Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Wii, PS3, 360, iPhone)

HokutoNoBen · 245924

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Reply #1150 on: June 06, 2010, 04:03:18 AM
I explained why every single thing about the game is bad.

Only 472 words? That's not very convincing coming from someone with your track record of complaining.

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Reply #1151 on: June 06, 2010, 04:21:03 AM
Only 472 words? That's not very convincing coming from someone with your track record of complaining.
I complain about bad games and give good reasons for it. People then come to me and tell me I'm wrong without even explaining why. The [tornado fang] am I supposed to do, tell everyone I'm sorry and pretend to enjoy their crappy game? I'm not forcing anyone to agree with me or even debate. I just think it's bullshit to leave it on "you're doing childish bickering and I'm mature. Why? I don't have to explain [parasitic bomb]" terms.

But whatever, let's not pollute this topic so much with this crap, alright? If the guy wants to keep on talking about this, he can PM me or something.

Well then, Sonic 4! Now, what kind of interactible items are we talking about here? I haven't watched alot of the leaked gameplay videos so I wouldn't spoil myself any further, but I'd like to take a few guesses.

I've always liked these lifts. Sure, they stop the game for a bit, but they felt really "manual" back then. As if you moved stuff according to how much you pressed, and not just automatically. Was a cool little gimmick back then.

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Reply #1152 on: June 06, 2010, 06:17:11 AM
\Which you pretty much have failed to do, because you've looked at my arguments as to what caused Shadow to be a bad game, and you fled into "everyone has opinions" with your tail between your legs.
In no small part because that's the point at which you stopped discussing and started ranting (second reason, which you missed, will be presented two paragraphs down).  Yes, you presented your failures with the game, but it was laced with bitching and moaning over my audacity to enjoy the game more than Heroes (this is not saying much, btw; I do not think highly of Heroes).  When you whine, people don't want to talk to you, deal with it.

Since you're so adamant about this, I'll grant your wish and pick up where I left off, all without any further quote tags.  But before I do, some clarification of earlier statements:

You misunderstood me when I mentioned lacking the urge to continue a discussion based on a game I would shelf in favor of Adventures/Storybook.  I was referring to Shadow, not to NiGHTS JoD.  See, I don't think Shadow is THAT great, but I don't think it's THAT bad either, and I can see how some minor tweaks would have made it much better (ease up the mission restrictions and eliminate the final boss split, offering 5 more mission-free stages instead of only one).  If I'm going to read and write walls of text to defend a game, I'd frankly rather be defending a great game, not a mediocre game.  I don't particularly care if you don't appreciate a "so-so" game.  So I wasn't terribly motivated to defend Shadow.

The misconception I noted earlier was your citing an alleged need to avoid killing particular enemies.  That's not the case unless you're one enemy away from completing a mission which you don't want to.  When you spend that amount of time complaining about a nonissue, it says that you are not well educated about the game you're complaining about.  This is, incidentally, why I don't go into terrible detail with my complaints against JoD, I haven't been able to put up with it long enough to reach my second boss fight.  I realize that I could stand to educate myself further, but it takes a LOT for me to drop a title that early; the only other game to hold a candle to that level of badness in its early impressions is the GBC Animorphs game.  And I know there are many with more patience than I who have found much more to complain about in the late-game of JoD, so it is not terribly encouraging for me to drudge through what I already find a fun-sucking husk of a disc in order to find out.

Visuals?  Ironic complaint given your defense of JoD, one of the jaggiest titles I've seen.  But I won't argue against that; you'll never catch me defending the visuals of any Sonic Team title in the period between SA2 and Secret Rings.

Missions, I conceded, were tedious and overly strict.  However I do find you to blow it out of proportion a little, both due to the above enemy misconception, and the fact that missions basically exist only to unlock stuff.  You can free play from the menu and never worry about them.

Dialogue?  Absolutely and totally cheesy.  That's why it's enjoyable, because it's laughable in that MST3K kind of way.  I mean, how do you not smile at, "Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald?"  I'm glad future games did not continue along this route, but it was fun as a one shot deal, and I will take it over Heroes beating you over the head with child cliches (Because...we're Sonic Heroes! *shudder*)

Shooting, assuming we MUST put up with it, is presented as it should be: a tack-on.  It's a side item to the main platforming focus.  Shadow is unusual in that its gimmick doesn't completely override the platforming formula to the point of being utterly incompatible with it and resulting in an alternate play mode that gets more focus than the proper hedgehog action (read: Werehog), and it's a lot less intrusive than Hereos' character formations.

You flipped out when I compared it to Heroes, apparently thinking that I thought highly of Heroes.  I don't.  It has its strong points, most any Sonic Team effort (yes, even JoD) does, but it's on the lower end of the spectrum to me.  Visuals are as bad as Shadow, the dialogue is worse, team difference is negligible, and the sheer number of mandatory maneuvers makes the game as a whole feel cluttered and lacking focus.  Oh yes, and it introduced us to the wonderful concept of non-boss enemy HP counters, something which to this day I maintain does not belong in a Sonic game (you hit them once, they die, you move on; that's the way it should be).

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Reply #1153 on: June 06, 2010, 04:22:52 PM
In no small part because that's the point at which you stopped discussing and started ranting (another reason will be presented two paragraphs down).  Yes, you presented your failures with the game, but it was laced with bitching and moaning over my audacity to enjoy the game more than Heroes (this is not saying much, btw; I do not think highly of Heroes).  When you whine, people don't want to talk to you, deal with it.

Since you're so adamant about this, I'll grant your wish and pick up where I left off, all without any further quote tags.  But before I do, some clarification of earlier statements:

You misunderstood me when I mentioned lacking the urge to continue a discussion based on a game I would shelf in favor of Adventures/Storybook.  I was referring to Shadow, not to NiGHTS JoD.  See, I don't think Shadow is THAT great, but I don't think it's THAT bad either, and I can see how some minor tweaks would have made it much better (ease up the mission restrictions and eliminate the final boss split, offering 5 more mission-free stages instead of only one).  If I'm going to read and write walls of text to defend a game, I'd frankly rather be defending a great game, not a mediocre game.  I don't particularly care if you don't appreciate a "so-so" game.  So I wasn't terribly motivated to defend Shadow.

