Kharaxel's crappy engrish writing.

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Reply #25 on: October 18, 2009, 11:43:14 PM

 Update it soon! I wanna know what'll happen to him

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Reply #26 on: October 19, 2009, 02:36:23 AM
Hmm... A strange illness named "The Reaper"...
And the source is a armoured psycho...


 Update it soon! I wanna know what'll happen to him

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Reply #27 on: November 17, 2009, 03:25:58 AM
So, time for an upade with a short preview.
I'm currently experimenting with my writing. Both polish and english alike.
I'm also remaking my old stories out of boredom. So here you guys go, preview of a certain story. Not very long.

I will only say that this version, just like the original, was kind of influenced by Excel Saga. Tough I actually never ripped it off. I tried coming up with my own ideas.
(original sucked [parasitic bomb] anyway)

[spoiler]He was sitting on the throne located in his own chamber. Darkness all around him, he was sitting there, staring blankly at the blackness.
He's a man whose ambitions are greater than those of any common men. What is it that he desires, you ask? If he heard you ask a question like that, his response would be something like: "I want to create a better world."
However, this man has not only good of the world in his mind. Oh no, in those words lays his true agenda.

"Conquest. That's the goal I've set for myself. My one and only dream... conquest of this entire planet."

He is a determined man. He will never give up on this dream.

"Am I foolish? Is my dream foolish?"

Even when he starts to doubt himself, he will continue to pursue his desire for absolute domination.

However, deep down inside of him... there's another he. Another man who has a dream.

"This entire world is filthy... unclean! That's why everyone suffers... that's why I have to cleanse it of all this trash. I must purge this world with dark flames."

In the end, only one of them will emerge victorious... which one will it be?[/spoiler]

Oh, and despite this preview being so LOLSERIOUS, this will be for ceratin part a humorous story.

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Reply #28 on: November 17, 2009, 06:47:30 AM
Hmm... Definitely getting the Excel Saga vibe, not that it's a bad thing... XD

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Reply #29 on: November 18, 2009, 12:07:29 AM
I'm not sure if to post this in my muzak thread, or here.
Tough, because this is more of a writing thing, I decided on here.

I wrote a short poem/song(whichever fits it best. CHOOSE WISELY). It's pretty [parasitic bomb], since I don't usually write things like this.

Try to guess what was inspiration for the theme. TAKE A [tornado fang]ing GUESS!

[spoiler]Dear Alice
I miss you so
Unfortunately you are now
Ten feet below

Dear Alice
I cry bloody tears
Even my dear Cheshire
Horribly despairs

Dear Alice
What am I to do
Wonderland is crumbling
Doormouse is dead too

Dear Alice
You were supposed to be mine
Now I've killed you
I've completely crossed the line

Dear Alice
I miss you so
Unfortunately you are now
Rotting ten feet below[/spoiler]

Also, try to guess from whose perspective this is.

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Reply #30 on: November 18, 2009, 02:51:37 AM
TOUHOU *shot*

Ahem, Alice in Wonderland, and from the Queen of Spades perspective?

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Reply #31 on: November 18, 2009, 06:10:08 AM
TOUHOU *shot*

Ahem, Alice in Wonderland, and from the Queen of Spades perspective?
Well, Alice obviously. As for your guess... nope. It's supposed to be Mad Hatter.

Yeah, I dunno.

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Reply #32 on: November 18, 2009, 04:45:25 PM
Mad Hatter ehh...
Hmm... That would have been my next choice... XD

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Reply #33 on: December 29, 2009, 04:54:24 PM
Nothing new here, just upgrade of that ROKKUMAN EXE FANFIC PROLOGUE.

Next, I'm planning to update PARADOX once again, but first... I'm going to upgrade the first chapter, just like I did with this shortie.

Expect new [parasitic bomb] soon...

Net Navi War
Prologue: It all begins…

Forte was hovering over the Internet City. It was a breath of fresh “air” for him, seeing as he always lurks in the shadows of the Undernet. But he didn’t leave that place just because he was bored of it, oh no. He left because he wanted to fight with Rockman once again.

Rockman is a Navi who relies on his human operator, on the other hand, Forte is a Solo Navigator who relies on nothing more than his own strength.
They are both rivals. Forte sees only Rockman as his equal, even tough their powers come from completely different things. Forte is fueled by his rage and hatred, while Rockman’s power comes from friendship and unity.

He despises humans, who once upon a time betrayed him, leaving a deep wound in both his body and soul. He wishes nothing else, but death upon them. Believing that the world should exist only for Navigators. Driven by both his lust for power and hatred towards humanity, he continues to kill and absorb Viruses, Net Navis and any programs of significant power. He has only one ultimate goal... annihilation of all humanity.

And yet, even now... there's something happening to him. Thanks to that blue navi, he slowly starts to change, but...

If the Vengeful God turns good... then who will take his place on the Throne of Vengeance?

*  *  *

While Forte was floating above the net city, he couldn’t help but notice how happy all the Navis down there were. They were smiling, laughing and clearly having a great time. It was completely different from the Undernet. There was no "fun" such as this in that world. There was only never ending darkness and evil.

Then, he noticed that some Navis in a alley were assaulting some girl Navi. The Evil Navis looked like typical Undernet Navis, but the girl was quite beautiful. She had long white silver hair and white dress typical for girl navi. Such girls were rare sight in the Undernet, but here, in the normal part of the net, they were quite common.

  For some reason, instead of ignoring it, he decided to help her out. There was something that pissed him off about this situation, tough he wasn't sure what it was. He quickly landed in the alley. The girl was too “busy” being scared for her life, and evil navis were too busy scaring her, so they didn’t even noticed when Forte appeared.

