X9: Will it ever be?

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Reply #50 on: March 14, 2009, 08:04:44 PM
As a cyebr elf/butterfly, I noticed!

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Reply #51 on: March 15, 2009, 12:27:29 AM
Oh involving Inti is actually a nice idea which I can agree with. But only if They make X look awesome. And I wanna see how they would handle Sigma. He doesn't have to be the villain, but some sort of optional boss, just so I can see what Inti Sigma looks like.

Inti could even succeed in making Axl look cool.

Inti is made up of Capcom-employees that worked on Rockman before 1996. In other words, X1~3.

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Reply #52 on: March 15, 2009, 12:40:46 AM
plus just cuz its Inti doesnt automatically mean its going to be Zero art style... I mean, wasnt it Nakayama that left Inti?(wasnt he the artist?) I mean, MM9 was classic style all the way. no Zero style thrown in.
although I still think Tornado man and Splashwoman are supposed to be inside jokes between inti and the fans.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Acid

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Reply #53 on: March 15, 2009, 12:44:22 AM
In other words, X1~3.

And that is perfectly fine with me!

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Reply #54 on: March 15, 2009, 03:05:00 AM
If that happens we will probably see everything in Zero-Style. You know not everyone is found of that style.
But all the cool kids these days like to wear tiny tank tops and big hard rings around the edges of everything!

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Reply #55 on: March 15, 2009, 03:14:14 AM
But all the cool kids these days like to wear tiny tank tops and big hard rings around the edges of everything!

Well I know I do!

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Reply #56 on: March 15, 2009, 04:02:03 AM
and like to wear fingerless gloves with white fingers underneath.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #57 on: March 15, 2009, 05:29:18 AM
Yes, your palms must be double-gloved, because people in Zero's time do a lot of pushing and catching and deadlifting.

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Reply #58 on: March 15, 2009, 06:20:27 AM

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Reply #59 on: March 15, 2009, 08:40:42 AM
Oh and clapping.  So many live performances are so good by the time of ZX that everyone needs the protection for long periods of applause.

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Reply #60 on: March 15, 2009, 11:38:07 AM
a rant of someone about X9~
Do I want it?


I feel it would be a VERY BAD thing were Capcom to make an X9. So many people are cheering and protesting for X9 to be made just so they can have another X game. There's even a site dedicated to the cause now.

Has anyone taken a moment to consider the sharp dip in overall quality the X games haven taken lately? Even outside opinions, it's there.

Why don't "I" want X9 to be made?

-X. X has been grossly deteriorating as a character in the games writing. This isn't a "hardened as the battles continue" motif going, he's just being written with near-total disregard to his past behavior. X7, he outright backs out from the frontlines and does... nothing but whine and complain. X8, he's just flat and dull, quick to accuse reploids of being mavericks and not trying to talk things through (sure it never works, but the important thing was that X TRIED.) Then Capcom went and placed the X8-X into Maverick Hunter X, which changed the game's mood dramatically. X isn't even the main focus of the current games anymore; first replaced by Zero (which wasn't so bad, given his role in relation to X), and then by Axl, who came completely out of nowhere. I can't bear to think about what they'll do to X if X9 is created.

-Axl. I've had enough of this unnecessary third wheel to the X series. I was sick of him the moment I started X7. You need a ranged character? You have X. (Oh that's right, he's not important anymore) Transformation? That's yet to prove particularly useful for anything. As far as I'm concerned, Axl has completely thrown the X-series dynamic off balance. The only thing that could make me WANT X9 was if he met his end due to the cliffhanger of X8

-Zero. Zero has been suffering from the same problem X has been; a degrading character. While Zero has remained the most consistant character out of the main roster, he hasn't been the best example of good developement. Iris' death, one of his main developement points, is rarely (if ever) referenced, and his involvement with the Zero virus and Wily was left completely unresolved. I don't feel confident Capcom is able to handle this issue gracefully.

-Navigators. I REALLY don't want to see Layer make another appearance, for obvious reasons to me personally.. Even beyond my reasons, Layer becoming romantically involved with Zero would make what happened to Iris pointless to Zero's character. Yes the logical thing would be for him to "move on" were he a "normal" character, but Zero ISN'T a normal character, and the impression Iris' death left on him would best be left a lasting one. Add the general pointlessness of Palette, that speaks for itself.

-Gameplay. X7 was an absolute bomb as far as gameplay went. Slow as mollases no matter who you played as. Lack of depth-perception made playing as Zero suicide; you'd always walk too far and into an enemy, or you have to kill an enemy just as you land from jumping over a gaping hole in the floor. X8, while more playable, wasn't necessarily much better. X8 was very mediocre for lack of a better word, and it doesn't reflect well upon the series.

