Project Scissors: NightCry (Clock Tower's Spiritual Successor and a Kickstarter)

ViperAcidZX · 1010

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I'm surprised no body brought this up (unless I missed something). Now what is this, you may be asking? It is a spiritual successor to the Clock Tower series, a point-and-click survival horror game where you must avoid the killer (and the occasional death traps). In short, a slasher movie turned video game. The Clock Tower series did had some less-than-stellar sequels after the second game on the PS1 so NightCry is a return to form to point-and-click horror games. Hifumi Kono, director of the first two games, is on board and he has brought in some guests for the ride.

[spoiler=It's a tall list of members][/spoiler]

Now what is this Kickstarter for? Originally this was going to be a mobile game, but the developers wants to bring this to the big screen by putting it up on PC and other systems as well as adding more content to the game. As of now, there's 16 days left on the Kickstarter with almost $60k out of $300,000 funded. You can find the Kickstarter page and a trailer for the game below.

NightCry First Gameplay Trailer
Project Scissors: NightCry Kickstarter | Official Website
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 03:17:13 PM by ViperAcidZX »