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Reply #1475 on: June 07, 2013, 12:31:16 PM
Hierophant stopped behind one of the trees, having cast Vanish on himself and Synthis along the way.  Upon catching up to the two, he finds Sapph facing off against what looked like a knight even more medieval looking than himself.

The knight claimed to be immortal by magic most likely hailing from a universe far different from where he originally called home.  And judging by their man-to-man combat as opposed to the more traditional Pokemon battles, it's more than likely his reason for coming here wasn't in the same league as the Team Rocket onslaught back in town.

Synthis nudges his side again, egging him for a command, but Hierophant only glanced between him and the newest fight before them.

"Not now...." he whispered low enough for only Synthis' sharp hearing to pick up, "There doesn't seem to be anyone else other than him picking the fight, so there's no point outnumbering him until the more trustworthy guy falls first...."

Synthis purrs lowly in frustration, but once again trusts that Hierophant knows what he's doing when it comes to timing their intervention and looks back towards the battle between humans.


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Reply #1476 on: June 07, 2013, 12:48:43 PM
Outside of the Pokemon Center, Quickie saw Mewtwo go down and made a dash for his location, only to be thwarted by three grunts.

The foremost grunt sneered, thrusting a stun pike toward her.  "Where are you going in such a hurry, missy?"  The other two grunts flanked Quickie as their squad leader continued to taunt her.  "Why don'tcha stay here with us, and we'll have a nice chat?"

Quickie furrowed her brow, looking over the man's shoulder and trying to find an opening.  "I... I have to get to my Pokemon..."

"Your Pokemon?"  The man laughed, brandishing his stun pike as his cohorts did the same.  "Yours?  Hate to tell you this, doll, but that Pokemon belongs to our boss.  Team Rocket don't take kindly to thieves..."  He whacked the stun pike against his palm and pointed its end at Quickie.  "Y'see, these here pikes?  Yeah, we don't have any problem using them on civilians.  I hear they hurt like hell, too.  Ain't never found out myself, but I seen what happens.  It ain't pretty, unlike you."  

Quickie backed up, only to feel the end of a staff against the small of her back.  

"You're not going anywhere, ma'am," a voice behind her responded,  "We just want to talk."

"Yeah," the squad leader's sneer broadened, "we just wanna talk witcha.  Y'see, that Pokemon you stole, we wanna know why it listens to you."

Quickie swallowed, refusing to say a word.  She frantically looked around for an opening.

Across the battlefield, Mewtwo pulled himself to his feet.  He rubbed his chest and coughed, lifting his head to glare at Giovanni.  "What sort of trickery is this?!"

Giovanni laughed.  "Oh, you should know by now.  You and your opponent already met, last night.  Why don't you fight it?  It gets bored, and you would make a nice challenge."

Domino, in the meantime, was contacting Ahrzayl.  "This is 009 to Agent Ahrzayl.  What's your ETA?  I'm sending you updated coordinates.  We have a perimeter secured."  

Giovanni shot his gaze over the roof of the vehicle.  "Hit it again."

Domino nodded and sent a command back to the base.  After a moment, Mewtwo gripped his chest and let out a shout.  He staggered forward, flitting his gaze between Giovanni and the gathered troops.  All of the troops had their weapons trained on him.  From the design of the weapons, they appeared to be melee, and thus would need to be used in close range.  Mewtwo swallowed his breath and focused on a group of grunts.  He swung his arm outward and three of them flew backwards.

Immediately, a stab of pain erupted in his flank, causing his joints to spasm.  He hit the ground and managed to catch a glimpse of what hit him, noting two small barbs in his side, connected to a wire that was fed from an agent's weapon.  His back arched and he shouted again.  His arms wouldn't cooperate.  His legs wouldn't cooperate.  He tried to focus through the pain, enough to direct the convulsions and grab the prongs in his side.  Another spasm worked in his favor, allowing Mewtwo to rip the barbs from his flesh.  The pain immediately began to subside as he sprawled on the ground, breathing heavily.

Giovanni chuckled.  "I'm sure that wasn't too fun, now was it?  Perhaps you should just be a good boy and submit.  I'd hate to have to hurt you any more than I need to."

Mewtwo slowly and deliberately turned his glare to Giovanni.  "Never.  I will never serve you."

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Reply #1477 on: June 07, 2013, 02:50:01 PM
A rather large shadow loomed over some random grunts who had the misfortune of running into Dialga, who roared out as it glared down at them as if it were eyeing his next meal. As did Giratina, who wrapped grunt in its tendrils.