-Story. After Capcom went ahead and not only sideswiped the X series with the Megaman Zero-forward continuity, but ravaged the very base of the series' plotline with Maverick Hunter X, I have very little faith in their ability to take X9 in a good direction. I wouldn't put it past Capcom to bring Iris back as a villain or in a way she'd be used against Zero, or do something that utterly shakes the very core of the fandom that attracts me to it.

These are my reasons. I know that I'd likely be doused in kerosine and burned at the stake for bringing these reasons up at the X9 site. Odds are they'd be challenged from every user there and I wouldn't know how to counter. But these are my reasons, and I stand by them.

although i kinda agree with him,i just dont know what to say......what do you guys think?

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Reply #61 on: March 15, 2009, 12:55:44 PM
As hard as it might sound, I think this guy speaks the truth for most part. Ever since X6, the series has been somewhat deteriorating and strayed a lot from it's original formula. Had the series ended with X5 as Inafune originally intended, there would be no complains whatsoever (except as Hypershell loves to point out, the [tornado fang]'d up powerup system in X5) but no, they lengthened the series and thus threw in a lot of unnecessary stuff which only confuses players and changes characters for the worse etc.

Like stated in that comment, X had quite a few changes of heart within the X series and it gets a little confusing to guess what exactly is going on in his head. We all know X is a robot that suffers like a human being. The entire human VS Repliroid conflict is a gigantic dilemma for him. That's why after the many battles and tragedies he's experienced from the beginning of the Irregular Breakout up to the Nightmare Incident, he decides to quit on being a frontline Hunter. He can't stand battle anymore and instead tries to somehow resolve this conflict in a way that does not give further birth to violence and death. After that episode however, this exact emotion kinda gets thrown out of the window again, as in X8 and CM, he appears to be this battlehardened war veteran who apparently doesn't have any doubts anymore and just does his job, as well as throwing out Irregular claims left and right. What exactly happened here? This is a behavior I might except from Zero at most, but X? And how exactly is this supposed to reach the point after the Elf War, where X comes to the sad (?) conclusion that he doesn't care about fighting anymore?

I agree with the statement that Axl was kind of an unnecessary addition to the series. Yes, it might have been with best intentions in mind to bring a breeze of fresh air into the franchise, but the impact that Axl had on the entire story of the X series was a downright desaster and shifted the focus too much on other things instead of what was necessary, though I DO agree that the entire stuff Lumine keeps babbling about (as Mr. Gilbertson stated) was quite interesting. Thankfully, they put Axl on the sidelines again in the ZERO series and focussed more on the actual protagonists of the series again, X and Zero. Sadly, they threw in another pair of new characters and an Axl Live Metal in in ZXA instead of focussing on the already established characters Vent and Aile.

Regarding Zero, I personally don't think that the impact of Iris' death doesn't need any further reference in later parts of the series. This isn't Gundam SEED, flashbacks regarding character deaths aren't necessary. That is of course, unless you've played everything from X6 forward, but not X4. To me, Zero's entire behavior is a reference on how killing Iris influenced him. He's become colder, sterner and more reclusive to those around him. He's shut the door to his heart because he does not want to experience that kind of pain again, or end up in an emotional dilemma like X does every so often. And that, in my opinion, is a crucial element. Zero is the counterbalance to X. When X is in a crisis, it usually is Zero who stands up and gives him a good punch in the face in order to snap him out of his depression and tell him what they are supposed to do: Fight. For their own beliefs. Against destiny. To grasp the future. X is the one who is supposed to usher the inhabitants of the Earth, both humans and Repliroids, into a new age of peace and acceptance and it's Zero's task to remind him of that when X is down. That's why they are the best partners. Yet, deep inside, Zero does wish to stop fighting like X as well. We see that in his X8 ending. While returning to Earth, he reminds himself of Lumine's words and secretly hopes that Sigma won't come back so that he can finally lay down his arms.

As for the issue this guy has with Layer becoming romantically involved with Zero, I don't really see a problem here. So Layer does have a crush on Zero. Big deal. So do Ciel and, in a very twisted way, Leviathan, but Zero doesn't care. He's doing what he's been doing ever since: fighting. Fighting for what he does believe in, and I don't think that in either states (X series and ZERO series), romance has any value for him anymore, at least not during these precise points in the respective stories.
The Wily issue on the other hand, I agree wholeheartedly.


Would I want another X series game? Surely, because as the series is now, it simply lacks any proper conclusion. But my fear is that they simply won't be able to make one because the situation is quite difficult, to connect Command Mission to the Elf War that is. Plotwise, it might be possible, but gameplaywise? I think not. There's too much politics involved later on.