The misconception I noted earlier was your citing an alleged need to avoid killing particular enemies.  That's not the case unless you're one enemy away from completing a mission which you don't want to.  When you spend that amount of time complaining about a nonissue, it says that you are not well educated about the game you're complaining about.  This is, incidentally, why I don't go into terrible detail with my complaints against JoD, I haven't been able to put up with it long enough to reach my second boss fight.  I realize that I could stand to educate myself further, but it takes a LOT for me to drop a title that early; the only other game to hold a candle to that level of badness in its early impressions is the GBC Animorphs game.  And I know there are many with more patience than I who have found much more to complain about in the late-game of JoD, so it is not terribly encouraging for me to drudge through what I already find a fun-sucking husk of a disc in order to find out.

Visuals?  Ironic complaint given your defense of JoD, one of the jaggiest titles I've seen.  But I won't argue against that; you'll never catch me defending the visuals of any Sonic Team title in the period between SA2 and Secret Rings.

Missions, I conceded, were tedious and overly strict.  However I do find you to blow it out of proportion a little, both due to the above enemy misconception, and the fact that missions basically exist only to unlock stuff.  You can free play from the menu and never worry about them.

Dialogue?  Absolutely and totally cheesy.  That's why it's enjoyable, because it's laughable in that MST3K kind of way.  I mean, how do you not smile at, "Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald?"  I'm glad future games did not continue along this route, but it was fun as a one shot deal, and I will take it over Heroes beating you over the head with child cliches (Because...we're Sonic Heroes! *shudder*)

Shooting, assuming we MUST put up with it, is presented as it should be: a tack-on.  It's a side item to the main platforming focus.  Shadow is unusual in that its gimmick doesn't completely override the platforming formula to the point of being utterly incompatible with it and resulting in an alternate play mode that gets more focus than the proper hedgehog action (read: Werehog), and it's a lot less intrusive than Hereos' character formations.

You flipped out when I compared it to Heroes, apparently thinking that I thought highly of Heroes.  I don't.  It has its strong points, most any Sonic Team effort (yes, even JoD) does, but it's on the lower end of the spectrum to me.  Visuals are as bad as Shadow, team difference is negligible, and the sheer number of mandatory maneuvers makes the game as a whole feel cluttered and lacking focus.  Oh yes, and it introduced us to the wonderful concept of non-boss enemy HP counters, something which to this day I maintain does not belong in a Sonic game (you hit them once, they die, you move on; that's the way it should be).
Finally hit the button, huh? And you couldn't even keep it in PMs either, like I asked. Alright, alright. Let's get on with the spectacle, then.

You say I presented my failures with the game. Other than my general use of capitals in some ways to emphasise certain points I deem specially outrageous, and my general sarcasm when describing a game I feel no love for, I don't see any bitching in there. Again, you fail to provide me with any example whatsoever to what my bitching or illogical arguments were in the first place. Bricks to glass houses, I'm afraid. You think my arguments are "whining", while yours so far have been complaining about mine, without giving me any context whatsoever. You throw stereotypical reasons into the air for being right without explaining any of them, and conclude with saying I'm whiny, simply because you don't feel like reading my replies.

I never asked for walls of text to defend a game, I simply asked for reasons as to WHY in your mind, Shadow was better than Nights: JOD. And I do believe I got my answer. You played about 10% of Nights, which you just revealed now, and you think you can even give an opinion about the game? XD Jesus, why didn't you just say so in the first place? Because I don't remember reading "I didn't play enough of the game to make any kind of good judgement about it", unless you fully expected the game to turn into a mish-mash of boat levels one after the other, each one with a worse control option. If you decided to simply drop a title because of such a thing, it's perfectly fine. There's a blogger on Joystiq that dropped Nier because of a fishing minigame near the beginning, and ended up not reviewing the title he was supposed to. But why didn't you say that you hadn't played enough of the title to warrant a decent opinion instead of going at it with pointless bullshit? And avoiding killing particular enemies IS necessary. You got good and evil characters pointing that fact out to you. You can unlock a health gun to restore enemies back to health. Just because you don't screw up the level unless you're close to the enemy limit, it doesn't mean you should kill them. That not only removes immersion, but it's like complaining about the poor teammate AI in a squad-based third person shooter, and someone replying to you with "you can let them die and finish up the mission yourself, though". Just because crap like that happens, it doesn't mean you should let it happen. If the game wants you to make a distinction between enemies, they should make the gameplay capable of making that distintion, instead of letting the shooting mechanic and homing attacks be incredibly hard to control when you want it to hit one certain thing in a scenery full of targets.

Visuals, then. I think it's hard to actually find any Sonic Team game with graphics that are as bad as Shadow's. But Nights, having mediocre graphics itself, is still leagues better than Shadow was in that department. Heck, I'll pull up Google Images and look for screenshots of the games. Let's look at some for Nights.

Alright, basic textures, but some work in there, the character's face looks like crap, but it's still a bit worked, and the models aren't that bad. Now let's take a look at Shadow.

Wooow. That's a big difference, isn't it? I picked screenshots pretty much at random, not focusing on any pretty or ugly moments for any of the games. But Shadow, as you can well notice, the scenery seems like it came from a 32-bit game, the world looks like it's made of square shapes, the textures are unforgivable, and... well, it pretty much looks like crap.

Missions? The missions are NEEDED for actual progression of the game. You can't get to certain levels unless you fulfill those missions. And each and every single one of them is not just confusing, but hellish to do, in the clusterfuck of level design which the game brings us. That one timed mission to locate bombs in a city, and having to use vehicles to get across shiny green textured roads which sapped your rings is pretty much the epitome of bad level design.

Dialogue is "good" cheesy? That's like saying House of the Dead is a good movie because you can laugh while watching it! The story, unbearable as it is, is actually intended to be taken seriously, unlike Heroes' story, which was there just to fill up space between the levels and bosses. With Heroes, they just made up crap in 5 minutes and told us to play the bright colorful levels and fight the bosses. In Shadow, they intend the story to be something dramatic at times, and it ends up being lousy Sonic Adventure 2 fanfiction continuity sequel.

Shooting, is horribly tacked-on to the Heroes engine that Shadow runs in. Since you can't just homing attack everything (and the homing attacks don't really make much damage to begin with, as the dreaded energy bars return), you have to forcefully use the weapons. And since they all take a strange "shoot where you're pointed towards unless it's a small weapon and you are near an enemy", it takes away nearly all control from the player, leaving it at random. Heroes' character formations were well-suited to the levels at hand, the platforms weren't as small and tight as in other platforming games to allow space for all characters, and you switched formations at your own leisure.

