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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #850 on: June 03, 2010, 10:39:32 PM
"I've been asking the same thing," said Alice, "Well, since you're here, grab something and keep these freaks at bay."


Malachi considered this. At last, when he deduced that he really had nothing better to do and he might get, at the very least, something to eat out of all of this, he gave his answer.


Offline Blackhook

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Reply #851 on: June 03, 2010, 10:48:28 PM
"EEEH? Do I look like I can fight?"
The girl looked with confusion at the fighting maid.

"Really? Ok then let's go and find that petty thief!"
And thus the adventure of The Wallman and Malachi begun.

Meanwhile in a different part of the castle, Remus was happily bitting into a piece of meat.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #852 on: June 03, 2010, 11:11:32 PM
"I would have hoped so, yeah."


Malachi lumbered after his diminutive friend. He was so hungry now. So very hungry.

"I need nourishment, little man."

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #853 on: June 03, 2010, 11:19:36 PM
[@Mirby: Don't kill things that haven't really shown themselves yet (or if you're not really sure if they are what they think they are). Especially if they haven't started to attack yet, you might have killed an innocent bystander or two that way.

@Lucky: The dopplegangers can duplicate most physical beings, objects, attacks, techniques and even battle styles...however, when it comes to magic and magical items, they tend to falter a bit. For example, if a doppleganger does try to mimic Alice's time slowing ability, it would only work for a second or two, not only that but the spell would not be as strong as the real thing.

This is the reason why the first doppleganger who was posing as Strange Man inderictly took out Ammes, since his a creature who relies mostly on magical abilities.]

"Oi! A damn group of dopplegangers are heading right towards us. That's a scary though...Hell! They could be here already!" Said one of the panicking man, holding to his halbierd tightly and shaking in his boots.

"I know what you mean mate. Those things give me the creeps...one could be standing right near you, waiting for you to let yer guard down. And watch out for anything funny in our actions..." the man holding a gun and wore an eyepatch told his companion.

Suddenly, the man holding the halbierd raised his weapon up high, a malicious look gleamed in his eyes.

" 'Course you know..." A large spike and impailed the attacking man's head.

"Even if you figured out who is who, your still gonna have to be quick about. Gye he he he." A doppleganger who posed as one of the women warrior. A large lance like tounge stood stiff as it remained impaled in the halbierd wielders hed.

"What in blue-blazez!?" The captain said pointing his gun towards the mimic's head.

"Don't worry captain, I gots him" Said a far away bowman, ready to shoot the evil being.

"Ah, don't won't be necessary lad." The captain quickly shot the young man's head. The man grinned in delight.
"I can handle meself quite nicely." He said as he removed his eyepatch to reveal a cat-like eye.

"This will be fun, brother!" The woman said as she melted on the floor.

"Indeed, sister. Gye he he he he!" The other creature responded as it melted like it's supposed sibling.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #854 on: June 03, 2010, 11:23:57 PM
[@Jestah: True Sight ability gained by using the holy/shadow energy hybrid inside her that was used to heal her; allows her to see the truth of things... therefore, she can tell if something is the real deal or not. This will probably be the only time I use it]

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Offline Blackhook

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Reply #855 on: June 03, 2010, 11:27:44 PM
The girl kept starring at Alice.
" Is it that common for a little girl to have powers to fight against demons? OK apparently I am a demon myself..or so I heard...but still that doesn make me..."
The girl was interupted by one of the doppelgangers who stabbed the girl with a sword. The girl looked at the sword in horror, but something was odd..There was no blood comming out of the wound, nor did the girl feel any pain...

Wallman looked over to his friend.
"Is that so...hmm maybe I can give you one of my other precious..."
The two headed to a corridor, where apparently the Wallman hid another tasty porkchop. To surprise, this hideout was also discovered and what was left was a cracked hole.
The wallman threw out of anger one of his bombs. The bomb hit a bypassing cockatrice. The explosion fried the huge bird demon...

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Reply #856 on: June 03, 2010, 11:41:00 PM
Alice cocked an eyebrow and glanced at the girl. "Doesn't that...hurt?"


"Fried poultry!" Malachi lumbered over and hungrily devoured the food in his hideous mouth. "Delicious."

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #857 on: June 03, 2010, 11:52:28 PM
Alucard looked over at the lady. "Do not judge me by my race, judge me by my actions. I understand you do not want to be allies, but we both have a common goal, I am certain we will keep crossing paths even if you try and avoid me."
Alucard raised his sword, trying to get a sight of the monsters tearing through the men.
"Men! Calm your senses, capture the creatures!" Alucard said, rallying the motley soldiers together.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #858 on: June 04, 2010, 12:23:35 AM
[@Mirby: That just makes me feel like there was no point in taking away the amulet and making this a bit confusing for everyone. But, seeing as your character is solely focused on finding that trincket of hers, I guess it won't really ruin the experience for others...plus theres more dopplegangers where those came from.]

