What did Lumine mean?

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Reply #100 on: July 08, 2009, 05:00:23 PM
I know a 4koma strip is not to be taken seriously, but-
and in any case are you saying Axl could have been a regular hunter who became a new gen?
Yknow, the Idea that he was based on study of X and Zero makes me think. what if he LITERALLY was made from their data by some unknown source? I mean, He obviously looks like an odd fusion of X and Zero, but what if he actually was?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #101 on: July 08, 2009, 05:21:31 PM
4koma strip

The character designers makes it seem like much more.. Take a look at the X7 OST translation below.

This is the story of how Axl was born. I was planning on making a new character since I started this development. It was very hard to decide the details in the characterization and then only half a year ago…we decided to make this new character. We have to have some freshness (new) & also it has to be accepted by the Rockman X fans. I was so careful to this point, because of my effort, everything was done very well. Axl's trademark is the scar on his forehead. This scar was put on Axl's head at the very last moment.

There are no scars on the original design to tell you the truth….I forgot to order to have the scar included in Axl's character design. At the time we were almost finished with Axl's character design, I said …..
"Oh…oh…I forgot about Axl's scar!"

I was so sorry for the designers, but after the X7 story….when it comes to Axl, the scar on his forehead is probably the most important thing about him. I asked the designer to put the scar in the most outstanding place on his forehead. As for the gun…we decided to set the copy shot immediately but it was very hard to implement this design. In the game you can't really see it well, but we did the gun design again and again anyway.

"I bet you're not getting all this stuff I am talking about…..ha,ha,ha!"

So I put in lots of time and effort. I feel that Axl is my adorable child. Please give your love to him.

As you can see on the X7 site, there are numerous Axl designs, some with broken helmets, but none with the scar on his face. As the 3d models reveal the full "X" scar is obscured by his helmet, I tend to see it like something of a birthmark. The 4koma might nicely explain why his helmet is undamaged even though his skin isn't, it would just far less important that it's implicated to be...

are you saying Axl could have been a regular hunter who became a new gen?

That's exactly what I'm saying, and I have a well known character in mind, I'd say what's known of his personality fits Axl nicely. Though people can't see it because of that character's cult status...

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Reply #102 on: July 08, 2009, 05:28:57 PM
Who? GBD? wow. he was just a disposable character though... for nothing but an awesome intro.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #103 on: July 08, 2009, 05:30:03 PM
You can´t compare Axl to GBD! GBD is waaay to awesome!  >3<

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Reply #104 on: July 08, 2009, 05:59:10 PM
I can and I have.

he was just a disposable character though...

Well... pretty much everything's a disposable character back then... But the little guy had a slightly more expanded role in the manga, even if he never got close to a Cheval; he's a kid who looked up to X, sound familiar? Just revive him with a copy chip and there you have it; Axl.

Besides, this is the same game that managed to bring up such obscurities as Road Attackers and Road Riders in regards to a boss modeled after Crash Roadsters. Followed by its RPG sequel bringing out every obscure mechaniloid Capcom ever made for the X-series.


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Reply #105 on: July 08, 2009, 10:06:11 PM
Axl's actually a lot more complex than most people give him credit.

Anyway, can we at least agree that Sigma was evil, if only having a tenuous grasp at sanity?

And that the human government was filled with paranoid idiots who had no idea what they were doing?

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Reply #106 on: July 09, 2009, 12:16:49 AM
Axl's actually a lot more complex than most people give him credit.
No one denies that Axl is just as much a complex mystery as X or Zero...

Anyway, can we at least agree that Sigma was evil, if only having a tenuous grasp at sanity?
we've been through this. there is a very big difference between evil and insane. and Sigma was sane.

And that the human government was filled with paranoid idiots who had no idea what they were doing?
Paranoid? Maybe. Idiots? No. Don't know what they are doing? Definitely not.  Its called special interests. take a gander into current  politics some time. They fear what they feel could pose a risk to them, especially when such people like Gate are behind it, even before the Nightmare incident, Gate was shunned because of his ideas. He was very independent, very radical. Like Alia noted, She followed rules. He didn't. He was also brilliant. And his idea of the perfect reploid was to achieve X and Zero. He felt that being so complex that his creations were unanalyzable was the ultimate. And the government and his colleagues feared those creations, because of how Gate was. So they disposed of them just to be sure. they killed them in cold blood secretly, arranging "accidents" and then there was the issue of Shield Sheldon. i really doubt that was an accident that the hunters mistook his actions for being maverick.