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Reply #62 on: March 15, 2009, 01:06:40 PM
Can't say I find most of his points too valid. Some new characters that did nothing but talk in cutscenes sometimes were in X8, holy [parasitic bomb], how terrible. IHX "ravaged" the plot (wat), obviously we must save the masterpiece that is the story of Rockman X from further damage by not allowing it to finish!
His complaint about Axl is kinda legitimate, but there's nothing stopping the devs just making him an optional character, and I can't see how having a choice between three characters is that much worse than having a choice between two. You could just ignore him for most of X8 with no problems, no reason to think X9 would be any different.
The only really important point that X7 and 8 weren't very good games, but there's no reason to think some hypothetical X9 would be like them. They came out like half a decade ago, come on. It's not like Capcom haven't already proven that they don't mind getting back to basics with RM9.

On the plus side, I did get a laugh out of him complaining about Zero wasn't getting enough character development, but then refusing to allow women to interact with him anymore. I guess seeing how Zero would act in a relationship after losing someone important to him wouldn't be interesting enough? Maybe he should just sit around being depressed, we didn't get enough of that from X7.

I will admit that I don't really give a [tornado fang] about the story of the game as long as it gives me a semi legitimate reason to kill some robots, though. Maybe his reasons would make more sense to someone who cared about that sorta stuff. I dunno.

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Reply #63 on: March 15, 2009, 03:33:53 PM
While returning to Earth, he reminds himself of Lumine's words and secretly hopes that Sigma won't come back so that he can finally lay down his arms.

He doesn't, that's a translation fluke.

Zero: If what Lumine said was true, Sigma will not return. It’s about time.

He knows fully well this is not the end of fighting.

Had the series ended with X5 as Inafune originally intended, there would be no complains whatsoever (except as Hypershell loves to point out, the [tornado fang]'d up powerup system in X5) but no, they lengthened the series and thus threw in a lot of unnecessary stuff which only confuses players and changes characters for the worse etc.

If the series ended at X5, we would have first and foremost known nothing about Wily. Zero staying dead would also be completely illogical. It's X6 that gives us the most information on that matter. All the same X6 greatly enhances Alia's character and introduces Gate to us, bringing the events of the side-games full circle with the main story.

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Reply #64 on: March 15, 2009, 03:49:43 PM
I still don't see why people see X5 as any sort of end to the series. "X kills Zero (maybe)" is about the only 'final' thing about it.
Hell, X3 would've fit better as a final game, since they use a freakin' anti-virus program on Sigma.

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Reply #65 on: March 15, 2009, 04:44:26 PM
I still don't see why people see X5 as any sort of end to the series. "X kills Zero (maybe)" is about the only 'final' thing about it.
Hell, X3 would've fit better as a final game, since they use a freakin' anti-virus program on Sigma.
I´m still wondering how he came back after that

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Reply #66 on: March 15, 2009, 06:02:23 PM
I´m still wondering how he came back after that

I'm going with "Gate partially repaired him and went cuckoo; Zero made a run for it and finished the job".

All I can say is, Capcom should be given more credit; just because X7 (and X8 according to Mr. Striker) stunk doesn't necessarily mean X9 will. Capcom can still make good games, and we can't judge X9 by games that were released about four years ago.

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Reply #67 on: March 15, 2009, 06:44:53 PM
I think he meant Sigma?

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Reply #68 on: March 15, 2009, 07:16:38 PM
part of the rant was about story. i skipped over all that, cause story's the second to last thing i really care about in games (first being graphics). true, a sequel to X8 is kinda needed thanks to that obvious cliffhanger, but as long as that conflict is resolved, i don't care what else happens.

what i do care about is the gameplay. i don't think X8 sucks, and i'm not the only one who thinks so. i'd be fine if X9 stuck to X8's gameplay. but even so, who's to say Capcom will continue to use X8's gameplay? as evidenced by Street Fighter IV, Mega Man 9, and even Maverick Hunter X, Capcom is not afraid to go back to basics.

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Reply #69 on: March 15, 2009, 07:27:21 PM
I'm going with "Gate partially repaired him and went cuckoo; Zero made a run for it and finished the job".

All I can say is, Capcom should be given more credit; just because X7 (and X8 according to Mr. Striker) stunk doesn't necessarily mean X9 will. Capcom can still make good games, and we can't judge X9 by games that were released about four years ago.
I was wondering how he came back after X3....

