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Reply #375 on: January 28, 2010, 01:45:12 PM
Ahole... Lol... XD
Well... All I can think at the moment is to name Mareep Sheep Man. XD
I'm not too good with nicknames. XD

Baro isn't going to make an appearance, is he? ...I hope not.
... *curls into a fetal position, rocking back and forth*

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Reply #376 on: January 28, 2010, 10:31:54 PM
Unfortunately, Mareep doesn't show up in Crystal. If it did I so totally would name it Sheepman.

Well, it turns out that I underestimated just how many screenshots it would take just to get to Violet Town, much less go through the Gym Battle. So instead of including that in this part the Gym Battle will be in the next update.

With that out of the way, back to adventure!

[spoiler=Helpful Mom is helpful. Plus plentiful Pocket Monster catching.]

Welp, better tell Mom I'm going on a grand adventure. Hope she takes it well.

Yeah, just don't touch its back. That orange stuff isn't fur.

Professor Elm gave it to me.

Oh, by the way, Professor Oak gave me a Pokedex so now I'm off to parts unknown.

Thanks for basically restating what I had just literally said.

You could probably keep money for me. That'd be super helpful since money is such a necessity for travel..

*sigh* The sooner I get away from this crap, the better.

If it means I'll be able to leave your parroting ways, yes.

'Kay thanks. Don't burn the house down while I'm gone.

I'm not even a couple of steps outside of town when a random guy walks up to me.

A resounding zero. I just got my Pokeballs so I haven't gotten the chance to catch any yet.

"catch POKEMON?"
[acid burst] off.

Then I punched him in the face and ran off. Seriously, he deserved it for that dumb remark.

Oh hey, here's my first Pokemon to capture.

Whoo, that was easy! I didn't need that guy's advice after all.

This is the only name that makes sense.

Oh hey, I found a potion. This day can't get any better.

It's some squirrel/raccoon hybrid. Huh, that's weird.

I've got a real knack for this. I don't know why I didn't become a trainer sooner.

She'll come in handy if I'm ever on the run from the law, which I doubt will happen.

I remember seeing this building on my way to Cherrygrove. I wonder what's on the other side?

Oh hey, it's another route. It's blocked off for now, but there's some tall grass here.

Just like those Rattata that I saw battling earlier, except not owned by jerks that'll shoo you away for interrupting their "big battle"

...No, I'm not bitter about that, or about being hit TWICE IN ONE DAY.

Plat the Rattata. Yup.

Hey, that's actually a pretty good looking bird.

Not only that, but its beak is SHARP. At least that's what I can tell from the wounds on BackBurner.

She's named after a rifle that's named after a spear!


When I'm done with this Championship business I'm going to keep you as a pet.

Disney was good at one point, you know.

Then I tripped over a rock.


Holy hell. The things that rock did to BackBurner...  I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a few days.

Hopefully this name will serve as a warning to others.

Oh hey, another pretty good looking bird.

Not as good looking as Oxtongue, though.

Although for some reason all I could see was Oxton and Pidge.

Back on Route 30. This time, though, I'm on my way to Violet Town.

Oh Caterpie. You're such a nice disgusting bug.

I'd better keep this away from Mom. She killed the last one that got into the house. I named it and everything.

Felix the Caterpie... I think I'm going to need a minute.

Oh hey, those guys that were battling before aren't blocking the road anymore. How conveinient.

"more Pokemon."
That's what you get for shooing me away earlier.

"let's battle!"
Hey, just because you lost doesn't mean I'm weak. Besides, I'm a girl. It'd be weird if I looked strong.

Well, I'm starting to see why you lost.

Case in point.

In retrospect I should have raised Oxtongue a little before forcing her into her first trainer battle. My mistake.

Mr. Tickles, however, hardly had to do anything. Ramming yourself headfirst into solid living rock isn't the smartest idea.

You might want to check on your Rattata. I think it was bleeding from its ears.

On that note I headed back to the Pokemon Center myself to heal Oxtongue.

Yeah, that's right. I just beat your friend through his mental retardation!

I question your logic good sir.

He has one more Pokemon than the other kid. Maybe that's the reason he won.


That other kid's Rattata was one level lower than Mr. Tickles, and even then I don't see it having much difficulty with a LEVEL 2 PIDGEY despite not having much defense compared to Mr. Tickles.

So his second Pokemon is a Rattata, but not just any Rattata, but a Rattata that's the same level as the other kid's Rattata...

