My attempts at Art that might be awsome. - Now with Random Story things!

Magnus Ragnar · 47401

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Yea~ Another female in BLU team! >0<

And well... It could be a remodelled version that's not heavy. :3

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what o.o
I can barely carry in grocerys without dying, wonder how I'd carry that >w<

Video Game Physics, that's how you can carry it.

Or if all else fails, It's custom made to be lighter. or something.

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Are you people blind, its obviously a cardboard cutout of a Heavy's gun.

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Its held with hopes and dreams!

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Namely from the male members of BLU Team. 8D

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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Probably due to some unspoken universal law that, when the moment calls for it, it's the cutest one who grabs the Big [tornado fang]ing Gun and goes on an ass-kicking spree.

Namely from the male members of BLU Team. 8D

And this.

Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Rawr, tiem for moar storeh thingz until i draw the rest of the RPM Fortress stuff!

Ryujin Croncicles: Issue 1, Part 3

-Insert clever title here-

"WHY?!" Magnus groaned, rubbing his head as he approached the pack of Brawl-playing RPMers. "WHY DID YOU STEP ON MAH HEAD, DOOD?!"

"Uh, 'cause I didn't see you there?" Protoman Blues said, cocking an eyebrow at the reptilian that was glaring at him. "And who are you, anyways?"

"O rite, I haven't appeared before pretty much anywhere else here." Magnus moaned, facepalming. He then brushed off his jacket and cleared his throat. "Hey there. Name's Magnus Phairos Ryujin, Head of teh Ryujin Mercenaries."

"Never heard of 'em." Akira said, not even turning his attention away from the screen. "You new here or something?"

"I've been living in that huge black fortress with the massive gun on top of it for the last 10 months." Magnus replied flatly. "Ya know, the one that showed up north of Club Groove?"

"OH that's your base? I tried to go in one time but some crazy guy with a red jacket started chucking grenades at me." Wily commented. "You know him?"

Magnus held up a hand for a moment, then walked over to the nearest wall and smashed his head against it several times before walking back. "I'm going to brutally maim Renard when i get back to base. That explosive-making psychopath needs to stop throwing his thermo-nuclear hand grenades at visitors. Bad for buisness."

The RPMers had stopped what they were doing and were looking at Magnus with a 'wut?' exression. Magnus looked at them all for a second and blinked. "What? He can improvise bombs out of anything so he's good for demolision jobs."

PB rubs his chin, then grabs the side of Magnus' head and whispers something. Magnus' eyes open wide, then he look at PB once he lets go of his head. "Yea, Renard probably COULD make Lust Grenades, but I seriously doubt it'd be a good idea to NOT siphon the information of how to do so out of his head so he doesn't randomly toss them into crowded rooms or sell them to people who want to do that themselves."

"How quickly can he make some?"

"He'll probably have about a dozen done after about an hour along with a How-to-make-some-yourself booklet or two."

"Sexcelent." PB said, shaking Magnus' hand. "Have someone bring them by the Sex Shack later."

"Can-do. But i'm not letting you within 30 ft of my base with those things. Ever. I'll make Lust Grenade detectors if I have to!"

Suddenly, something bumped into the side of the sofa Vixy and Akira was sitting on, then a loud crash was heard as something tripped and landed in the trash can.

"What the hell?" The RPMers all said in unison, pausing their game to go inspect the now-floating trash can that was apparently trying to get un-stuck from something else. The can suddenly shot off and slammed into the wall, then a shimmery outline of someone appeared for a moment, then quickly brushed bits of trash off itself before running out of the Game Corner.

"Did anyone else see that?" Sakura asked.

"I did."

Everyone turned to look at the scource of the voice, which was Nick Z. Rythm who was standing behind the sofa.

"Nick, how long have you been standing there?" Magnus asked.

"About sence you mentioned the Lust Grenades."

"Oh god damn it......"



Horrible chapter is horrible. I'd re-write it but sadly this is the best i could come up with as a continuation for the story.