“Hey, you two.” Said Forte calmly, and both evil navis turned around to him. “Aren’t you two pathetic. Ganging up in two on a one weak girl? Such scum like you is barely even worth being an addition to my tremendous power.”

“What? Who the hell are you, fin-head? This gal here stole something from us, so we just want to have it ba…GUARRGH!”

  Forte pierced the biggest navi with his dark sword, and he collapsed. Instantly Forte started punching and kicking the second navi. After a while, the second one collapsed too and Forte crushed his head under his foot.

“Thank…thank you so much for saving me!” Said the girl happily. “How can I repay you?”

“Did you really steal something from them?” Asked Forte, giving the girl a cold stare.

“Oh goodness, NO! They were lying! I could never steal from anybody!” On her face appeared surprised look. Adding to that, she started swinging her arms, left and right.

“Bah, whatever. Better go back to your PET and operator.” Forte said as he started to walk away.

“My name is HE! What’s yours?”

“Forte.” He replied, before flying up high into the sky above net city. After a moment, the girl lost the sight of him.

“Forte…” The girl muttered to herself “He should be an ideal pawn for Hate Eternal.”[/spoiler]

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Reply #34 on: January 11, 2010, 06:13:30 PM
HOLY [parasitic bomb]! I'M ACTUALLY UPDATING WITH A REAL STORY! HOLY [parasitic bomb]!

Anyway, this one is based on modified version of that world from my previous fantasy story, which I finally decided to scrap. It has no title yet, but the first story arc do has a title.

Anyway, here's the prologue for the said first story arc:

Brothers of Hatred

She was running through the dark forest. She was running, because she knows all too well, that if she would have stopped for even a moment... she would have died. Therefore, even tough her legs hurt, she refused to stop. It was her will of survival that gave her the strength to keep running.

No. That's wrong.

It's not "will of survival" or anything like that. What really was driving her now... is fear. Yes, she's afraid. Afraid for her own life.

Just a moment ago, she witnessed all of her loved ones dying. Killed by the bandits. No... that wasn't the only thing. There were few girls from the village that were left alive, only to be raped brutally.
Her older sister suffered this fate, and she? What did she do?

She escaped, leaving everyone behind.

The level of disgust she feels for herself is unmeasurable, and yet she didn't give up. She had to escape, find help and... and what then?
Suddenly, a one little stone and she tripped and hit the ground. She fell right into the mud. Without any clothes, she was laying there, dirty, crying.

She left all of them in their hands. Even tough it was obvious she wouldn't have done much, except being raped and then probably taken in as a slave, she feels guilty. In fact it's so unbearable, that she decided to give up.

So as she lays there covered in mud, her will of living has disappeared.

Just then, she noticed that the place she's laying in, is actually a clearing. She realized it only now, because the moon came out from behind the clouds. Charmed, she got up so she can take a good look at it. It is for the first time she really noticed how beautiful the moon is.

And it is time of her death.

Even tough she heard the voices of the bandits that have located her, she does not stop looking at it. It's so beautiful, so dazzling, that she just can't look away. At that moment she regained her will to live. It's because of this beautiful moon, that she regained this special thing.

Her own right to exist.

However, before she can start running away again, she is stopped by a terrible pain. She screams out but... there's no one there. No one to help her.

A dagger. It pierced through her right arm. She fell down again, feeling dizzy from the pain.
It was inevitable. No matter how much of the will to live you have, if you can't defeat the one who is a threat to your life... it's useless.

There's three of them. Three of the bandits. One of them, a man with an eye patch and a disgusting face, crouched beside her, grabbing her by the head while she tried to crawl away.

"Well, little missy. You shouldn't have run away... we wouldn't have to do this if you just obediently let us dump our cum into your ass and..."

Suddenly, there was a sound of metal hitting the ground.

The man stops. He lets go of her head, gets up and starts to back away along with the other two. They were surprised, very surprised. Just now, an armored man fell from the sky. He was now, standing there, drilling the bandits with his cold stare. His armor shines like gold... no, it is golden. It seems like almost every part of him is made of gold. His hair, his armor and even his cape.
He drew his sword from the sheath attached to the belt around his waist, He did it with such gracefulness, and with only one hand. The majestic sword, with a blade that has gold ornaments, was even more dazzling to her, than the moon. The ornaments that look like sea waves during a big storm, were shining brightly in the moonlight. It was such a beautiful sight, that she could barely utter a word. All the fear in her disappeared, because she knew that that this knight was her savior.

"What the..?! Why in the hell are we afraid of this pansy?!" Said the bandit with the eye patch. "It's three against one! No armor can protect him from our..."

The bandit paused, and started backing away again, the other two did the same. The reason for this sudden change in behavior was caused by the knight, who started walking towards them. He cut the air with his sword, to give the three a stern warning of the consequences that will befall them, if they even try to fight with him.
It seems they understood completely, because the three of them started running away in the direction the village was located. When they disappeared behind the trees, the knight put his sword back into the sheath. He then crouched beside her, and with a worried look on his face, said:

"Are you all right? Don't worry. I came to help."

It was then, that their fates became one. Both rivers, joining to form a completely new one. Although neither the girl, nor the knight, expected what was laying ahead for them.

This is the story of a tragedy that shook the entire world...

The Ragnarök Calamity

*  *  *

It was a normal day for him, here at Magikademia. Just the usual stuff, like eating snacks, or guarding the books in the library from students who would want to steal some of them. That kind of stuff.
Vermundi was a simple mage. He was neither very powerful, nor weak. He was, as they say, normal.
Of course, when you call ANY mage normal right in his face, you're bound to be dead the next second. Each and every one of them, has a high opinion of himself. Questioning superiority of a mage, is like jumping into an erupting volcano. In both cases you will be burned like an idiot.

