Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

Setsuna F. Seiei · 157680

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Reply #275 on: October 14, 2009, 12:31:41 AM
The staff have already commented on that and put Suzaku above kallen. mainly because Suzaku has better reflexes, reaction times, and overall is a more focused fighter.

this started a [parasitic bomb] storm months ago. While people kept bitching about Lancelot being broken, and this and that. No one ever bothered to bring up that Gurren was just as broken.

Plus everyone knows Wakamoto was the best pilot for Knightmare.

Also Lelouch DID know that the Gurren was being upgraded. It was one of Sayoko's 3 targets.

Primary: Nunnaly
Secondary: Kallen
Final: New gurren.

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Reply #276 on: October 14, 2009, 12:51:32 AM
The staff have already commented on that and put Suzaku above kallen. mainly because Suzaku has better reflexes

Okay, I can agree with better reflexes, doesn't take a whole motorcycle rev to use the main [tornado fang]ing weapon after all.

reaction times

Again, he just has to hit buttons (For the most part), that takes little less than a second to do. Using the guren looks like the switches might be a little more force based. and it takes 2 seconds (Approximately, according to how its shown on the show) to use the RWS gauntlet.

more focused fighter.

Bullshit, any knightmare pilot can focus if they don't let their emotions through. Suzaku is just a cold-blooded [Bumpity-Boom!] in R2. The First season depiction of him was much better (Until after Stage 23 where he became a [tornado fang]ing psychopath.) But he held a grudge for ONE [tornado fang]ing YEAR. The dude has nothing better than be pissed all the time for "Lelouch killed Euphy, I loved Euphy, Boo Hoo." The dude needs to learn to get a [tornado fang]ing life.

But you know what, this is probably my bias talking (Kallen > Everybody else). So for the most part its just ranting... :|

Offline Setsuna F. Seiei

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Reply #277 on: October 14, 2009, 01:14:52 AM
any knightmare pilot can focus if they don't let their emotions through.

That's exactly the point. Kallen's hot blooded character type IS the one that always  gets the best of her. Like in the battle against Xingke. She just got cocky and didn't even bother to notice the batteries were almost dead.

Outside of their respective units, Xingke would probably be better than both of them. The original idea for S2 was him being a rival character for for ledouch and spinzaku/Kallen. Piloting skill he's up there with them. But also had the advantage of being a genius.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #278 on: October 14, 2009, 01:16:52 AM
Im neither a fanboy of Suzaku or Kallen, but it seems the Guren has always seemed more difficult to handle, but the whole pushing the handle thing so it looked uncomfortable and more ass. Besides Suzaku had to lose, but not die becuase the zero requiem had to be the perfect act everything had to be as if it was supposed to happen and it was Kallens fualt to not use the super extend-O-claw on Suzaku instead of them both rushing at each other.

and xingke always seemed a little too good ofr his own good. The man was in love with an 8-year old, and whats with all the coughing in the begining?
something they wanted to reveal but never got the chance to?

Offline Setsuna F. Seiei

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Reply #279 on: October 14, 2009, 01:19:24 AM
She was never in "love" with her. he just dedicated his life to her as the one who saved his, and as her friend.

And Xingke was dieing. They brought this up since the start.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #280 on: October 14, 2009, 01:23:39 AM
Yeah its just I remember him only coughing through the whole Chineese federation arc, then he pretty much never coughs ever again


Offline Setsuna F. Seiei

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Reply #281 on: October 14, 2009, 01:25:24 AM
He does, just not as much because he's not under the strain like he was while piloting. Last time he did was in the final episode when he was leaving in the damaged Shenghu to fight spinsalot.

Offline Black Mage J

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Reply #282 on: October 14, 2009, 01:28:19 AM
Almost everything can be explained if you leave it to Setsuna!

So can anyone tell me how that code geass RPG on the DS is? Ive seen a video but thats pretty much it.

Offline Setsuna F. Seiei

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Reply #283 on: October 14, 2009, 01:47:13 AM
It's alright, but if you don't know at least Katakana for the controls and options, it's pretty hard. The 1st run is pretty boring. But the rest are awesome due to the alternate story lines coupled with the NG+.

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Reply #284 on: October 14, 2009, 01:51:19 AM
That's exactly the point. Kallen's hot blooded character type IS the one that always  gets the best of her.

Thats why I like her so much. Hotheads are my type.  0v0

Xing-Ke was an awesome pilot, Mixing the best of Lelouch and Suzaku/Kallen... Shame he wasn't much of an important character due to shitty pacing.

And the DS game? The first one is great, I can get through the Language barrier for the most part and just play the game. The second DS game isn't as fun. Its Mario Party in a way, but with character Routes like in Lost Colors (Nothing Romantic or anything, just silly stuff.) its just a lot of mini-games. and requires 2 playthroughs to get Kallen, Lelouch, and Suzaku's (Along with others) endings (The only ones you can get at first are Rivalz, Shirley, Nunally, Rolo, and C.C.).

And Lost colors, avoid at all costs unless you have a guide or can read Japanese. that game is a massive wall of text. The CG and Extra voice work is worth it in the end.

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Reply #285 on: October 14, 2009, 01:53:43 AM
Unfortunately his plot lines were also butchered. Almost no character wasn't screwed over by the time change. and While I love Geass, I hate it for the fact that it had such a huge gap between finishing the series.

After it, more and more shows are now doing the same thing and splitting their runs in half. 00 being the best example.

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Reply #286 on: October 14, 2009, 06:12:25 AM
I guess the Splitting of a show into 2 parts is OK, provided theres no Time Skip that fucks everything up.

For the most part I find R2 as a satire of the First season, with the last 3 episodes being the true ending.


