Well, now that I have some time on my hands, I can update this thread with some content.
This time it's a rant.
It has nothing to do with here, I just want to vent.
Today's Rant Subject: Pirates. YAAAAAAR.
I'm going to be honest with you right now, I've downloaded my fair share of songs. Most of which are in markets that I usually can't get purchase said songs, but I've downloaded them. I also have my fair share of roms for old games that I can't find on the market or games that I don't feel like downloading on Wii/XBLA/PSN when getting the point/cash cards for each happens every so often (The latter reason rarely happens).
I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be taking a moral high horse while writing this thread, but this is a subject that has me irked beyond relief.
Pirating games, it's not cool. I don't have a problem with anyone here specificlly to make me want to do this rant, but I know some people who do this.
Pirating a game means taking away a sale for that game. Sure, most of the pirates I talk to justify it saying "I'll buy it if it's good." Personally, I doubt that they'd by anything if they can just get it for free.
Other excuses that I've heard are as follows:
"It's too expensive." Then get a new hobby. If you can't then stop bitching and get a job. I only work on a volunteer basis and I can manage to buy all the games and such I want.
"I don't waste money on crap." Then don't. There's the internet, possibly demos, and stores like Play and Trade that will let you play games, FOR FREE, to see if you might like it enough to purchase it. What's that? That's too inconveinient? Tough [parasitic bomb]. Our Capitalistic economy doesn't give [parasitic bomb] whether you can afford a [tornado fang]ing video game or not.
What pisses me off is that some of the people I talked about earlier have enough money to be buying these games. They've even told me so.
That just pisses me off more then the people who don't have the money. That being said, my best friend (who doesn't even know these people) is poor and yet is still able to purchase games every once in a while. And for the games that he can't buy (Which is most of them) he asks me to borrow them. Since I trust him enough with my belongings I let him. I wouldn't let the guys I talk about even hold my DS without me hovering over thier shoulders.
I guess for some reason these people feel obligated to having these games that they can't afford, or they want games without having to pay for it. I got tough news for you: <Insert Company> doesn't give a [parasitic bomb] if you can afford their products. You can't afford it, you can't have it. It's as simple as that.
Now I can usually turn the other cheek when it comes to this, and I only complain about it when a really ubscure game gets pirated. But seeing the discussion
on Kotaku about pirating it pissed me off to see so many people defending the practice.
I'm aware that it happens. I'm also aware that not much can be done to stop it that won't also be inconvenient to the people who actually buy the game. But if such a thing has to be put into place in the first place, then obviously there's something wrong with the market.
If everyone just pirates games, then what will happen to those games? More than likely they'll sell badly and never see a sequel. Which pisses me off since it seems that this mostly happens to obscure games that don't have a lot of advertising anyways, or games that want to try something new but people are unsure of the outcome.
What I do is buy a game and play it. If the time comes around when more games come out, and I can't honestly see myself playing that game again, then I trade it in for credit towards one of the games that are coming out that I want. It's a simple practice that has been working for me for a while now.
There was even a quote of someone saying "I haven't bought a game in five years..." Good for you buddy. What do you want, a [tornado fang]ing medal?
I'll just end this rant here and apologise if I said anything to offend anyone here. This isn't directed at anyone here, but I noticed that I used a lot of swearing here, so I'm sure there's something in there that I missed that might offend. If that's the case, send me a quick PM and I'll edit the rant accordingly.