Now however, Vermundi lost all the confidence he had in himself. After all, just a few minutes ago, some elf and a Vrakkonian girl barged into the library, refused to leave, and then started going through all the books without any shred of delicacy.
When Vermundi tried to stop them, he was chained to the wall by some kind of elven spell. The worst part, of course, was that no matter how much he tried, he couldn't break this magic. It obviously meant one thing... that this elf was way above him in the "food chain" of sorcery.

Vermundi decided to take a better look at the intruders. The elf looked young, like the rest of them. In human years, he looked like something between 23 and 27 years of age.
He wore a long black cape, that covered his whole body. However, Vermundi managed to catch a glimpse of black armor underneath. An additional trait of the elf, was his hair. It was golden, which in itself wasn't a surprise. However, some parts of it, were black. Almost like he was going through some sort of transformation.

The girl on the other hand, was like a complete opposite of the elf. At least appearance wise.
She was a Vrakkonian, therefore she had beautiful short silver hair. On her head, there was an "animal like" pair of ears. This was another common trait of a Vrakkonian. Those ears act like some sort of detector. Thanks to them, Vrakkonians can detect danger, or even find someone who is far away from them.  Her age, again from the human perspective, could be somewhere around 17 or 19.
Just like the elf, she was dressed in a cape. Hers, however, was white. Vermundi was pretty sure that she also wore a shining white armor underneath.

Vermundi was just staring at the horrible scene, in which both of them were going from book to book, tossing them like they were some kind of trash. Finally he lost his patience, and decided to ask:

"I'm sorry but... what are you people looking for anyway?"

He expected to be ignored, but the exact opposite happened. The elf walked up to him. He had a suspicious smile on his face. The girl stopped tossing the books around and just watched, sometimes making movements with her Vrakkonian ears.

"Yes. Actually, it would be a good idea to ask the librarian." Said the elf. "We are looking for a certain book... a very rare book."

"What book? The Book of Revezul? The Chronicles of Damocles? The Book of Devil's Lies? If any of those three, then you are out of luck. All three of them were stolen." Said Vermundi, in hopes that it was in fact one of those.

"No, not any of those books." Replied the elf, crushing all the hopes Vermundi had left. "We are looking for the Tome of Svartálfaheimr. Do you by any chance have it?"

Suddenly, Vermundi became very weak. In fact he felt so weak, that he was almost sure he's going to die. The only mention of that book... it made him horribly ill. He could barely muster a reply.

"No, sir. We don't have it, I'm sorry."

Those were his last words, before losing consciousness. The only thing he felt was hotness. Everything around him became so horribly hot. Almost like... everything was burning.

PROLOGUE END[/spoiler]

Even tough I fixed as many errors in this, as I could. There's still probably many kinds of crap in this. So please point them out to me so I can fix it(since no one around me is able to proofread this for me... : <).

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Reply #35 on: January 12, 2010, 01:29:01 AM
Therefore, even though her legs hurt
Fixed this line... I might have missed a few myself... XD
I generally found some spelling mistakes, but the overall grammar was fine.

Also, raep and burning. :P

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Reply #36 on: March 19, 2010, 03:33:31 AM
While I'm preparing myself, to start ONCE AGAIN, from the beginning with my fantasy/s-f story, I bring you guys this:


I was trying to go for something different with this one, and I hope I caught at least most of the errors in this.
It's supposed to be written kind of parody like. Dunno. I'll see what you guys think.



There are people, who like to build things out of blocks. They build various, sometimes even most amazing contraptions.
Other people, for example, like to build houses... out of cards.
These are purely hobbistic time-killers, people often do to occupy themselves. Nothing out of ordinary.

Then, of course, there's one man.
He's a man, who would stop at nothing, to reach the goal of his "hobby". He's a man, who would rather spend millions of stolen Zenny on a fortress the shape of a skull, than get himself a stable job.

His name is Albert Wily.

He has a burning obsession with conquering the world. Enslaving it, and enforcing a totalitarian rule upon the population of this blue planet called Earth. One would think it would be so simple. He's after all, a genius! He has an army of robots at his command! Powerful Battle Machines who could bring the humanity to its knees!
However for that to happen, those "Powerful Battle Machines" would first have to last at least ten minutes against the greatest hero of them all: A blue robot named Rockman.

Each time Wily tried to take over the world, Rockman was there to stop him. Each time Wily tried to rob a bank, Rockman was there to kick his ass. Each time Wily build another ridiculous robot, Rockman was there to destroy it.
To Wily, it almost seemed like an endless cycle of failures, rage, and tears. Such was the fate of a (almost) bald old man, who constantly tries to rule the world.

Now however, Wily has completely new plans... could it be, that this time our hero is doomed?

Not likely, but let's pretend we don't know that.

*  *  *

Forte was sitting on the roof of the Skull Castle. It was an usual thing for him, since he had nothing to do these days. Of course, he could like always go, and fight with Rockman again... but the thing is , he just did not felt like it.

Safe to say, it was abnormal.

As far as everyone knew, Forte was obsessed with defeating the blue bomber. It wasn't like that, because his creator wished for it. No, he could care less about what the old man wants. He wanted to defeat Rockman... for himself. His one and only goal, is to become a legend by defeating the strongest robot on this planet... which is exactly what Rockman is.
It's true that, if not for Rockman, Forte would probably be the strongest of them all. No matter how many times he tried to defeat the blue smurf, he always failed. No matter how much training, no matter how much preparation... Rockman was always step ahead of him, for some reason.

Now however, Forte felt the need to relax, to cleanse his robotic mind of all his troubles. He was looking at the clouds in the sky, and thinking about many things. Such as: What am I? Why am I? And of course the obligatory: What would happen if I were a  human?

