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Messages - Tsukishiro

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Roleplay / Re: The Busy World of Rockman Perfect Memories
« on: January 18, 2009, 10:04:09 PM »
Her golden eyes fell upon the crystal and she smirked.
"Well I have been working on this for hours...Sure! Why not?"

The young man's grin grew wider as his smile revealed a set of fangs being among his teeth.

"Alrighty then!" he said calmly, and held up the crystal as it started to glow, speaking these words in a sort of incantation...

 :chant: :chant: :chant:
"O, Crystal of chaos, dew, and soul.
Calling to forces of data, day, and night.
Bestow thy power upon the fallen.
Restore to them their essence, their light.

Vital Infusion!"

At the end of those words, the crystal shined bright to the point of blinding the occupants of the room, and shattered. Several lines of energy emerged from it, and as one, lunged at the fallen cyberelf, enveloping it in a bubble and reconstructing it at a relatively high speed, until it had returned to the form that it had before it had been forced into it's state of dormancy.

"Kyuuuuuuuuu!" Kyuu howled as the repairs were completed, the bubble having turned into energy and absorbed by the now fully healed cyberelf, its eyes about to open up for the first time since it was shut down...

Roleplay / Re: The Busy World of Rockman Perfect Memories
« on: January 10, 2009, 11:37:31 PM »
Kitsu looked down at the flying thing that had just landed softly on the table next to the elf she was
repairing. She smiles, a single fang stuck out.
"Well hello, little thing! I suppose someone must has misplaced ya? Mebbe we can find him or her and getcha back to
your owner, little thing." She held out her hand for the little kit to hover into.
"Kyuu!" it squeaked excitedly.

"I'm kinda right here..." the young man said while he got himself up, dusting himself off. "Although technically, I don't own Kyuu..."

"Kyuu!" The newly dubbed Kyuu yipped serenely, looking at the cyberelf with interest.

"Ahhh... The cyberelf." The young man said, as he pulled out a strange crystal, and smiled at Kitsu deviously.

"How would you like for that cyberelf to be instantly repaired, hm?" He said smoothly. "This crystal would do the trick in a jiffy, if you like..."

Off The Wall / Re: Post a Random Fact About Yourself
« on: January 04, 2009, 05:40:31 AM »
I go insane when I'm alone and have nothing to do...  ???

Fan Creations / Re: Vixy Randomness~
« on: January 04, 2009, 03:24:11 AM »
Quoted for absolute truth.

Entertainment / Re: The RPM Boob Tube Thread (56k warning)
« on: January 04, 2009, 03:16:35 AM »
That is that is the single, bestest remix of Bubbleman's theme that I have ever heard.
You truly have found a nice gem of a vid there, Sky. I mean it.

Off The Wall / Re: The RPM Loser's Circle Thread!
« on: December 29, 2008, 03:53:44 AM »

...I knew it.
You could take over RPM at any time, Sky, and no one could stop you, because you would outsmart us all.
You could become the Empress of RPM, and we would all think that it was our idea.
You're that scary, Sky. Considering that you have a version of you that actually did so in an alternate reality...

Off The Wall / Re: The RPM Loser's Circle Thread!
« on: December 29, 2008, 03:03:40 AM »
As am I.

In fact, I'm ashamed of myself for not voting for you this year, Sky. *pounds my own head into the wall repeatedly*

Fan Creations / Re: Starr's brain leakage. Get the mop.
« on: December 29, 2008, 02:56:35 AM »
Maybe there'll be a comic to make everyone's heads explode, and maybe not.
I will not deny nor confirm such a notion.

For the sake of absolutely awesome artistic expression (not to mention the most awesome end of the world in all of existence), I hope that it is confirmed.

Fan Creations / Re: Cephi's cute things~ Again
« on: December 29, 2008, 02:40:48 AM »

Since you love cute and kawill things, I have an idea for you, CephiYumi... (you can ignore me if you wish, it's just a suggestion)

[spoiler]Vixy with a giant sized Eevee.  8) 8) 8)[/spoiler]

Fan Creations / Re: Starr's brain leakage. Get the mop.
« on: December 29, 2008, 02:36:55 AM »
Sky, you and Starry could so do a comic collaboration. In fact, the only reason I see for you two not doing so is that the universe would end up collapsing upon the two of you doing so.

Join the club. I watched the video as well, and damn me if it doesn't make pretty goddamn valid points.
Hmm... Looks... pretty valid... D:

Well, it was something that I ran into after I was finished viewing the anime series, and I was reading up on this very thread when I found it, so I figured that posting it would fit into this discussion.
Lucky me, huh?

Fan Creations / Re: Starr's brain leakage. Get the mop.
« on: December 28, 2008, 08:03:48 PM »
That's because you're worth it, Starry, and you and Sky are that awesome.

Off The Wall / Re: Tell Us About Your Username
« on: December 28, 2008, 07:05:55 AM »
I am known as Tsukishiro due to one of my most favorite things in the entire world (white moon), which is what this name translates to in moonspeak. I also went by the name "Zephyr" in the past, due to the character's time meddling abilities (I didn't know about the link between him and Dio Brando at the time, though...).

Fan Creations / Re: Milen's Hall of Works
« on: December 28, 2008, 02:19:43 AM »
Dio Brando~
I think this mean you know Zephyr 8)


Dio... is Zephyr?...