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Reply #1478 on: June 07, 2013, 03:43:07 PM
An hour ago..
Dr. Wily II had been making notes of the earlier battle between Mewtwo and the TR Captain in the lobby. Although he can't put his finger on it, something just didn't feel right during the whole battle.

"Mewtwo... He has always been powerful, no doubt... Even if commanded... However earlier... The attacks, despite doing their intended purpose, felt... Off. Perhaps it was fatigue from last night's psychic assault... Still... Something just doesn't feel right..."

As if by coincidence, Dr. Wily II felt Quickie rushed past him, and towards her room, where he had seen Mewtwo being led into after the battle. The way she sped past, and her sliding halt... Something was up. As he got up to his feet, he could feel the floor beneath him trembling, as if a stampede was approaching. He made his way towards the entrance, and in the distance, could see... Perhaps a mob? However, something behind the mob caught his attention instantly.

"It's him." Dr. Wily II clenched his right fist, and reached for his PokeBalls with his left hand. Throwing them out, a few red flashes... Magnezone, Metagross, Tauros, Fearow and Heatran popped out.

"No more running away." Dr. Wily II adjusted his glasses, as he walked towards the mob, with his 5 Pokemon following closely behind.

Current time...
"HEATRAN!! USE MAGMA STORM!!" A tornado of flames erupted from the ground, throwing some of the Rocket Grunts off-guard. Dr. Wily II had seen Mewtwo heading towards Giovanni's position, however Mewtwo's state was even worse than what he saw earlier. After finally clearing the way of grunts, Dr. Wily II made a mad dash towards Giovanni, fists raised.


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Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1479 on: June 07, 2013, 07:05:55 PM
The three grunts were getting ever closer to Quickie when they were attacked by several thunder bolts.  Quickie finding an opening managed to escape and spotted Sakura and Xuangzang in front of the three grunts.

"Quickie you go ahead, I'll catch up when I take care of these clowns!" Sakura shouted.

"Oh like a little girl and a midget dragon can stop us!" One of the grunts taunted.

"I'm 19 years old and a champion you idiot!" Sakura roared.

"While my size may not be impressive my power is not something to underestimate." Xuangzang stated as he went in for another Thunder Bolt.

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Reply #1480 on: June 07, 2013, 08:33:56 PM
Giovanni heard the shout and turned his head to see Wily running over, fists raised.  "Well, well, this is a pleasant surprise."  He nodded to Mewtwo on the ground.  "You're just in time.  See, we've found the beast and I was just going to call you.  We're going to need your help, and you will be compensated."

Mewtwo looked up and attempted to stand.

Domino gave a silent command, and one of the agents stepped forward, jabbing the stun pike into Mewtwo's side to keep the clone down.  "Don't waste your time, Mewtwo.  We are well aware of your abilities.  You're coming with us."

Giovanni nodded.  "Mewtwo trusts you, doesn't it?" He looked to Wily.  "But, it doesn't know everything," he sneered, "does it?"

Mewtwo lifted his head to look at Wily.  "What do they mean?"

"Yes, Doctor," Giovanni's sneer broadened, "tell it what we mean.  Tell it everything.  Mewtwo wasn't your only project.  And you most certainly were not a complete saint.  Go ahead.  Tell Mewtwo what we mean.  Tell it everything."

Offline Pyro

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Reply #1481 on: June 07, 2013, 08:51:11 PM
The three legendary Sinnoh dragons stopped terrorizing the grunts to turn their sights on Giovanni of whom Pyro and Sakura summoned to the fight. All three of them glared at him as if to dare the Rocket boss to make a move on them. Pyro sat on Dialga's and peered at Giovanni.

"I dunno," he said, "That sounds boring and I think my friends want to play."

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Offline Ahrzayl

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Reply #1482 on: June 07, 2013, 09:35:10 PM
Flood lights boomed as they activated out of nowhere. They shined over the pokecenter, seemingly levitating there until a moment later when the Grand Rydon decloaked itself, appearing behind the building. The lights lit up the surrounding area so nothing would surprise Giovanni or the others.

Ahrzayl walked to the edge of the deck and leaned over the edge as the grunts from her ship ziplined down to increase numbers. Ahrzayl had the comlink ready, awaiting further orders. She couldn't help but be fixated on the trainer from earlier and Mewtwo. Froslynn floated up and joined her.

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #1483 on: June 07, 2013, 09:53:57 PM
Sapph and Obsidian continued their battle, matching eachother blow for blow, with neither landing a hit. "You've improved." Obsidian said, sounding a little impressed.

