cough came from, lamenting the fact that Mewtwo was getting progressively worse despite his adamant proclamation that exhaustion was the only thing slowing him down.  He wish he could do something to help, or let Merrick continue to stick to Mewtwo's back, but he doesn't want to upset the Pokemon anymore than he already was when he was mind-handled by a spiritless Alakazam.

In thinking about Alakazam, he starts to wonder what happened to it.  He didn't sense anything since Mewtwo's escape, leading to the grim assumption that its suffering had finally ended either at the intentional, or unintentional hands of Team Rocket; he was too busy worrying about the whereabouts and reclaiming of Tarot Skitty and its cards to pay too much attention the the aftermath of the situation.  He can only hope Chariot was doing a better job gathering Tarot Skitty and all the stolen members of the deck.


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Reply #2084 on: July 01, 2013, 03:45:06 PM
"In any case," Domino cleared her throat and checked her GPS receiver, "we need to clear out.  Like I said, I have Mewtwo tagged.  It was observed around that kid, so they may be in cahoots, though, it may be simply that Mewtwo had gotten into his head, as it did with the other trainers it was observed with," she fixed Joe in her gaze, "and our own staff."

Giovanni nodded and looked to Joe. "Whatever you do, do not let Mewtwo get into your head!  Whatever it tells you, if you confront it, ignore it!"

"Mewtwo is capable of manipulating human minds with very little effort," Domino nodded, "and we're certain that's how it acquired its posse of trainers.  Particularly the trainer it is closest to."

Giovanni pulled an image from another file. "This one."  He placed it on the table, the image of a bespectacled young woman with short green hair.  "Lexi Shank, also known as 'Quickie'.  That beast has her wrapped around its finger."

"The mind-control is so strong that she'll do anything for it," Domino nodded. "We had to physically subdue her, she was that hostile.  The mind-control also heightens her endurance, as she required the full power of our stun batons--which were calibrated for Mewtwo."

"There's no way we can break the link, either," Giovanni sat back, "without possibly killing the woman.  And without her 'master,' it's likely that she would go insane."

"You suggesting we capture her, too?" Domino looked up from her tracking receiver.

Giovanni nodded.  "She may be useful, for not only getting to Mewtwo, but to that boy, Pyro.  They're obviously close."

Domino nodded slowly. "I suggest, sir, that before we start making definite plans, that we evacuate."

Giovanni nodded and stood. "Very well."  He took a moment to stretch. "Give out the new coordinates on a secure channel, and we'll regroup."  He nodded to Domino, then Joe, then to Yeung and Zeigler, and finally left the room.

Only he returned soon after. "We have another perimeter breach."  He walked in and gathered up his things. "Let's go."

Domino nodded and put the receiver away. "I'll radio your pilot and we'll take your helicopter."

Dr. Yeung also stood. "I'll tell my team to meet us at the new coordinates."  He left the room.
Joe thought for a bit as the words of Domino and Giovanni sank in. "Mind control... Mewtwo's mind control... Some of Team Rocket's staff were swayed..." Joe stood up, and saluted.

"Duly noted, Sir and Madam!!" As he left the room to prepare for the evac, he slowly moved his right hand towards his belt, and felt for his top percentile Raticate. Grabbing the mini-ball, Joe made a promise to not let his Pokemon suffer the same brainwashing effects.

Ahrzayl saw to it that everyone was situated in rooms so they'd be able to rest during the trip. She notified them of the kitchen and conference/lounge area as well. Making sure Quickie and Mewtwo were alright, she headed over to the bridge. The door slid open to show Julia talking with Wily about the ship's blueprints. On that, he'd see everything the ship was and had to offer: its massive drill, the turrets, the two retractable side cannon, the turbines and propellers, oxygen tanks and pressure glass, the buzzroller, the compartments for the land<->sea balloon, the treads, what looked like hidden cockpit, the escape pods, everything. Ahrzayl was looking over Julia's shoulder as they talked, she knew they could trust the group.

"Hey Jay, everybody's ready." Ahrzayl said as she flipped over into her chair.

Julia excused herself from Wily for a minute and leaned over her console. As she announced that the ship was lifting off, she typed and pulled levers, bringing the Grand Rhydon slowly into the sky.