It would also seem there is a Spy wandering around RPM. Perhaps that will be addressed in the next part of the story I make, which will likely make less scene then this one.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Lust Grenades...
And darn that Renard!

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Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Lust Grenades...

I blame reading the latest GoRPM story PB wrote where CometWoman tells him they can't make a planet-wide laser thing that has very PB-ish effects for giving me that idea.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Well, PB is awesome like that afterall... >0<

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Offline Protoman Blues

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Hmmmmmm, Lust Grenades?  Yes, bring those by the Sex Shack later.  You shall be handsomely rewarded with Mango Lemonade!

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Hmmmmmm, Lust Grenades?  Yes, bring those by the Sex Shack later.  You shall be handsomely rewarded with Mango Lemonade!

Switch the lemonade for Dr. Pepper and i'll bring 3 crates worth of 'em as the first delivery along with a specialy designed launcher and a female model "Make your own Reploid" kit, complete with tools for use in assembly.

Random Magnus Factoid Number 1: Magnus accepts payment in Cash, Ramen, Asian BBQ Pork, and Dr. Pepper. If the latter 3 things are offered(especially Dr. Pepper) Magnus will make the transaction better for the person paying him.

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Well, I have Dr. Wily II for Robot Masters, which I prefer to Reploids personally.  However, Dr. Pepper is acceptable.  I'll get a whole bunch from Costco as payment!

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Moar storeh thing because I can and i'm in a bit of a story-writin' mood rather then a drawing mood. <.<

Ryujin Croncicles: Issue 1, Part 4

WHOO ESPLOSIVEZ! Also Orbital Space Base thingies.

"Okay, so where do I put this stuff?" Magnus asked, holding a large crate as he entered PB's Sex Shack. "I've still gotta go get the other crates from outside."

"Over here's good." PB replied, pointing at an empty corner. "You gonna hang around after you stack the boxes?"

"Not likely." The repltilian replied as he set the crate down and started to get the next one. "Gotta work on setting up an Orbital Defence Station and some other stuff."

"Too bad." PB sighed. "You're missin', out, dude."

Magnus cocked an eyebrow as he brought in the next crate, with another, smaller crate ontop of it. "I somehow doubt that. Now remember, if the launcher starts giving you trouble just bring it back by the RMHQ and I'll see about fixing it."

"Got it. Anything else I should know?"

"Yea, if you want me to build ya' a super-compact factory to make as many of 'em as ya need be sure to drop me a line and i'll get to work on it. Here's the 'How-to-make-your-own' guide, by the way." Magnus replied, handing a small booklet to PB. "And if you can't find a use for the Reploid kit, just use it as a statue or something by keeping the power system mostly disconnected. Now about my payment...."

"Over there."

Magnus looked in the direction PB indicated and saw a Costco crate full of Dr. Pepper.

"Jackpot." The reptilian said with a smile, quickly taking the crate and starting out the door after handing a coupon to PB. "Discount coupon for the next time you need somethin' from the Ryujin Mercs. It's been a pleasure doin' buisness with ya. Later days!"

And like that, Magnus was out the door and halfway to his HQ by the time PB had begun to read the 'how-to' booklet.


"I'm telling you it's not gonna work, Mag."

"That's what you say about half my god damn ideas, Sapph. Quit being such a pessimist."

"I'm not being a pessimist, I'm telling you that it's not gonna work!"

"And how would you know?!"


Magnus looked at Sapphire Knight's right-hand gauntlet, which had indeed gotten welded to the side of the rocket Magnus was using to launch the base platform for his orbital base. "Oh right, whoops...."

"WHOOPS?!" Sapph roared, an evil red glow emmiting from the slits on his helmet. "THIS DOES NOT CLASSIFY AS A 'WHOOPS', LIZARD BOY!"

"Calm down damn it." Magnus replied, yanking Sapph's gauntlet off the side of the rocket, somehow destroying the weld and not taking the panel with it. "There. Just go have Strath or Trace clean off the welding marks. How the hell did you get down here in the first place anyways?"

"You left the door unlocked again. Also Tenki told me where you were."