This is the same government that like was said earlier, sealed off a portion of the ruins where X and Zero were found because of the ancient technology buried there, trespassing being an offense punishable by death.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline marshmallow man

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Reply #107 on: July 09, 2009, 06:40:37 AM
Quote from: Flame
Now, how can we say that Sigma meddled with the copy chips,and not that the scientists who developed them were just incredibly stupid?

Sigma to X, on his "children":

You could well say that the Jakob Project, from the very planning stages of the new generation repliroids, was all by my plan!

Sigma to Axl, same:

Because I intervened in the design of the new generation repliroids created for the Jakob Project, and engraved my data on the copy chips!

You can doubt Sigma's word if you like, I'm inclined to believe him. I think it certainly explains a lot.

Quote from: Zan
"Insanity" and "Evil" are two mutually exclusive terms, Marshmallow.

I think there's actually quite a bit of overlap. Insanity is not really a medical term, in the vernacular it is often applied to people whose actions are clearly very dangerous to themselves and others and whose motives are indistinct. Sigma thinks on a totally different level than normal folks. Most law-abiding reploids would think, for instance, that to risk destroying all life on earth with a giant space colony is not a sane move. It's evil to cause such destruction, and he must be crazy to want to do it. If you understand, truly comprehend why good is good and why evil is evil, then any sane person would not want to do evil. Or at least, some people think so. Labeling someone as sane or insane is making a judgment on someone's thoughts and actions. If it makes sense to you, then it's sane, if not, then it's insane. Sigma doesn't think what he's doing is evil, and that's why to the likes of X, Zero and Axl he's insane. Sigma's got his reasons, but they're still insane reasons to some.

At best, Sigma wouldn't really meet the current legal definiton of the insanity plea in most countries, even some very severe behavioral disorders don't really meet the criteria. A case could be argued, that based on Sigma's lack of empathy and emotionally unbalanced behavior either by design or by viral infection, that he did not have the proper tools to interact in society and thus can not be held solely accountable for what occurred. His vision of himself as the evolutionary peak could be sited as delusional behavior from which his actions have stemmed. But I doubt someone who caused as much damage to the global populace would ever be forgiven no matter what circumstances, and that any judge or jury would accept that sort of plea, in our paradigm or in theirs. But that sense is more about letting him off the hook for his actions. "He's crazy," they'd say, but society demands that he should be held responsible nonetheless, and punished.  For justice. Though really they might be better off trying to treat him, since putting him to death just tends to allow him to come back in some way or another. Holding him alive and trying to cure him might have been more fruitful, though still fraught with its own dangers at trying to do so. It's also dependent upon whether using the Mother Elf on Sigma would restore him to his former hunter self, or destroy him entirely.

Well, the body is most certainly his original one in a new design, saber and everything.

The body shares some distinctions with the X1 design overall, but are not congruent and have many minor differentiations, and some things seem more borrowed from other Sigma forms. The shoulder guards are the ones from his X1 cape rather than his normal body. The high rigid-framed collar is resembles the X5 body except in color. The arms are matched to Sigma's X3 form in color and style. The knee guards more closely resemble the  X7 (or to some extent X4) Sigma ones than any other of his bodies, though it also resembles the knee guard styles of the guardroids and Vile V. And last but not least, it has the telltale eye scars.

From a moves perspective, the body doesn't have much in common with the X1 body outside the use of a beam sabre. The Copy Sigma and guardroid sigmas use many moves his X1 form never demonstrated. The Copy Sigma has more in common, fighting style wise, with X8's final Sigma body than any other single Sigma form.  For those reasons, I think the X8 "plain" body is an amalgamation of aspects of previous forms incorporated with the latest technology with the intent of bringing about something even better. A Sigma body overclocked remix, for rockin' in the new world.

But when it comes down to it, the most vital point is that though they have Sigma's DNA, a connecting with the Virus is not required to achieve the same state of mind as Sigma.

