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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1600 on: June 10, 2013, 06:32:39 PM
(I feel so sorry for Quickie now. ;~; At least there's still Mabel... ;~;)

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Reply #1601 on: June 10, 2013, 06:34:09 PM
(Going ahead a couple days and cutting to Team Rocket...)

A day or two later, in an undisclosed location...

With a strained groan, Mewtwo cracked open an eye, finding himself on the floor of a dimly-lit room.  His head felt as if it weighed fifty pounds, and he swam through a gelatinous sea of pain, fatigue, and mental fog.  The tight band around his chest had gone, as he could breathe easier.  His mouth tasted like metal and dirt, and a thick, sticky film coated his tongue and throat.  He groaned again, opened his eyes, and lifted his head.  "...Where am I...?"

Lights above him snapped on, assaulting his sensitive vision.  Mewtwo winced and turned his head from the optical onslaught.  The light sent a stab of pain through the front of his head, and turning it only served to intensify the feeling.  He reeled and finally managed to haul himself up onto his elbows.

"Took you long enough to wake up," a voice from the opposite end of the room announced.  Mewtwo slowly and carefully turned his head--it felt as if it were a dead weight balanced precariously on his shoulders--seeing that blonde woman, Domino, standing there, separated from him by what he assumed was glass.  Domino conversed briefly through an intercom before turning her gaze to him, smirking.  "Those drugs really knocked you for a loop."

Mewtwo did not respond to her comment.  His eyelids felt heavy and that mental fog had not cleared, though he could at the very least tell that it was not caused by that altered Alakazam.  This feeling was most certainly drug-related.

"By the way," Domino fixed him in her glare, "that extra dose of muscle relaxers was from me.  Payment for Mt. Quena."

Mewtwo's ears perked up.  "How did you know...?"  He had wiped her memory!  There was no way she could have remembered that!

Domino's glare darkened.  "I have a great hypnotherapist, specializes in repressed memories.  And, it wasn't cheap.  I had to write it off as treatment for another mission!  Do you know what it cost me?"  She stepped forward.  "My record now claims that I have PTSD!  I almost lost my job because of you!"  She put her hand on the glass before her as her voice deepened into a vicious warning.  "So help you if Giovanni ever remembers..."

Mewtwo didn't need to think about the consequences.  Domino's warning was enough.

Domino stepped back.  "That's water under the bridge, Mewtwo.  And we'll keep it between us.  Should you choose to defy me, though, I have absolutely no problem with telling my boss about your betrayal.  I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear how you wiped his memory."  Her tone carried an edge of venom.  "In the meantime, you should get comfortable.  You're going to be with us for a long time."  Chuckling, she turned and walked away.

Mewtwo watched her leave.  He took a moment to look about the room.  It had a strange smell, the likes of which he could not identify.  The floor beneath him felt tacky, and he could reasonably assume that the observation window was not constructed simply of glass.  They were fully aware of his destructive capabilities and would not be so stupid as to merely stuff him into a simple cell.  There was more to this room than he realized, and the smell had something to do with it.

With another groan, Mewtwo managed to pull himself on all fours, and then finally to a crouch, all the while taking care not to move his head so much, or as suddenly.  Idly, he wondered where Dr. Wily was...

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Reply #1602 on: June 10, 2013, 06:55:33 PM
(And idly... I appear! D:)

How long has it been? Dr. Wily II didn't know. All he knew was that he has been working at the same workstation for the longest time. All he remembered was arriving at some unknown base, and immediately brought to the labs. The labs are in tip-top condition, as if the place had been used recently. The equipment were also top-notch, some not even Dr. Wily II had seen before. Giovanni spent no expense to ensure top-notch research. Research on Mewtwo.

"... Mewtwo..." Dr. Wily II sighed, knowing that the Pokemon must feel betrayed by what happened. As he slowly swirled the beaker in his right hand, he can't help but remember Blaine, and what he might have done... No. Now's not the time for that. Mewtwo must be saved, and there's only one person capable of doing that now. But where is Mewtwo...