I didn't flip out when you compared it to Heroes because I thought you thought highly of Heroes. I expressed my dissapointment because Heroes still has some enjoyable sections and although it's filled with bullshit, aside from the bosses and having to go through the game 4 times (and yes, the health bars are bullshit, but aside from Shadow, no other game followed it to my knowledge), it's actually a solid game, while Shadow, pretty much hasn't even got one single redeeming feature to it.

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Reply #1154 on: June 06, 2010, 11:18:17 PM
I thought both games where equally [parasitic bomb]. I didn't finish either games because in my eyes they where broken. Also Heroes is one of only two game discs that I have broken out of frustration. I got an ending in Shadow but when I realized how hard it would have been to only shoot certain guys I said "F this" and traded it.

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Reply #1155 on: June 07, 2010, 12:01:28 AM
I thought both games where equally [parasitic bomb]. I didn't finish either games because in my eyes they where broken. Also Heroes is one of only two game discs that I have broken out of frustration. I got an ending in Shadow but when I realized how hard it would have been to only shoot certain guys I said "F this" and traded it.
Red Lantern rage? I call it clarity.

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Reply #1156 on: June 07, 2010, 12:03:43 AM
This thread is the finest display of Sophistry I've ever seen.

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Reply #1157 on: June 07, 2010, 12:06:00 AM
This thread is the finest display of Sophistry I've ever seen.
It really is. >0<

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #1158 on: June 07, 2010, 04:21:55 AM
team difference is negligible,

Honestly, the different teams are more like difficulty modes; Amy is easy, Sonic is normal, Shadow is "hard", and Chaotix is mission mode. When you see it that way then it's not THAT bad, other than the fact that you have to play through all of them >_>

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Reply #1159 on: June 07, 2010, 06:38:16 PM
Sdonic heroes is ok for a game that has the same levels for all teams, why couldn't they go back and simply use Sonic Adventure 1 type of gameplay? Get rid of Shadow, we are done with him.

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Reply #1160 on: June 07, 2010, 09:56:42 PM
Sdonic heroes is ok for a game that has the same levels for all teams, why couldn't they go back and simply use Sonic Adventure 1 type of gameplay? Get rid of Shadow, we are done with him.
Funnily enough, as clichéd as it was, Sonic Adventure 2 actually had a pretty decent story. And Shadow's death had MEANING, since that was pretty much the only thing he was made for. To protect the earth. Since he fulfilled his duty, what the hell is he still doing alive? New games show him working for GUN, which is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard (since they, you know, KILLED the only person he cared for >_>;; ) But I guess he was simply brought back because the whiny hordes of fans loved him and he needed to be in Heroes. It was half-assed to do so, though.

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Reply #1161 on: June 08, 2010, 03:55:33 AM
Flash, I define repeated use of all caps and sarcasm as bitching.  Which you may do at any point you wish, it just takes considerably more boredom for me to be willing to read it.  I'm only stating my point of view; if I thought you were doing anything wrong I'd have reported it.  I don't.

I'm not really sure why you're insisting on comparing a flight game to a platformer, which is an apples-and-oranges thing to me, but so be it.  Mock my play time all you want, but I never found Shadow so frustrating as to drop it prior to the Last Story.  No, I did not expect the game to progress as multiple boat levels, however, I DID expect the game to flow into repeated forced and broken gimmick stages irrelevant to the game's core mechanics.  You haven't offered any counter-point to suggest that the late-game is any better focus.  In fact all I've heard of the children gameplay suggests the opposite to be true.  Further, when among your major complaints is the control mechanics, it does not take the full length of the game to confirm that they suck.  I went with the pointer over the analogue stick because I was not confident in how natural an analogue stick will feel from a profile view.  But hey, when I run out of good games to play, maybe I'll try again.  As much as I despise the game, I'm not in the habit of trade-ins, so it's still there on my shelf.  And when/if I do, I will take you control advise to heart.  But don't expect much.  The hurdles I have encountered thus far still outweigh those I encountered in either Shadow or Heroes.  The fact that this is before I encounter the children gameplay, which I cannot possible imagine as even belonging in the game, much less pleasant, is not encouraging.

I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from addaulting my point of view as a means to justifying your own.  "About 10%" is an exaggeration, unless you're suggesting the game has 20 bosses.  Dismiss me as uninformed if you must, but do note that I've caught you in two false criticisms already (avoiding enemies in Shadow and lack of play difference between BK's Knights of the Round Table), and you've demonstrated that you don't recall the game you're defending well enough to know a mandatory minigame when one discusses it.  At least when I give you a fact that backs my opinion, I'm confident it's actually true.

I don't care about screenshot comparisons.  I already told you that Shadow's visuals do not impress me.  But NiGHTS was released considerably later, and after Secret Rings, I expect better from Sega.

FYI, your complaints of my comments being too vague make this my final response in which I attempt to avoid my traditional use of quote tags.  That's why I use them, so you know specifically what I'm responding to.  I avoided it here simply because I was in a bit of a hurry.

and yes, the health bars are bullshit, but aside from Shadow, no other game followed it to my knowledge

other than the fact that you have to play through all of them >_>
Well, that's WHY it bothers me.  Otherwise I probably wouldn't care.

I haven't known the Sonic Team game that has done Mission Mode well, either.  Shadow was close, IMO, closer than many realize given how many seem to believe that there are enemies you shouldn't be killing (???).  But it still wasn't right.

And Shadow's death had MEANING
I must wholeheartedly disagree.  I find Shadow's death in SA2 as senseless as Zero's in X5.  He's invulnerable, empowered by the 7 emeralds and thus able to teleport at will, and he dies by falling into the atmosphere?  Riiiiiight.  

See, I don't buy one dying simply because their "destiny" is fulfilled.  Something has to actually kill them.  And if the cause of death is half-assed, then I don't expect any better should a revival be attempted.

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Reply #1162 on: June 08, 2010, 04:07:59 AM
Shadow was close, IMO, closer than many realize given how many seem to believe that there are enemies you shouldn't be killing (???).