But if they have Sigma's post-virus program, and the virus is what we can thank for his full-on evil attitude, then the virus was required, it's just that it was not a direct application.  My reasoning is basically:

Sigma's heart is evil because of the virus; the New Gens are evil because Sigma's heart is evil; they are evil because Sigma's heart is evil because of the virus.

Instead of being directly infected by the virus themselves and being changed in their own individual way by it, they are infected with Sigma's virus-ridden logic, thus they are affected the exact same way that Sigma was affected by the virus. Instead of having a virus that brings out their own evil, they are sharing Sigma's evil. Effected by the effects of the effected. The virus is responsible at the base of it all, but it is applied in a completely vicarious manner, so they're possibly getting more along with it than any other virus infected individual before. They are infected with Sigma, the underlying virus code is an integral part of Sigma, and now an integral part of them too...  It's hidden but never out of the equation. I think I'm talking in circles, but I'm at a loss to explain it any better.

Of course, we must also question who is behind the New Generation in general, however did the government come to acquire something that was once exclusive to Axl?

Without knowing who built Axl we can never answer with much certainty. Some shadowy secret government group could have built him, or perhaps the government was doing copy chip research already independently of whoever built Axl. Maybe when Axl joined the Hunters was when the government learned of its potential and used his data as a basis. Or maybe Sigma, having had at least past dealings with Axl's powers in Red Alert, brought some of that technology over somehow. Great big question mark.

Quote from: Hypershell
It's also incorrect to assume that the X8 Mavericks have no reservations about what they're doing.  Confront Dark Mantis as Axl sometime, he admits to being jealous of Axl's innocence.

I think he was actually poking fun of Axl's simplemindedness rather than showing any true regret. But, I don't disagree with the point that some new gens, particularly the boss ones with the stronger personalities, have slightly varying degrees of "Sigmasim." How much of Sigma's program has seemingly overshadowed their own. They aren't all 100% Sigma copies. Maybe even the Copy Sigma had some lingering hint of previous self.

Speaking of Axl, one has to ask how he fits into this.  Where is the line drawn between Axl and the finalized New Gens?

Alia did do that analysis, but I don't really get whether the Sigma data she found when comparing Axl's copy chip and the irregulars' was a common feature in just the bad guys' copy chips, or in theirs and Axl's both. Lumine said that about prototypes not having the specs to do so, and presumably that is why Axl is not on the guest list for their new world party. If Axl is lacking the Sigma data that makes things easy. If he has it though, and for whatever reason just has yet to be effected, then more explanation is in serious order. Maybe he is somehow defective. Maybe his scars are a mark of his being a failed work.

Most all of the New Gens and Sigma are well aware of the fact that Axl has no potential to join them, so why?

Maybe because Sigma said so. Sigma doesn't seem to like Axl as much in this game as he did in X7. Might have something to do with the knocking him backwards off the highest tower of Crimson Palace. Or maybe just because he's not as much like the proud father as Sigma's other kids. The black sheep of the litter. But I'm inclined to think that Axl lacks the right Sigma data entirely, that Sigma was only involved in the Jakob Project New Gens, and Axl was the first Sigma had heard of copy chip abilities. But then, maybe it wasn't. If Axl is some kind of sleeper cell, you'd think he'd be activated by now... yet perhaps that's what Lumine tried to do.

The primary difference between Axl and the finished New Generation Reploids is that the copy ability was perfected.  It's not so far a stretch to think that Axl's limitations (prior to Command Mission, anyway) are what denies him the ability to achieve the likeness with Sigma that the other New Gens do.

That makes sense too, and is possible.

There is such a thing as one who goes Maverick of their own accord, as Sigma outright states in MHX when he releases Vile.  So the possibility cannot be denied, and the idea that Vile would share that theme with Sigma, Lumine, and the New Generation Reploids goes a long way to explaining his presence in X8.

I think the only thing that explains Vile's presence in X8 is his popularity. Dynamo seems just as willing to be Sigma's [sonic slicer] and likes following orders a lot more, but he wasn't chosen. Vile appears inexplicably as form "V" and the show goes on. The choice to revive him seems fairly arbitrary. Maybe Sigma just missed the little dickens.

