So what would it look like? (Help me fill this out)
I - Defunct, I failed. Someone else do this.
II - Cosmos: Uh... whatever the girl's name is that is with you from the start. Chaos: Leon (rival/anti-hero)
III - Uh... Defunct, didn't play enough.
IV - Cosmos: Rydia, simply because I said so. Kage is also acceptable. Chaos: Kain... duh.
V - Chaos: Gilgamesh. He's one of the most requested
(Sure, why not. Might aswell appease people.) Cosmos: Galuf, srsly.
VI - Cosmos: Plenty here. Celes, Locke, Sabin. (Personally Celes) Chaos: General Leo (rival and possible misfortunate mind control on Kefka's part)
VII - Hero: Zack, he has to. [tornado fang] the rest. If not, then Tifa, probably. (This) Chaos: Genesis yes
VIII - Cosmos: I do care, so Rinoa definitely. Possibly implementing some of her Sorceress powers. Chaos: Seifer duh
IX - Cosmos: Vivi maybe? Chaos: [tornado fang] if I know, Beatrix if you wanna get stupid about it.
X - Cosmos: Yuna. Preferably FFX-2 Yuna. Chaos: Seymour butts
XII - Cosmos: BALTHIER and Basch. Chaos: Keep Gabby and add Vayne I guess.