Sapph didn't respond, simply continuing to strike at the other knight.

"My my, aren't we selfish?" Obsidian taunted, obviously putting more effort into blocking than into attacking. "While you came all this way to fight me, you left your friends behind to face the 'mercy' of Team Rocket." He said, laughing.

"Not really, I called and sent in some backup while I was chasing you here."

(Hmm... I wonder what backup Sapph has brought in. [eyebrow] )

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Reply #1484 on: June 07, 2013, 10:03:27 PM
(Seems we have a lot of back up with the Sinnoh dragons and such.)

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Offline Quickman

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Reply #1485 on: June 07, 2013, 10:05:43 PM
(Perhaps some of Pyro's friends? 8D)

Domino acknowledged Ahrzayl's arrival.  "Backup has arrived."

"Excellent," Giovanni nodded.  He returned his gaze to Wily. "You see, Doctor, that other little project you worked on...  Well, it's been an excellent ally.  It's really made an impression on Mewtwo," he looked to the struggling clone, "hasn't it?"

Mewtwo coughed, swallowed his breath, and raised himself on his elbows.  His heart pounded against his ribs and his chest felt as if there were a band wrapped around it.  He looked to Wily.  "What did you do?"

"Go ahead, Doctor," Giovanni sneered at Wily, "Tell it what you did.  You see, your other project has been using Psycho Cut on Mewtwo, targeting its heart.  Agent 009 tells me that the effect is equivalent to a heart attack.  I didn't want to damage Mewtwo, but we needed to weaken it.  However," he stepped closer to Wily, his gaze level, "you could help.  If you come with us, you could help make your little clone feel better.  You don't want to see it suffer, now, do you?"

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #1486 on: June 07, 2013, 10:06:50 PM
(Seems we have a lot of back up with the Sinnoh dragons and such.)
(Suddenly all the Hoenn Dragons!)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #1487 on: June 07, 2013, 10:08:15 PM
Hierophant seemed impressed that the two haven't faltered, allowing the other to take advantage of them, but then ponders what kind of backup Sapph mentioned when the knight taunted his lack of presence with the battle back near the Pokemon Center.

Back at said center, Ryo flinched upon sensing the ripples of the returning feisty Pokemon Center and springs to his feet, inadvertently hauling Posu and Nega off the ground as he runs for the back door, prompting Genbu to follow after him in both curiosity and concern for his well being.  Peering out the window, they see the giant ship hovering near the back with more Team Rocket grunts flying down by zipline towards the center, either to cause further distraction or to take the wild Pokemon that were still inside.

Ryo growled in frustration.  His inexperienced in the ways of cheerleading had already proven themselves when he was targeted and attacked by the grunts.  Now he has no choice but to fight back the old fashion way just to protect the wild Pokemon that have yet to comprehend the difference between bad and good humans.

Posu and Nega squeaked towards his well being, wanting him to wait a bit for his health to recover, but he merely looks towards them and barks for their assistance, causing them to brighten up and follow him outside to confront the grunts while Genbu reluctantly follows, trusting that his lack of strength won't hamper his ability to aide in this oncoming fight.


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Reply #1488 on: June 07, 2013, 10:20:37 PM
(Suddenly all the Hoenn Dragons!)

Suddenly, a red blur shot past the zip lines, severing them and sending severing very surprised Rocket grunts plummeting to the ground.

As that happened, several blobs of darkness seemed to 'explode' in random crowds of grunts, leaving them unconscious when the dark blobs faded.

(Also, the posts of Sapph and Obsidian's fight are going to be a bit fewer, due to the fight needing to end a particular way as Giovanni and Team Rocket leave.)

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Reply #1489 on: June 07, 2013, 10:28:16 PM
Meanwhile, the Sinnoh trio focused their attention on Ahrzayl's ship. Dialga and Palkia each fired an Aura Sphere on the vessel while Giratina vanished and reappeared above the Great Rhydon and slammed into it using Shadow Force. Palkia's wings then spread out as his swiped its claws and shredded space itself with Spacial Rend.

(Heading off to work. Anyone else can use the Sinnoh dragons while I am away.)

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Reply #1490 on: June 07, 2013, 11:17:28 PM
Ahrzayl rushed to the side of the ship as it rocked hard. It was the legendary Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina!

"What are THEY doing here?! They can't be with those trainers! It's gotta be some coincidence!" She said in surprise.

At that moment, Julia came up over the radio, trying to yell over all the commotion going on down below.

