I dunno, boss memorization is pretty standard MegaMan action. And frankly, games like ZX and Advent include enough tangents as it is. I will say, though, that I vastly prefer Advent's "weak point" system as having it actually be inconvenient to hit with no negative consequences; ergo you are aiming for it rather than avoiding it.
ESPECIALLY during that Gorilla boss.
Purprill is easy; just wait for him to grab on the wires and deliver a charged saber to his legs.
The part I didn't appreciate was the fire bosses, especially Fistleo. They're so small, and their weaknesses so large, that strictly speaking you cannot avoid hitting them on a 2D plane; so you're not positioning your attacks but rather learning which frames of their animations are "safe" to attack on. It's rather senseless, but the fact that bosses are easily rematchable does alleviate it a bit.
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