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Messages - AquaTeamV3

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Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: June 19, 2010, 07:48:19 AM »
Well, it's not like anyone had signatures that were absolutely BAD or anything.  Yes, the triple shells could no longer orbit to protect the user, but three green/shells are still just as potent as ever.  The super shroom wasn't the greatest, but it was still functional at the very least.  The other signatures never really felt broken to me, especially with flying blue shells running amuck.  Even the giant Bowser shell had a counter in the Giant Banana, and I never really saw the Chain Chomp as being that game-breaking as I've seen people get killed due to those things.

Looking at it now, the mechanic did work better in team mode, but it's still not a terrible idea and could potentially be patched up.  It's possible to just give people like Toad & Koopa better items.

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: June 19, 2010, 05:28:32 AM »
Hm, pretty interesting discussion going on here.  Here's some of my own thoughts regarding items:

  • Am I the only one here who misses the special effect that backwards-tossed Red Shells had in Super Circuit?  The one where it'd remain stationary until someone passed it, in which case they'd get smacked?  I thought that it was a nice way to allow someone in first place to keep their lead, and further held a general balance to things.  At the time, Red Shells were pretty common in 2nd place, and even some could be found in 1st.
  • Character specific items should return.  That one of the things that I felt made Double Dash unique, and the items themselves were pretty balanced, although the Heart Shield was pretty evil.  The Fireball was my personal favorite, actually, effectively letting you toss out 5 green shells in a spread-like pattern.  The items made character choices a lot more personal, and added some charm to the game.
  • Come to think of it, item stealing was pretty neat too.  If you played co-op in Double Dash, the backseat driver could do this nifty little swipe maneuver with the kart, which could not save you from careening off of a cliff due to your buddy's driving, but could also 'punch' adjacent karts, stealing whatever items they had on hand.  I think Mushrooms have been able to do the same in more recent titles.  For the record, I'm against dropping items when you get hit, but the whole concept of swiping them seems fun.

-The Ice Flower would give you the ability to freeze opponents in front of you or behind you.

Kind of reminds me of how the Ice Slasher worked in Battle & Chase, where you'd effectively nullify the steering of your opponent's car until they smacked a wall or another driver.  You can imagine what something like this would do to people on Rainbow Road... 

X / Re: Zero Virus soundtrack
« on: June 07, 2010, 06:51:05 AM »
BTW, isn't this song a remix of Quickman's stage?  At least it sounds like it...

X / Re: why is x the weakest character in the game
« on: June 05, 2010, 06:25:34 AM »
He's pretty damn good in X8 too, those giant buster shots... especially with the laser buster part and quickcharge head part, skipping one level of charge and halving the time needed for the remaining two. Just gotta be careful not to charge to max, since the laser itself is kinda unwieldy.

Lets not forget that normal X can charge and shoot at the same time in X8!

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: May 23, 2010, 08:46:46 PM »
This is why I liked Colloseum and XD; all the fun of a Pokemon game without those HM's clogging your movesets.  It's nice to use a Flying-type without the move Fly on it for a change.

While 3rd Strike is one off my favorites, I'd have to say that I have a soft spot for the EX series.  The series as a whole was quite underrated.  It played great and had an even better soundtrack (Shinji Hosoe FTW!), and Allen Snider from the first game is my favorite character in the SF continuity (despite the fact that Arika owns him).

Gaming / Re: Emotional Gaming (SPOILER WARNING?)
« on: May 16, 2010, 05:08:07 AM »
Protip: Multiplayer Mario Party brings out the worst in people

Speaking of Mamoswine, I actually managed to finally beat Red yesterday using my L77 Mamo.  I was able to Curse 6 times in front of his Pikachu (Snow Cloak + Iron Tail lol) and use 3 X Sp Def (Lapras & Blastoise insurance), and at that point everything on his team was going down with an Ice Shard or an Earthquake.  8)

Zero / Re: The Z-Knuckle and the obtainable enemy weapons
« on: May 15, 2010, 08:40:31 AM »
I actually think the Z-Knuckle is one of the best weapons in the franchise.  The weapons you can obtain are often quite powerful or otherwise useful, and you can pretty much use whatever suits your playing style.  I actually prefer not to use the saber in the Zero series *gasp* and tend to stick to the Z-Buster as a whole (Sniper FTW!).  I kind of the like the fact that I can simulate X6 by using the Axe in tandem with the buster, and having a secondary means of long-range fire is pretty cool as well (reminds of Legends, in a way).

