GBC ROM hacking

Rock Bomb · 29806

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Offline Rock Bomb

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on: December 16, 2009, 01:10:00 AM
Is the Emulation community hiding stuff from me, or something? I don't have any trouble finding anything else, but when it comes to ROM hacking, ripping, and anything else that falls under the video game emulation category, google does a really good job at hiding it from me.

I recall having problems with searching in the past; I can probably find one of my old threads on the same page as this one. This time, it's with ROM hacking. I want  to attempt to hack a Gameboy Color ROM, but all the hacking tools are for the GBA, and none of them work for the GBC. I'm absolutely certain it's possible. Even if those videos of 3rd generation pokemon showing up in Gold and Silver are fake, there's still the infamous Rockman DX3 to back up my claim.

You have been such a wonderful help to me in the past, and I only wish I could give back as much as I have gotten, so perhaps RPM would be gracious enough to help me yet again. Also, High Five's for anyone who will help.

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Reply #1 on: December 16, 2009, 01:41:41 AM
Well, I've hacked a GB mono game.  That was basic tile/hex editor stuff, though (Tile Layer Pro and Wind Hex).  I'm unaware of any GBC-specific tools.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline VixyNyan

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Reply #2 on: December 16, 2009, 02:58:32 AM
It's just like Shelly says.

Tile Layer and Hex Editor are the tools that's the most used tools and techniques for everyday ROM hacking.

Tile Layer tools lets you redraw the tiles and sprites on any ROM that can show decrypted 2D sprites. YY-CHR is a good Windows-based program that's super-easy to use. I use that for my VixyNyan ROM Hack, and I can do it with other ROMs too. ^^

If you want to go deeper, and hack the text, music, palette colors, and more, you need a Hex Editor, like Hex Workshop. There are special hex-numbered values that you change inside the file, and that gives special result.

You can even rip music and stuff if you copy a long string of code and then paste it into a new file. With the right codec, that file will become a playable sound file.

For most of the ROMs, like DS ROMs or PSP & Wii ISOs, you have to extract the files or folders that are inside them. For DS ROMs, you can do that with NDSheader. Then you use a Hex Editor to edit the things inside the file you opened. If you have enough luck, you can find easily-readable text that you can change, and reinsert into the ROM later.

When you want to translate the text in a ROM, you can do that with a table (.tbl) file. In those files, you can add any letter or symbol, and next to them, you write down the hexadecimal number the ROM is using for that letter/symbol. When you open the .tbl file in a Hex Editor that supports it, you will be able to read a game's text much easier, and can change it anyway you like.

I hope that helps a little bit. ^.^
I can give more help when I'm on my laptop. </wii>

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Offline Rock Bomb

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Reply #3 on: December 16, 2009, 11:26:35 PM
That looks like more than enough help. Thanks!

Offline Neo-Blader

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Reply #4 on: December 08, 2010, 02:21:24 AM, they have a lot of game boy tools listed especially for Pokemon hacking. And there is Zophars domain, there are tools and editors for Pokemon gold and silver, as well as for red blue and yellow.

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