Eh, in a way that's true though, you shouln't be killing dark enemies if you want to go neutral/dark or else you could accidentally complete the hero mission. Yeah, that'd require ignoring the counters on the screen, but hey, I'm sure there's people like that XD

Also, re: Shadow's death. He didn't die in SA2 just because his destiny was fulfilled, he died because of that AND he wanted to. It's just exactly as you say, he's invulnerable, powered by the 7 emerald and able to teleport at will, why didn't he save himself? Answer: He didn't want to.

At least that's my impression.

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Reply #1163 on: June 08, 2010, 11:35:03 PM
Eh, in a way that's true though, you shouln't be killing dark enemies if you want to go neutral/dark or else you could accidentally complete the hero mission. Yeah, that'd require ignoring the counters on the screen, but hey, I'm sure there's people like that XD
Not when you consider that the main failing of the missions is their overly strict nature.  That works both ways; if you deliberately skip even one enemy, you cannot complete their respective mission, and thus are free to kill all others who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think more likely is that people are assuming in-game banter to be gameplay instruction when it is not the case.  It's only natural that Black Doom will tell you to leave his guys alone, doesn't mean it affects the game any if you refuse.  Failure to note that says not only that one is not paying attention to the game, but for circumstances to not disprove their theory they have to be making a far more tedious effort to play than is actually necessary; the first time you kill someone on "your side" and nothing happens, it should alert you to the fact that the game does not penalize you for such.

Also, re: Shadow's death. He didn't die in SA2 just because his destiny was fulfilled, he died because of that AND he wanted to. It's just exactly as you say, he's invulnerable, powered by the 7 emerald and able to teleport at will, why didn't he save himself? Answer: He didn't want to.

At least that's my impression.
The in-battle dialogue constantly questioning Shadow's power suggests that exhaustion is at work there.  It's not an explanation that I accept as plausible, but it's the explanation that I perceive the game is trying to push.

Of course, Shadow was clearly content when he "died," but I don't take that to mean he'd purposefully let himself die.

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Reply #1164 on: June 09, 2010, 01:24:50 AM
I thought that if one was empowered with the energy of the Chaos Emeralds, one could not die (unless they ran out of rings, of course). Or it would be pretty damn hard to die, at the very least.

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Reply #1165 on: June 09, 2010, 01:38:17 AM
Well, that's my point.  Not only would his dying only work if he ran out of ring energy mid-fall, but with super-powered Chaos Control he'd need only will himself to a safe location.

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Reply #1166 on: June 09, 2010, 01:53:02 AM
Funnily enough, as clichéd as it was, Sonic Adventure 2 actually had a pretty decent story. And Shadow's death had MEANING, since that was pretty much the only thing he was made for. To protect the earth. Since he fulfilled his duty, what the hell is he still doing alive?

In Shadow the Hedgehog, the reason behind Shadow's creation and his purpose in life were explained. The ultimate lifeform based on Black Doom created by Black Doom and Gerald working together. Gerald behind Black Doom's back planning for Shadow to become the ultimate weapon against them, which can use the Eclipse Cannon to destroy the comet so that he may save the Earth and protect all humans.

New games show him working for GUN, which is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard (since they, you know, KILLED the only person he cared for >_>;; )

After his "death", Shadow lost all memories of Maria and his past. Throughout his own game, he is trying to puzzle all the facts together, coming to multiple conclusions. In one scenario he meets the current GUN Commander, who seeks revenge believing it was actually Shadow that killed Maria. Even though it was actually caused by GUN trying to stop Gerald who they thought teamed up with the aliens to work against humanity. The GUN Commander's resolve to kill Shadow wavers when he learns that Shadow doesn't even remember a thing about the entire incident.

All in all, multiple versions of the same truth have caused it to be muddled for all sides, with no idea what really happened. When Gerald finally revealed his good intentions in creating Shadow, he and Maria together root for Shadow to protect humanity. With Shadow accepting that and then fulfilling his destiny in defeating the aliens, the whole world comes to see what Gerald Robotnik and Shadow are truly like. Both GUN and Shadow have changed their opinions of each other and left their pasts behind them.

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Reply #1167 on: June 10, 2010, 04:22:24 AM
Flash, I define repeated use of all caps and sarcasm as bitching.  Which you may do at any point you wish, it just takes considerably more boredom for me to be willing to read it.  I'm only stating my point of view; if I thought you were doing anything wrong I'd have reported it.  I don't.

I'm not really sure why you're insisting on comparing a flight game to a platformer, which is an apples-and-oranges thing to me, but so be it.  Mock my play time all you want, but I never found Shadow so frustrating as to drop it prior to the Last Story.  No, I did not expect the game to progress as multiple boat levels, however, I DID expect the game to flow into repeated forced and broken gimmick stages irrelevant to the game's core mechanics.  You haven't offered any counter-point to suggest that the late-game is any better focus.  In fact all I've heard of the children gameplay suggests the opposite to be true.  Further, when among your major complaints is the control mechanics, it does not take the full length of the game to confirm that they suck.  I went with the pointer over the analogue stick because I was not confident in how natural an analogue stick will feel from a profile view.  But hey, when I run out of good games to play, maybe I'll try again.  As much as I despise the game, I'm not in the habit of trade-ins, so it's still there on my shelf.  And when/if I do, I will take you control advise to heart.  But don't expect much.  The hurdles I have encountered thus far still outweigh those I encountered in either Shadow or Heroes.  The fact that this is before I encounter the children gameplay, which I cannot possible imagine as even belonging in the game, much less pleasant, is not encouraging.

I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from addaulting my point of view as a means to justifying your own.  "About 10%" is an exaggeration, unless you're suggesting the game has 20 bosses.  Dismiss me as uninformed if you must, but do note that I've caught you in two false criticisms already (avoiding enemies in Shadow and lack of play difference between BK's Knights of the Round Table), and you've demonstrated that you don't recall the game you're defending well enough to know a mandatory minigame when one discusses it.  At least when I give you a fact that backs my opinion, I'm confident it's actually true.

I don't care about screenshot comparisons.  I already told you that Shadow's visuals do not impress me.  But NiGHTS was released considerably later, and after Secret Rings, I expect better from Sega.

FYI, your complaints of my comments being too vague make this my final response in which I attempt to avoid my traditional use of quote tags.  That's why I use them, so you know specifically what I'm responding to.  I avoided it here simply because I was in a bit of a hurry.
Well, that's WHY it bothers me.  Otherwise I probably wouldn't care.