Omega's personality is not Zero's original programming.

Not completely, true. Hey, I said "might." But Inti and Sigma both seem to see a potential link, even if you do not.

When a voice in Zero's head is encouraging him as he's about to hunt down Sigma in X6?  Sounds like somebody was being played.

Maybe. But then, but then, maybe Isoc wasn't happy about the damage Sigma did to Zero during the end of X5. On the other hand, Sigma after being defeated was able to revive much more completely the next time, maybe defeating him in X6 did Sigma a huge favor.

Are we honestly to believe that Zero, and by extension Wily in X-series timeframe, wishes to remold the world when Wily sealed Zero until such time when he could challenge X?  When after an allegiance with Sigma to unlock Zero's true potential, leaving the world in shambles as a side-effect, Wily simply drops off the face of the Earth?  I don't buy that.

Isoc certainly gave Gate's new world order the old college try, so much that he put High Max's repairs ahead of capturing Zero. That he dropped off the face of the Earth afterwards is strange by all accounts, but maybe he'll be back again someday to make us wet our fanboy pants once more.

True enough, I recall the Ostro/Birdo mixup.

I was thinking more like the R4 credits getting the robot serial numbers messed up, or the X1 credits missing an enemy or two. I think the Rockman World 1-3 cast rolls missed a few enemies in theirs as well. It might be that they change some of that stuff after the credits are already finalized.

As for the X4 book quotes, given that X8 is supposed to be a revelation on a possibility that the Hunters, and the vast majority of the fanbase, left totally ignored, why is it anyone's surprise that older sources don't sync with it?

You mean, if it's a retcon? Then of course. Throw another contradiction into the pile. It well may be. I'm going to go on the good faith that it isn't, until proven that it is.

The virus, regardless of its effects on Sigma's judgment, was key to his role as leader of the rebellion.  That he sics Vile on X in MHX on the sole grounds that he can go Maverick of his own accord says that such a phenomenon, while possible, is exceedingly rare.

Or just that it's hard to find one with that level of battle machismo on incredibly short notice that hasn't already been hunted. Well, maybe not that hard, since he was found. Hard to find two though, that seems about right.

Sigma needed the virus solely for gathering support if nothing else, to say nothing of giving himself near immortality.

Though as far as his first rebellion goes, the extent to which he actually put the virus to use in gathering supporters is little indicated and entirely unknown. How Sigma came about his virus-enabled death cheat is even less clear. Maybe Serges had something to do with explaining that, since he built Sigma's X2 body for him. But it seems you don't even have to have mysterious virus powers to be revived, it never kept ol' Vile down. So even that need is somewhat loose.

If he decides that Reploids would develop ideally without humans, how far is he willing to go to see it happen?

But, why would he decide that? The greatest advancements in robotics up to that point were made by humans, like Light, Cain and Wily. And while unbeknown to him, over a century later, would still be with researchers like Weil and Ciel's lineage. Human ingenuity advances the state of the world just as much as reploid. Human reliance on reploids pretty much guarantees both the need to continue production and to improve upon it.  Sigma is revered even as a guardian of humanity. So trying to kill them off... seems not so much logical, as simply hate inspired. And if there's one thing that an evil virus should do, it's inspire hate.

Quote from: CyberXIII
Reploids are able to determine right and wrong for themselves without the need for outside programmin, correct?  If so, what's stopping them from non-violently establishing their own country?  Like what Repliforce wanted, but done right?

Probably a lot of things. For one, very bad historical precedence. For another, the space and the means to do so. How do they go about claiming an area? Tell all the humans they have to leave? And put up some "no fleshbags allowed" signs to ward off wandering humans? Some kind of force would probably have to be involved. And certainly funds, resources, required technology, how would such be gained? Furthermore implied in the concept's own nature, it is invariably racist to say that reploids need their own nation at all. Are humans really that insufferable to reploids? What exactly is the need for reploids not to be around humans? And if they feel that strongly about it, what lengths will they go to keep away the humans they can't stand? How could they hope to maintain good diplomatic relations with the powers that be? To be your own country, you'd also need to be recognized by the current governing bodies. I doubt such bodies, already in supposed control of much of the world, are eager to make room for a new nation whose primary political platform is total race segregation and human devaluation. The only way that trust and respect can be maintained is ideally for both to find a way to coexist together, as they were created to.