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Reply #287 on: October 14, 2009, 11:42:55 AM
But he held a grudge for ONE [tornado fang]ing YEAR. The dude has nothing better than be pissed all the time for "Lelouch killed Euphy, I loved Euphy, Boo Hoo." The dude needs to learn to get a [tornado fang]ing life.

I stopped reading here. You lost all respect from me that you ever had. Obviously you never lost someone you truly loved.

That [parasitic bomb] isn't easy, I would know. I'm still messed up over it, many years later. You DO NOT just "get over" something like that. I suggest you think before you type, bias or not. It's all fun and games until someone pokes an eye out after all, and trust me, that post comes dangerously close.

ADDITION: I was just gonna let this go, but now I feel particularly ranty. Seriously? You expect someone NOT to lose their [tornado fang]ing mind after losing someone they love, someone they feel they can relate to, that they can share their [tornado fang]ing soul with? Seriously? I suppose I should be considerate to your existence as a human being, and therefore flawed, but I've kinda lost that consideration over the last few years as more and more people display this kind of behavior. Now, first and foremost, I'm far from a Suzaku pusher, I'm more on Lelouch's side of things... but I respect anyone that goes through the level of heartache that Suzaku has. Considering I know some people that personally went so nuts they had to be locked away, Suzaku did damn well. He lost himself in his own anguish, like most people do if they aren't given the proper time to breathe. By the time he had a chance to reflect on it all, he had already sunk to various lows because of the situation at hand, because of the nightmare fuel inducing pain that he went through.

Also, inb4 "anime is srs business" or any other snide remarks from whomever. Human or Fictional Character, I respect emotions and feelings. Alot of people these days don't even have that. Also, don't [tornado fang]ing forget.

People die when they are killed.


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Reply #288 on: October 14, 2009, 12:08:07 PM
The dude needs to learn to get a [tornado fang]ing life.

Aren't you the guy that's in love with a cartoon character?

Offline Setsuna F. Seiei

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Reply #289 on: October 14, 2009, 08:49:34 PM
Euphi and Suzaku were never really "in love". Taneguchi and okouchi said it themselves that it was really just more along the lines of puppy love/mixed feelings.

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Reply #290 on: October 14, 2009, 08:58:48 PM
Holy [parasitic bomb], Kallen. You're delusional. Is this how a person who treats this whole "waifu" [parasitic bomb] seriously acts?
Son, I am disappoint.

Offline Setsuna F. Seiei

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Reply #291 on: October 14, 2009, 09:05:24 PM
Gundam is clearly the best waifu.

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Reply #292 on: October 14, 2009, 09:12:21 PM
Not true. Best waifu is Shadow the Hedgehog.
So many marriages on that "Marry a Fictional Character" site, it just must be true.

Nerval is my waifu. < 3

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Reply #293 on: October 14, 2009, 09:15:05 PM
OK, what the hell did I just walk in on here? XD

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Reply #294 on: October 14, 2009, 09:16:15 PM
Enough about waifus, back to Code Geass discussion.

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Reply #295 on: October 14, 2009, 09:19:27 PM
Code Geass had a few nice girls.

Just sayin'

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Reply #296 on: October 14, 2009, 09:24:45 PM
Code Geass had a few nice girls.

Just sayin'
Yes, however the fabulous guys are the main attraction of the show.
Just look at Lelouch or Schneizel.

However, there's some manly too. Like Jeremiah and EMPEROR WAKAMOTO.

btw. Younger Wakamoto looked still as manly as ever. I wish we have seen more of that, not just one short scene.

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Reply #297 on: October 14, 2009, 09:25:37 PM

Euphemia~ :'(

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Reply #298 on: October 14, 2009, 09:28:10 PM
OK, what the hell did I just walk in on here? XD

*starts putting out fires* I got pyrotechnic up in this [sonic slicer].

It happens.

Euphi and Suzaku were never really "in love". Taneguchi and okouchi said it themselves that it was really just more along the lines of puppy love/mixed feelings.

Seriously? I dunno, Suzaku's actions were pretty sincere there. They seemed pretty legit. Granted they didn't have a long time to develop a history together, their relationship seemed to be that of the making. Thanks for killing my momentum though. >_>

I still stand by what I said, of course, as it doesn't change too much and the fact that...

Holy [parasitic bomb], Kallen. You're delusional. Is this how a person who treats this whole "waifu" [parasitic bomb] seriously acts?
Son, I am disappoint.

This is still very true. No offense... well OK, it's intended.

However, also what...

Enough about waifus, back to Code Geass discussion.

He said. *gives fire extinguisher to Jer and Substance Abu---Acid* Enjoy the fires I start randomly. It's how you know I'm really back. Sorta.

Euphemia~ :'(

This picture made my post feel all the more worth it. My momentum is back, but the battle is over. All is well. *hangs flamethrower up in the closet*

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Reply #299 on: October 14, 2009, 10:23:47 PM
Okay, maybe I should try to make myself a little more clear. I can understand Suzaku's pain, and I can understand why he is pissed at Lelouch. But that gives him no right to be a total [dark hold] to people who had no involvement in her death. He's even as [dark hold] to Nunally by lying to her about her brother (Of course this might have just been to protect her from the truth. Doesn't stop her from learning about it later however...).

I personally love how the games dealed with Euphys death by avoiding it altogether in Lost Colors and having Suzaku (Or Cornelia) Knock sense back into her in the DS game. Trust me, Stage 23 of season 1 is one of my favorite episodes mainly because of how sad it is.

So again, sorry about that outburst of mine earlier... I do at times get caught into a heated discussion and say stuff that gets people pissed at me, this is clearly one of those times.