"Ahrzayl! We're taking heavy damage! They're at this rate, they'll puncture the armor!"

"Raise the enegry shield and focus all main and laser turrets on those three pokemon!!" Ahrzayl ordered.

She wasn't prepared for an assault from legendaries! The ship rocked from side to side, trying to balance against the barrage. Everyone was running about on the deck in the chaos, as Froslynn and Ahrzayl darted back inside. There wasn't a pokemon on board that could handle those things and with the pokecannon destroyed, she was running out of options. Julia came back up over the radio.

"Captain! Troops were able to sneek in through the roof of the center. The retrieval is going well so far. They'll be pulled back once we have most of them." She explained and hung up.

At least something was going right. They both turned to corner sharply on their way to asses damages.

"Domino! We're taking some heavy hits here! We can hold out a little longer. Let us know when we're in the clear to cover your exit." Ahrzayl radioed over.

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Reply #1491 on: June 07, 2013, 11:29:31 PM
Ryo, Posu and Nega observed the Legendary Pokemon firing their Aura Spheres at the ship before looking to each other and nodding.  Using their Copycat abilities, they conjured up their own Aura Spheres using their paws and fired them at the ship to further disorient and scare them off.

Genbu, meanwhile, looked back inside upon hearing commotion coming from the lobby where the wild Pokemon were being stationed at and rushes back to find more Team Rocket grunts snatching and hauling them towards the ceiling where they seemingly busted in.  Growling in aggravation, he points his bonzai-size tree towards the grunts and unleashed a massive Leaf Storm, unhindered by his current shrunken size thanks to being a Special attack rather than a physical.


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Reply #1492 on: June 07, 2013, 11:45:30 PM
Domino acknowledged Ahrzayl's communique.  "My team has Mewtwo subdued, and we'll be progressing to Stage Two."  She glanced up, noting Quickie heading in their direction. "We have some uninvited company.  That trainer is headed our way.  My team secured the perimeter, but the boss will need more time."  She ended the call, but did not close the connection, as she busied herself with some items in her bag.  Pulling out a dart, she loaded it into a gun and moved about the perimeter.  Taking care not to be noticed, Domino chose a location within Mewtwo's blind spot and took aim between two agents.  Without hesitating, she pulled the trigger and fired the dart into the base of Mewtwo's tail.  "Sweet dreams."

Mewtwo snapped his head to the dart.  Quickly, he ripped it free.  He looked around at the grunts standing there, then brought his gaze back to Wily.  Taking a deep breath, he started to pull himself to his feet.

One of the grunts stepped forward and jabbed the clone in the side. "Down, boy!  Down!"

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Reply #1493 on: June 07, 2013, 11:49:18 PM
"Sakura it looks like someone is trying to steal the Pokemon in the Center." Xuangzang observed.

"God dammit!" Sakura yelled as she knocked out the last grunt with the blunt edge of her sword. "Vulcan, Shiva, Fenri follow me! Venus, Castor keep hampering the other Rockets!"

The shiny Blaziken, Jynx, and Lucario headed back to the center while the Milotic kept using Ice Beam to freeze the terrain and the Roserade used Sleep Powder to put some of the Rockets to sleep.

"Shiva use Ice Beam on the floor, Fenri use Psychic to lift the Pokemon to safety, Vulcan use Shadow Claw to knock the stolen Pokemon out of their hands!" Sakura yelled.

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Reply #1494 on: June 08, 2013, 12:05:24 AM
The red blur continued zipping about, sending Rocket Grunts flying from various impacts. In a zig-zag pattern, the Red Blur progressively zipped it's way to Giovanni's helicopter.

A dark shadow seemed to follow after Sakura into the pokemon center.

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Reply #1495 on: June 08, 2013, 12:09:44 AM
(Darkrai is coming to play too?)

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Reply #1496 on: June 08, 2013, 12:12:34 AM
(Yep. I made lots of hints at Sapph having caught him. Also, it shouldn't take much effort to figure out who the 'red blur' is. 8D )

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Reply #1497 on: June 08, 2013, 12:14:34 AM
(To be honest I surprised he didn't catch the blue blur too.)

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Reply #1498 on: June 08, 2013, 12:16:19 AM
(Technically, he didn't really 'catch' the red blur, more formed a bond. The blue blur can zip in too though, since they're both connected by the same thing. XD )

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Reply #1499 on: June 08, 2013, 12:17:06 AM
(Ah I see, I'm guessing you also have the beasts as well right?)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection