Official Nintendo 3DS Discussion Thread - Specs, Tech, Price? It's all here!

Emiri Landeel · 275420

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Funny how people are being so resistant about this. The exclusion of a second analog from the 3DS proved Nintendo's completely out of date when it comes to allowing developers to use a console for any third dimensional game that doesn't feature fixed camera angles. Doesn't really matter what anyone says, if you ask anyone if the DS had any good FPS or TPS games, most people will just go "No." The reason the console wasn't popular with that kind of genre, was because of the lack of a second analog, something which is VERY much needed for most modern games nowadays. MUCH better than triggers, claw grip or even controlling the camera through the DS screen, something which completely takes away any ergonomic capacities away from the console.

Looks like you're gonna have to learn the equivalent of how to ride a bike when you're 40, Hypy. 8D

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I think most are resistant towards the fact that they didn't design it into the device itself. Even if they don't know it or admit it.
I'm probably gonna wait for a redesign before I get a 3DS. I always was, but now I know I have a reason instead of just having a good guess based on their recent history.

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I admit I screwed up BIGTIME by buying it near launch. With the $80 ambassador roms bullshit and now a redesign they're not even waiting half a year to present... let's just say I wish I waited for games.

...well, I'm gonna end up pirating every single one of them in the first place. =P

Offline Hypershell

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You evil pirating swine.

*hides his romhacks*

Funny how people are being so resistant about this. The exclusion of a second analog from the 3DS proved Nintendo's completely out of date when it comes to allowing developers to use a console for any third dimensional game that doesn't feature fixed camera angles. Doesn't really matter what anyone says, if you ask anyone if the DS had any good FPS or TPS games, most people will just go "No." The reason the console wasn't popular with that kind of genre, was because of the lack of a second analog, something which is VERY much needed for most modern games nowadays. MUCH better than triggers, claw grip or even controlling the camera through the DS screen, something which completely takes away any ergonomic capacities away from the console.

Looks like you're gonna have to learn the equivalent of how to ride a bike when you're 40, Hypy. 8D
I'll grant you the ergonomic issues, but there is some degree of subjectivity to that.  That's why the Options menu exists.  The touch screen generally offers less comfort but greater precision, whether or not the tradeoff is worth it varies by the individual.

And sorry to disappoint you, but I plan to continue riding my horse. 8D Dual analogue is a decade old, BE, and I've been gaming that entire time.  It's not as vital as you think when you lack interest in the FPS genre to begin with.  And even if I do expand my horizons (which I did at last year's NYCC), there are other options.  Its supposed necessity is the result of a trend, not of practicality.  The 360 is the only system left, current or upcoming, that has two sticks, but does not have either a touch-screen or a pointer.

Of course, in the world of marketing, trends can be just as powerful as practicality.

I think most are resistant towards the fact that they didn't design it into the device itself. Even if they don't know it or admit it.
Sounds logical to me.  If you want it, you likely believe it should have been in the system at the start.  If you don't, you wouldn't have given a damn if it was in the system at the start.

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Offline Bueno Excelente

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You evil pirating swine.

*hides his romhacks*
I'll grant you the ergonomic issues, but there is some degree of subjectivity to that.  That's why the Options menu exists.  The touch screen generally offers less comfort but greater precision, whether or not the tradeoff is worth it varies by the individual.

And sorry to disappoint you, but I plan to continue riding my horse. 8D Dual analogue is a decade old, BE, and I've been gaming that entire time.  It's not as vital as you think when you lack interest in the FPS genre to begin with.  And even if I do expand my horizons (which I did at last year's NYCC), there are other options.  Its supposed necessity is the result of a trend, not of practicality.  The 360 is the only system left, current or upcoming, that has two sticks, but does not have either a touch-screen or a pointer.

Of course, in the world of marketing, trends can be just as powerful as practicality.
Sounds logical to me.  If you want it, you likely believe it should have been in the system at the start.  If you don't, you wouldn't have given a damn if it was in the system at the start.
Blurg-a-blurg, analogs may not be the best way to aim, mouse control is. But they're certainly the best way to move a camera on consoles. The right analog stick is the ONLY way to use a camera well when it's not fixed, and pointers solve nothing. And Hypy, do excuse the fact, but it's not only FPS games that use it. Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter, GTA, and most other non-fixed camera games NEED to have a dual analog system, or resort to horrible claw grips and bad camera systems. Also, there isn't one single tournament-played FPS that uses a pointer in the first place. Because they suck at when you have to move the camera around. Killzone 3 had alot of criticism about this, and let's not even mention the lack of any good straight FPS games the Wii has because of the complete lack of a dual analog system.

I'm not saying this, sweetheart. It's the industry. Warn me when the prefered control system by all on cowwadooties and Haloes becomes pointers and stuff like that.

Meanwhile, I'd ask you to leave western gaming control functionality, to people who actually PLAY those games. =P Don't talk about stuff you don't know.

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There are so many topics that can be discussed about the 3DS alone, factoring in how primitive they have made it. No built-in second analog, no substantial messaging system, low screen resolution for modern tech (640x480 could have been the 2D standard), no chat room, lack of downloadable retail games on eShop, among a few others. These are basic things that almost any modern gaming systems have and then some, yet Nintendo persists to stay behind.

Surely, It couldn't be a matter of endangering their market sales. The 3DS could of had all those mentioned features and sold for a justly priced $250. PS3 was $600 then brought down to $300 - $250 without removing any features besides PS2 backwards compatibility. Sony made the same mistake, they could have sold it for $300 at the start and avoided the bad sales due to over-pricing. Companies apparently think that selling powerful but dated hardware warrants a hefty price tag. But anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.

The lack of the second analog from the start is one of the most baffling things to me (along with the absence of a messaging/chat system). Nintendo is afraid, but for absolutely no reason whatsoever. There's nothing wrong about getting with the times. The 3DS has the potential to feel like a home console, but It's being dragged back.

Offline Bueno Excelente

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There are so many topics that can be discussed about the 3DS alone, factoring in how primitive they have made it. No built-in second analog, no substantial messaging system, low screen resolution for modern tech (640x480 could have been the 2D standard), no chat room, lack of downloadable retail games on eShop, among a few others. These are basic things that almost any modern gaming systems have and then some, yet Nintendo persists to stay behind.

Surely, It couldn't be a matter of endangering their market sales. The 3DS could of had all those mentioned features and sold for a justly priced $250. PS3 was $600 then brought down to $300 - $250 without removing any features besides PS2 backwards compatibility. Sony made the same mistake, they could have sold it for $300 at the start and avoided the bad sales due to over-pricing. Companies apparently think that selling powerful but dated hardware warrants a hefty price tag. But anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.

The lack of the second analog from the start is one of the most baffling things to me (along with the absence of a messaging/chat system). Nintendo is afraid, but for absolutely no reason whatsoever. There's nothing wrong about getting with the times. The 3DS has the potential to feel like a home console, but It's being dragged back.
Apple does it, and Nintendo does it as well. The sin of thinking you're more important than anyone else, the sin of thinking you set every single damn trend. The sin of thinking that a tiny thing like Fox News paranoids saying child pedophilia is everywhere online ruins your image of family-friendly, so your net functionality must be as closed and as obtuse as it can be. Nintendo sins quite a bit these past two generations.

On the Wii and the DS, they got very, very lucky. They basically gambled a whole lot, and even played it safe on a certain bit. It ended up working in the exact opposite way they expected, but in a very controversial way as well. They are swimming in ten times more money they could have predicted, and sadly, instead of making them artistically free and happy, or even financially cautious, it made them stupid.

So far, as Legends 3 has been cancelled, only a bunch of titles interest me on the 3DS. Beyond the Labyrinth, that cell shooter game, Luigi's Mansion 2 and that new Kingdom Hearts game. The 3DS has a whole lot of potencial going on for it, but NONE of it is in the stereoscopic 3D functionality, an 80s gimmick which has been taken too damn far by the movie industry recently, and that I expect for it to go away as soon as the next generation of beautiful screen resolutions amaze us with the new detail they can bring.

But the 3DS has been overtaken even by current cellphone resolutions, which have delivered to us amazing stuff like this:


When even iOS systems can deliver to us quality like this, Nintendo is making the very, very stubborn move of staying behind, and giving us slightly graphically improved ports of games they released more than a decade ago. It feels like an insult, pure and simply. People are just going to notice when their cellphones can give them higher tech stuff than the console they bought FOR GAMES.

As far as the second analog stick goes, I've said my piece. After being used for three generations as the perfect console camera system, it's just dumb not to put it in.


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The slide pad is not ridged as Nintendo's usual analogue sticks are; you have to put a fair amount of pressure on it to keep your grip.

I noticed this too. However, the reason seems to be simply it doesn't handle skin oil build up as well as ridged ones. Simply wipe your circle pad off, and your thumb off, and it'll be fine. That's all I had to do.


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Offline Phi

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When even iOS systems can deliver to us quality like this, Nintendo is making the very, very stubborn move of staying behind, and giving us slightly graphically improved ports of games they released more than a decade ago. It feels like an insult, pure and simply. People are just going to notice when their cellphones can give them higher tech stuff than the console they bought FOR GAMES.

I wouldn't go as far as to say OoT or StarFox are slightly upgraded. It's quite a far amount if you look at N64 vs 3DS comparisons, and even better viewing it first-hand on the 3DS screen. Also both Boss Rush and MQ in OoT are very much appreciated. However of course, a fair number of "blocky" geometry structures from the original releases can be recognized in the remakes, just given a coating of shiny paint. As much as I love playing OoT 3D, they still could have revamped it completely to where It looked akin to SS or TP.

And I worry the 3DS's fairly low screen resolution may hinder games like RE:Revelations and even the new Monster Hunter Tri G game (one of the Wii's most graphically impressive). For this system, It seems that only the third party companies try to push the hardware.



Until then, Nintendo has to wake up. They never had that problem with the GC (beautiful games like Double Dash, Sunshine, TP and Star Fox Assault).

Offline Hypershell

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I love Double Dash, but I don't think it's all that graphically impressive.

Star Fox 64 DS looks positively gorgeous; its visuals are considerably better than OoT 3D's, and with the exception of the in-ship animal heads, it leaves few if any "primitive" remnants of the original the way that OoT 3D did with its various boss monsters (among other things).  It's no RE:Revelations (not as if a certain third party didn't put Nintendo to shame on the GCN), and it is kinda sad that we only saw the first Nintendo game to push Nintendo's hardware this week.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  There is no way, between Kid Icarus (granted Sakurai isn't reliable with dates) and two N64 ports, that none of that could have been ready for launch.  Nintendo gave the third parties some extra rope, and the third parties hanged themselves.  Sure, the hardware was pricey, but outside of ports (even some outstanding ports), the software ranges from abysmal to nonexistant until November or so.

Monster Hunter...and most other non-fixed camera games NEED to have a dual analog system
270 hours of hunting and half a dozen Azure Dragongems have proven to me that dual analogue is not the gameplay necessity that many would have us believe.

But to be clear, I am not saying that dual analogue should be abandoned.  That would be foolish.  It is extremely valuable for marketing purposes (my negativity towards the 3DS add-on is due to the fact that those who actually want it likely won't care for the extra bulk and will continue bitching that it should have been built-in in the first place), as it removes a potential barrier to a wide range of experienced gamers.  Even if a new control setup is perfectly functional, to omit a previously established standard is to risk alienating your previously established audience.

It's just as true of button layouts as it is dual-analogue, and I've already raised hell over it long ago (see Star Fox Command).

I noticed this too. However, the reason seems to be simply it doesn't handle skin oil build up as well as ridged ones. Simply wipe your circle pad off, and your thumb off, and it'll be fine. That's all I had to do.
I'll have to keep that in mind.  It's pretty much just OoT where I had issues, though.

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I wouldn't go as far as to say OoT or StarFox are slightly upgraded. It's quite a far amount if you look at N64 vs 3DS comparisons, and even better viewing it first-hand on the 3DS screen. Also both Boss Rush and MQ in OoT are very much appreciated. However of course, a fair number of "blocky" geometry structures from the original releases can be recognized in the remakes, just given a coating of shiny paint. As much as I love playing OoT 3D, they still could have revamped it completely to where It looked akin to SS or TP.

And I worry the 3DS's fairly low screen resolution may hinder games like RE:Revelations and even the new Monster Hunter Tri G game (one of the Wii's most graphically impressive). For this system, It seems that only the third party companies try to push the hardware.



Until then, Nintendo has to wake up. They never had that problem with the GC (beautiful games like Double Dash, Sunshine, TP and Star Fox Assault).
Let's just say I am very pissed off whenever I hear Nintendo call OOT and Starfox "remakes". A remake, is something like Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, or Tomb Raider: Anniversary. It's something that completely revamps a game, visually and gameplay-wise, to fit today's standards. These two games are mere graphical upgrades, with a few added control options. And not even graphical upgrades to fit today's standards by far, or even regular standards of what a 3DS game is capable of. The 3DS can do stuff like that Resi game easily, but both Nintendo and most third-parties aren't even making the effort, instead making games that could be possible on N64 hardware (the DS could have handled many of them) and really pushing the standards, nope. They're buying a huge hole for both them, and the gaming industry. To show that we can be stuck in a rut for years and years to come, simply waving eye trick [parasitic bomb] like stereoscopic 3D onto people's faces, and they'll come running. This when most of the people who play the 3DS say they use the 3D effect for about 5 minutes, and then switch to normal, as an ordinary novelty.