From the shadows of the hall emerged a tired and battered Strange Man.

"*huff* *huff* Guys...there...here..." The man fell on the ground, and dozens of the mimics began to por out from the shadows behind him.

Inside the cracked floor of the room. The doppledganger which held Mirby's amulet could not bare the burning pain any longer.

"Gah! This is to much, any longer and I'll burn away..." It said to itself.

The being soon spotted one of its brethren who was heading towards Medusa's Hamlet.

"You! Sister! Take this accursed thing to the doctor's lab!" It shouted as it slid the amulet towards the other liquified doppleganger.

"Gah! Y-Yes brother." This other doppleganger then quickly changed course and headed away from the current room.

Meanwhile, in the catle halls near Dr.Frankestein's abode.

An elegantly dressed, pale woman walked slowly towards the mad doctors door. She was acompinied by a skeletal butler, who seemed to be very protective of the young maiden.

"...I wonder if those mimics have gotten a hold of that woman's amulet yet."    

Offline Mirby

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Reply #859 on: June 04, 2010, 12:28:34 AM
[Got it. Once I get that pendant back, the power ends... it might end before that though...]

Mirby continued her mad dash for the beast with her pendant. I must get that pendant back! she thought to herself, no other goal in her mind.

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Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #860 on: June 04, 2010, 12:40:01 AM
Alucard started to hunt down the dopplegangers. "It seems I might have to use my powers now." Alucard said, transforming into a wolf, chasing down his enemies, his shining silver cloak looking like lightning, the blade strapped onto his wolf body not making a sound at all.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #861 on: June 04, 2010, 12:45:19 AM
The troops have circled around the commanding have-breed. They readied they're axes, swords and lances. The marksmen pointed their guns, bows, and rifles. They stood there alert, waiting patiently for their enemies attack.

However, there was something amiss.
"Men, kill that beast before he gets any more of our men!" The other Alucard shouted. Pointing at the wolf who was attacking the dopplegangers who posed themselves as humans.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #862 on: June 04, 2010, 12:53:26 AM
Alucard, raising his sword from the corpse of one of the dopplgangers gave his copy an evil glare.
"Do not listen to him, he is a doppleganger of me!"
[So your....Alucart? 8D]

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #863 on: June 04, 2010, 03:23:59 AM
[I guess...the hells an Alucart?]

"Don't listen to this fake! Didn't you see how he transformed himself into a wolf? It's obvious his one of the doplegangers. Can't you see he just killed one of your own!?" The mimic rebelled. Imitating the same tone and expression as if the real Alucard himself had spoken those same words.

From behind Alucard, someone tugged the vampire prince's cape. Alucard turned and saw a bleeding man, one of the one he mercilessly attacked himself.

"Why? Master Alucard...I wasn't..." The man's grip loosened and he died quietly.

"Monster! Unforgiveable! Wall Meat!" Those were the words that were spouted at Alucard, by his very own men.

The soldiers readied there weapons. All fired up and ready to eradicate the vampire before them.   

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #864 on: June 04, 2010, 03:34:34 AM
[Alucart shield and sword are fake versions of Alucard's strongest weapon, practically useless, those two.]
"Halt, I cannot fight you, that man was a doppleganger!" He stared into the soul of his copy, making a path to him as Alucard danced around the humans, "I cannot let you insult my name like that, demon!" [Even though everyone hates him] He slammed Alucart to a wall, setting the tip of his blade on Alucart's throat, clutching his fake's cloak.
"Show your true self"

Offline Mirby

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Reply #865 on: June 04, 2010, 04:23:24 AM
Mirby continued to home in on the pendant... it was just around the next corner. As she turned to finally retrieve it, a mysterious force slammed her against the wall. Her eyes rolled for a second, and she had lost the True Sight ability for the time being. She didn't need it. She could sense the pendant in the hands of the foe ahead of her... but it was strange... she seemed to be able to sense several instances of the pendant. And then, from the floor, rose several grotesque mockeries of herself. Before she knew it, she was surrounded by these doppelgangers...

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Reply #866 on: June 04, 2010, 04:30:37 AM
Ammes tried to get the attention of his allies, but it seemed that none could hear or see him. In the midst of moving about wildly, he had accidentally passed through Bluebeard's head and had broken into his mind, hearing all his thoughts.

Whoa. What was that?

Just then, Ammes got an idea, and entered Bluebeard's mind again, trying to see if he could get his attention.

Excuse me. Can you hear me?

I put on my [twin slasher] face.

I also go by Spectro D., Idylleaus, Malabar, and Dumb-bit Twofuck.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #867 on: June 04, 2010, 06:08:20 AM
Alucart had a stern look on his face.
"My true self? This IS my trueself, mimic." The being kicked Alucard on his chest. The strenght of the being sent him a good distance from itself.

"I am Alucard, son of Dracula. I am all that he is not...well except maybe the fact that I'm half a vampire, but everything else is completely diffrent" He said, as he sheated a perfect replica of Alucard's current blade.