I haven't known the Sonic Team game that has done Mission Mode well, either.  Shadow was close, IMO, closer than many realize given how many seem to believe that there are enemies you shouldn't be killing (???).  But it still wasn't right.
I must wholeheartedly disagree.  I find Shadow's death in SA2 as senseless as Zero's in X5.  He's invulnerable, empowered by the 7 emeralds and thus able to teleport at will, and he dies by falling into the atmosphere?  Riiiiiight.  

See, I don't buy one dying simply because their "destiny" is fulfilled.  Something has to actually kill them.  And if the cause of death is half-assed, then I don't expect any better should a revival be attempted.
Not everyone likes caps, so I'll stop using them to highlight stuff in this debate. But sarcasm? That's the nacional language of the net.

Comparison issue: Flight games, platformers, they are all measured by the same thing deep down. Quality control. Graphics quality, gameplay fluidity, bugs... (specially bugs). They all can be used as standards. And as far as I've seen, Shadow ranks below Nights and Heroes in that.

Frustration/controls issue: There are five short "mandatory gimmick stages" in the whole game. Three levels where you play with the children, the boat one, and a rollercoaster one which pretty much handles like the "flying straight" parts in the main game. The children's parts don't have any control problem with them aside from being boring, as you've seen from the hub gameplay. From what I can see, you were playing flight levels when you quit the game, which means you had a problem with them. That's a problem you had with the style and gameplay of the game itself. The genre, if you may. Nights is about flying around in a 2D/3D plane with constant tricks and loops. Watch a video of the classic games to see how it is. Such things have to be done with an analog stick. Complaining about the flying stages' base controls is like complaining about Megaman not shooting up. It's the genre. It's good for what it is, aside from any actual control issues you might have concerning bugs or badly-mapped movements.

Points of view: Alright then, 10% isn't really accurate, it was just a slight estimation. I don't remember the game that well, having only played it once on launch, but from what I see, you must've played about a seventh of the game, at least. Regarding walkthroughs. Not to mention the a-life thing, collections, and ranks to get the best endings and bosses. As to avoiding enemies in Shadow, I'll get there later. Lack of play difference when fighting the knights? Please, I just waggled my way through both knights and levels. I think I had to back up a bit on Blaze, THEN waggle, but aside from that, jeez, it's pretty much the same dissapointing battle over and over. Not even any decent bosses, like Secret Rings had.

In terms of screenshots, you can at least see work went on Nights' designs, the graphical models and the overall ambiance. Shadow felt like several blocks placed randomly.

If the quote tags make it better for you to respond, then be my guest.

I kinda forgot that one fact about Rush. But I think it was only in certain enemies, the ones in the endurance rooms, correct? Defeat X enemies to go through? That kinda made sense in a design perspective, but I get the point, and I agree that no Sonic game should have energy bars on enemies. One spin, one kill.

Yes, playing through the same game time and time again makes no sense, but honestly, better to play through the same mediocre game, than to experience a worse one. On the mission mode, I must wholeheartedly disagree. Shadow's missions are not just the only way to play through the game, but pretty much mandatory. While on Heroes, in one fourth of the whole game you got search missions with obviously findeable objects in levels you've been in before, with tiny changes in design. Shadow? You got [parasitic bomb] like the search for bombs in the city, with the very worst of level designs, enemies you can barely find, and complete crap you end up disregarding for the sake of finishing the level in an easier and less frustrating way.

About the enemies? Yes, I do find the enemy kill selection something awful. Even though you can kill "allies" and still proceed with the mission. Why? Because it makes no sense, takes away from your immersion in the game (if there ever was any) and makes it so awful to play. You're allying yourself with a faction. Why should that faction attack you in the first place? You've got followers. Why don't they stop you once you've seen you do good or evil things, against their alignment? Shouldn't Sonic... I dunno, stop you from shooting people with a desert eagle? And why shouldn't you be able to make the selection between enemies you want to and don't want to kill in the first place? Just because they don't really matter if they're killed in few numbers, it doesn't mean you should just do it "because it works". It's like staying in a corner of the screen where the boss can't hit you for an entire battle. Or killing your allies in Fallout 3 to loot their bodies as a response to "they got bad AI, but you can continue the game without them!" That's not the point. The point is to make a good, coherent game. If you're siding with them, you shouldn't kill them because the game's engine is too damn bad to notice who you want to kill! Have you noticed how you have to stop and aim reeeeeeeeeeally carefully on where Shadow is actually looking at, everytime you want to aim a heavy weapon like a rocket launcher? Heck, any weapon really. What kind of game does this? It's awful.

And about Shadow's death? Here's my game.
Shadow's a guy who's been trapped in a space colony all his life, as a child's plaything. He loves this kid, but he knows for a fact that humans gunned her down in front of him. He awakens 50 years later on Earth. Of course he's gonna want to [tornado fang] some [parasitic bomb] up. So he does whatever he can to fulfill his goal, being a cocky [tornado fang]er while he does it, and cooperating with Gerald's grandson, the only guy he knows can operate the machine. Everything goes smoothly, plans get a little warped, and he gets what he wants anyway. The space colony goes on a crash course with Earth, and is about to destroy it. Then... aw, [parasitic bomb]. He actually remembers the rest of the promise. SAVE the Earth. So, he does what he has to. Not being a good guy, just fulfilling his objective. Once he's done it, seriously, what else does he have to live for? Why should he want to keep on living, even? Maria's dead. Does he want to stay in the colony all his life, all alone, reminiscing for eternity? Does he want to go down there live with the humans who killed Maria? Seriously, why should he want to live in the first place? Maria's dead, he's going to meet her. Sayonara.

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Reply #1169 on: June 12, 2010, 06:26:23 PM
Lack of play difference when fighting the knights? Please, I just waggled my way through both knights and levels. I think I had to back up a bit on Blaze, THEN waggle, but aside from that, jeez, it's pretty much the same dissapointing battle over and over. Not even any decent bosses, like Secret Rings had.
I meant playing as them, not fighting against them.  Each knight has varying special attacks.

I believe I already conceded that Secret Rings has the overall greater boss selection (much as I love Dark Queen, the creatures that Secret Rings brought up provided much greater variety).

