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Messages - Blue Valkyrie

Pages: 1 ... 153 154 155 156 157
Fan Creations / Re: Flame's Art Thread: Rebirth.
« on: December 20, 2013, 03:40:23 AM »
The colouring is very professional looking, very much reminds me of the rare coloured page of that era of comics.

Gaming / Re: Legend of Zelda - The official Zelda thread
« on: December 20, 2013, 03:38:50 AM »
Red scarves are cool. So are Yellow!  8D

I'm partial to blue. I miiiiight be biased though.  :V

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 20, 2013, 03:35:51 AM »
First up, avatar sprite was fixed up a little. I'm happy how it looks now.

Second we have our first "Mook"


The common foot soldier of Captain White Beard's Dark Star Gang, built in large numbers they do anything from menial labor to active combat duty. Buccaneers can pilot all manor of Dark Star machines and can be equipped with various weapons and gear. Their light size make them tempting projectiles for Blue who can easily pick up and toss them at other Buccaneers. While loyal to their captain they can be lazy at the best of times and cowardly at the worst. They pose little threat individually but can be a threat in large numbers.


Buster equipped Buccaneers, these units have one of their arms replaced by a buster gun. These fire up to three energy pellets at their target (Blue normally). While not very powerful these units often provide cover fire for their close combat allies or use their busters to frustrate travel over hazardous areas.


Cutlass wielding Buccaneers are close to mid range fighters, they toss their cutlasses like boomerangs that cause medium damage and can be difficult to avoid due to how quickly they can launch these projectiles. Blue can grab these with some timing and use them in the same way.


These Buccaneers are equipped with bombs that explode after a short time when thrown at Blue. Once their payloads have been tossed they run at Blue and attempt collision damage (or sometime just runaway). These Bombs can be picked up and tossed back (the timer is paused when picked up). The bombs cause large amount of damage and as such bombers often hide in difficult to avoid areas or toss their bombs into inconvenient locations.

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 19, 2013, 02:57:17 PM »
These Fuji apples are delicious.  owo

Half to get my vote in then, might as well list my number too while I'm at it.

"Mighty No. 29574"

Gaming / Re: Legend of Zelda - The official Zelda thread
« on: December 19, 2013, 02:43:51 PM »
When establishing a world setting, no matter if it's part of the continuity or not, it helps to have a clearly defined aim. In this case their aim is clearly based on both Skyward Sword and Ocarina.

Also, Zelda continuity is so loose this might as well be canon. It wouldn't hurt, and another company producing Zelda games surely isn't without precedence either.

Minish Cap being an example if you care for the timeline in the hyrule historia. Personaly I gave up on trying to fit things together a while back, if the games have some clear connection between them cool if not eh I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

Gaming / Re: Legend of Zelda - The official Zelda thread
« on: December 19, 2013, 02:18:34 PM »
If it dos turn out to be multiple links playable I hope they change the the way NPCs talk during the missions other wise we'll be getting a torrent of "....." messages. Riveting.  XD

Gaming / Re: Legend of Zelda - The official Zelda thread
« on: December 19, 2013, 02:24:58 AM »
Maybe the scarf colour has something to do with multiplayer like back with four swords? Just a theory. *shrugs*

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 19, 2013, 02:20:44 AM »
Unlike Phantom, Tempest lives to fight another day. :P

Helps to be loyal but not fanatically so, self destructing makes for a poor finishing move.

Next up, some graphics documenting the world of Blue and some mooks.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 19, 2013, 01:41:51 AM »

Tempest Star
One of Captain White beard's four star generals, based in part off the shadowy warriors of a lost civilization. Tempest Star is without a doubt the most loyal member of the four generals, lacking Flare Star's trait of refusing any order that does not involve battling her rival Blue, or Shadow Star's ambition to rule over the Dark Star Gang's forces he follows his orders without question although perhaps not fully agreeing with his creator's ultimate goal of galactic domination.

Equipped with White Beard's Wind Chip Tempest Star can easily control powerful cutting wind currents on-top of his already impressive mobility and throwing star weapons. Tempest Star tends to run too and from jumping to avoid Blue's attacks and summoning small whirlwinds to catch her off guard while summoning great tornadoes to fill large portions of the battle arena. In hyper mode Tempest fires more whirlwinds making it harder to avoid his attacks and his tornado lets lose whirlwinds that home in on your position.

Tempest Star is weak to lightning based attacks or anything that can slow him down.

#1 - Throwing Star
Tempest Star Throws two stars at blue in quick succession each homing on her last position. In Hyper mode these throwing stars will circle Tempest Star like a shield and launch at her when she gets too close.

