Madness of ST Jestah

ST Jestah · 109233


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Offline Blackhook

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You´re more than that....

Offline Alice in Entropy

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My word. I'm really impressed by those characters of yours, and the drawings are very nice! Lush, detailed and smooth. Delicious indeed.

Offline ST Jestah

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Heya Thar! Moi's back with some more characters to show you. One of them being a redesign of a character from the "Busy World of RPM" RP thread...But first, let me show you the characters you all are most intrested about, the fascinating characters of, Bizarre Brawlers....ya guy's like the TOO BAD! It's gonna stay like that until I figure out a better name for this fighter.

[spoiler=Bart Samson]
One of the main fighters in a game idea I have...for a fighter.

This character's design and concept was made by my friend Nightzard , the sketch was drawn by moi though.

Bart Samson, the Master Baiter (Also known Baiter for short)

A cheerie and show-offy man from the far south, he is an Expert Fisherman, he's such an expert, he knows what bait is most effective to attract a certain fish, how to get them to bite easily, how to put on a show for you, how to tell the gender of a fish just by looking at it, and much much more. He also knows just where to get the rarest and strangest of fish

He doesn't eat the fish, he justy likes to catch 'em.

Many people, mostly children, have laughed at his nick name, he doesn't know why though. He's usually a calm guy, but mess with him or his fish and/or fishing gear, and he'll completely annhilate you.

He didn't always have such gigantic hands, his hands got to this size because he experimented with a special fish, which can increase a man's body part.

Baiter can pummel people with his giant fist and stomach. He can alos use his fishing gear to attack a person, as well as some of his fish.

One day, while fishing on his secret fishing cave, one of the many Bottle Fish he had caught swam to him carrying a small letter. He took out said letter from the bottle like fish he foundout that it was a letter sent to him from his grandfather, The Sword FishMan.

It said that due to some current circumstance's he cannot make it to the yearly "Secret" Tournament of the Bizarre Association, so he sent him this letter to tell him that he wants him, Master Baiter, to compete in the tournament in his place, and if her wins, to grant he's grandfather's wish.

Inside the letter was an invitation to said tournament. After three seconds of thinking about it, Baiter gladly acepted the honor bestowed upon him from his grandfather. Baiter packed his things, fishing gear and such, along with some of his fish friends and set off towards the Secret Tournament. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Ruto Lightning]
One of the main fighters in a game idea I have...for a fighter.

Ruto Lightning, the scarfed detective.

A detective working for a secret group of people, led by some man in a yellow buisness suit. Ruto is a charismatic person, playing it cool most of the time, but he has a short temper as well. Since he likes to work alone, when interrogating criminals, he constantly changes from good cop (white eye) and bad cop (black eye) mode, he does this by closing either his white or black eye, and acting as it's respective persona.

Ruto was a small time private eye, who was caught in a tragic accident involving toasters, javelins, and pirate. The accident left him without his precious arms. He thought he would never be able to continue he detective work withouth arms and hands to capture and/or interrogate the criminals with, he thought of retirement.

However, shorlty after, a man in a yellow buisness suit and sunglasses came to his appartment/office and offered him his limbs back, that is, if he worked for the man as his personal private eye.

After much thought he agreed, and was then sent to a faccility far from the city. In there, he was put to rigouress test to test and improve his current abilities. After a month or so, they gave the man a special cybernetic...scarf.

Ruto was a bit angry about this, he was expecting cybernetic arms. He was told that the reason scientist didn't make him cyborg arms was because cyborg arms were...cliche, so he gave him a cybernetic scarf instead. However, after testing out his new and extremely flexible limbs, he didn't seem to mind it as much as he did before.

Thanks to the man in yellow, Ruto can not only fight crime, but kick ass as well, thanks to the man's tests.

Ruto is an expert in a certain martial arts style (which I'm still working on), that makes his scarf quite useful in battle. He mostly uses his legs to fight and leaves his scarf for stronger attacks. Since he works for an organazation, he can also use some special tools made by the scientist workin for the man in yellow.

