Roa wondered when Hajime missed the part where Flame was going crazy. He didn't particularly feel like getting killed while his attention was elsewhere. He settled for raising an eyebrow. "'Who cares'? I thought you would, seeing as you two are friends after all. Are you saying no one would care if I killed him? That's not very nice."
Hajime meagerly looks over to Roa, "Technically, he's not completely gone. He's just
VERY angry right now and only looks like he's going to mindlessly tear someone's head off. I don't care if you value your life, but I don't want Flame taking all his anger out on either you or Afro just because one of you needed a training lesson."
Just as he had finished retorting Roa's comment....
Flame: WHO!?
A-S: It' brothers. Yes my brothers are close by...I can;t tell you much at this moment but what I can tell you is that they are extremely powerful, sinister and won't stop at anything to kill me, and destroy RPM City. They aren't to be taken lightly either, I should know...I was hoping to lure them somewhere else but I didn't have enough time...But they are Evil!
???2: Oh such kind words...
???1: ...From the one weakest of every one here.
As every one looked around the room to try and find the source of the voices, Afro just stood still slightly trembling in both fear and anger. For it was time to face his past...
A sudden explosion rocked the WDS as from the recently made hole in wall, two Afroed men appeared...
A-S: Capn' Afro (the one smoking) and Afro-Mania (the one with a crazy snicker on his face) brothers.
Capn: Hm...still formal as ever. Let's get this over with.
Mania: What are you kidding me!? I'm gonna make this as long and pain full as possible for him and all his little retarded looking little [Top Spin] fucks! Bwa ha ha ha!
Capn: HEY! Don't forget your also insulting a certain person here as well you idiot.
Mania: AH forgive me but I can't contain my self.
Afro: Damn it...cocky bastards like always...Damn it I need Dan quickly. where is he?
Mean while, Dan continues hs trek towards the WDS...
Hajime frowns slightly as he stares at the two brothers, contemplating his plan of action since he doesn't have his arsenal pack, nor have the time to retrieve it even by remote.