Take a look at the Government in the X series. They contradict themselves at every point when it comes to Reploids. X and Zero hold special interests, so they are never questioned, but Gate makes a Reploid just as analyzable as either of them, and it is feared and disposed of. Gate himself is shunned because they cannot understand his research.

Refuting opinions ahead: It isn't really clear whether it was the government's decision to destroy all Gate's creations, or simply the bosses of the research team, and it's certainly impossible to say whether those figures were humans, reploids, or both. Jealousy of fellow researchers may have certainly played a part, but Gate and his creations' actions make them easy to resent at best, and extremely dangerous at worst. Most of Gate's creations brought about tragedies through their recklessness. Gate was creating reploids who were not law abiding, and essentially refused to take any measures to try to reign in thier behavior. No one else had the understanding required to do so. To their credit, the research recognized that Gate's works were moving too much too soon and presented too many dangers. If Gate and his creations had simply compromised slightly and gone along with the rules, they could have been touted on the highest levels. Gate probably would have gotten his hands on that X and Zero data that he dreamed of. But someone who won't play by the rules and with no regard for safety or proper channels never had much of a future. They gave Gate ample opportunity to change, Gate himself was never targeted to be terminated. He simply would not budge, and so some decision had to be made about his renegade works. A scientific genius, but foolish both ethically and politically. Both a brilliant idealist devoted to his craft, and a naive self-centered child, Gate is a prime example of power in the wrong hands. One might think they were too lenient in allowing him to leave, but even with his strong parting words Gate seemed genuinely sad by the extent that maverick warfare had damaged the planet. He may have meant no harm to the world, on the contrary he wanted to make it a better place, he just seems not to know how to go about it. Finding that Zero DNA steeped in virus being what really pushed him over to the dark side.

Literally everything could have happened to Axl in the past...

R20's designer comments from Tatsuya Yoshikawa mention that in Axl's background profile, he was not always a "good person" (hence looking dark and edgy). So I guess something like this: Axl is created for something bad. Maybe to retrieve X and Zero's DNA. Red first encountered Axl when he was a bad guy, and discovers Axl's copy power. Maybe Axl copies Red. Axl and Red fight. Axl damages Red's eye. Red gives Axl his scars. Axl is knocked out. Red tries to have Axl studied to understand the copy power. Axl awakes a friendly innocent child without any memory of his former self. Red decides to never bring up the past with him. Red builds up Red Alert based on Axl's abilities. Axl feels a strange connection to X and Zero he can't explain, without realizing he may have been meant to do them harm. Later, Lumine deposits something in Axl. This something makes Axl resemble Lumine and increases his power. It also heals Axl's scar. Axl starts to remember things... becomes a bad guy like he was before...?  X9 happens?  Classic case of blunt head trauma turning a bad guy good, not too unlike Zero, but without spreading some kooky virus. That could all be way off the mark though.

Quote from: CyberXIII
EDIT: Where did you get that Mirage Claw attack name?

X8 Japanese guidebooks.

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Reply #108 on: July 09, 2009, 07:36:37 AM
From what I remember, not all of Gates creations acted recklessly, some were simply too good, or were just "not good enough" Or in Sheldon's case, Mistaken for Maverick. Yammark was incompetent and disorderly and accidentally burned down the forest. But instead of being tried for it and fired or what have you, he was murdered in cold blood by sabotage.

Rainy Turtloid didn't do anything wrong. He was part of the water purification team. He was perfect for the job due to his strong shielding from Acid rain and terrible water pollution. But they were paranoid and afraid of his strong defense. Gate opposed the idea to weaken him, and logically, you wouldn't want to chop your childs arm off all because he was too buff without a very good reason. In fact, we dont know much of how he died. Just that he "Died to save Gate" which could mean many things.