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Reply #1603 on: June 10, 2013, 06:59:12 PM
Domino entered the anteroom, donned protective coveralls, put on goggles, a mask, and gloves, and finally entered the lab.  "How you liking the new workstation?  Giovanni's gone through a lot of trouble, made some deals with civilian DoD sub-contractors just to get some of this."  She found a chair and sat in it.  "Oh, remember that pink-haired agent?  She's been reassigned to us.  You'll be working closely with Ahrzayl and I."

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Reply #1604 on: June 10, 2013, 07:03:20 PM
"The conditions could be a bit more... Favourable... However, I am impressed by the equipment here..." Dr. Wily II stated dryly. "That girl? You sure she's not more trouble than she's worth? She might even jeopadise the whole project."

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Reply #1605 on: June 10, 2013, 07:04:58 PM
"She jeopardized plenty by finding Mewtwo," Domino crossed her arms.  "Only you, me, a couple of other techs, and Giovanni are supposed to know about it."

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Reply #1606 on: June 10, 2013, 07:09:57 PM
"Speaking of Mewtwo... Where is the subject?" Dr. Wily II asked, hoping to get the information from Domino.

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Reply #1607 on: June 10, 2013, 07:15:45 PM
"Penned up real nice," Domino nodded. "It finally woke up, too," she stood, "Giovanni ordered some bloodwork on it, and it trusts you, so you get to do that." She readjusted her coveralls and busied herself with getting some supplies.  "You know, I didn't know it had a Recover ability, and we don't think it has too much conscious control over it.  It finally kicked in when Mewtwo flatlined the night before."  Domino started for the door.

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Reply #1608 on: June 10, 2013, 07:20:42 PM
"Mind showing me where the subject is? I would like to have a look, and examine his vitals as well." Dr. Wily II asked, following behind Domino.

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Reply #1609 on: June 10, 2013, 07:36:45 PM
Domino nodded. "That was the plan, Doctor.  Can't work with Mewtwo very well if you can't actually see it, now can you?"  She chuckled and led Wily from the lab, down the hall, down another hall, through a series of locked doors, and finally to a containment wing.  She accessed a control panel, unlocked the door, and stepped aside to allow Wily to enter the room. "You were given today's access codes.  Tomorrow, you'll be issued new codes.  We have the locks reset daily as a security measure."  She paused and handed Wily a portable gas mask. "Should anything go wrong, we'll gas the chamber.  This should give you about fifteen minutes of breathable air, which is enough to allow you to escape."

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Reply #1610 on: June 10, 2013, 07:45:49 PM
Dr. Wily II takes the portable gas mask, and nodded. "Hopefully, it won't come to that." He then stepped inside the room, and could already smell something in the air, though pungent, but still breathable. It didn't take long before he could see Mewtwo, all crouched up.

"... Mewtwo..."

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Reply #1611 on: June 10, 2013, 07:48:42 PM
Mewtwo slowly turned his head.  "They brought you with them..."  He was still unsure how to feel about Wily's betrayal.  The man clearly caved under duress, so his actions toward Mewtwo were not of his own.  At the same time, however, he had put his trust in Wily, only to be betrayed.

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Reply #1612 on: June 10, 2013, 08:04:23 PM
"Don't try to speak too much... They might have speakers installed..." Dr. Wily II turned to look at Domino, who wasn't looking in their general direction. "Use telepathy to read my thoughts." With that, Dr. Wily II closed his eyes, and focused his thoughts into coherent sentences.

"I know how you're going through right now, you might not even trust me... And I don't blame you. However, I still felt the need to tell you the truth." Dr. Wily II took a deep breath, and concentrated again.

"How I know all about the altered Alakazam... Is because I was the one that oversaw the whole project. It was my research, my blood, my soul. I was foolish enough to theorise that by jacking an Alakazam's brain, we'll be able to greatly increase its psychic prowess, however, at the price of losing it's self-worth. I was so driven by science, that I went ahead with the experiment whe Giovanni recruited us. With his funding, we managed to create that Alakazam... However before we can fully test it, Giovanni pulled me out of the project, and instead, put me with Blaine and Mr. Fuji... To create you." Dr. Wily II paused for a bit, and continued.