My only gripe is that you can't carry the weapons in between stages, but otherwise there's quite a variety to choose from, and it's a pretty cool idea overall.

Yeah I would only use Lagging Tail for my Mamoswine since I'm going to teach it Avalanch although I'm already planning it to have a Brave Nature.

Curse is a far better option; Avalanche will more than likely be going last, so you may as well take advantage of it!

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: April 30, 2010, 05:56:22 AM »
All valid points.  Believe me, I think it's such a shame that Spectacular Spidey was canceled.  However, I really do think that was the best cartoon version of Spidey there was, in terms of writing and fantastic Spidey-quippage, so I'd love to see him voice MvC3 Spidey, or at the very least the up-incoming Ultimate Spidey cartoon.

Wait, that was officially canceled?  And here I've been holding out for a Season 3.  :'(

That said, I'd say that I'm pretty much on the same page with what Ben has been saying.  6-button would be a much better system IMO, as it tends to give characters more options.  MvC2 caused a lot of characters to lose tools that they had once had, and generally felt more incomplete than the previous games in the series.  TBPH, I liked MvC1 better just because it had a more complete feel; MvC2 pretty much just took every character and plopped them into the game.  Easier commands could be an option, and as Ben said, SFA2 did a wonderful job at it.  TvC's Wiimote is honestly a little unbalanced.  Despite the fact that you can't do advanced stuff with it, players can still spam certain moves that couldn't be spammed normally (HADANGEKIHADANGEKIHADANGEKI!!!).

Also, I'd rather have 2v2 than 3v3.  The latter is just too much happening at once for my tastes.  With 2 on 2, I have an easier time keeping track of what's going on with my team.

Character-wise, I'd like to see Volnutt or another Legends character return, but Sigma would also be nice.  Preferably his pre-virus Hunter variation.

Gaming / Re: The Pokemon Generation III Appreciation Thread
« on: April 18, 2010, 08:53:45 PM »
I like Hoenn in itself, as I think it's a rather beautiful region and had a lot to explore.  I only played Emerald, but it was pretty cool and I think the introduction of the Battle Frontier was an excellent move.  That said, I think it lacked some of the charm that Gen 2 had; the music immediately comes to mind.  While there were a few songs I liked (like the Abandoned Ship), a lot of them seemed a bit dull and didn't really stick with me.  The Pokemon designs weren't bad either, although some of them are blatant copies of older ones (Beautifly, we're looking at you!).  

I like the inclusion of Natures and EV's were as well, but I really don't think the system was too inviting as aside from the Macho Brace and the ever rare Pokerus, you really had no way of speeding the process up.  Egg hatching didn't get sped up until Emerald (Magma Armor/Flame Body), so that was a much longer process as well, especially with certain Pokemon that take forever to hatch, like Eevee.  Contests were pretty cool, as they actually gave you something else to do with your Pokemon, and you could actually use certain ones that fail at competitive battling. *coughLuvdisccough*

IMHO, Generation 4 felt like a breath of fresh air after R/S/E.  There were many cool additions to the series that Gen 3 introduced, but it just felt like it was missing something.  D/P/Pt's soundtrack stood out more, and I liked more of the Pokemon designs.

Also, I personally think that Secret Bases were a terrible.

X / Re: i wanna play as sigma
« on: April 16, 2010, 05:41:06 AM »
Hmmm.... that'll be his Hadoken!

I'd like to see Sigma fire some Tiger Shots myself.  Maybe a Tiger Uppercut for the sequel.  The laser wouldn't be too far-fetched of an idea, though.  Shoot, he can already fire mouth blasts, so I'm pretty sure he has some other unique forms of attack.  For all we know his bald head could have bullet-reflecting properties.  XD

X / Re: i wanna play as sigma
« on: April 16, 2010, 05:22:39 AM »
I wonder if his scars change color depending on what weapon he has equipped?