Wolfang didnt do anything wrong either. He protected his team from Mavericks and defeated them, but his team was still a casualty. he was disposed of by Gate's enemies. "researchers who oppose Gate schemed to dispose of him"

If anything, the way they were disposed of was very shady, making it seem like accidents. It most likely was his enemies from the workplace, when I think of it. The Government would have held their judgements in a different manner other than "scheming" and causing "accidents" like some mafia.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #109 on: July 09, 2009, 08:34:26 AM
You're right, not all of Gate's reploids were truly deserving of their fates. Some bad eggs seemed to have ruined it for the rest. Gate's indulgence of them didn't help matters. I wouldn't mind reading over X6's Japanese dialogue to see what parts of the investigators' pasts might make a more complete picture. If someone could get screen caps or something, that'd help...

I think that X7 OST translation is also lacking. I thought there was a part that talked about them not being sure what buttons to map Axl's copy shot on or something in there too. Did Zan crop it for relevance?

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Reply #110 on: July 09, 2009, 09:08:44 AM
the there was Heatnix. We can assume he was arrogant, as he didnt care what happened to the weaker ones, and they all died.
actually, I dont think any of them were deserving of their fates. They could have been dealt with in a civilized manner, not disposed of like it was the godfather or something.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #111 on: July 09, 2009, 09:35:39 AM
I wouldn't mind reading over X6's Japanese dialogue to see what parts of the investigators' pasts might make a more complete picture. If someone could get screen caps or something, that'd help...
I could certainly arrange that, if it means it would get done.

No, I'm not meaning to sound bitchy here.

Edit: be sure to check your inbox.

The reason for retcon is to cancel out contradictions
a retcon is a last resort to erase a contradiction
Guys, please let me know when did Gwen Stacy getting retroactively impregnated with Goblin Twins solve any contradiction whatsoever and didn't create a whole set of new ones. TTFN


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Reply #112 on: July 09, 2009, 11:57:49 AM
I wouldn't mind reading over X6's Japanese dialogue [...] If someone could get screen caps or something, that'd help...

I think that X7 OST translation is also lacking. [..]
I could certainly arrange that, if it means it would get done.

♪ DON'T MAKE A MONKEY OF ME! oh wait, wrong game~ >0<

I did put up the full Japanese script for X1 and X2 on RPM and still working on more of them.
And I did send some end-game video clips of X8 to marshmallow man a while back. For the future, video is better.
For the benefit of the whole MM community, I'll gladly do it, if you have the patience to wait a few hours/days. o.o

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Reply #113 on: July 09, 2009, 02:19:50 PM
You can doubt Sigma's word if you like, I'm inclined to believe him. I think it certainly explains a lot.

Well, Sigma could have been slightly clearer in the English game >.>

Speaking of things a bit vague, do we have any indication of how Axl figured he was a prototype, or did that just kind of happen? It's a bit of an odd transition from there being just Axl, and then a whole generation of them.

I think the only thing that explains Vile's presence in X8 is his popularity. Dynamo seems just as willing to be Sigma's [sonic slicer] and likes following orders a lot more, but he wasn't chosen. Vile appears inexplicably as form "V" and the show goes on. The choice to revive him seems fairly arbitrary. Maybe Sigma just missed the little dickens.

Two things about Dynamo are of note; though he worships Sigma, he's still in it for the money and he seems to have grown quite weary of fighting with the dangerous X and Zero. He and VAVA are just innately different, that is why VAVA just fits so much better within the events of X8.

But, why would he decide that?

Isn't it a natural conclusion? Sigma is the first Repliroid, yet none would exceed him for years to come. Only a bunch of mysterious centuries' old robots could... Thing is, even though he might come to the conclusion, he might not at all feel like putting it to the test. Perhaps he would simply try to promote Repliroid evolution within the confines of human society? He would most certainly conclude that technology advances best in times of war, but he already has a group of Hunters that need to be kept in the best shape possible; he doesn't need to incite war himself.

Sigma is revered even as a guardian of humanity. So trying to kill them off... seems not so much logical, as simply hate inspired. And if there's one thing that an evil virus should do, it's inspire hate.

I wouldn't say hate... Much more a complete absence of compassion. Sigma doesn't seem to hate humans, he just doesn't care. Also, his plans don't just hurt humans; it's an evolutionary arms race that involves humans and Repliroids alike.

And put up some "no fleshbags allowed" signs to ward off wandering humans?

