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Messages - Blue Valkyrie

Pages: 1 ... 145 146 147 148 149 ... 157
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 16, 2014, 07:00:46 AM »
Blue curses under her breath as a Joe's beam saber blocks her attempt to get into melee range, they seem to be adapting to her style of fighting. Blue decides to adapt herself and with a little effort tears a chunk of the pavement up using it as a makeshift projectile, the joe reacts as expected cleaving the debris aside with little effort however it's attention off Blue gives her the chance to attack and her fist causes visible damage to it's chest armor. Blue quickly grabs the joe's saber arm holding it away as the Joe attempts to break out of the grapple, her free hand continuing to punch at the damaged spot.

((Wily you want to handle it's counter attacks?))

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:22:00 AM »
(There is a similarity for sure. XD  Also the Infusion Device plans would have transferred right away so you can start enhancing your troops.))

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:00:38 AM »
((Sorry for the wall of text XD))

White Beard's shuttle had just docked with the Dark Star III as the door opens he stepped out into the ship's hanger. Tempest Star was already waiting for him as was a spectacle wearing Buccaneer in a white lab coat both seemed ready to give a report.

"Ah..commander I hope your journey was pleasant." The scientist a smile on his face as he begins to walk with White Beard to the turbo lift.

"Yes, the Dr's facility was most impressive." White Beard responds without even glancing at his followers. "I assume you have a report?"

"Yes yes Captain, I have perfected my infusion device we no longer need to directly hook up the omni-gem to infuse energy into our troops and machines! I am very proud of this it may be my greatest invention yet!" The scientist giddily explains.

"Excellent! I'm certain that will make our ally happy too." White Beard presses the call button and waits for the Turbo Lift to descend.

Tempest Star breaks his silence "I do not mean to question your judgement captain but is this alliance truly wise? I do not trust this Dr WilyII, I fear he will cast us aside when we cease to be of use." White Beard glances at Tempest Star, no other member of his crew could get away with questioning his orders but Tempest Star was possibly the only minion he trusted. Back when Shadow Star had attempted to usurp his command Tempest Star stood by his side and saved his life and White Beard knew to take his concerns seriously. In truth he did not completely trust his new ally, and there was some risk in leaving the Omni-Gem in his station but the fact was he needed WilyII's vast resources as theirs was dangerously thin after Blue's last victory.

"Arrr true but remember WilyII needs us as much as we need him, and we have too much to gain in this alliance that being said I have contingencies in place encase WilyII decides to cast us adrift."

The turbo lift opens and the captain steps inside followed by his scientist minion, tempest remains outside he has his own duties to take care of. "Yes captain, I will return to my duties then." Tempest Star bows and walks off to prepare the drop ships for their next mission as the door closes.

"Bridge." White Beard crosses his arms, his scientist minion steps forward "Sir with my work complete I'd like to talk about my side project." "Go on." White Beard examines his pipe, he remembers how long it had been since he craved it, a century at least.

-"Well captain I've been studying that android and I've learned something interesting from the scans." The Scientist adjusts his glasses.

-"I am in little mood to talk about that Blue Wench." He scoffs.

-"Be that as it may sir, I have discovered she emits the same unique energy signature as the Omni-Gem. That might explain why we though it was located at that ruin in the azure sea." He rubs his hands together.

"Interesting, but how does it benefit me?" White Beard raises an eyebrow

"Well-if we could capture her I could unlock the secrets of precursor robotics. Truth is we were never able to learn much from the wrecks of guardian robots and I'm fairly sure she is one of their creations now." The scientist pulls a data pad from his lab coat pocket and shows some data on a few parts they had collected over the years comparing them to the few scans they have of Blue Valkyrie.

"I will consider your request, for now transfer the blueprints of your machine to the Domination Station the sooner we super charge our forces the sooner we can take this planet. Also let no one know about what you have found, I do not want my "ally" to gain access to precursor tech before we do and the good doctor may have eyes and ears everywhere even here."