He was thinking about many interesting things, at least from his point of view. If he tried to speak of something like that to anybody, he would (of course) just be bombarded with intensive yawning.

To put it simply, Forte suddenly felt very DEEP.

All that deepness suddenly came to him out of nowhere. It was as if he changed completely in the span of the last couple of hours. Such things are impossible, even for robots.

The sky was beautiful, blue, and full of clouds. The sun was nicely shining down upon him, making Forte feel even more relaxed. There was a calm breeze, which brushed his face. Probably nothing could ruin it for him.


Unless suddenly, a giant explosion would happen, or Wily would interrupt him, screaming into the intercom in his helmet.

Unfortunately for our new philosopher, both of those things happened.

There was a huge tremor, and then an explosion, and then a cloud of smoke raised to the roof. Forte grimaced, and quickly got up. He knew exactly what all of this meant. After a tense silence, which seemed like an eternity to the black robot, from the intercom in Forte's helmet boomed Wily's voice.

"Forte! Quick! Get your ass in here! Someone is... attacking the...AAAAAAAHHHH!"

The transmission was cut off. However, Forte's curiosity was picked.

"Someone? Not Rockman? Well, well." Thought Forte. "I'll better check it out."

*  *  *

Standing upon the entrance to the highly famous Robot Museum, was a blue robot. He also is, highly famous, mainly because he saved the world like a dozen times already.

His name is Rockman.

His mission this time, was to check out who attacked this Robot Museum. However, he had little problems of a Metoolic nature.

A single Metool was blocking the entrance.
Everyone knows what a Metool is. It's a little robot, with a yellow hat which is usually used on construction sites. The hats are made of, so called, "Metool Alloy", which is the strongest metal on earth. It's able to withstand almost anything... unfortunately, that even includes plasma shooting out of Rockman's arm cannon, "The Rock Buster". Metools hide their weak parts, which includes a little pea shooter, under the hat, and when you least expect it, they jump out and shoot at you. To defeat one of those little bastards, you need to be a master of absolutely perfect timing... and patience. It's easily to lose one's own sanity, when you're trying to defeat something as weak as a Metool, and you're losing badly.

At this moment, Rockman was nearing a complete madness. He was quite damaged already, and yet the little scoundrel was still functional. A wild thought crossed his mind, that, maybe, it's possible that this met was the fabled "Hard Hat". He quickly dispelled those thoughts, when he heard a familiar laughter. He turned around, to see no one other than Forte, standing on a street lamp with his arms crossed.

"Forte? What are you doing here?"

"You mean currently? If so, then I'm watching YOU getting your ass kicked by a Metool."

Rockman made a pouting face. Forte laughed again and jumped down from the lamp. He started walking toward the entrance to the museum. While passing by Rockman, he sent him a cocky smile and then pushed him aside. It would seem, Forte was about to prove to his eternal rival, that Metools are a joke, and he can deal with them easily.

Or something like that.

"What are you doing?" Said Rockman, looking at Forte, who assumed a fighting stance, with his buster ready to fire.

"Look, smurf. That's how pros do it."

With that said, Forte started shooting at the still hiding Metool, without a stop. Salvo of plasma, after a salvo.
There's this one thing about Metool alloy, that it not only stops many things from harming a Metool, but also reflects all plasma or laser attacks. Therefore, each bullet of plasma Forte fired, was reflected in random direction. They hit nearby cars, buildings, street lamps, and all those other things that happen to be in the middle of a city.

"Forte! Stop! It's no use!" Shouted Rockman, while hiding behind a nearby bench.

"Shut up! I know what I'm doi..."

Suddenly, one of the plasma bullets got a such strange destiny of journey, that when it got reflected, it flied back at Forte and hit him straight in the chest. The black robot cried out in pain like a little girl, and fell on his back. The Metool, was still standing strong, like nothing actually happened.

Forte's face was now twisted in an expression, that was a mixture of anger and pain. After a silent moment, he started to get up. Something told him to turn around, a strange urge that usually accompanies you, when you are ridiculed by someone.

And so he was. Rockman was standing there, leaning against what was left of the street lamp Forte was previously standing on. On his face, there was a huge grin. There was no need for words, this grin was enough to convey a short, and simple message:

"What now, pro?"

*  *  *

Life of a Metool is simple, and usually pretty short. You are just supposed to stand in one place, while hiding in your hat, and when an enemy comes nearby, reveal yourself and shoot at him. If he gets hit, hide. If not, you're probably dead next moment, unless you are lucky.

The Metool at the entrance, was clearly like any other Met. He shot at you when you got close, and if you didn't destroy him then, he hid again. Why two Super Battle Robots aren't able to defeat a single little Metool, is probably beyond comprehension of a mortal being. However, one could say, that those two "Super Battle Robots", are just complete friggin' idiots.

That one, would be (of course) right.

The Metool waited, while Forte and Rockman were talking at a safe distance.

"So, Forte. What are you doing here anyway?" Asked Rockman, while drinking an E-Tank to restore his energy. He handed one to Forte, who accepted it much too gladly.

"Well, you see. That old fart's fortress was attacked by some robot called King."


Forte took a sip from the E-Tank.

"Yeah. He dared to say, he's the strongest robot on this planet, and then stole Wily's Robot Master data. So, the old man, in a fit of fury, sent me here to kill him."

"You just obediently listened to him? That's a first."

"Don't be stupid." Forte said grimacing. "I just want to kill this King, because it will bring me closer to my goal." He said, crushing the still quite full E-Tank in his hand.

"Oh. You mean that "I will become a legend" thing?" Said Rockman, throwing his empty E-Tank into the nearest trash can. He also tried to pretend Forte did not just waste the one he gave to him.

"Yeah. That. However..."

Forte's gaze went towards the entrance to the museum. The little Metool was still standing there.