That worked so well when Epsilon tried it...

Red gives Axl his scars.

If we went by the concept art for Axl, I certainly find this feasible. But as it is right now, that scar is in an impossible to hit place, requiring even two attacks...

It also heals Axl's scar.

Remind me, does White Axl have the scar?

I think that X7 OST translation is also lacking. I thought there was a part that talked about them not being sure what buttons to map Axl's copy shot on or something in there too. Did Zan crop it for relevance?

"Robonyanya" did the translation, I don't think she did more...

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Reply #114 on: July 09, 2009, 05:56:24 PM
I don't know about all this, considering that Sigma was trying to get Reploids to evolve to the next level and using the Virus as a means to an end, I don't know if we could really call that evoltuioon since it involves gradual change not abrupt change. Speaking of the Virus, what role does it actually play in Sigma's "evolution"? It seems to me that it only "enlightened" Sigma to the realities of the world around him and how Sigma is only using the Virus to achieve the aim of evolution but what does that mean for other Reploids? What does the Virus, Zero, Next Gens and Wily play in all this I wonder?

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Reply #115 on: July 09, 2009, 07:24:33 PM
Off-topic: Rod and marshmallow, I'm gonna save both of you some trouble and give you pixel-perfect video clips of the Rockman X6 cutscenes. This is a taste of what I have for the moment. ^^

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Reply #116 on: July 09, 2009, 08:12:28 PM
I'm not familiar with CM, except for bits and pieces of the story.

How successful was Epsilon's city before X and co. ruined things?  Oh, and I hate to reopen old wounds, but did anyone else notice that Sigma become more obsessed with killing X and Zero as the series went on?

Lastly, if Lumi wasn't corrupted by Siggy's virus and was instead warped by his DNA, then why wasn't he loyal to the Sigma?

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Reply #117 on: July 09, 2009, 08:49:32 PM
How successful was Epsilon's city before X and co. ruined things?

He had to deal with a resistance that disagreed with his rebellion. And he had the Federation trying to attack him from every side.

Lastly, if Lumi wasn't corrupted by Siggy's virus and was instead warped by his DNA, then why wasn't he loyal to the Sigma?

Sigma's DNA doesn't make them his underlings, it makes them his equals.

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Reply #118 on: July 10, 2009, 02:12:09 AM
If we went by the concept art for Axl, I certainly find this feasible. But as it is right now, that scar is in an impossible to hit place, requiring even two attacks...

Actually, combat wise and angle of attacks, there are two ways he could have gotten that scar. If someone was to be around 1 meter away and then crouch, and aim up towards a blow towards the head while Axl would be looking down at them, it would be possible to land a hit around the eye to nose bridge area and avoid being fatal -if- Axl were to move backwards so that said attack would skim him and damage the lower brow of his helmet.

Or, alternatively, an attack could have been right towards the head and the helmet shattered after taking the most of the blow and inflicting a flesh wound still. Still. Getting a scar in an area like that would dictate that someone -luckily- lived. With the right amount of force to that area, it could be a killing blow, and even then, it's a shallow area where even if you were to wipe your face off, you would only bleed more since it's a thin layer of skin and tissue... And since Reploids can apparently bleed...

that hit -had- to suck for Axl.

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Reply #119 on: July 10, 2009, 01:51:02 PM
One blow I could understand, but two right on top of eachother? The odds are extreme, it looks very much like a designed thing.

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Reply #120 on: July 10, 2009, 11:51:57 PM
Anything's possible in a video game.

Plus, you've seen the things Zero's done with his saber.  Is two diagonal cuts in that spot so hard to believe?

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Reply #121 on: July 11, 2009, 12:15:05 AM
Who said it has to be an external attack? What about the possibility of it being a burn scar? Of a mark from an enemy of sorts? Each are just as possible.

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Reply #122 on: July 11, 2009, 12:27:26 AM
its still external then

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #123 on: July 11, 2009, 12:30:19 AM
External Attack vs External occurrence. Attack as in purpose. Occurrence as in accident/etc.

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Reply #124 on: July 11, 2009, 02:45:54 AM

Why won't they tell us these things!?  I'm sick of pointless speculation; I want to know...

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