"And it was because of Blaine, that I saw the error of my ways, that Pokemon have the right to their own lives, to make their own decisions..."

(Oh god, too exhausted... Gonna head out now... @_@)

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Reply #1613 on: June 10, 2013, 08:15:43 PM
Mewtwo nodded slowly.  "I cannot blame you for your past mistakes without shaming my own."  He looked around, carefully, as his head still hurt.  He couldn't think clearly enough to fully digest what Wily told him, so he decided to do that later. Returning his gaze to Wily, he continued. "What is this place?  What do they plan to do to me?"  He already knew the answer to that question, though he asked anyway.

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Reply #1614 on: June 10, 2013, 11:48:45 PM
Machines wrrred and clanked and buzzed in the underground docking bay. It was about 2 football fields long, big enough to hold the Grand Rhydon and a half. Ahrzayl sat in a glass booth high above the construction with Froslynn, overseeing the progress. As the Froslass floated up to her master, she noticed a disgruntled look on her face. The pokemon put it's hand over Ahrzayl's in wonderment. Ahrzayl looked over and leaned her head back in the chair again.

"Sorry, I was just thinking. Ya know, about Mewtwo. I don't know what it is but that whole operation just didn't seem right." She said, sighing. "But I can't doubt my duties to this team and the boss, so I've got to keep a stable head about this."

Froslass nodded in agreement but seemed to be thinking herself, and with that she hurried out of the room. Ahrzayl noticed but didn't bother to ask as she still sat in her chair. She put her feet up on the console in front of her. There wasn't much to do for a captain of a ship that was docked.

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Reply #1615 on: June 10, 2013, 11:52:23 PM
Outside in the hallway, Domino concerned herself with other business matters.  She pulled out her comlink and opened a secure channel. "Agent Ahrzayl, report to Sublevel 8, Area M, Corridor 3.  Clearance level 456-G-Ω."  She closed the connection and glanced into the chamber via the observation window, seeing Wily set to work with examining Mewtwo.

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Reply #1616 on: June 11, 2013, 12:17:00 AM
(Figured it was time for filler for the Ho-oh section, at least until Sapph finds the time to respond :P)

Things have quieted down after a couple of hours of travel.  Hierophant sat under the shadow of Genbu's tree, finding it surprising that Sapph could still be hanging on this long, but then again he probably didn't have the right to question his strength given he's only known him consciously for a day.

Synthis was laying on his back near the front of Genbu's shell, basking in the rising sunlight to satiate his own energy and pleasure.  Hierophant looks toward the duffel bag, wondering how Ryo, Posu and Nega were doing, but considering how TARDIS-like the interior was, it wouldn't be hard for them to find something to occupy themselves.  And there's still the Book of Magic, which holds secrets only he and those who gaze into the book know about, so the trio would have more than just their daily cheer training sessions to keep them busy.


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Reply #1617 on: June 11, 2013, 12:44:52 AM
Ahrzayl fell back in her chair at the sudden voice erupting in her ear. She turned over, pressing the ear-piece and rubbing her head. It was Domino, telling her to get to the location ordered. Well, this was new. The communication closed and she got up, repositioning her chair and heading out of the booth. It wasn't long before she reached the elevator and input her code to reach the basement level 8 as instructed. She leaned against the wall, awaiting the doors to open. Then she realized Froslynn wasn't with her but she was probably personally seeing to the repairs of the ship.

"She's always doing her own thing." She breathed.

The door slid open and out walked the captain.

"Okay, area eeemmm. Okaaaaay, corridor threeee. And here it is." Ahrzayl said to herself as she turned corners and hallways before she came to a door.

She slid her clearance card through the security system on the side and the door opened with Domino around the corner and down the hallway. She never really questioned Domino's actions or orders she dished out as she was always a higher ranking officer than most other members of the team.

"Agent Ahrzayl, reporting as requested, ma'am." She saluted.

Her gaze drifted a bit, noticing the scientist from before. What was his part in all of this? She quickly snapped back to Domino's addressing her.