"Yes. He presents a certain problem, doesn't he?." Said Rockman.

They were now both staring intensively at the Met. They hoped, that if they hated him enough, then maybe then he would blow up. Unfortunately for them, hate in itself is not able to kill, so they still had a problem at hand.

In such situations, when two people have (more or less) the same goal, and they also share the same problem which obstructs them from completing said goal, they would usually join forces.
If we are talking about two robotic rivals however, then the situation is completely different. Even if one of them IS willing to work with the other one, then that other one probably isn't. Such is one of the many twisted Laws of Universe.

"I guess we should join forces." Said Rockman, breaking off the silence. "What do you think?"

"Hell no." Replied briefly Forte.

Rockman rolled his eyes, and sighed.

"Listen. We both have to get inside there, there's no denying it. However, that friggin' Met is blocking our way, and unless we join forces, we can't defeat him."

Forte frowned. He could not deny it. For some ridiculous reason, a one Metool was able to outsmart them both. However, if they were to join forces, they could easily pull off some crazy battle maneuver, and destroy the little pest.

"Bah. Whatever. Let's do it."

Rockman smiled, and then started whispering something to Forte.

*  *  *

It was showdown time. Rockman took a deep breath, and then started running toward the Metool with a huge speed. Sensing incoming danger, the Metool got out of his little hat, and fired a round of plasma at Rockman. The blue robot then used his classic move, which was sliding on his back, and avoided the shot. At that instant, Forte destroyed the Metool with his buster.

"We did it!" Shouted Forte. "We finally did it!"

"Yeah! We are victorious!" Cried out happy Rockman.

Rockman and Forte were jumping around, happy that they won. Reality, however, started to drill its way into their tick metallic skulls quite quickly. Not even a minute has passed, when they realized, they just had to use a tactical maneuver... to defeat a little robot with a yellow hat. They both looked at each other with uncomfortable gazes. After a moment of awkward silence. They turned to the entrance.

"Shall we?" Asked Rockman.

"After you." Replied Forte.

PROLOGUE END[/spoiler]

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Reply #37 on: March 19, 2010, 01:11:36 PM
But Spring Man is like the ultimate Slinky! O^O

Man, I had a good laugh there.
Rockman. Forte. Stumped by a Metool. Brilliant. XD

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Reply #38 on: April 19, 2010, 08:45:45 PM

I need a honest opinion on something, so please read this and reply here.

So, basically... I have this [tornado fang]ing idea in my head and I want to write it down as a story. First in Polish, then translate to english.

The title would be either "Silence in the Library" or "The Librarian: Silence in the Library".

It would take place in my own certain world, where there's bullshit stuff like super heroes, aliens and [parasitic bomb], but it will have basically none of this crap.

This is the general idea for the introduction:

The story would be about a girl, who was just appointed a school president. Her name is Felicia. The school has a huge ass library full of books, but rarely anyone visits it. Supposedly the place is haunted or some crap. So she goes to investigate wassup, along with two of her friends. Alister and Alicia.
It turns out that the library is even bigger than they expected. There, they meet a guy their age (17-18, can't decide) who apparently was appointed a librarian some long time ago. His name is Adries(name might be a subject of change). And so, it turns out that he's kinda strange and eccentric. Changing his behaviour from calm and composed, to acting completely out of it. Like: making strange faces, babbling on and on about many things nobody really gets, and stuff.
Tougether with him, they are going to solve the mystery of the supposedly haunted library in order for it to become usable for others, and maybe there will be a romantic subplot.... no ,there will definitely be a romantic subplot.

Now my question is... does that idea sound interesting? I really need to know, so please tell me gaiz. I want to finally get serious with my crappy writing, and this might be it. But first I need a second opinion.


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Reply #39 on: April 20, 2010, 09:30:56 AM
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with that.
It sounds pretty interesting from that summary, so I say go for it.

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Reply #40 on: April 20, 2010, 09:33:47 AM
DO EET! NAO! Please?

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

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Reply #41 on: April 27, 2010, 07:35:25 PM
Okay, you two. Thanks. I'm currently during the process of planning everything out, and writing it down. So it will take some time, before I'll start writing. Even then, I'll let it sit on my HDD for some time. I also changed the librarian strange guy's name. From Adries to RUFUS. So please, remember it. : P

Also, I have another question regarding this story, namely a story arc I thought up. This is a SEQUEL, mind you.

The title of the story arc would be "The Librarian Who Never Existed". It would start almost the same as, Silence in the Library. Felicia has just become a new school president. Her first mission? Well... obviously it's to go and check out the old library right? No actually, it's to check if all of the school clubs aren't abusing their funds.
Wait, wat.
Felicia feels some strange sadness, when she passes by a huge empty space on the outskirts of the school, yet she doesn't know why. She has a feeling, as if something is missing.
Then, a man who wears a black tail-coat, a top hat and holds something that looks like a scepter in his hand, walks up to her and asks:

"Do you remember the boy from the Library?"

With that said, he just disappears. At that moment, miss president starts to realize that something is not right. That something very important is missing... something that should stand there on the outskirts of the school... A Library where a boy named Rufus resides.

After that moment... bad [parasitic bomb] starts to happen. AND MYSTERY DEEPENS.

So, what do you people think? Is such a story arc a good idea? Or should I throw it away? This is the last time I'll be asking about such a thing, because this one is kind of an experiment for me... and also something totally new.


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Reply #42 on: May 03, 2010, 12:36:19 PM
Rufus... Why am I laughing inside? XD

Regarding this arc, this something...
I'm pretty intrigued... I say yes.
Should prove interesting to see a sequel.

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Reply #43 on: September 04, 2010, 07:40:33 PM
I deleted the previous entry, since what I posted there was crap.