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: April 13, 2010, 03:43:42 AM »
What about Skarmory?

I think that giving Skarmory an evolution would break him.  He's perfectly fine as he is, and a pre-evolution would make a lot more sense.  I think the more mediocre pokemon are the ones that truly need to be evolved, as there are a rather decent number of pokemon that are practically unusable (like Farfetch'd & Delibird).

I just think that female Machoke and Machamp are rather disturbing.

Well, there were always those female bodybuilders in Pokemon XD.


Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: April 13, 2010, 03:31:07 AM »
While I agree that some of those fake pokemon are a bit ridiculous, I also think that a wide majority of them look pretty nice.  Colcub/Subzearo/Polapowa stood out in particular, as I'd really like to see more ice types in the next gen.  And darn it if Delibird doesn't need an evolution! (As does Farfetch'd)

Did you try jumping over his head whilst he was jumping straight at you? Cause that feels pretty damn awesome too, especially if you manage to scrape his head with Bass' foot/leg in mid-air.

No, I think I'll have to try that!  I've dashed under him when he jumped at me, and I fly over his head when he decided to start running.  I'll have to try the Treble Boost in a boss fight as well, seems like it could be useful.

Of course, same thing as Fake man going on, No weapon after beating him. Seems its just for fun.

Actually, I've got the Mirror Buster and am loving it!  Unfortunately, only Megaman can use it, but at least it applies to Hard Mode as well.  I haven't checked to see if it works in challenge mode or not.

Well worth it though, he's actually really fun to play as.

Dash-jumping in an 8-bit title feels so...great!  You know that little alcove in Chill Man's stage (right before the boss room) with the energy capsules?  I shot right out of there and made if much further than I expected to.  Dash-jumping over Chill Man's head felt pretty awesome too!

They made Enker a bit more challenging this time.

Now he can stand at the center of the boss room, and he doesn't stand still so much compare to the original fight. ^^;
And here I was beginning to wonder if that had been there all along.  I lost a couple of times because I was beginning to doubt that shooting him during his charge was actually doing any real damage.  The formula for beating him's pretty much the same (sans the ability to stand still in the center), so it wasn't too troublesome.  I wonder what his actual weakness is?

I think the MM Killers are going to get harder from here on out; they were originally fought when you had a charge shot and slide, so beating them without either one will prove to be quite challenging.  I wonder if we get to fight both forms of Ballade?

Special Stage 1's a surprisingly accurate re-creation of Wily Stage 1 from Dr. Wily's Revenge, so it was naturally short.  I kinda like how Capcom tried to alleviate the cheap deaths in the stage with those time-bombs.  It was far worse on the GB, as the small screen size had you killed if you jumped down the wrong way.  And wow, I forgot how annoying Enker was without the Mega Arm & slide.  :o

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: April 03, 2010, 01:48:02 AM »
Can I have my name changed back to Aqua?  Thanks in advance!

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: April 02, 2010, 01:25:39 AM »
Oh please. your not the one named water.

You know, they could've just had us switch names; the result would be pretty much the same anyway.   XD

Not in the least. 8)  I may axe the bike entirely from my shortcuts once I get GB Sound (Dowsing gets the touch icon).  

There's no real point to adding the GB sounds to your shortcuts menu, though.  It stays on as long as your DS' power is on (unlike the radio), so it wouldn't be all too practical.

Who would ever turn off the Running Shoes?

It helps in caves or in other situations where you may want to lower the encounter rate.  Pokemon appear more often while running, so I've done it when I need to avoid that.  Of course, the same thing can be accomplished with Repels.  :\

Anywho, I've got 16 badges and am now training/catching before I go off to fight Red.  I must say, this game has the absolute best Safari Zone in the franchise.  Customizable areas, placeable items with instant effects, no time limit; this place has it all!

Original / Re: Everyone hates Quint
« on: March 22, 2010, 02:23:08 PM »
It's a shame they didn't use him with the RM Killers in MM10.  :(

Original / Re: MegaMan 10 - More Playable Blues
« on: March 11, 2010, 02:00:26 PM »

You realize now that I'll never be able to fight Solar man with a straight face again!

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