Ahrzayl's eyes quickly widened. Something gigantic was lifting itself from a mountain top. It was night and the stars shined abnormally bright. From the center of the mountain, the enormous globe rose from it's cavity, multicolored blinking lights flashing at its bottom. Comparing to the size of a speck, a tiny figure ran on the rim of the mountaintop, stopping and running and trying to seemingly gauge distance. The small child noticed a close antenna pole that was longer than the other and ran for the cliff closest to it. The figure jumped off, stretching out to reach the pole but ultimately failed. It's fingers clipped the pole and the child fell and fell and fell. It turned around to see the globe blink it's final times then turn transparent. The sky got further and further away until all was darkness. The air left it's body with loud grunt as it hit a floor. Ahrzayl snapped back to consciousness just as Julia was asking her if she was ready.

"Uh...yeah, yeah. Umm...foward on." Ahrzayl said, almost out of it.

Was was that? Ahrzayl thought it was just another wild day dream but it had almost the same feeling as her vision back at the Team Rocket base. She decided to shrug it off for now and watched as they soared ovef the clouds, invisible to the world.

"Jay, since we're not part of Rocket anymore, we don't have to keep the original name of the ship..." Ahrzayl said, looking over her seat.

"Sure don't. What'd you have in mind?" Julia asked while talking to Wily and typing.

Ahrzzyl thought for a minute and huffed triumphantly, smiling.

"The Superia." Ahrzayl almost yelled.

She turned her gaze back to the front windows, caressing the newly arrived Froslynn that lay in her lap.
"The Superia ehh..." Dr. Wily II said to himself as he and Julia were discussing various subjects, taking particular attention on the Superia's weapon systems. Deep in thought, he is impressed at all the features, then again, it is Team Rocket technology. Was anyways. Noting down the details... A stray thought past his mind.

"... Use Poison to counter Poison..." Dr. Wily II paused, looked around, and shook his head. What was that thought all about. Thinking that perhaps some rest was in order, he thanked Julia, and Ahrzayl, and excused himself.

Walking along the corridors of the Superia, passing by Mewtwo and Quickie, seeing the care and concern of Quickie... Though Mewtwo seemed... Off? Perhaps it was the fatigue finally setting in, but he's in great hands now. Further down, he past by a group of Pokemon, doing some sort of cheer. Cheering Pokemon... Plusle and Minun would be jealous at the display. Finally reaching an empty room at the end of the corridor, Dr. Wily II entered, and went straight for the bed, laying down and staring at the ceiling.

"... Down with Team Rocket... Once and for a-" Dr. Wily II slapped his face with a nearby pillow. "I really need some sleep.."

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Reply #2085 on: July 01, 2013, 05:27:41 PM
Somewhere aboard the Superia, Pyro had converted one of the rooms into a discotheque complete with glowing floor, lasers, and of course, a disco ball. The Bee Gees "You Should Be Dancing" echoed through the ship as Pyro danced alongside Memphis.

My baby moves at midnight
Goes right on till the dawn
My woman takes me higher
My woman keeps me warm

What you doin in the back aah
What you doin in the back aah?
You should be dancing, yeah
Dancing, yeah

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Reply #2086 on: July 01, 2013, 09:53:05 PM
Mewtwo scratched at the base of his tail as Quickie returned with more water.  He coughed, rubbed his eyes, and took a long drink.

Quickie sat beside him and noted the untouched food. "You sure you're okay?"

Mewtwo nodded, narrowing his eyes.  "It it just fatigue.  I had a rough week."  He finally started to eat the food that he had dug out of the backpack, but then set it aside and curled up.

Quickie felt the tip of his ear again, which was warm between her fingers.  She felt along his jawline, then frowned, but did not press the matter.  It was obvious that he was becoming rather irritated, so Quickie patted his shoulder and changed the subject.  "You sleep, then."

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Reply #2087 on: July 01, 2013, 10:36:22 PM
Sakura was asleep in her quarters, the past few days finally caught up to her and she desperately needed a rest.

Xuangzang watched her sleep and thought about what transpired.   There were many forces against them now, both Team Rocket and this Obisian person as well.  Though Sakura was able to stop many threats long before he met her, she never had to deal with something quiet this personal to someone else.  He decided that more help may be necessary if they are to prevail in the end.

He closed his eyes and began to focus deeply, attempting to contact someone.