It's my opinion that these two suck, and just felt the need to block the road earlier to compensate for that.

On the bright side, Mr. Tickles learned how to be more of a tank.

Shut the hell up, you battled with a retard.

Then I hit him over the head with Mr. Tickles and ran off... I feel slightly better now.

All the guy had was a couple of Caterpies. Moving on.

Whoo. This makes me feel better about that last disappointing battle. I noticed the cave near by and decided to go inside.

HOLY [parasitic bomb] IT'S INFESTED WITH BATS!

Get it away!

I actually caught two Zubats: One named after a crappy author and the other named after the Dark Knight (Thanks to Taiyo)

Oh Jesus, what is that?!

Whatever it is, it's going in the ball.

I would have named it Solid Snake, but this name made more sense.

I found a potion despite the cave being dark as hell! I'll return here once I can bring a flashlight or something.

"battle with you!"
All he has was a couple Caterpies and a Weedle. Not very exciting. Although he offered to give me berries. I like free stuff so we exchanged phone numbers.

There was a Pokeball inside the Pokeball... I'm very confused right now.

There will never be a tree in this region that hasn't been picked by me, Crystal the Berry Bandit!

The fat guy was asleep so I didn't bother him.

That's a giant ladybug.

Not much to say about this one. It kept humming to popular music I don't give a crap about.

I dunno, it seemed like the preppy type.

I missed the first screenshot, but now I have a walking bell plant in the ranks. Whoo.

Venus is the perfect name for a plant like this.

I decided to do some preemptive training for the Gym Battle since I don't want to lose my first time, and my Pokemon learned some new moves (Except for BackBurner) and becoming more awesome.

However, before Mr. Tickles learned how to throw rocks at things I ran into this little gal:

Considering Oxtongue has soft fleshy parts and that needle on the top of its head would hurt on impact, I switched to Mr. Tickles.

Before I caught the Weedle it managed to poison Mr. Tickles. I guess it didn't matter that he's as hard as a rock.

What? You can't tell me that Weedle doesn't look like a dart.

After raising my Pokemon to optimal awesome levels, I made a beeline for Violet City's Pokemon Center. After that, I headed to the gym.

I'm glad this isn't a rock type gym. I think the only thing that could have handled it would have been Venus.

Anyways I'm just going to take a break here. Next time I'm going to tackle the gym and whatever that big tower over there is.

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Reply #377 on: January 28, 2010, 10:55:12 PM
I really like your let's plays, they are really funny.
Using screenshots and not video is actualy something new for me and I really like it, makes more room for imagination  XD

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #378 on: January 29, 2010, 02:59:40 AM
No Mareep? O:
I need to brush up on the Crystal PokeDex... ;_;
Though... I do believe that the trade for an Onix is still there?

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Offline TeaOfJay

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Reply #379 on: January 29, 2010, 07:46:01 PM
You can trade for an Onix in Crystal? I never knew that. I just caught one in the cave right before the second gym.

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Reply #380 on: January 30, 2010, 04:02:08 AM
I never played Crystal, so I'm not sure. XD
I thought it might be the same house in Violet City, where you trade a Bellsprout for it.
Then again, since you caught a wild one... Nevermind. XD

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Reply #381 on: January 30, 2010, 04:08:04 AM
Why did you name one of the Zubats Meyer instead of Edward? Would it bring back painful memories/emotions or something? =P

Using screenshots and not video is actualy something new for me and I really like it, makes more room for imagination  XD

Its not the first screenshot LP I read, but I really like it too, for some reason I prefer screenshots over video.

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Reply #382 on: January 30, 2010, 04:36:53 AM
Why did you name one of the Zubats Meyer instead of Edward? Would it bring back painful memories/emotions or something? =P

I feel it encompasses everything that she's written, since I don't like her either as a person or an author. I also had the brilliant idea of making her my team's meat shield when I need to use a revive on a Pokemon. 'Tis only fair, after all.

<insert maniacal laughter here>

...Of course you guys won't see that until later, since I'm actually a couple of updates ahead of you.

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Reply #383 on: January 30, 2010, 04:39:32 AM
Makes perfect sense. Oh, btw, did you know she has her own biography in comic book form narrated by Dracula? XD

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Reply #384 on: January 30, 2010, 05:03:41 AM
That's part of the reason why I'm using her as the team's meat shield.

All I can tell you is I'm going to have more fun on Whitney than I should.

