funny, because i do consider that the things that i think that are quite rushed, with the exception of the weaponry, are more like nitpicks, and oh well
here they are:
- When killing the Willy fortress bosses, they do just the normal explosion instead of the flashing screen explosion, it
just feel really weak, especially with the yellow devil
- the way the pacing is made in the ending, feels too fast, the last cutscene should been onscreen for a little more
and the music actually ends
- the physics of the Doc robots are terrible and choppy compared to the MM2 boss cast, the only ones that are
at least right are Docbot Quickman and Docbot Metalman, but for example, Docbot Flashman is awful, and Docbot
Woodman is pretty cheap, plus the lack of sounds in their attacks is quite dissapointing and even the animations
are not right, again takin example of the Docbot Flashman
Then again, those are more like nitpicks, so they really dint count as much as it should be, besides, the Docbots are pretty challengin as well as the stages, (Docbot Needleman Stage is one of my favorite stages in the whole franchise), so i can ignore those
but the one that im really disappointed now is the weaponry, it sadly is bad, but then again MM5 had the WORST WEAPONRY in the megaman franchise, IMHO.
- Shadow Blade is OK, yes, it is an inferior version of the Metalblade, but it works well (Besides, i always liked more
the Quick Boomerang in MM2)
- Needle Cannon, OK too, no problem there
- Magnet Missile, good, but it drains very quickly
- Search Snake...............well is the MM3 version fo the bubble lead, not bad, but not mandatory, you can
beat the game without using it once, except of course if you want to defeat Gemini man faster (tough the irony is
i used to use this weapon at the 2nd Form of Gamma, and at the time, i used to think it was the only way to defeat
the boss.)
Now, the other Half
- Hard Knuckle, very faulty in my opinion, slow, and bg drainer, no really point for use it
- Gemini Laser, it doesn't look so bad, but the slowdown, and some hit detection, it make it really dorky
- Spark Shot, is lame, it only paralized weak enemies, but they still hit you, What?, and is useless agaisnt some
small enemies, not only that, but is it me?, or this weapon looks like it should be the charge shot, you know like
the Atomic Fire, i mean, spark man trow a big ball at you, so why not do the same thing.
And of course the infamous TOP SPIN,
- Its one of the worst weapons in general, i know what you are going to say, well it does cause a lot of damage
when you hit on the enemies, well, ONLY agaisnt shadow man and Gamma 2nd Form, but everyone else, its useless,
but why?, maybe because YOU CANT HIT ANYONE WITHOUT GETTING HIT, it seems like they tried to outdo the
pogo stick attack form the Ducktales Games, that would been good if they did it right, or better yet, why not just
give this weapon an effect ala Rockman 4 MI Hell Wheel Weapon?
That's 4 VS 4
but if may be hypocritical if i still said i think Megaman 3 is better than Megaman 2?
tough i dint really care about the glitches, they seemed really fun to me, and i will admit, i used to abuse them when i was a teen