I wrote this today. I made up another fanfic, and I'm kind fond of the plot, so I might actually continue this one.
Why? Because I finally am starting my "LRN2WRITEINENGRISH" thing for real.

So, the title of this fanfic is... Rockman X. Yep, just that.

Tough, the first story arc is titled: "The Cataclysm Element".

This crap takes place, after the events of X6. With the ruined world, and whatnot.


Dreams and Nightmares

Everything burns, falls down to the ground. Everything is burning! Death came and took everything away from me.
I'm running, running away. I don't know where, but I just want to escape.
Escape from him, this monster... the monster I...

I can smell the smoke, I know that since he killed them, now he's going after me.
Where did I went wrong? What mistake did I overlook? It took me so many years, so many defeats!
It cost me so much, and when I was sure of my victory... my triumph!

So... I'm running. Running without looking away, too scared to even stop to catch breath.
My legs are failing me, my heart is in pain.
Yet I will not stop, not until I finally escape all of it! This hell!

Death, blood, ruins, explosions, death, smoke, blood, death, he's coming, I can hear it! The Grim Reaper is near! The one who is nothing! The one who should not exist! THE ONE I CREATED!

He is near.

I can hear it... I can hear him! He's right behind me, and I can no longer escape. A barricade blocks my way, made of both robots, and humans. I can see it, how the human bodies are disfigured. I want to puke, but I have nothing inside me anymore.

He can hear.

Just sorrow... and regret.

He'll whisper in your ear.

The Red Devil... has come for me.


*  *  *

He awoke, screaming. It was a bit too much, yes, a bit too much for him. This dream he had, so horrible... those visions were haunting him for a few days now. Should Repliroids even dream? He wondered.
Something wasn't right... he knew it. He knew deep down that something was wrong with him.
Yet, he didn't even try to talk about it with anybody else. Not even with X.
He knew he should, but he couldn't. Who was that old man? Why all those deaths? Why did he do it?
Those questions were painfully burning the mind of the red Repliroid.
But there was an another thing that bothered him... those words...

He is near.
He can hear.
He'll whisper in your ear.
Is it the death you fear?

Then there's one more sentence... he knows that it should be there, but he doesn't remember what it says.
Whenever he tries to remember, a chill runs through his body. It's fear... he's afraid to remember.

The one who fears no foe.
The one who fights alone.
The one who knows pain.
The Red Warrior... Zero.

He's afraid, afraid of one thing.


*  *  *

"Checking body condition of the Neoroid."

Where am I?

"Body condition stable. Checking brain condition."

What is this place? I can't see clearly... like I'm in a dream.
Is this a dream? Is this real? Where is this place?
A laboratory? What... what am I doing here?

"Brain condition stable. He seems to be in perfect condition."

An old voice... there's someone old there. Who is it?

"So it's a success, then. Is he awake,  Professor? Can I talk to him?"

Another voice. Younger, but more... hard, cruel. I'm scared.

"Well... according to the readings, he can hear what we are saying right now."

What's happening? Where am I? Who am I?

"Can you hear me, boy?"


"You are the first of many... many, many more. You are a seed, from which a new race will sprout. A New Generation of Repliroids."

I try to move... to react... but I can't. The only thing I see next is darkness. An never ending black void...

Who am I?
What am I?

"Now listen boy, the next words I'll say are important. You must remember them."

Words? What words?

"Remember them."


"He is near."

Who is near?

"He can hear."

Who can hear?

"He'll whisper in your ear."

Who'll whisper in my ear?

"Is it the death you fear?"

No. I fear...


DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES... end[/spoiler]

Posted on: September 04, 2010, 02:43:23 PM
First chapter of this Rockman X fanfic.

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Reply #44 on: November 15, 2010, 07:26:18 AM
Very interesting fanfic.
Seeing X being totally out of character is shocking, to say the least.

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Reply #45 on: January 10, 2011, 11:00:49 PM
I started more stories, which I abandoned than I care to count. (Not even talking about shitfics)
But there's one particular universe, I keep coming back to.
Here's my new, fresh and sexy take on that universe.
The story, discounting the prologue and the epilogue, will be three chapters long.
They will be longer chapters than the [parasitic bomb] I usually write.

enjoy? Please feel free to point out all errors.

PS: It's supposed to be MOSTLY a humorous story.
[spoiler]Long ago, in a fantasy land far far away, there was a tall dark castle. Living in this castle was a tall dark Vampire, along with his army of teenage looking vampires. Everybody in the land of Terration, feared this Vampire, for he was the Dark Lord. The Apostle of Darkness. The Dark Messenger. The Dark God. Et cetera, et cetera.
Rumors of his cruelty and evil spread across the entire planet, engulfing it in fear of his very existence.
For it was he, and no one else, who committed mass genocide of the Elves. This news alone, struck fear into the hearts of men, women and children.
Everybody could only wonder, when this horrible creature will try to take the entire world for himself... and...

What kind of sick depravity goes on in his impenetrable fortress.

*  *  *


I clench my teeth, and speed up just like I was ordered to. I wish to punch my instructor in the face, even though she's a woman, but in the end I decide against it when a certain gruesome thought reminded me of the last person who tried that. For simplicity's sake, let's say that this person is now RIP (Resting in Pieces).


When my superior officer, sir Gerald, offered to find a perfect person to oversee the training of my speed, I should have known something was not right. Sir Gerald is an okay guy, and kinda like a father to me, but he has a very specific sense of humor. He always does it in a way, that you will not notice that he's pulling a trick on you, until you're finally body deep in [parasitic bomb]. It wasn't bad, until there comes a time when you are at the center of his stupid pranks.
For one such as me, who is probably the closest to sir Gerald in the entire “Dark Strike Army”, those pranks happen constantly.