New Update coming soonish. All I have to do now is write up the actual update.

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Reply #385 on: January 30, 2010, 05:59:46 AM
the very first "Let's Play" was a screenshot type.
there's a bit of debate over on SA over which one it was. >>
I'd recommend reading Princess Maker 2, both archived Dwarf Fortress LPs(boatmurdered, then Headshoots), Jerusalem's San Andreas, The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing, Leovinus' FF8, and Knights of the Old Republic 2.

Yeah, a screenshot Let's Play.

From what I've learned Pokemon isn't exactly the best game to LP in the video format. Plus this still let's me flex my writing muscle while playing video games. Two birds, one stone.

Besides, It's worked before.
RPG's in general shouldn't be video LP'd.

I'd say you should post this on SA instead, but there's the whole "Pokemon is off limits because RedChocobo is the only one capable of doing it right"
Zorak's a mod, so he can get away with it, and countblanc is from the early years of before they made a subforum for it.

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Reply #386 on: January 30, 2010, 07:15:21 AM
Then there's the fact that joining SA costs money, which I don't plan on doing unless I want to post anything not Pokemon related.

And I've read most of those LPs already (the Princess Maker 2 LP is one of my favorites), although I will have to read the others I haven't yet.

Posted on: January 29, 2010, 09:04:53 PM
DOUBLE POST. But I post bearing an update!

So I'll be taking on Falkner and his birds as well as the monks of

Sprout Tower. Should be fun.

[spoiler=Birds fall and plants will burn. Note: Apparently BS spelled out as one word gets around the fourm's censor. Huh.]
So I enter the gym and see a guy with glasses. I decided to talk to him since he seemed lonely.

You better not be telling me things I already know, glasses man.

...I KNEW THAT ALREADY. I'm never talking to you again!

Then I just scoffed and walked off... What? You expected me to hit him or something? He's not worth the effort.

"face FALKNER!"
Oh, I'm good enough alright. Here, I'll show you.

Abe is the owner of Kuntucky Fried Pidgey. Just don't tell Falkner that.

Now I know what you're thinking: Why not use Mr. Tickles and his ability to throw rocks at things?

BackBurner is awesome, that's why.

It wouldn't be if you had more than one Pokemon.

GUTS! Man, I loved that show.

Then why aren't your Pokemon at higher levels?

Bring it, bird brain.

Rod works at Abe's KFP. Don't tell Falkner, though.

He had two Pidgies, one BackBurner took care of...

Mr. Tickles threw rocks at the other one. Mr. Tickles rocks.

Aaaaah! What was that bull [parasitic bomb]?!

Anyways, onto the big man himself.

I knew this, I read the sign outside.

That's actually kind of cruel.

I don't think it's an insult. Maybe people don't want their Pokemon to fly away so they can keep them as pets?

Bring it bird boy!

I wonder what Pokemon he's going to have? Maybe a Fearow? A Dodrio?
An Aerodactyl!?

A Pidgey? LAME.

Oh it's just using Sand Attack... Wait a minute, that's not Sand Attack! That isn't Sand Attack at all!


DOUBLE CRAP! Don't worry... Mr. Tickles can handle this.

[tornado fang]!

Next turn...

That's better.

Still lame, but still new, at least.

Mr. Tickles shows it what we do to birds, though.

So wait, you were using hand-me-downs?


I did a little victory dance. I think I earned it.

"power of Pokemon."

Cool, I'm just going to leave now.

Free stuff? Awesome!

TM 31 contains Mud Slap. Whoo. Now let's go to the tall tower


GOD DAMNIT ELM! I didn't say "Talk to the sucky professor on the phone"!

You're not going to tell me, are you?

And then he hung up. YOU SUCK ELM.

You, I don't have a problem with. You give me things.

Eh, not as great as the other things you've given me so far, but I'll take it.

He explained to me that a Pokemon Egg won't hatch unless it's around other Pokemon, which makes sense. Also, I'm supposed to call Elm when it hatches. I probably won't, though.

Oh, I taught Mud Slap to Mr. Tickles. It's awesome and scary at the same time.

If I were an immature boy I would make a joke about this. But I'm not.

You mean I wasn't already?

Huh, the inside is bigger than I thought it would be... Well, time to climb this tower!

Oh, the pillar in the middle moves because people are training upstairs. I don't know how that works either. And we'll get an HM if we reach the top. Whatever that is, it's free though so my interest is peaked.