Yes, I do find the enemy kill selection something awful. Even though you can kill "allies" and still proceed with the mission. Why? Because it makes no sense, takes away from your immersion in the game (if there ever was any) and makes it so awful to play.
Well, given the lack of any "lock-on" with your shooting attacks, some excuse for the occasional stray is necessary.

There's also the fact that, regardless of Shadow's deeds, G.U.N.'s commander is an [dark hold] who has it in for him.  Well established after the first stage.  As for scenarios in which you ally yourself with Black Doom, I just see that as, should Shadow turn evil, you just need to stay the hell out of his way.  Sort of a Vile-esque "loose cannon" thing.  I'm also not really sure how intelligent his army is supposed to be.

I get what you're saying with the lack of Godzilla Unleashed style AI variance, but IMHO that's beside the point.  I see Shadow's "allegiance", if you can call it that, as less a matter of who he's allying himself with and more a matter of what he believes is right, irregardless of what those around him think.  Especially in the case of G.U.N.  Sure, maybe they patch things up when it's all over (This is mainly a STH06 thing so I'm not that familiar with it), but for the majority of the game itself, that's a different story.

What kind of game does this?
A game which is a platformer first and a shooter second, not the other way around.

Once he's done it, seriously, what else does he have to live for?
In fictional storylines, protecting the world from annihilation is more often than not a full-time job.  I just find it bizarre that one threat is over and he assumes his job is done, whereas his promise to Maria was regarding no particular threat but rather the general "give them a chance" shpiel.  That's a matter of constant vigilance.  If he can't do it, and he has to pass the torch, so be it.  But for him to just dive into the atmosphere after the day is saved is senseless.

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Reply #1170 on: June 12, 2010, 10:15:34 PM
I meant playing as them, not fighting against them.  Each knight has varying special attacks.

I believe I already conceded that Secret Rings has the overall greater boss selection (much as I love Dark Queen, the creatures that Secret Rings brought up provided much greater variety).
Well, given the lack of any "lock-on" with your shooting attacks, some excuse for the occasional stray is necessary.

There's also the fact that, regardless of Shadow's deeds, G.U.N.'s commander is an [dark hold] who has it in for him.  Well established after the first stage.  As for scenarios in which you ally yourself with Black Doom, I just see that as, should Shadow turn evil, you just need to stay the hell out of his way.  Sort of a Vile-esque "loose cannon" thing.  I'm also not really sure how intelligent his army is supposed to be.

I get what you're saying with the lack of Godzilla Unleashed style AI variance, but IMHO that's beside the point.  I see Shadow's "allegiance", if you can call it that, as less a matter of who he's allying himself with and more a matter of what he believes is right, irregardless of what those around him think.  Especially in the case of G.U.N.  Sure, maybe they patch things up when it's all over (This is mainly a STH06 thing so I'm not that familiar with it), but for the majority of the game itself, that's a different story.
A game which is a platformer first and a shooter second, not the other way around.
In fictional storylines, protecting the world from annihilation is more often than not a full-time job.  I just find it bizarre that one threat is over and he assumes his job is done, whereas his promise to Maria was regarding no particular threat but rather the general "give them a chance" shpiel.  That's a matter of constant vigilance.  If he can't do it, and he has to pass the torch, so be it.  But for him to just dive into the atmosphere after the day is saved is senseless.

Oh, yes. Different characters do matter alot in a game where all you do is press forward and shake your right hand like a maniac. Why improve the standard gameplay when you can add general bullshit to the game by changing the gameplay slightly and adding new skins, by way of characters who don't even have much of a motivation to join you other than that you've just kicked their ass easily and repetitively?

As for the shooting attacks, they're erratic as they can be, just bad gameplay on top of bad gameplay. When any game wants to implement shooting into a fast-moving character, they need to do it in one of three ways.
- Lock-on mechanism via trigger, aided by a target that appears when an enemy is locked-on (Metroid Prime, Matrix: Path of Neo, Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry)
- Standard "point and shoot" mechanism, through third-person controls via a dual analog stick control, perhaps shifted (Ratchet & Clank, FFVII: Dirge of Cerebrus, Uncharted)
- A "shoot where character is pointed at" system that WORKS (Jak II and 3, Mario Sunshine <having a wide enough arc and range to hit enemies in front of you is a way to make things easier on the shooting front>)
But they didn't. They simply added "bullets come out of a gun Shadow's holding whatever way he's pointed at... oh and sometimes he points at enemies when he has a handgun". It was more of a badly-done mod than a professionally-added gameplay mechanic.

Story issues Shadow may have with the two factions are no excuse for him to kill humans in front Sonic and friends. When they even tell you not to do it. (and evil as Black Doom is, he doesn't want you to kill his soldiers either, and expects you to do as he wishes) Specially, because this issue is brought up due to a gameplay problem. Nothing more, nothing less. The combination of the gameplay itself and the objectives is what stops you from playing the game right. And no matter what you do, you still feel "wrong", because you're not supposed to do it, but a game flaw forces you to. The game tells you to pick who you want to fight as enemies, and who you want to spare. When everyone shoots at you and your gameplay offers you no choice on the matter, you KNOW this is wrong. Regardless of motives, inclinations, or allegiances Shadow may have or not. (in the case of Sonic 06, I'll get to it in the last part of my argument, as it kinda suits the living-versus-dying thing as a story issue.)

Also, the game is an action platformer. Although you can homing attack alot of things, guns ARE openly necessary for quite alot of parts, specially when it comes to bigger enemies and bosses. They're a main mechanic of the game. But notice as you will, other games such as Jak 2/3 and Ratchet & Clank can do the shooting thing way better than Shadow could ever hope to achieve. Can you imagine trying to beat every single enemy and boss by way of wrench and melee attacks in either of those games? And they're quite good platforming titles. Hell, for the love of God, I can't really think of one single 3D title that handles enemy shooting as badly as Shadow does (and has it as main gameplay mechanic).