This time, however, it was one of the worst jokes sir Gerald ever pulled on me. The person who is training me now, is Lady Emillaisa Synamic Everdoll, right hand woman of Lord Natevurus himself. Her sexiness is something to be commended on, as is her wisdom, power and tactical skill. However she had no idea, as everyone thought, what “I CAN'T MOVE ANYMORE I THINK I'M DYING” means.
Whenever she was training someone, which is rare (but still happens), she would usually almost get her “pupils” killed, by putting them through hellish training.

Can't say I am a miraculous exception from this.

At the very beginning she made me put on “special” shoes, where “special” translates to “really [tornado fang]ing heavy”. Even for a soldier such as me, trying to move quickly in boots like this is simply too much. Not that she would care, even if I complained about it. The only thing she's doing is shout at me and jiggle her big boobs from time to time, all while she flies beside me when I run.


I try to speed up again, as I'm ordered to. Her voice right now is making me wanna vomit. Preferably on her. Maybe it's just that I'm running non-stop in god-knows-how-heavy boots for whole two hours now. It's very kind of her to remind me “how much time she wasted with me”, though. I must remember to tell her that later.

“Okay! STOP!”

Finally. The words I've been waiting for are said, and I fall flat on the ground. Now I will hear her lecture, about how much I “suck”... probably Yet I don't care, because finally the first day of training is finally over. For a moment I'm relived, but then I recall the fact that it's the FIRST day of such horror... and I no longer feel so relived. I take a quick glance at my instructor, to see that she's writing something in her notebook. I recognize it instantly as the rumored “Black Notebook of Dark Doom”, as it was titled by people who trained under her.
All she writes there, she shares with Lord Natevurus, and all she writes there is data from the trainings... but why would she write anything about my training in it, when my training is not really a part of the “official training program”? It makes me wonder so much, that if I wasn't so tired I would ask her about it. On the other hand though, she would probably brush me off anyway.

“Well then...” She says finally, hiding her notebook. “Get up. You can take off those boots now. You're free for the day.”

I don't need you to tell me I'm free for the day, [sonic slicer].

“Understood, my lady.” I say, being barely able to even reply.

She nods and starts to walk back to the castle, leaving me on my own. Well, not that I can complain. She's finally gone, and that is one of the things I wanted to happen, beside her everlasting misery, of course.

My name is Arverigor. Arverigor Zyrrak. I'm one of the soldiers serving in the army of The Great Dark Lord Natevurus. We are a group gathered by this man, we all were saved by him. We pledged our alliance to, and every one of us would be glad to die for him.
We are vampires serving the strongest vampire that ever walked the planet.
The oncoming three days, however, would appear to be very troublesome for us all... and it all starts with the appearance of a very unusual intruder.

PROLOGUE END[/spoiler]

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Reply #46 on: January 11, 2011, 07:20:26 AM
Seems interesting for the moment.
I'll gladly await the next chapter.

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Reply #47 on: March 04, 2011, 08:57:13 PM
Today, I will post some great [parasitic bomb] GREAT unfinished works of mine.

First off... a short unfinished script for a Code Geass fandub.

[spoiler]EPISODE 1:

Jeremiah: I feel truly wonderul today. So much, that I think I'm going to...
Viletta: You're going to... what?
Jeremiah: Doesn't matter. Go frame an eleven or something.
VilettA: Will do. But first a question.
Jeremiah: Yeeessss?
Villetta: Are you high on drugs again?
Jeremiah: YesNO! NO! No *laughs uncomfortably*. JUST GET TO WORK!

*  *  *

Lelouch: Damn, this is a fine day. I hope...
Shirley: Hey, Lulu!
Lelouch: GOD [tornado fang]ing DAMMIT! I need to hide!
Shirley: TOO LATE!
Shirley: Silly, Lulu. Always a scaredy cat, huh?
Shirley: What?!
Shirley: That's silly, Lulu.
Lelouch: I [tornado fang]'d YOUR MOM SILLY!
*Shirley, Kallen, Diethard, Villetta, C.C., Few Random characters, and CHARLES are staring at Lelouch silently*
Lelouch: Okay, I'm done.

* * *

Nunnally: Big brother.
Lelouch: What is it, my little cripple?
Nunnally: What... did you just call me?
Lelouch: Nothing. So what is it?
Nunnally: They said on tv that Suzaku-san will be publicly executed for being a moron.
Lelouch: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Nunnally: Big brother, that's not funny.
Nunnally: BIG BRO...
Lelouch: OH MY GOD!
Nunnally: WHAT?!
Lelouch: Did you just say... "Suzaku-san"?
Nunnally: Mmmmaybe.
Nunnally: EEP!

*  *  *[/spoiler]

And second (and last) is something I started out of boredom... some sort of supercondensed fanfic based on EXE Stream Episode 1. Whatever.

[spoiler][OPENING HERE]


SCENE 1: Wily Blows [parasitic bomb] Up

[Wily is picking up a can from the street, when suddenly a passing by car splashes him with water.]

Wily: {Annoyed} {Mumbling} You are already dead.

[He shoots out a rocket from his cart and blows up the car, killing the drunk driver who probably had a wife and kids.]

Wily: {Satisfied} Gotcha [sonic slicer]!

SCENE 2: MY OPINION > your opinion

[Yuuichiro, Comissioner Kifune and Manabe are watching recording of a comet The video is presented by a guy whom I'll call Rupert]]

RUPERT: {Excited} So, as you can see... THIS is a COMET. This COMET is very nice, but there's nothing special about it... I'm sure of it.

Yuuichiro: Are you sure? Because I think it might be artificial.

RUPERT: {Laughs mockingly) STUUUPID SciLab scientist! I already said it's nothing special!