#2 - Whirlwind
Tempest Star launches one of two types of whirlwind, one that follows along the ground quickly forcing blue to jump or one that arcs upward after a short time to catch Blue if she jumps too soon. In Hyper Mode He will fire one type of whirlwind then quickly follow with the other forcing a quick double evasion to avoid damage.

#3 - Tornado
Tempest Star jumps to the center of the arena and summons a tornado around him that slowly sucks Blue toward it (causing damage), the tornado also deflects any projectiles launched sending them back at the attacker. In Hyper Mode in addition to the sucking effect of the tornado it also increases in width (limiting your space further) and launches a whirlwind that slowly homes in on your position for a short time until the attack finishes.

Special - Like Phantom from MMZ when Tempest Star is defeated he will launch a throwing star at Blue causing higher damage than normal, he will then teleport away avoiding destruction.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:18:18 PM »
Quick post, will post Tempest Star later tonight.
Found some old SNK vs Capcom sprites lying around on my PC so I edited Athena to give a better look at Blue's new design. Still kinda messy in places so I will have to clean it up later. *shrugs*

Gaming / Re: Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
« on: December 18, 2013, 06:18:11 AM »
Well, of course. He's voiced by an old woman.

Huh-I mean I expected an older VA but uh yeah.

Gaming / Re: Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
« on: December 18, 2013, 06:10:59 AM »
His original voice isn't something I'd expect to come from any adult male.

Honestly, he kinda sounds like a grandma.

Gaming / Re: Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
« on: December 18, 2013, 06:03:14 AM »
Maybe it's because I grew up on the English dub but Goku's Japanese voice never stops being jarring to me, it's just not the voice I'd ever expect to come out of that character.

Game it looks okay.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 18, 2013, 05:57:54 AM »
These are awesome. I especially like the tossing of the Doc!

Thanks, glad these are making people smile. So no nays to trying some more "mini" stories in the future?  :)

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 18, 2013, 03:32:52 AM »
You also mentioned infamous mad scientist...


Who indeed.  8D

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 18, 2013, 03:20:10 AM »
Arrrrrr.... Be lovin' de pipe.

Yeah thought he was missing something.  XD

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:57:36 AM »
But It's all in the name of science Dr!

Oh and the Captain White beard returns! (with his favorite pipe) Fresh from his first defeat he now plots to build a force of four powerful "Star Generals" that can challenge his nemesis Blue. Rumors also tell of a secret alliance with an infamous mad scientist who also has a bone to pick with our heroine.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:44:13 AM »
No Dr Wily's were hurt in the making of this demonstration. (Promise)
The Kora resemblance wasn't intended although I can kinda see it now, mostly the ponytail I guess.

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:26:07 PM »
You know, as a separate game not related to LoK... this looks good. Very good in fact.

But it is supposed to be related to LoK.
That's what sucks.

Pretty much, oh well maybe if this does well they'll be more willing to make a proper sequel. (Or more third person shooters set in the LoK world  :| )

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: December 17, 2013, 06:59:52 PM »
Blue has gotten a design/ability change.

Blue lacks any built in ranged attack but is otherwise on par with other heroes in the running and jumping department. However Blue does have one power that sets her apart from others, her super strength. She can easily lift great weights like small to medium sized enemies or blocks and use them as makeshift projectiles.

Dr Wily has graciously agreed to help demonstrate this ability.

Dr Wily: Yes I will now...wait what?

By Grabbing a block, small to medium sized enemy or even physical projectiles Blue can arm her self for one of several options...

Dr Wily: I have a bad feeling about this...

Now that Blue has an object held she can do one of two things. Put down the object and in a block's case create a place to stand or....

Dr Wily: P-put me down! W-Wait throw? N-No lets test the put down option!

By throwing things Blue can damage her foes or hit switches. We can also see with her strength tossing robots, blocks and even mad scientists is no issue for her.

Dr Wily: Aieeeeeeee....!

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:04:15 PM »






Oh what the have waited since defiance for a proper ending to the series and THIS is what we get?!  :'(

Fan Creations / Re: Rockman Remix
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:25:22 AM »
Couldn't help but bob my head to that one!

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 14, 2013, 02:18:16 AM »
Play one for 2 hours and the other for 2 hours problem solved. 

Also I think the Chrismas budget is getting cut by $50, I'm fine with it but I must recalculate stuff.

I tend to get drawn into games when I play then I curse my self for not giving the other any time. With work and Christmas hours finding time for games is tough. >_<

Forum Games / Re: What are you currently Drinking?
« on: December 14, 2013, 02:05:43 AM »
Breakfast blend tea, tea is my lifeblood likely replacing my real life blood right now. *cough*

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