Too Many Games 2014

Ladd Spencer · 934

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Offline Ladd Spencer

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on: January 18, 2014, 10:43:59 PM

Has anyone heard of this or been to this? I've gone maybe 3 or 4 times in a row now. It's awesome. It's a bunch of tables of people selling cool old retro game stuff. I walked away with cool stuff every year. Got like 7 Master System games for $8, a second DreamCast which was supposed to be able to run burnt games according to my research on manufacture dates, but couldn't (Oh well, can't have too many DreamCasts), and lots of other cool things in the years I've attended.

They also have a lot of craft type things, like bead pixel art. There's a guy selling Lego statues. There's another guy selling large paintings that are way too expensive for my budget, and the best ones are never actually for sale. People making hats and plushies, and all sorts of stuff.

There's a section for TCGs, with binders of MtG, YuGiOh, and other cards.

There's a bunch of arcade cabinets set on freeplay.

There's a bunch of representatives from board game companies demo-ing their stuff.

There's live bands and stuff too. I never cared enough to see the X-Hunters, but this year Random will be there. HeavyW8Bit was a favorite of mine, and I see DJ CutMan there every year. DJ CutMan does the DJing, actually, and if you wanna listen to his stuff before you buy it he'll DJ it into the music for the whole place on the spot lol.

The first year I went the bar was open, but I guess not enough nerds bought beer, because I haven't seen it open since.

They have pretty much every system imaginable lined up so you can test your [parasitic bomb] as soon as you buy it. I think I couldn't find a Master System last year, though.

I highly recommend, if you're shopping, to bring anything you can test stuff with that's portable. I now have one of those portable Super Nintendos, the SupaBoy, and it's invaluable in finding out whats fun, what's not, & what simply is too much Japanese menus.

I picked up a lot of cool Super Famicom stuff there. All 5 DBZ games. Contra 3, because who needs to read that anyway. Super Mario Kart and Kirby Super Star.

If anybody's in the Philly area or can be there, I highly recommend giving this a look. I know Quickie and PB are close enough to feasibly drive.

I'm very excited to be going again this year. I schedule my trips home to Pennsylvania around this, rather than Christmas, lol. I keep getting more and more of my friends into it to go with me. Not sure who's all coming this year, but I know for sure my friend Cheyenne is all about it.

Last year we did Too Many Games and a sweaty rave at SoundGarden Hall in the same weekend. We went straight from the convention Friday night to the rave. I really, really regretted not getting a stuffed Mega Buster to wear at the rave. :(

The kinds of stuff they have gets much more obscure than I mentioned. They have all kinds of Neo Geos and TurboGrFX stuff too. One of these years I'm gonna pick up a Neo Geo Pocket or a WonderSwan because WHY NOT. One guy sells modded GameBoys. 2 kinds. One with screen light installed, the other with a slo-mo button. The latter is for music purposes, which I don't do, but is really cool.

Here's heavyw8bit if you're curious. I love him.

When I saw him there he was selling his synthesizer cartridge for NES, which used 4 controllers as it's controls. I want it bad, but it wasn't in my budget at the time. He won't be there this year though. :(

FEELS  ;^;Which has the massive scrotums?