Yuuichiro: {Annoyed} Weeeell, excuuuse me for trying to state my own opinion.

RUPERT: {Laughs mockingly... again} Your opinion is of no value to me, stupid SciLab scientist.

Yuuichiro: ... I think we'll be leaving now.


Yuuichiro: Shut up.

SCENE 3: Superman can, why can't we?

[Yuuichiro, Kifune and Manabe are riding in a car]

Yuuichiro: {Pissed} Goddamn, that guy was annoying.

Kifune: Dr. Hikari...

Yuuichiro: {Shouting angrily} WHAT?!

Kifune: {Surprised} I-I just wanted to ask... what will we do about Duo and his Comet?

Yuuichiro: We'll throw him into the sun.

Kifune: Ummm... how?

Yuuichiro: I don't know, and I don't care. Right now I must post on my blog about that retard who insulted me.

Kifune: {Sighs)


[Yuuichiro walks into SciLab's "main room", Meijin is pressing buttons on the console of a computer]

Mejin: {Satisfied} Pressing random buttons sure is fun.

Yuuichiro: Hey, Meijin.

Meijin: Hey, Hikari mah bro, want to press random buttons with me?

Yuuichiro: I'll pass.

[Suddenyl, they get a call from Rupert]


Yuuichiro: What do you want, [Top Spin]?


Yuuichiro: {Laughing triumphantly} GOTCHA [sonic slicer]![/spoiler]

Keep in mind those are VERY unfunny, and I'm posting them just so I can post something.

Posted on: February 23, 2011, 07:32:44
hey guize, I have a question.
This is kinda storywriting related, well... not exactly but.

I created basic rules for a card game while chatting with a friend, so... anybody interested in taking look at it and telling me what they think? If you have a suggestion, feel free. Questions are accepted too.


Anyway, here it is:

maybe something like this:
it wil lbe summon based. basically I'm thinking of something like this:
Players can ONLY have 40 card in their deck
20 of them are supposed to be ONLY monsters or whatever of various kinds
the rest can by any amount of other cards
we'll have monster cards, Weapon Cards (Equip),

Krzysiek (Norvel)
and what kind of cards you would put in deck?
ok go on

Lord Forte
World Cards (Field, which boosts certain monsters stats, sometimes offering special effects for them too)

Krzysiek (Norvel)

Lord Forte
Trick Cards (Which are basically kinda like Traps, but in order to use them, you have to ALWAYS meet special conditions. For Example: You have 2 same monsters on the field, and at least on world card. Then you can use a Trick Card to, for example, inflict damage to your opponents life points.)
oh and you can use one type of trick card only once per turn
so if you have a trick card called
"SHITSTOMPING DICKNUGGETS", you can't use any more of these cards per duel
yeah, not turn... DUEL

Krzysiek (Norvel)

Lord Forte
I typed wrong there
by another trick card effect

Krzysiek (Norvel)

Lord Forte
there will be Dark Spell Cards and Light Spell Cards
the difference between the two, is that to use Dark Spell Cards you have to always sacrifice something, often your "life points" or whatever
but they offer devastating power, which can often turn the game around in your favor
while Light Spell Cards offer less devastating things, but you don't have to pay any friggin' life points or anything to use them
oh, and there are two cathegories of monster cards
LIGHT and DARK... they all have sub-cathegories, like "wind" "magic" "fire" etc.

Krzysiek (Norvel)

Lord Forte
Light Monsters uisually have less attack, but can use some cool effects

Krzysiek (Norvel)
is there any connection between LSC/DSC and LM/DM?

Lord Forte
Dark Monsters usually have more attack, and less cool effects
yes actually
it's kinda like this... to summon monsters, you need points
there can be max 20 points, and all players start with 5
each monster
each monster's summoning costs there points
max 20, for the strongest monsters

Krzysiek (Norvel)

Lord Forte
you can earn points through sucesfully destroying your
enemy's monsters
you always gain half of the points of that monster
but for example
if a monster has 5 points, you toss a coin, call a side, and if you get correct side, you get 3 points... if not, you get two and so on
hmmm... I think it should be all for now
when it comes to basic engine, what do you think?[/spoiler]

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Reply #48 on: June 06, 2011, 05:17:05 PM
I wrote this short thing to convey my feelings after playing some Shadow the Hedgehog.
There might be more but it's not like anybody [tornado fang]ing cares.
Neither do I.

Additionally, if I play anymore of this game I will probably go mad.

                                          EPISODE 1
                                           MY PAST!


Shadow: What's my past?! I don't know myself!
Shadow: Who the hell are you?!
Black Doom: SHUT UP AND DO IT!
Shadow: There's no helping it. I gotta find these Chaos Emeralds!


Sonic: Hey, Shadow! These Aliens must be stopped, man.
Shadow: I don't give a da...
Shadow: Goddammit! Have at thee!
*SHADOW KILLS THE ALIEN SOLDIER... quite gruesomely too.*
Shadow: He shot me!
Shadow: RAMI... what?


Shadow: What the hell happened? Oh yeah... he zapped me and now I'm here.
Shadow: Oh well... off to find those eme...
Shadow: Oh GOD!
Knuckles: Yo, yo, yo. Mah [shadow runner]. Let's put a cap in dat alien ass, ya dig?
Shadow: Whatever.
Knuckles: Just don't attack dose pussy ass army suckas. They on our side, [shadow runner].
Shadow: Oka...
Shadow: Oh no you didn't.
Shadow: Shut up you idiot! He shot me!
Black Doom: So you're here Shadow. Now I want you to kill all the...
Shadow: Didn't you label me as a traitor few minutes ago?
Black Doom: ....
Shadow: ....
Shadow: Sigh.


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Reply #49 on: June 07, 2011, 06:58:08 AM

You should write more.