"will stand strong."
Wait, does that mean you have some big Pokemon?

Oh god, what does Nico have up his sleeve? Maybe it's some huge dinosaur Pokemon?

Or a Bellsprout. LAME.

On the bright side BackBurner can now actually burn things.


He had another Bellsprout that BackBurner burned.

Oh hey, I don't have to say anything.

Yay! More free stuff (I probably won't be showing too many "Items found" screenshots anymore unless it's something interesting and awesome. They only mean more work for me.)

"honor all Pokemon."
Well, that's awfully nice of you guys.

HEY! That doesn't mean you have to fight me.

...And all he had were Bellsprout that BackBurner promptly burned.

I'm glad that BackBurner is living up to his name in more ways than one.

Which the monk thanked me for. I guess he didn't like Bellsprout.

...Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee...

Oh come on! It wasn't that bad.

Even more Bellsprout that got burned.

You know, these guys are taking the fun out of insulting them.

He said something about wanting to use Pokemon to find peace or something like that. I wasn't paying attention.

All he had was a Bellsprout.

Know what you need? MORE POWER!

"black darkness."
I have a flashlight that does the exact same thing. It's not that impressive.

Hey, me insulting you Elder doesn't give you the right to pick a fight with me!

...And another Bellsprout burnt to a toast. At least they're getting stronger.

I was wondering why that annoying light was flashing in my eyes.


HOLY [parasitic bomb], IT HAS A FLAME MOHAWK. This Pokemon cannot get any cooler!

"your Pokemon."
I trust them a lot. Espcially since one of them has a flaming MOHAWK. Do any of your Pokemon have a flaming mohawk?!

Lemme guess, Bellsprout, right?

I knew it. Just give me something new to burn/have its eyes pecked out/throw rocks at!

Uh, okay. That's certainly new.

I guess the Hoothoot had poor eyesight since it identified Oxtongue on the first turn.

Identify this, [sonic slicer]!

Told ya.

Now onto the eld-Oh god, that's not who I think it is, is it?

Oh god, it is him. [dark hold] has returned.

And he got the HM too! Aw man, now there won't be any left for me!

"And by "better" I don't mean "beat your Pokemon with less blunt objects.""

Just wait until Giant Robot Pokemon are developed, then you tell me

they're not tools of war.

That sounds cool ac-OH GOD HE SEES ME!


"he's weak"
Maybe you're just too strong? Or you're only strong because you're rough on your Pokemon? Ever think of that?

What does?

I beat you, and I'm pretty nice to my Pokemon.

"that can win."
Then good luck training the likes of Magikarp.

"weak Pokemon."
What about your Pokemon? OH, BURN!

Then for some reason he announced "Ahole used an ESCAPE ROPE!" and teleported away.

Wait, his name is actually Ahole?


After laughing for what seemed like an hour I finally had enough breath in my lungs to talk to the Elder.

Good to be here, old man.

I agree with this sentiment. After all, it's where BackBurner evolved into the awesomeness that it is right now.

Wow, that was inspirational.

I feel bad about having to kick your ass.

Bring it on old man!

Rather than hyping myself up, here's what he had:

Two of these, which Oxtongue pecked to submission.

And one of these which Mr. Tickles threw rocks at.

Maybe for you it was, but for me it was very boring!

Whoo! Now let's get the F out of dodge!

I found this rope thingy earlier, and [dark hold] used it to get out of here to I might as well use it.

Hey, what's going on?!


I'm just going to stand here until the world stops spinning...

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Reply #387 on: January 30, 2010, 07:31:54 AM
Oh man this just keeps getting better and better.  By the way you posted one of the images twice and I think you coded another wrong since it only has the link.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #388 on: January 30, 2010, 07:36:55 AM
Flaming mohawks are indeed awesome my good sir.

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Reply #389 on: January 30, 2010, 07:38:43 AM
Oh man this just keeps getting better and better.  By the way you posted one of the images twice and I think you coded another wrong since it only has the link.

I fixed the linked image, but I don't see any images posted twice.

Unless you mean the pictures of Mr. Tickles using Rock Throw on those Pidgeys? Those are actually two images, it's just that Falkner and one of his lacky trainers both have Pidgeys at level 7.

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Reply #390 on: January 30, 2010, 07:42:03 AM
The one that says that the badge enables a pokemon to use...