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Reply #1618 on: June 11, 2013, 12:53:35 AM
Domino gave a nod. "Agent Ahrzayl, consider today Orientation Day," she began to pace as she spoke, "the reason for this reassignment was due to your involvement with capturing Mewtwo.  But, here's the truth behind it," she stopped and looked Ahrzayl in the eye, "Mewtwo was a top-secret project, and when you first witnessed and attempted to capture it, it put the project security in jeopardy.  To ensure that we maintain control over the project, it was decided to reassign you to my team." 

After a pause, Domino glanced into the chamber for a moment before returning her gaze to Ahrzayl.  "That said, I will need to get you up to speed on Mewtwo.  Simply put, Mewtwo is extremely dangerous.  Ever since its creation, it's acquired a human body count in the hundreds.  Due to various experiments during the cloning process, Mewtwo's mind was warped.  It is unpredictable, manipulative, and violent.  Whatever it tells you, don't believe it for a second."  She paused again.  "Do you have any questions?"

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Reply #1619 on: June 11, 2013, 04:13:06 AM
Still in deep thought...

"I have no idea where this place is, all I saw was forest and mountain ranges on the way here. From what I could tell, is that this base is in a mountain. As for what they want to do to you... You might have guessed. They want you to rejoin the ranks of Team Rocket." Dr. Wily II proceeded to act as if he was checking Mewtwo's vitals.

"For the moment, we will just have to go along... However, once there is an opening, we will break out of this hell-hole, together."

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Reply #1620 on: June 11, 2013, 05:04:47 AM
So...she had failed and succeeded at the same time. It was only by chance that she had stumbled across that band of trainers. She'd only heard about it in passing but didn't think she'd get a chance to see him in person, let alone battle. As Ahrzayl listened to Domino, things got a lot clearer. The trainer that was under it's control seemed pretty strong but it was probably just Mewtwo playing with her. Probably that whole group too. Now know how deadly it could be, Team Rocket actually saved those people from it essentially. Ahrzayl had no doubts now that what they did was right but she still had one question.

"I fully understand. I do have one question though: What are WE going to do with it?" She asked.

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Reply #1621 on: June 11, 2013, 05:11:10 AM
(I'm loving this lie.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1622 on: June 11, 2013, 05:14:14 AM
Domino chuckled. "Well, we're going to use it.  We can't let it free, it's far too powerful.  We also can't simply destroy it, as far too much money went into its creation," she gave off a sigh.  "It's a shame, really, that it's so twisted.  Such a powerful creature, yet it won't obey and would rather put others in danger..."  She shook her head.  "Right now, it's too early to actually make any use of Mewtwo.  We need to work on ways to get it to obey, first.  Just transporting it here was a hassle."  Domino leaned forward.  "Do you know how much tranquilizer we had to pump into it just to keep it in a twilight state?"

In the chamber, Mewtwo was listening to both Wily and to Domino's conversation outside with the new agent.  He absent-mindedly held out his arm so that Wily could continue the cherade and check his blood pressure.  "They know that I will not obey.  I refuse to submit.  The only way they even got me here was through the use of sabotage.  They had to sabotage my body to ensure that I would submit."  He looked to Wily.  "I should just destroy this place and be done with it."

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Reply #1623 on: June 11, 2013, 05:42:09 AM
"I agree, however, I overheard from Domino that the altered Alakazam is in this same facility. Given your current state, and the effects of the sedatives in your system, it's too risky to attempt any breakout." Dr. Wily II thought. "Let me find the Alakazam and personally deal with it. Once the psychic link is completely disabled, then we'll attempt breakout." Dr. Wily II took out a small flashlight, and shone it, gently, into Mewtwo's right eye.

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Reply #1624 on: June 11, 2013, 05:58:36 AM
"So, they intend to control me with that poor creature?" Mewtwo snorted.  "And with drugs?  Their efforts will be for naught--I will not obey."

Outside, Domino glanced into the chamber again. "Damn, he's brave.  I couldn't get that close."  She looked to Ahrzayl.  "You know that beast tried to bite me?  We had it so drugged up that it couldn't use its powers, yet when I went to remove the restraints, it snapped at me!"  She shook her head.  "Mewtwo has a nasty set of sharp teeth."