Oh... *head explodes, due to knowing the reference*

Everything is Fabulous. XD

The beginning of the derailment of the topic...
As it would always be, in this eccentric world of RPM.

Anyways, does anyone know how one can find a way to view the "Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunnally" Manga?
Cuz, I really want to know what that story is about.

Damn, I can't find much rebuttal to the points that video makes. I already had my doubts since the first time since there was that origami bird on the carriage, and honestly CC doesn't give a [parasitic bomb] about Nunnally.


You actually saw the origami crane as a clue...
Still, I think that an OVA would be better, if they actually want to let this be done with honorably. Sad to say that greed will taint the series if they go with the third series idea, but oh well...  :\

Hmm...anime adaptation of "Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunnally", Y/N?

I wish that I could of read that manga...

I want C.C.'s real name and the origin of Geass. But I don't want to see Lelouch walk around again, he's dead and that's good.

Prequel stuff...
If it was to wrap up the loose ends, wouldn't it make more sense to make an OVA explaining all of that stuff?
That way, the "Lelouch is alive" could be done without leaving a bad taste in the fan's mouthes (since it wouldn't even matter at that point, it would just show that it really is over)...

I swear to god, if they make a third season of Geass, Lelouch is going to be back in the fray thanks to planet-thick plot armor. Mark my goddamn words.

Greed is a god damn powerful thing, DZ. Things like this had happened to others, so this comes as no surprise to me. (And I'm supposed to be clueless about this sort of stuff about 85% of the time...)
*Cue that fan theory which "proves" that Lelouch survived due to [spoiler]stealing Charles' code after murdering him[/spoiler] and he's off playing cart driver/CC's immortal        * 8D

Well, you did ask, Jelly.

Off The Wall / Re: The Fembot Apocalypse is upon us!
« on: December 25, 2008, 11:26:50 AM »
Yes, actually. I understand.

So essentially, we are in agreement that creating a custom OS is best when developing software of this type (although the same could be said for many software development projects, not just for an android's AI), yes?

Off The Wall / Re: The Fembot Apocalypse is upon us!
« on: December 25, 2008, 07:42:42 AM »
I'm not a technoguru, so can someone please elaborate on DZ's profound wisdom here?

Off The Wall / Re: The Mystery of the Forum Users - Take 4
« on: December 25, 2008, 07:33:19 AM »
*gets up at the mention of being called a doormat*

 >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_<

Not... A... Doormat...

*leaves in a huff*

Off The Wall / Re: The Fembot Apocalypse is upon us!
« on: December 25, 2008, 07:31:05 AM »
If robotics is advanced to the point of creating androids because of fanservice, then I think that it'll be more likely for us to see a "Roll" being built before a "Rockman".

Besides, you can't make a "Rockman" without first making a "Rock" (if this reference is not obvious to you, then you scare me), so it would make sense that the robots of today are not ready to fight for everlasting peace... yet.

The world still awaits for the real life Dr. Light...

I seriously doubt they'd use Windows as an operating system. Even that sound in the video probably wasn't from the 'bot.

Makes sense to me, as anyone who would want to optimize the android's AI would have to create a custom OS for it to work. The time for androids of that quality or higher to actually utilize a standardized OS would have to somewhat closely coincide with them being capable enough to perform their functions properly and thus be mass produced.

And that's when this so called "Fembot Apocalypse" will be upon us, in my opinion.

Fan Creations / Re: Rebirth of the Rockman-Themed Stolen *Bleep* Thread!!
« on: December 25, 2008, 07:00:00 AM »
Maybe she found out about him and Ceil...
I mean, after surviving the tragedies of way back when, and finding that the one you had been looking for is with someone else...


Off The Wall / Re: The Mystery of the Forum Users - Take 4
« on: December 25, 2008, 06:44:59 AM »

Super... Kitsu...?


Roleplay / Re: The Busy World of Rockman Perfect Memories
« on: December 25, 2008, 06:15:59 AM »
At the Sky Neko Cafe...

As Kitsu becomes frustrated over the cyberelf's repairs, a young man with silver eyes, pointed ears, and a fox tail approaches, smiling while he stealthily walks up towards her location...

An extremely loud cry from a winged kit, however, caused him to end up facefaulting to the floor.

As he twitches from the shock of the cry, the energy based kit flies right over him with her iridescent wings, and looks at Kitsu curiously with her constantly color changing eyes, after landing next to the cyberelf that she was working on.


Anime & Manga / Re: Naruto
« on: December 25, 2008, 05:38:48 AM »
You should really read the thread if you aren't sure if something has been brought up already. This thread isn't that long. And yes, it has been brought up already.

 :| :| :|

You're right.

Looks like I've overlooked those posts.
Although, I actually have no access to the manga, save for the translated version on the Net.

Still, the fact that the place had been trashed by Pain is... how should I put it...
Unpleasant. I know that it has been stated previously (I read the posts this time...), but it does indeed look like the series is starting to wind down. A shame, really.

I wonder if, had the author not given in to the fan pressure, would things be written in the same manner?
Maybe if more attention had been given to Naruto and the others, maybe the author would of been able to make it last that long... [/melancholic speculation]

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