And now we come to the storyline issues. Let's take a look at Shadow's character (in SA2). Guy's a brooding [dark hold] who cares for nobody but himself and a single memory. He does things he HAS to do as a direct objective, never to save anyone (except when Rouge reminded him of Maria). It's his attitude. It's the way he works. His personality is that way, and that's how he functions better. He's a good character because he doesn't give a crap in the first place. So, he takes this revenge journey to fulfill Maria's wishes. Since he pretty much activated the whole "destroy the Earth" mechanism and left it in Eggman's hands, who wanted to use it for ransom instead of destruction, we can see he was aware of the whole "crash colony, destroy earth" plan. Making his whole affair a suicide mission, no matter how you look at it. He planned to die from the start.
Now, can you see a character with his personality being a hero? CARING for the world enough to save it everytime Eggman puts it in peril? I don't think so. Is he well-suited for a hero role? No. It just would NOT work with a character of his personality. He's a dark "reluctant savior" in the end, and his attitude is just to fulfill Maria's last wish. So, he fulfilled his purpose. Does he have any will to go down there and coexist with the monkeys who killed the only human being he cared for? No. Does he even KNOW anything about the earth, aside from the fact that the only thing to threaten it so far, is himself? Not a chance. His death serves a meaningful purpose. A loss of a "last-minute hero" at the end of the game. The guy who redeemed himself before dying. Shadow lived his purpose in that game, and he would have been remembered as an AWESOME character if he had just kept being dead. He was brought back for the sake of the whiny fans in a game that had no story whatsoever, then his entire existance was "justified" by retconning large portions of SA2 badly, mixing aliens and more vendettas, and bringing the whole thing into a clusterfuck that ruined the everything good SA2's story originally had brought us. And now, we have to stand Shadow's existance as a "hero" in the Sonic games, by saying he works for GUN (which is basically like saying Bruce Wayne becomes a mugger when he grows up) and giving him "missions to save the world", and "shadowy purposes" which make no sense at all. So... he's suddenly got a job? And "Team Dark" got all friendly all of a sudden? It's all unexplainable drivel, just to justify having Shadow in the games to begin with. Thankfully, he's been kept out of the latest outings, which hopefully say most post-Genesis characters have been dropped from being regulars, and it's back to trying to find a damn gameplay that suits Sonic while hanging out with Tails, Knuckles and Amy in a few cameos and supporting characters.

My point? Shadow's not a hero. He'll never be, and he definetly doesn't work as one. So far, Sega's been trying to sell him as "dark character with own purposes and objectives in game", but they've done so with bullshit stories. Dying in SA2 made sense. He was done. No need to keep saving the world, dude's not Batman. Bringing him back defeats the entire purpose of it.

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Reply #1171 on: June 13, 2010, 03:49:44 AM
Well, I simply disagree on there being any purpose to Shadow's death.  I don't see it.  If a memory of a single girl means more to him than 6 billion lives, and depending on states of amnesia he's willing to swing his stance on world destruction in an instant, and if he can relate other females (Rouge and Amy) to her, then surely it says that in some twisted way he does have a heart underneath that edgey exterior.  I'm not saying the guy would ever be social, but there's a long gap between being a loner and having no reason to live.  Shadow's purpose ties to Maria, and it is simply not possible for Maria's pleas to have been made in the context of merely stopping Gerald's vengeance for a death that he doesn't yet know has happened.

Further, I'm not convinced that Shadow knew of Gerald's program from the beginning.  Surely he didn't give a damn; Shadow saw humanity as hopeless at that point, but that doesn't say if he knew beforehand or whether Eggman was a means to an end regardless of Gerald stepping in.  Surely the Eclipse Cannon is a fine instrument of revenge irregardless of whether or not Gerald's program hijacks it.  If Shadow knew all of Gerald's work beforehand, then this cutscene loses all significance, and Shadow should not be flinching when he sees the picture of Biolizard, nor should he be going along with Rouge questioning the validity of his memories.

Different characters do matter alot in a game where all you do is press forward and shake your right hand like a maniac. Why improve the standard gameplay when you can add general bullshit to the game by changing the gameplay slightly and adding new skins, by way of characters who don't even have much of a motivation to join you other than that you've just kicked their ass easily and repetitively?
Are you really at all familiar with BK's lategame?  Because for someone who rips into me for judging a game on early impressions, comments like these sound a lot more like hearsay than actual experience to me.

First of all, plenty of stages involve a lot more than waggle-fests.  There's a lot of platforming action which involves precision jump-dashing and cancelling; every bit Secret Rings' equal.  And no, I am not talking about Legacy stages, fun as they are, they're also ludicrously easy.  If you don't like the control mechanic of movement simply equaling a button press, that's fine and dandy, but don't pretend that the game stops there.  It doesn't.

The motivation of the other characters joining you comes with the revelation of who the real villain is.  That's why they're playable only in the game's second half.  Kicking their ass doesn't motivate them to change allegiance, in fact it actually leaves them feeling unworthy of living.  Sonic smacks some sense into them and leaves them in the dust.

And I don't see how it's bullshit to add characters who, unlike several of Sonic Team's more infamous efforts, do not run major interference with the game's core mechanics to such extremes as they cannot exist without exclusive stages tailored to them, nor do they mandate wasteful hours replaying the same game out of necessity for some coveted unlockable.  Are ProtoMan and Bass bullshit characters in MM10?  Is Tails a bullshit character in S3&K?  There's nothing wrong with alternate non-mandatory characters who do not disrupt the game's focus; it adds personalization and replay value.  Something which since Heroes Sega has almost completely forgotten how to do.

Now, can you see a character with his personality being a hero?
It's fairly common to see an anti-hero who happens to fight the bad guys but cares nothing for the typical "hero code of ethics".  Shadow was once presented as such in the comics (he's a bit more emo nowadays).

And see, that's the thing.  Who you're fighting against doesn't decide whether or not you're the child-friendly hero.  In the MegaMan series, we see characters all over that spectrum, from the "good guys" such as Rock and X, to the "fight for what I believe in and don't give a damn what others say" such as Zero, to the "allegedly carries some sense of justice but by all appearances seems to be a rebellious violent psychopath" such as Bass.

Shadow works with G.U.N. for the same reason he worked with Eggman: as a means to an end.  His purpose ties to Maria, working with others is simply the best way he sees to get the job done.

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Reply #1172 on: June 13, 2010, 05:10:00 AM
You know, I came into this thread expecting stuff about Sonic 4. This whole page is full of walls of text about Shadow.  I mean holy crap, I didn't know this place was suddenly filled with Sonic "fans".

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Reply #1173 on: June 13, 2010, 05:12:40 AM
This is RPM, what do you expect?

Well, there was this:
But I don't think there's a whole lot new there.