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Reply #70 on: March 15, 2009, 07:50:58 PM
X5's endingalso would not be too well off with Zero 1's intro. If Zero actually Dies in the X series, then why is he simply deactivated in Z1?
he was nearly blown to bits, reduced to his usual torso and an arm, Zero1 has him lying in an abandoned lab with the only visibly missing limbs being his forearms. X6's Zero sealing actually goes a lot better with the Zero series than X5 did. all X5 works for, is the explanation of X keeping Zero's saber.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #71 on: March 15, 2009, 08:02:29 PM
X5's endingalso would not be too well off with Zero 1's intro. If Zero actually Dies in the X series, then why is he simply deactivated in Z1?
he was nearly blown to bits, reduced to his usual torso and an arm, Zero1 has him lying in an abandoned lab with the only visibly missing limbs being his forearms. X6's Zero sealing actually goes a lot better with the Zero series than X5 did. all X5 works for, is the explanation of X keeping Zero's saber.

The plot and initial setting of Z1 was vastly different from the actual game, which had been heavily modified to work with the Zero Ending of X6 (Z1 was already in production when Capcom decided to make X6, but came out after X6. X6 was November 2001, Z1 April 2002). Originally, Ciel was supposed to be something like a Cyber Necromancer who would use Cyberelves to bring back Zero from the grave. But since X6 established Zero as still alive, only to seal himself again in the end, the way Zero was put into this story was altered to make sense with his X6 ending. Too bad X7 ruined it all.

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Reply #72 on: March 15, 2009, 08:11:06 PM
I was wondering how he came back after X3....

Maybe canon-logically speaking he never did die in X3. After all, didn't you have to trigger his death by playing as him right at that moment?

X5's endingalso would not be too well off with Zero 1's intro. If Zero actually Dies in the X series, then why is he simply deactivated in Z1?
he was nearly blown to bits, reduced to his usual torso and an arm, Zero1 has him lying in an abandoned lab with the only visibly missing limbs being his forearms. X6's Zero sealing actually goes a lot better with the Zero series than X5 did. all X5 works for, is the explanation of X keeping Zero's saber.

Zero has a habit of being blown up to near bits and restoring himself, and he does look pretty beat-up in the beginning of Zero 1. Plus, it isn't his real body, so at some point, someone could have taken his corpse, given him a new body, but took his real body and fixed it up for Omega. It's possible that Wiel did it at some point. Why give him a new one? Who knows, maybe Zero 'grew' himself a new body.

X6's ending doesn't fit well with the beginning of Zero 1 either; Zero went to sleep after the Elf Wars, so how could he have been sleeping if he was helping X fight in that battle?

If anything, what they need to do in X9 is: kill of Axl; he had no part to play in the Elf Wars, so he has to be gone by then, be it by death or simple resignation. They also need to have the start of the Elf Wars thrown in there. I don't care if the battle just starts when the game ends, but it HAS to be thrown in there somewhere. That way, there's a perfect tie-in into the Zero series, and less questions can be raised.

They also need to come up with a game between Zero 4 and ZX; how did Ciel get ahold of Zero's data to make the Biometal? Just how the heck did Zero lose his body but gain a new one? Even if they just released a manga stating all this I'd be happy.

The plot and initial setting of Z1 was vastly different from the actual game, which had been heavily modified to work with the Zero Ending of X6 (Z1 was already in production when Capcom decided to make X6, but came out after X6. X6 was November 2001, Z1 April 2002). Originally, Ciel was supposed to be something like a Cyber Necromancer who would use Cyberelves to bring back Zero from the grave. But since X6 established Zero as still alive, only to seal himself again in the end, the way Zero was put into this story was altered to make sense with his X6 ending. Too bad X7 ruined it all.

I never did get why they completely trashed Zero's ending in X6, but I remember someone saying something about how that they MAY not be canon, and the events may have happened farther into the future (though, I doubt it was too far, isn't the Zero series about 200 years after the X series?)

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Reply #73 on: March 15, 2009, 08:14:57 PM
If anything I think that guy's rant, as well as RPM itself, just further proves my point the the fans care much much MUCH more about the story that the writers of the story do.  Most of his complaints were about the game's story, and not about it's gameplay.  He mentions gameplay a little bit, and yeah I didn't like X7's gameplay that much, from what little I played of itt.  However, I thought X8's gameplay was pretty awesome.  Granted, I didn't like it as much as X1-X3, or even X4, but still I thought it was pretty good and would be happy if they made X9's gameplay like X8's. 

For the most part though, his complaints were about the characters and the story of the game.  If that's his primary reasoning for not wanted an X game, I absolutely disagree with the man.  Not making X9 because of the lack of character or story development is a poor reason not to make a new game.  I mean, story is great and all, but honestly, it's a video game. 

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Reply #74 on: March 15, 2009, 08:16:45 PM
Yea, I said that Zero's X6 Ending "might have" happened way farther into the future.
That way, it wouldn't conflict with any game, and the transition between X and Zero series would turn out alright. ^^

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