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Reply #2088 on: July 02, 2013, 01:16:53 AM
The flight was relatively uneventful for a while until a few hours later when Mewtwo jumped to his feet, waking Quickie up, and she rushed him to the head, where he threw up.  Quickie left Mewtwo in the bathroom to fetch him some water. 

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Reply #2089 on: July 02, 2013, 01:26:59 AM
Hierophant and the group felt the sudden waking jolt and the sound of hurling and runs towards Quickie's room to see what was going on.


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Reply #2090 on: July 02, 2013, 02:48:16 AM
Quickie rushed back into the bathroom to give Mewtwo the water, then stepped out and blocked the door in an attempt to give him some privacy.  "He just puked."  She glanced over her shoulder. "Food didn't agree with him."

Behind her, Mewtwo retched again, and used his powers to close the door.

Quickie glanced toward the galley. "I'll ask Ahrzayl or one of the crew if they have some soup or crackers, or something a bit gentler on his stomach..."

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Reply #2091 on: July 02, 2013, 03:08:05 AM
The group looked between Quickie and Mewtwo before turning their attention to each other.

"Maybe I should've stayed on him a little longer," Merrick mutters.

"I don't think it'll help," Hierophant sighs, "This seems to be more serious than a simple cut or anything an elemental attack might affect."

"Have you tried using Libra to check for anything that might be causing his degrading health?"

"I could, but I can't activate it until he comes out of the bathroom, which could be a while considering he shut the door on us."


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Reply #2092 on: July 02, 2013, 03:40:03 AM
"He does feel warm," Quickie nodded, "but he said it was from the contrast dye."  She shrugged.  "I've been injected with contrast dye before, and yeah, it makes you feel really warm, but that usually goes away pretty quickly."

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Reply #2093 on: July 02, 2013, 03:47:53 AM
Although wanting to sleep, Dr. Wily II wasn't able to. Strange... Vengeful thoughts had been swirling in his head, keeping him totally awake. Frustrated, Dr. Wily II exited his room, and decided to check up on Mewtwo. Reaching the room, he noticed Quickie, and Hierophant standing outside a closed door.

"What happened?"

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Reply #2094 on: July 02, 2013, 04:01:51 AM
"Mewtwo seems to be having a rough time getting to sleep," Hierophant said, "Either there was something wrong with the food, or he's suffering some kind of complication with his recovery from that bullet wound he suffered earlier.  We can't be sure until he comes out."


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Reply #2095 on: July 02, 2013, 04:15:43 AM
"He feels warm, but he says it's just fatigue," Quickie trailed off as she heard more retching. "That is not fatigue."  She knocked on the door. "You okay?"

There were a few coughs before Mewtwo's reply came. "I think... I think it is almost finished..."  Silence followed, then the toilet flushing and the sound of running water, which was punctuated by gargling and spitting.  Finally, the water shut off and Mewtwo opened the door, his fur looking rather scraggily. 

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Reply #2096 on: July 02, 2013, 04:22:27 AM
"Woa, that is definitely not fatigue-related. Let me have a look." Dr. Wily II approached Mewtwo, and felt his forehead. Warm... Warmer than normal. Feeling the fur, it felt really dry.

"I think it's best to get Mewtwo into the sick bay quickly."

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Reply #2097 on: July 02, 2013, 04:26:08 AM
"I'm not sure about the fur, but he said that the warmth was of something called contrast dye, which I'm told is supposed to raise body temperature beyond its usual heat," Hierophant said, "But I can't help but feel that there's something else hampering his recovery."


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Reply #2098 on: July 02, 2013, 04:31:40 AM
Mewtwo let out an aggravated groan, but he followed Wily to sickbay. "It is just leftover from a bad week.  It should pass."

"Like the contents of your stomach?" Quickie said flatly as she followed.

Mewtwo scowled and scratched at the base of his tail, then coughed and rubbed his eyes. "The contrast dye is to blame.  That should pass as well."

Quickie shrugged. "All contrast dye is is an iodine-based fluid.  I've gotten it before.  About the only other thing it does is make your pee glow."

Mewtwo turned his head to look back at her, eyebrow raised.

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Reply #2099 on: July 02, 2013, 04:33:51 AM
"All the more to send him to the sick bay. With the equipment there, we can determine if it's really just fatigue..." Dr. Wily II said, although at the back of his mind, something is telling him it's more than that.

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