Magnus groaned. "I really need to install a better alarm system in this place. Or at least one that's connected to my com-phone."



Blargh, this came out even more random then the last part. Location switched at random right at the start. I'll address the "spy" from Part 3 sooner or later. DON'T JUDGE ME. D8<

Also, Enjoy your stockpile of Lust Grenades, PB.

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Thanx!  XD

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Oh boy... This reminds me of one of the previously written GoRPMs... >0<

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Offline Magnus Ragnar

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Oh boy... This reminds me of one of the previously written GoRPMs... >0<

that ish cuz that's sorta what inspired this part of mah storeh thing. XD

Posted on: August 31, 2009, 19:59:04
Rawr. Double post for mini-updata.

Dellan "Phase" Atrius

Sort of a new character. Technically he's a condenced version of two other characters put together, but whatever. He's suppposed to be a Disgaea-style Demon(ie, has pointeh ears 'n supar powarz) but this isn't his Disgaea appearance. If you're wondering about the mark on his vest, well, keep wonderin'. Ahz not gonna tell ye'.

Also, my mind has developed a second gutter right next to the normal perverted gutter every mind has by default. It's a gutter where everything gets an RPM-themed twist on it, and i'll be damned if i haven't had around 15-20 RPM-themed twists come to mind in the last 3 days.


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15-20 RPM twists?
Do share. XD

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Offline Magnus Ragnar

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15-20 RPM twists?
Do share. XD

I remember some, but not all. Most twists are just multiple ones from the same thing RPM-ified.


First bunch: Tales of RPM
Due to my rampant fan-ness of Tales of Vesperia and the Upcoming Japanese release of the PS3 Portgrade(Port + Upgrade) of ToV, I started applying ToV Mystic Artes(Ultimate Attacks for the characters in the game for those who dun't know) to random-ish RPM-goers. Here's a complete collection of all Tales of Vespeira Mystic Artes in easy-to-view YouTube video form! In order of appearance, the 6th Skill used by the first 7 characters is their Mystic Arte.

Order of Characers(And their Mystic Artes) in the video is as follows(listed in order of appearance):

Character Name - Mystic Arte
Playable Characters:
Yuri Lowel - Savage Wolf Fury
Estelle - Sacred Penance
Karol Capel - Overlord Reign Impact
Rita Mordio - Ancient Catastrophe
Raven - Blast Heart
Judith - Radiant Moonlight
Repede - Slash!

Boss Characters:
Flynn Scifo - Radiant Dragon Fang(Called Light Dragon Desctruction out loud when used)
Nan - Soaring Raptor Blast
Tison - Dragon Blade: Infernal Lord
Schwann - Cannot be listed due to massive spoilers
Yeager - Caress of Death
Alexei - Brilliant Cataclysm
Gauche - Impact Cross
Droite - Impact Cross (Gauche & Droite's Mystic Artes only differ in which one the camera focuses on when it is used)
Zagi - Shining Blastia Field(He shouts "Welcome to the Hornet's Nest!" when used, rather then the name of the Mystic Arte)
Tison(Colessium Fighter Version) - Dragon Blade: Infernal Lord
Dhaos(Called 'Time Traveler' in game) - Super Dhaos Laser
Shizel(Called 'Sorrowful Queen of Darkness' in game) - Eternal Fatality
Barbatos(Called 'Killer of Heroes' in game) - No Items Ever!(Triggered only when the player uses an item when he is present on the battlefield)
Kratos Aurion(Called 'Traitor to Heaven' in game) - Shining Bind
Final Boss(2nd form) - Big Bang(Also used by Fianl Boss Optional 3rd Form)
Final Boss(Optional 3rd form) - Brave Vesperia

Playable Character 'Hidden' Mystic Arte:
Yuri Lowel - Savage Wolf Fury(Final Boss 2nd Form Finisher Version)

Yea, I know that a Tison is on the list twice dispite the second listing being his Colessium Tournamet Fighter version, so just ignore that one, i only put it there cos' it appeared in the vid. I will also NOT be giving out cookies to people who fighter out why i left Schwann's Mystic Arte off the list, so don't bother talking about it. Anywho, I've already link'd people to some of the Mystic Artes. Here's da list:

Name - Mystic Arte
Vixy - Radiant Moonlight
Akira - Overlord Reign Impact
Protoman Blues - Blast Heart
Nick Z. Rythm - Caress of Death
Milien - Ancient Catastrophe
CephiYumi - Sacred Pennance
Dr. Wily II - Super Dhaos Laser
Acid - No Items Ever!
Kit The Medic & Spy Child - Impact Cross
Sparky - Dragon Blade: Infernal Lord
Magnus Riujin - Radiant Dragon Fang
Quickman - Soaring Raptor Blast
Sapphire Knight - Shining Bind
LazyMan - Shining Blastia Field
Taiyo - Brilliant Cataclysm
Akamaru - Slash!
Subtank - Big Bang
Ryunosuke - Eternal Fatality
Flame - Savage Wolf Fury

Feel free to interpret this Tales of Vesperia-fueled insanity anyway ya want.

Second Batch of RPM-themed random crap:

Most of you have heard of or seen the Dwane and BrandO Megaman 2 Rap YouTube Video, right? well, I kinda had the idea to spoof THAT with RPM-ers filling in for the characters.

Akira - Megaman
Vixy - Dr. Light
Dr. Wily II - Dr. Wily
Sub Tank - 'Alien' Wily
Protoman Blues - Protoman
Taiyo - Metalman
Milien - Woodman
Kit the Medic - Flashman
Magnus Riujin - Bubbleman
Nick Z. Rythm - Airman
LazyMan - Crashman
Quickman - Quickman(everyone who saw this coming gets a cookie)
Flame - Heatman
CephiYumi - Roll(Hold ups sign saying "WE'RE NOT DOING THIS PART EVER" Durring the bit of the song/video where Roll appears)

Third Batch of random crap:

Disgaea: RPM Cronicles. 'Nuff said. Blame Disgaea 3's opening theme for this.


So yea. Respond to my insanity 'n stuff. or do the smart thing of smashing my head in a desk drawer several times or until the crazy has fallen out.


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I never thought I would be Dr. Wily! 8D

Ahem, never played Vesperia... But looking at the video...
I LOVE Super Dhaos Laser. 8D

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Offline Alice in Entropy

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To be perfectly honest, I vas just a little disappointed at "Caress of Dess". I mean, it vas little more zan a shot from a laser rifle. But ze character himself is awesome, vich makes up for it.

Ze uzzer ideas intrigue me, ja, especially since I am ze fan of ze Disgaea series.

...Und you still need to draw me Airnigma und Metalpatch.

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I never thought I would be Dr. Wily! 8D

Ahem, never played Vesperia... But looking at the video...
I LOVE Super Dhaos Laser. 8D

Heh, yer welcome then. And please clean the sarcasam from your first statment off my thread before it sets in like a stain. <_<

To be perfectly honest, I vas just a little disappointed at "Caress of Dess". I mean, it vas little more zan a shot from a laser rifle. But ze character himself is awesome, vich makes up for it.

Ze uzzer ideas intrigue me, ja, especially since I am ze fan of ze Disgaea series.

...Und you still need to draw me Airnigma und Metalpatch.

AH KNOWZ. I just been lacking ze motivation to do so. <_<

Offline Sapphire Knight

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Ku~ ku ku ku... These are good ideas. Though, I kinda perfer Eternal Fatality... Oh well, this be your work, not mine.

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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I like Disgaea too though I wish Disgaea 2 would come to the DS soon.  Anyway interesting ideas.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Ku~ ku ku ku... These are good ideas. Though, I kinda perfer Eternal Fatality... Oh well, this be your work, not mine.

Yea, well, you've played Tales of Symphonia, right? I figure'd you'd apreciate getting Kratos' ToV Mystic Arte. At first i thought about giving you Brilliant Cataclysm, but then i couldn't think of anyone to give Shining Bind to. XD