I seriously can't wait until they start making games that do NOT require any use of the 3D. Just like the lion's share of good Wii games doesn't even use any waggling to speak of.

Oh honey. Trying to give yourself as an example for the whole world, isn't really valid. And you won't be able to find any modern game with a free camera system on a dual analog console, that doesn't use the right analog stick to control the camera. No developer ever thinks there's any kind of problem with it. No developer has ever thought the right analog stick was only clever marketing, or just a "trend". It's actually the best way to use a game's camera when you have no mouse. I know it, everybody in the world knows it. It's not a trend, and it's not clever marketing. It has been the best way to control camera direction for years, and it'll continue to be the best for years to come, until someone figures out a better way to control it. And it looks like all future consoles will have a dual analog system. The Wii U has learned its lesson, and the so has the 3DS, with this new peripheral.

The grapes are perfectly fine. The fox just needs to stop being a [sonic slicer]. And the analog sticks are fine. Just get used to the standard control scheme for everything nowadays, or stop playing games. It's that simple, darling.

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I seriously can't wait until they start making games that do NOT require any use of the 3D.

Well, I hope you don't have to wait long. As we all know, if you turn off the 3D on all current 3DS games, the game crashes and then you have to send it to Nintendo. It's not like every game supports a no 3D mode and it's even built into the hardware. Nope, all the current games crash and show you gay porn when you try to force non-3D mode.

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Well, I hope you don't have to wait long. As we all know, if you turn off the 3D on all current 3DS games, the game crashes and then you have to send it to Nintendo. It's not like every game supports a no 3D mode and it's even built into the hardware. Nope, all the current games crash and show you gay porn when you try to force non-3D mode.
...I mean games in which teams start using the full power of the 3DS for graphical advantage instead of 3D rendering, you [Bumpity-Boom!].

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That may be what you meant, but it's not what you said.  And the rest of the internet tries to go on the latter rather than guess at the earlier.

There are already games that bump up the framerate while the 3D is off.  And supposedly Shin Megami Tensei doesn't use the 3D at all outside of the opening cinematic.  It certainly doesn't push the system visually, though; evidently the devs just didn't feel like using it.

Trying to give yourself as an example for the whole world, isn't really valid.
I don't know why you insist that my expressing a personal preference equals a movement to abolish an industry standard.

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...I mean games in which teams start using the full power of the 3DS for graphical advantage instead of 3D rendering, you [Bumpity-Boom!].

It's been 6 months since launch. It's usually 1 year or 6 months before the system dies that developers finally have a full hold on the graphical power of any system.

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That may be what you meant, but it's not what you said.  And the rest of the internet tries to go on the latter rather than guess at the earlier.

There are already games that bump up the framerate while the 3D is off.  And supposedly Shin Megami Tensei doesn't use the 3D at all outside of the opening cinematic.  It certainly doesn't push the system visually, though; evidently the devs just didn't feel like using it.
I don't know why you insist that my expressing a personal preference equals a movement to abolish an industry standard.

Its supposed necessity is the result of a trend, not of practicality.  The 360 is the only system left, current or upcoming, that has two sticks, but does not have either a touch-screen or a pointer.

Of course, in the world of marketing, trends can be just as powerful as practicality.
This isn't "personal preference". This is dismissing the most common gaming control standard since the d-pad as a "trend". Don't run away from your words.

And I'm not stupid enough to not realise a big 3D function slider on my own console. I said "games that do not require the use of the 3D", and by that I mean from the developent teams that spend time making the little pop-out effect work instead of dedicating that time to making a game better. I do, however, know that by simply taking out the 3D functionality, frees quite alot of space for processing. Processing that can be used to make the game better, rather than being used for hollywood's main gimmick. By "full power", I mean that they're purposedly limiting themselves with the 3D, for the sake of doing that little pop-up feature the console has. I did not mean they needed to use the full graphical power that the console can achieve.

Having to make an entire game in stereoscopic 3D is why so many companies are resorting to making ports and quick games for the 3DS. Less work, same amount of money.