During one of his breaks, Ruto was called by the man in yellow, to undertake a special yet very cliche mission...find the daughter of a wealthy man. It was informed by some of the man's scout saw her amidst some strange people signing up for what seemed to be a some sort of tournament.

His mission was to participate in the tournament ,find the client's daughter, and bring her back safely. He accepted the mission and was on his way to the tournament [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Crow Vulterkan]
One...that is not a main fighter of this fighter.

Crow Vulterkan, Tournament Host #2, Tournament DJ

A scarecrow brought to life by the magic powers of the CEO of the Bizarre Association. Vulterkan specialises in the musical entertainment of the Secret Tournament.

His really energetic and lively for a scare crow. He likes to listen to his tunes all the time, even while performing for the Tournament. Though energetic, he is also quite serious, making sure everything is in order for the tournament. His favorite letter is 'Z', he's not quite sure why, but he loves the sound of it. Since it's his favorite letter, he addorned his hat with a large gold Z, it really doesn't mean naything, he just likes the letter.

Contrary to popular belief, scare crows are actually quite fond of the winged vermin.

Sulan, his pet crow, and greatest companion. She always accompanies him wherever he goes. When she rest, she perches herself in his right arm.

The two are quite fond of each other, if one of them lost the other, they wouldn't know what to do with their lifes.

Though Vulterkan is just the DJ for the tournament, that doesn't mean he cannot fight. His light body makes him a quick on his le-I mean stick. His arms are actually quite strong, even though they look quite delicate.

Sulan also joins him in battle, flying behind him, ready to strike.

Being born of magic, Vulterkan can use magic spells to attack from affar, as well as defend agaisnt strong attack that may breack him. He can also use some of his DJ equipment to attack his enemies, like his trusty BoomBox. [/spoiler]

And now, for the BWoRPM character.
PS: I suggest that does who do not want to be spoiled by this characters appearence, please...screw it, you're gonna see it anyway.

[spoiler=Nightmare Sack]
I redisigned the character Nightmare Sack. This is due to some minor changes I did to the character's abilities while in the RP thread of RPM and of course because I wanted to use the scarf concept for one of my fighters.

Instead of being mass of fear hidden inside a wrapped up cape with long scarfs for limbs, SHE is a child that can morph into almost anything she wishes to be, that has a poisonous ooze in her stomach that emits a fear inducing gas that can neither be seeen or smelled.

This is one of the many members that used to be in StrangeMan's organization, "The Hoods of Peace". A vigilante organazation bent on making the world a peaceful place for all eternity. The members of this organization wear Hoods, Masks, and special capes that enable the members to float, hover, or fly.

#126_Code Name_NightmareSack: One of the youngest members in the organazation. Nightmare Sack (or Sack for short.) is a humanoid creature made of off man's many fears. A lonely girl who traversed in many lands of the RPM world and was run off, hunted down, abd almost got dissected many times by humans on her travels. She was found by Clockston on one of his many missions, fighting of some thugs who wanted to capture and sell her to a nearby science lab. Clockston helped the girl and told her that he would like to give her a home. At first she didn't trust him very much, due to the many hardships she's faced with other humans, but after spending time with the clock obssesed man, she grew to trust him, and see him as a sort of grandfather. She spend her days living in the THOP HQ, and joined the organazations rank after half a year of living there.

Abilities: Can transform into anything she would like, however, though she can morph into a shape that is more human, she cannot hide most of her characteristics (aka. gray skin and eyes). She can spit some ooze from on of her four stomachs that emits a ordorless gas that make the victims see illusions of their greatest fears. She can also swallow things whole by increasing the size of her mouth/jaws, using her stomach(s) as a sort of prison for her enemies. [/spoiler]

Better resolution, yadda yadda yadda. Gallery

I know you'll enjoy my art (you would enjoy it even more if it was colored, but to bad for you, I'm a lazy man), but either way I say, ENJOY!...and comment...make me feel...H.A.P.P.Y.....*plays a certain theme from that reference*

Offline Afro-Shroom

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Crow Vulterkan....<3

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline Alice in Entropy

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...I'm in love with Crow. I frickin' love scarecrows. Sack is cute, too~ Not...quite what I was expecting. But still a pleasant surprise~

Offline borockman

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Bart Samson is my favorite fighting fisherman FTW!