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Reply #1174 on: June 13, 2010, 05:44:54 AM
Well, I simply disagree on there being any purpose to Shadow's death.  I don't see it.  If a memory of a single girl means more to him than 6 billion lives, and depending on states of amnesia he's willing to swing his stance on world destruction in an instant, and if he can relate other females (Rouge and Amy) to her, then surely it says that in some twisted way he does have a heart underneath that edgey exterior.  I'm not saying the guy would ever be social, but there's a long gap between being a loner and having no reason to live.  Shadow's purpose ties to Maria, and it is simply not possible for Maria's pleas to have been made in the context of merely stopping Gerald's vengeance for a death that he doesn't yet know has happened.

Further, I'm not convinced that Shadow knew of Gerald's program from the beginning.  Surely he didn't give a damn; Shadow saw humanity as hopeless at that point, but that doesn't say if he knew beforehand or whether Eggman was a means to an end regardless of Gerald stepping in.  Surely the Eclipse Cannon is a fine instrument of revenge irregardless of whether or not Gerald's program hijacks it.  If Shadow knew all of Gerald's work beforehand, then this cutscene loses all significance, and Shadow should not be flinching when he sees the picture of Biolizard, nor should he be going along with Rouge questioning the validity of his memories.
Are you really at all familiar with BK's lategame?  Because for someone who rips into me for judging a game on early impressions, comments like these sound a lot more like hearsay than actual experience to me.

First of all, plenty of stages involve a lot more than waggle-fests.  There's a lot of platforming action which involves precision jump-dashing and cancelling; every bit Secret Rings' equal.  And no, I am not talking about Legacy stages, fun as they are, they're also ludicrously easy.  If you don't like the control mechanic of movement simply equaling a button press, that's fine and dandy, but don't pretend that the game stops there.  It doesn't.

The motivation of the other characters joining you comes with the revelation of who the real villain is.  That's why they're playable only in the game's second half.  Kicking their ass doesn't motivate them to change allegiance, in fact it actually leaves them feeling unworthy of living.  Sonic smacks some sense into them and leaves them in the dust.

And I don't see how it's bullshit to add characters who, unlike several of Sonic Team's more infamous efforts, do not run major interference with the game's core mechanics to such extremes as they cannot exist without exclusive stages tailored to them, nor do they mandate wasteful hours replaying the same game out of necessity for some coveted unlockable.  Are ProtoMan and Bass bullshit characters in MM10?  Is Tails a bullshit character in S3&K?  There's nothing wrong with alternate non-mandatory characters who do not disrupt the game's focus; it adds personalization and replay value.  Something which since Heroes Sega has almost completely forgotten how to do.
It's fairly common to see an anti-hero who happens to fight the bad guys but cares nothing for the typical "hero code of ethics".  Shadow was once presented as such in the comics (he's a bit more emo nowadays).

And see, that's the thing.  Who you're fighting against doesn't decide whether or not you're the child-friendly hero.  In the MegaMan series, we see characters all over that spectrum, from the "good guys" such as Rock and X, to the "fight for what I believe in and don't give a damn what others say" such as Zero, to the "allegedly carries some sense of justice but by all appearances seems to be a rebellious violent psychopath" such as Bass.

Shadow works with G.U.N. for the same reason he worked with Eggman: as a means to an end.  His purpose ties to Maria, working with others is simply the best way he sees to get the job done.
So, this has turned into an argument strictly for the motivation of Shadow's death and the need for the several characters in Black Knight? Wow, thanks for the lack of response on the issues that mattered, instead of caring the most about the interpretation of a basic, simplistic story in a game meant for kids. Jeez, I meant it as a side-argument, but it basically got the whole original argument to dissapear in your replies.

Whatever. While we're at it, let's answer your questions. YES, the memory of a single girl means more to him then the world. Yes, he can relate to other girls, pretty much because he can remember small flashbacks of Maria with their expressions. It was basically the simplest way they had to, to make sure people knew Shadow was turning good at the end because of a oh-so-deep reason. The plot twist was incredibly obvious, villain turning good, Mr Hyde finally finding he has a heart, yadda yadda yadda. Let's look at it this way. You think Vader would have a place in the rebellion if he had survived? You think Axel would just join Sora and his friends in adventures if he had survived? You think... oh hell, not gonna list every single example. Here. Knock yourself out.

You think Shadow has NEVER stopped being a "guy with his own motive" in the games, because he keeps being forced into the roles. Sonic Team intended him to be a one-off, because that's how he works. He's a dark Sonic, he was Sonic's rival, someone who fought for a purpose at the same time Sonic fought to save the world. A "dark version of a character" and especially a "villain who at the last moment realises he's wrong and makes up for his mistakes", aren't characters who live that long. He was NEVER intended for a long duration in the games, just for that single story, because he fit in. He NEEDED to die. His last words seem to mean that he wants to join Maria, which would make quite alot of sense. Only because of fan-bitching, he was alive and well in the next game, and not fitting in AT ALL. And they kept trying to shove in more and more story, just to make up for it. "Amnesia! Aliens! Gerald was right! You're a team member with a jewel thief and a mass murdering robot! The ones who killed the only person who ever mattered to you are now your employers!" It's all worthless drivel which is just meant to feed the fan machine. Shadow's death FIT. Within the circumstances, it could have been for a wide number of reasons, but the guy pretty much just didn't go back to the ARK to celebrate with the team. And it'd have been kinda stupid if he did. What would he say or do, which would be better than the ending we got? Instead, we got pretty much the best story we've ever had in a main Sonic game (and probably ever will) and a pretty nifty one-off character, who would be well remembered. But ALAS, it was not meant to be. Then Sega made a game with a hedgehog that keeps saying "damn", has AK-47s and murders people. Fantastic.

As for more characters in a game, that have similar gameplay with a few differences? I'm perfectly okay with it. As long as the gameplay WORKS. In Black Knight, it's stuffing more layers of broken into a broken game, turning them into bullshit characters who do nothing to make the game better, and just add more layers of the derrivative factor that makes the gameplay unsuited for any kind of game, and completely unpolished from any point of view. But developers prefer to make more characters instead of making their damn games good.

Jesus Christ, I never thought I'd spend so much time writing about a basic story with a simple plot detail that's been used for years. Still waiting on your reply to everything I've wrote on the game's technicalities itself. Either that, or a "You're right", "I can't find any argument for that" or "I just don't feel like talking about this no more and am changing the subject instead of saying it".