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This isn't "personal preference". This is dismissing the most common gaming control standard since the d-pad as a "trend". Don't run away from your words.
1.the general course or prevailing tendency

That's not dismissive, that's an acknowledgement of popularity.  Quit being so defensive.

And I'm not stupid enough to not realise a big 3D function slider on my own console. I said "games that do not require the use of the 3D", and by that I mean from the developent teams that spend time making the little pop-out effect work instead of dedicating that time to making a game better. I do, however, know that by simply taking out the 3D functionality, frees quite alot of space for processing. Processing that can be used to make the game better, rather than being used for hollywood's main gimmick. By "full power", I mean that they're purposedly limiting themselves with the 3D, for the sake of doing that little pop-up feature the console has. I did not mean they needed to use the full graphical power that the console can achieve.
When you speak to players of what a game requires, they generally take that to mean what it requires from the player, unless specified otherwise.  You said nothing of development and you wouldn't be the first person to ignore the slider.  Choose your words more carefully.

In a polygon game, stereoscopic 3D is little more than displaying two camera angles.  The development time is insignificant, nowhere near the required effort of, say, a 3D Classic (which requires remaking the entire game).  It does demand extra power from the system, for sure, but I already addressed that in my last post.  Games can respond to the 3D slider, and doubling the framerate while the 3D is off has been going on since launch day.  If they're killing the framerate rather than the environment to get 3D, then they're not going to make a much better-looking game without killing both.  It's been a criticism of some of the early fighting games, one of the areas where the 3DS was supposed to be strong.

Considering how many games on the Gamecube's successor look worse than a Gamecube launch title, I don't expect that third parties under-performing on 3DS has anything to do with 3D.  Poor development is poor development, and as we see in games like Star Fox and RE Revelations, solid development should be able to produce strong visuals with or without 3D.  However, third parties have not been willing to put their best foot forward with Nintendo.  The lesson they learned over the last console generation is to release shovelware to take advantage of the sheer numbers of Nintendo's userbase, and if Nintendo fails to generate a userbase ten times that of their competitors, they will surely go bankrupt.

It's no wonder Nintendo system owners don't want to buy non-Nintendo games.

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1.the general course or prevailing tendency

That's not dismissive, that's an acknowledgement of popularity.  Quit being so defensive.
I put "trend", and quoted your full statement, which said "the result of a trend, not of practicality". I wasn't acknowledging the word trend alone as your full statement, or else I would have quoted just that. But you're acknowledging its popularity as nothing more than "it's just good because everyone uses it". I'm acusing you of thinking dual analogs aren't the best solution for camera control in consoles, and they're just used because all kiddies like it nowadays. Which couldn't be more wrong from the truth. It's the best way. It's the new standard because of practicality, because of how well it works in every single way.

Honestly, I think the fact that it seems to me you've stuck to Nintendo-only consoles all your life has put you in a very biased position. Complaining about the damn analog cradling spots? When has any game whatsoever ever needed those? I remember people complaining about those when the Gamecube and the Wii came out, saying "we're not babies anymore!". Heck, even Nintendo has succumbed to a controller with dual analogs for their new console. Every single current console in the market now has two analogs, and if there was ANY way to freely move a camera better than with a right analog, you honestly think it wouldn't have shown up in any other game whatsoever? None? The pointer isn't any better, or all games would be played in tournaments with pointers. But it's slow and cumbersome to aim at the side of your screen, much slower than to simply click an analog in one side. Maybe triggers? Wrong, it takes two whole fingers, and it only serves the purpose of left and right camera control. What about tank controls? That takes away the player's control of the camera itself, by making him be pointed only to the direction he's running. Worked really well on Bubsy 3D, didn't it? What about camera lock? Still bad, because you have to keep turning your character and pressing a button, just to look in a direction. Oh, maybe lock-on? No, because that relies on the game to tell you which enemies you must be turned towards, instead of you picking them yourself, taking control away from you. Right d-pad, like in the Wiimote? Halfway decent but still not as good as an analog. So WHAT? Tell me, what is the prefered solution for camera control on console games? For platformers, when you need to see something below the platform in front of you? For first person games, when you need to strafe onto a corridor in order to not get shot in the head? For action games, when you want a better look on the side, but a bit above you, to be able to dodge an enemy's move accordingly? Heck, what about third person stealth games? How are you even going to look around your character without an analog? MGS3 was remade entirely in order to use the right analog, for nothing but ease of control. Oh, let's look at a full movement game! You can fly, shoot and pretty much attack in all directions, how are you going to manage something like that without a turning mechanism fast enough to turn the whole camera around to the exact required spot, with a control system that becomes second nature to the player using it?