But I have to say they're all nicely designed. Especially the crow.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Master Baiter... Oh my. XD
And fish that increases a man's body part? Oh... *shot*

Ahem, you seriously have some awesome ideas for this Bizzare Tournament... A magical scarecrow DJ...
And while reading Ruto's entry, I almost thought Dick Tracy at the yellow suit guy...

Also, so that's Sack...
She's actually quite cute.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Blackhook

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They are inspiring me to sprite...but I think I couldn´t do these characters justice....

Offline ST Jestah

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They are inspiring me to sprite...but I think I couldn´t do these characters justice....

Nooo, you wouldn't be doing this characters justice if you didn't sprite them.

Posted on: August 01, 2009, 08:45:57 AM
Hey guys, I'm back~♪

random guy: But you haven't left.

Moi:...did I tell you you could talk?

random guy: but-

Moi:Then SHUT UP!! *throws a potato that goes "MmmMmmmm" at the man*

*THUMP* random guy: OUCH, my head!

...Anyhoo, let's me show you guys what I have for today.

First up, more 2 characters for Bizarre Brawlers.

One...that is not a main fighter of this fighter.

Zipperman, Tournament Host #3, Tournament Observer.

Not much is known about this character. It doesn't talk much either...actually it doesn't talk at all.

All that is know aboput this...thing, is that it works for the Bizarre Association. It also seems to like zippers for some reason. it carries arround a giant zipper behind it. Even it's movements are quite odd for this creature.

This host is in charge of watching the competitors of the tournament, making sure they do not cheat or do anything to ruin the Tournament for the other competitors.

However, no matter how odd it seems, this creature is a very skilled fighter. It fights with it's own brand of martial arts, as well as his large zipper. [/spoiler]


[spoiler=Mally Gabriel]
One of the fighters for a fighting game I'm planning to make.

This character's design and concept was made by my friend :Nightzard:, the sketch was drawn by moi well as some of the backstory.

Mally Gabriel, Mad Priestess (Also nicknamed. Mad Mally)

A young travelling priestess who goes to city to city to preach for the holy lord. Mally is a kind young girl, she greets every one with a warm smile, and in a polite manner...
However, when nightfalls, she goes on a hunt for sinfull souls, having no mercy, as she smites them with her holy cross.

Why does she do this? Some who have witnessed her one of her many murders suspect that she is simply a maniacal woman. Others say that she may have had a bad chilhood, and was saved by the church, but she held a grudge agaisnt the people who may have tortured her, and perhaps a friend of hers in the past.

However, the children who have met her say, that she was merely doing this...because an angel told her to.
Most adults believe this to be absolutely ridicouless. "Why would an angel tell any human to do such things!?" they said.

That theory might be true though, for those who have seen her before she went on one of her killing sprees, saw her speaking to an unusual shadow, whenever she prays on the nights that she hunts for sinners.

Mally is always dressed in a revealing outfit for two reason:
1-She uses her femmeninefigure to lure out lustful sinners.
2-She actually feels quite comfortable in this outfit.

Mally is a very judgemental person on the inside, she labels all who sin as evil souls, who must be punished on site. That is, she labels everyone except for children, because children cannot be corrupted by the forces of evil.

As you have probably noticed, Mally fights with her sharp cross. She also knows a bit of hand to hand combat. If she is ever in need, she shall call for the holy spirits to aid her in battle...however, this spirti arent' really what you'd expect them to be.

One night, when she had maimed an esaped psychopath, she found a peculiar letter in his stomach. This letter seemed to be an invitation to some sort of tournament, in which the winner will be rewarded with one wish.
She didn't know what to do with it, she asked her shadow what she should do.
A voice answered: "Go to this unholy festivity, and compete. You must not let that prize fall into the wrong hands. Smite all those who wish to use this power for their selfish needs."

So she ventured out, to find this tournament, and make sure that no evil soul uses this prize to corrupt the world...any further.