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #391 on: January 30, 2010, 07:44:43 AM
Aha. Found it. It just goes to show I need to proof read these things before I post 'em.

Oh, and the Togepi that hatches from the egg I got in this update is Female. So start coming up with possible nicknames for it.

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Reply #392 on: January 30, 2010, 07:49:10 AM
Omlette, or Scrambled.  Also if you find a Ditto name it Jelly or Pudding.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #393 on: January 30, 2010, 07:52:35 AM
I'd prefer Bubblegum, I like that name for Ditto. As for Togepi...yeah, I like Omelette too, lets go with that.

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Reply #394 on: January 30, 2010, 08:06:04 AM
What about Taffy?

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #395 on: January 30, 2010, 08:34:22 AM
Aha. Found it. It just goes to show I need to proof read these things before I post 'em.

Oh, and the Togepi that hatches from the egg I got in this update is Female. So start coming up with possible nicknames for it.
Bitchface.generic goon suggestion, go~

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Reply #396 on: January 30, 2010, 11:50:58 AM
Hmm... Yolks. XD

And yes for Jelly Ditto. XD

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Reply #397 on: February 03, 2010, 10:01:48 PM
I have good news and bad news.

Good news is that I have everything but the actual update ready for the next update.

The bad news is that I can't write the next update because imageshack is pulling an [dark hold].

So while I try to force imageshack to work enough so I can write my update, there may not be an update to the LP for a while.

If that's the case then I'll update with the usual RPG Adventures.

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Reply #398 on: February 04, 2010, 01:32:43 AM
*shakes fist at ImageShack*

Looks like a waiting game then...

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Reply #399 on: February 06, 2010, 08:36:56 AM
Sorry about not updating for a couple of days. I was Tatsunoko vs Capcom-ing and dealing with Imageshack being a general prick.

But I'm WAY ahead on screenshots for updates, so feel free to speculate just what I caught.

[spoiler=Angry fishermen, and old rods await!]
(You'll notice that I missed some screenshots. Well, that's because I played very late in the night and was very tired. I'm sure you can figure out what I'm trying to say by now. Sorry about that, hopefully that won't happen again.)

Well, now that I'm not dizzy anymore, we can move on with our adventure...

But first we make venus useless! Hooray!

No tree is safe from my pillaging skills.

Talk to this guy and you get a decent hold item!...Which I'm not going to use.

And once again, random people challenge me because they can.

The guy had a Ratata which Oxtongue pecked to submission. And he also had...


You bet I am.

Oh, she's on the phone. I probably shouldn't bother her.

What? I didn't say anything about battling you!

Sigh, here we go again.

Lemme guess, a Pidgey?

Well now... That's not a Pidgey.

Oxtongue pecked the Nidoran to submission. That made my day.

Ack! Don't hit me! I've been hit enough already!

He's GOT to have a Ratata.

Huh. Guess it's like the last one, only male.

Well, Oxtongue learned how to peck things rapidly after beating this Pokemon. Yeah.

Well that's neat. What'd you catch?

I didn't mean battle me!

Well to his credit that's kind of cool, I guess.

He had two of these little tadpoles. They almost KOed Oxtongue so they're tough little buggers.

I'm sorry! Don't hit me!

Oh god, what kind of horrible fish monsters does he have?

He had FOUR of these. Only one of them knew how to tackle things. Yeah. I'm not putting you through that.

Oh hey, it's Mom.

Oh, I'm doing fine despite random people wanting to pick a fight with me.

you WHAT?!

OH, useful for ME...Why didn't you say so?

That's cool, I guess.

You know, you don't have to battle me.

It better not be another god damn Magikarp, for your sake.

That's a pretty fishy.

The pretty fishy got pecked to death. Yeah, that's right. I'm not kidding around anymore.


I don't want to know what he means by "it".

I really don't like the way he's holding that Pokeball.

In retrospect it wasn't such a good idea to pit a solid living rock against a water type.

I forgot what I used to win, but I won. Whoo.

Then I ran into this guy:

NO! I don't want something like that!

Especially not for that outrageous price!

Fine then!

There was a Pokemon Center near by, so I decided to stay there for the night. Inside I met this really nice fisherman.

He didn't try to fight me or anything!

"about you?"
I don't know. I don't think I'd want to randomly pick fights with people.

I would make a joke at this, but I knew what he meant. Plus it's free. You know how much I like free stuff.

Yeah, whatever. Gimmie Gimmie.

Yay!...I guess.