Once again, fox and the grapes. For curiosity's sake, do you play any non-Nintendo consoles? Any non-Nintendo games in those? Because you seem to be VERY biased in your opinions, purely because you have never played any games that make frequent use of this mechanic. And by that, I mean 90% of any kind of direct control games nowadays.

When you speak to players of what a game requires, they generally take that to mean what it requires from the player, unless specified otherwise.  You said nothing of development and you wouldn't be the first person to ignore the slider.  Choose your words more carefully.

In a polygon game, stereoscopic 3D is little more than displaying two camera angles.  The development time is insignificant, nowhere near the required effort of, say, a 3D Classic (which requires remaking the entire game).  It does demand extra power from the system, for sure, but I already addressed that in my last post.  Games can respond to the 3D slider, and doubling the framerate while the 3D is off has been going on since launch day.  If they're killing the framerate rather than the environment to get 3D, then they're not going to make a much better-looking game without killing both.  It's been a criticism of some of the early fighting games, one of the areas where the 3DS was supposed to be strong.

Considering how many games on the Gamecube's successor look worse than a Gamecube launch title, I don't expect that third parties under-performing on 3DS has anything to do with 3D.  Poor development is poor development, and as we see in games like Star Fox and RE Revelations, solid development should be able to produce strong visuals with or without 3D.  However, third parties have not been willing to put their best foot forward with Nintendo.  The lesson they learned over the last console generation is to release shovelware to take advantage of the sheer numbers of Nintendo's userbase, and if Nintendo fails to generate a userbase ten times that of their competitors, they will surely go bankrupt.

It's no wonder Nintendo system owners don't want to buy non-Nintendo games.
Completely ignoring the 3D slider, on a console that has 3D in its name, with a wide-open light in front of my eyes? It's like you're calling me stupid.

Processing power is wasted on rendering two separate screens, and yes, it takes quite a bit of development time to produce the stereoscopic effect. It's not something you can just slap on there. I can't be arsed to give you any detailed explanation. Google it or something.

And I think it's funny how you blame third parties when so far, Nintendo has just been releasing ports and games that have been below the expectations, while third party games like Resi, Beyond the Labyrinth and Kingdom Hearts seem to be the one taking the biggest advantage of the 3DS. Nintendo's failing to demonstrate anything of interest here. The Wii's main issue, is that most developers who made good games for it, ended up selling very little. And nobody wanted to make games exclusive to a single, outdated console when they had two other bigger beasts in the market. So, yes. Nintendo reaped the profits. It was a different matter on the 3DS, because it was a fresh, new technology in a market where the only competitor they had was a new guy.

TL;DR version:

Basically, stop going all conspiracy theory, just because you don't like the truth. Dual analogs are popular because they're the best way to control free camera, not because they're the most used. Third party games tank on the Wii, because Nintendo created a console where most people who buy it, buy games for popularity and the Nintendo brand instead of quality. You did the same thing in that conspiracy theory of yours, that Sonic games get bad reviews because every single reviewer hates them... they're bad! Occam's Razor.

Offline xnamkcor

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I can't be arsed to give you any detailed explanation.

Wall of text: Check
Detailed explanation: No Check

Offline Bueno Excelente

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Wall of text: Check
Detailed explanation: No Check
You seriously think I'm gonna waste my time in crafting a careful explanation on how stereoscopic videogames are made, when you give me answers of that caliber?

Also, wasn't talking to you.

Offline xnamkcor

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It uses two Points of View.

Well, that was hard to explain.

Offline Bueno Excelente

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Everyone knows how the stereoscopic 3D effect works on the human eye, I'm talking about how they are developed. Read posts before answering to them, or you look like an idiot.

Offline The Drunken Dishwasher

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I wonder how jumping around walls, scaling buildings and jumping from pole to pole in KH3Ds will be like in the 3D effect...

Offline Bueno Excelente

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No matter how much crap Nomura's gotten us through in the past, he knows how to optimize a system to give him great visuals, and fluid gameplay. KH 3D won't disappoint. I just hope the button configuration in the game works well. But so far, it seems to play like Birth By Sleep, with acrobatics.

Offline Solar

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I interrupt whatever discussion you were having to inform that a new Mario Tenis was just announced.

That is all.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.