(PS: If you're wondering why she is looking up, she's just thinking of ways of how to kill you...VWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!)[/spoiler]

And of course, how moi looks...*begins to tilt head to the side slowly* whenever I want to play.


Yadda,Yadda. Yap,Yap,Yap. Gallery. MmmMmmmmm

I do suggest you go to the galleryto get a better look at the fighter characters, seeing as you can't really see some of the detail in the pics from this site.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Zippahman is an interesting character, very cool and creepy. He kind of reminds me of Sticky Fingers from Golden Wind~ Mally is cute, and I really like your avatar character.

I'm watching you on deviantART, 'kay~?

Offline ST Jestah

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TYVM(Thank You Very Much) for the watch. *bows in thnxs* 8)

Offline Night

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Zippers! He looks very neat, and very kingdom heartsy!

Offline Afro-Shroom

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You never cease to amaze me with these characters.  owob

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Mad Mally has giant animu eyes. Zippahman looks like he got stuck in a final fantasy game.

Wonderfully done.

Offline Jericho

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Holy [parasitic bomb], this is easily one of RPM's best threads. Strangeman, those designs are [tornado fang]ing sexy. 8)

Offline Sniper X

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Very nice designs on the characters! Keep it up! 8)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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A giant zipper, and a psycho priestess.
Simply awesome they are. Mally... Oh Mally. XD

And love that look on your face. bVd

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline ST Jestah

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Glad you guys like my work. 8)

(If you are somehow offended by the following, well then excuuuse moi for being random)

Moi: To show my appreciation, here's some more of my work.

Random Guy: Are you finally gonna show us some colored pics?

Random Guy: What kind of appreciation is that!?

Moi: The kind that you'll STFU AND TAKE YOUR [tornado fang]ING GIFT, UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO RAM A THOUSANDS BLADES UP YOUR [parasitic bomb] HOLE!!! O:<

Random Guy:...

Moi:... >8|

Random Guy:...Can I have a cookie instead?

Moi: >8|...Yes you may. *gives random guy :cookie:*

A request pic of an original character made by Nick Z Rythem/Groove Guy

However, I gave the character my own personal, and delicious, touch. As requested by said person.

I gave the character's t-shirt a moon and star design. His also wearing a long sleeve shirt under said t-shirt.

Put some fingerless long gloves on him, cuase I though he'd look cool with 'em. I kept the boot simple, but kept it large, like most of the characters he has crated have.

And ofcourse, before I forget, I made crescent shaped shades, giving a bit of uniqueness to the character.

Well now, I hope most people like this version of the character as much as he did.

Though I gotta admit, I did make some mistakes here and there. For example, the hand in the pocket seems to have shrunken down to actually fit inside there.

And for some reason, I think I made the upper body, larger then the lower half.

Still hope you guys like it.[/spoiler]


The fighting sprite for Urey Sorrow, of Bizarre Brawlers.

The worlds first Techni Color emo.

This is merely the base sprite, I still have a lot of work to do before I can actually start making that fighter game. (I'm thinking of practicing a bit with MUGEN and see where it goes from there)

This also happens to be my first 16/32bit sprite I ever made. I used a Ryu(from Street Fighter) as a reference to make this sprite (By this I mean I needed to know how big the sprite had to be made).

To any spriters out there, please tell me if I should improve in something, based on this very sprite. And please give me some constructive criticism.[/spoiler]


That's all for now.

Offline Acid

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I think of JJBA whenever I see your arts.

Offline Alice in Entropy

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Acid is my new hero. Also appropriate, since Nick Z. Rythm was originally my JoJo fan character.

Don't worry, Strange, you come in a close second~ The drawing is made of awesome. And epic shades are epic. For the forking win.

Offline Afro-Shroom

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Cool sprite is cool.  8D

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Why is techni-color emo so funny?

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Really awesome piccie of Nick there. :3

And the sprite is nicely made.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Gotham Ranger

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Hey Strangey, you take requests? :3

Offline ST Jestah

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Yesh I long as it's not colored pics.