"And you, my delusional demon, are nothing more than my shadow." Alucart charged foward, ready to give his original a fight for his life. The vampire could see the dark grin and blood thirsty gleam in his eye as the mimic approached.

"Gye he he he he. We can't let you leave so soon girl. The funs just starting." One of the fake told the real Mirby.

"Besides, we still need to prepare for your dates arrival." Said another of the clones.

They all sheated their replicas of the holy blade Mirby held in her hands. The stood in Mirby's own stance and readied themselves for the coming battle.
In front of Dr.Frankestein's lab, the skeletal butler began to knock on the rusting metal door.
The woman stood patiently, waiting for the man's answer.

[PS: Your dopplegangers act exactly the same as you do in battle. The only thing that gets weaker is any attack or attribute that has any relation with magic or holy attacks. In Mirby's case, since most of her weapons are blessed by holy power, they're attack will obviously going to be weaker than hers...they can still kil, her though.]

Offline Mirby

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Reply #868 on: June 04, 2010, 06:46:47 AM
"My... my date? Who could that be?" Mirby asked, a bit stunned...

[You know, this would be ripe for some sort of surprise return of Sedo in some form...]

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Offline Blackhook

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Reply #869 on: June 04, 2010, 06:55:28 AM
A butler ,that looked like he was sewn together from various human bodies, opened the door and welcomed the woman with the skeletal butler.
"What brings you here, to my kingdom?"
The scientist greeted his guest with a cheerful smile on his face.

Alice cocked an eyebrow and glanced at the girl. "Doesn't that...hurt?"

"It's the first time for me to be stabbed...so I can't tell for sure, but this doesn't hurt at all!"
The doppelgänger pulled out the sword from the girls body. He revealed the hole inside the girl, that was being filled up by small bats, untill it was gone.
"...What did I just do?"

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Reply #870 on: June 04, 2010, 07:29:01 AM
[Could someone fill me in on what's happening? I have no clue what's going on...]

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

Offline Mirby

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Reply #871 on: June 04, 2010, 07:30:19 AM
[I think Jestah would be your best bet on that one...]

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Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #872 on: June 04, 2010, 02:07:53 PM
"Fool! I will show you what the real Alucard can do!" He cut open one of his clones' leg, dancing along with his enemies' blade, gracefully striking back.

Offline ST Jestah

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Reply #873 on: June 04, 2010, 05:08:25 PM
[@Mirby: That is exactly vhat I am preparing for, my dear paladin.

@Bluebeard: We're having a war agaisnt a hive of dopplegangers. Ammes (Spectro) is apearantly using spectral projection and is trying to communicate with you in your mind.  Meanwhile, I'm lying on the floor unconcious waiting for someone to pick me up.]

"Gye he he he he! You have to do more that to beat me, son of Dracula." Alucart quickened his pace, his sword swings becoming faster and stronger than the last. He kept his balance up and hoped around the vampire, al while his leg began to regenerate.

While Alucart was busy fighting the true prince of the night, dopplegangers had poped up behind the men and started to kill them mercilessly. Some were able to fight back, while others fell at the hands of the laughing creatures.

"Yes...its someone you got to know very well, if you know what I mean." The third doppleganger told the woman, giggling at its own tease.

"Or we should say, got to know part of her. But enough of this. She needs to prepare, and you need to be a good girl and wait." Said the doppleganger in front of her. The three mimics then lunged themselves and began to attack the confused paladin.

Meanwhile, in the hall that lead towards the doctors lab.

"T-Too much! Too much pain!" Said the doppleganger who was burning up, trying to make its way through the hallway withouth being completely purified.

Another doppleganger came from behind it, it took the shape of large rat.
"Gimmie the amulet, sister. You obviously can't handle it anymore" It said as it passed by its kin and grabbed the item.

"...OH DEAR LORD (Dracula)!! THAT STINGS!!" As the amulet was further away from Mirby, its holy powers grew stronger and stronger.

"Gottagetthisfastgottagetthisfastthisburnstoomuch!" The rat shouted as it moved swiftly towards the doctors room.

The woman slowly made her way towards the man. She wore and elegant red and black dress, fit for a noble of darkness. She held an unbrella of the same colors, with an eye design on its top. The woman had curled, brunette hair and pale skin. Upon closer inspection, she seemed to look like many of the other Persephone's.

"Dr.Frankestein, pleasure to meet your aquaintance." She said in a lovely and calm voice.

"Though, I believe you've already met a part of me." She gazed at the man. A familiar demonic glow was seeping out from her right eye.

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Reply #874 on: June 04, 2010, 05:25:34 PM
Mirby quickly threw the three doppelgangers off of her and sliced them in half. "Well, in that case.... let me wait. If I'm to have a date scheduled... I think I should look my best, don't you?" She sheathed her blade and waited.

[This should be interesting.]

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