"Hehehe of course! I will try to develop a capture device should she survive the battle with WilyII's joes." The Scientist steps out with White Beard onto the bridge and the captain takes the command chair.

Off The Wall / Re: Birthday Thread~
« on: January 16, 2014, 03:59:18 AM »
Birthdays for everyone!

Off The Wall / Re: Birthday Thread~
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:50:21 AM »
I-completely forgot it was my birthday tomorrow. Thanks!  XD

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:18:32 AM »
So my work cuts out the shift where someone handles making desserts during the afternoon meaning I know bake breads AND handle making desserts. This is highly annoying as making bread takes up my whole shift but to make it worse I was never given any training to handle the second job and yet I'm expected to do it anyway.

The last straw was when the service staff got cranky at me for not knowing how to do it RAGH!.  o//////o

Off The Wall / Re: Birthday Thread~
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:53:51 AM »
Happy birthday Sakura, hope you get some cool stuff!  :3

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:43:58 PM »
Yep this precursor robot is quite powerful and easily stronger than Blue, it's fist crushed the shrine like it was tissue paper. It will be a tough fight.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:30:42 PM »

Blue looks into the shining gem, she'd never seen anything like it before. Even from that distance she could feel the elemental energies radiating from it, that however felt familiar and she still wasn't sure why. Blue remembers being woken up when a curious native of Azure Star wandered in and tripped the stasis capsule she had been sleeping in, but before that? Blue wasn't even sure there was a before maybe she had been created and never activated.

As Blue approached to get a better look the room begins to shake, the ceiling explodes as Captain White beard piloting a small flying craft emerges from the darkness beyond, a group of smiley copters quickly swarm the Omni-Gem.

"Hahaha, this plan worked out better than I could have hopped!" White Beard laughs

"What are you planning White Beard!" Blue closes her hands into fists preparing for another battle.

"I've been searching the galaxy for over a century for this gem, this is the legendary Omni-Gem a source of infinite power and the greatest of the Precursor's inventions! With this I will achieve all my goals easily!" He puffs from his pipe as the Smiley Copters grapple the Gem and begin pulling it from the shrine.

The City begins to shake nearly knocking Blue off her feet.

"W-whats going on?!" Blue says out loud as the shaking subsides.

"I'd wager without this gem the city will soon run out of power, this plan was perfect! You clear the way for me to the Omni-Gem and if you were destroyed along the way by the Guardians even better, now you and this city will crash into the sea. I win either way!" White Beard flys back up through the hole in the ceiling, the smiley copters follow with the Omni-Gem

"No wait, if this place falls it will destroy the Azure Islands!" Blue reaches out charging after them but not before the ceiling is completely destroyed by a pair of giant fists the impact sends Blue flying back.

From the new opening a large Guardian robot hovers before her, it's eyes glaring at her as if they know her.

"Oh I forgot to mention, this precursor robot was giving us some trouble, seemed to have issue with us looking for the gem. I'll let you two get acquainted! ARRRR HAHAHA!" Blue hears White Beard's voice in the distance.

"Target Identified, The Dark Queen has awakened abandoning recovery of Omni-Gem." - A robotic voice fills the room as the city shakes again.

"I don't have time for this! GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Blue prepares to battle the Precursor Guardian.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 07:48:59 AM »
Might as well post these before I start working on the Boss Sprites.

Descending the ladder Blue felt a shiver up her spin as her foot touched the ground. She glances around and the true scale of this place hits her, then a sense of familiarity. Could she have been here before?

"I-I feel like I know this place." Blue says to herself.

The one eyed denizens of the city are ancient creations of the Precursors and tend to litter their ruins guarding what ever is hidden inside. Treasure hunters have their own theories on how such machines have survived for so long.

The upper city was in disrepair having been abandoned for so long, the damage inside wasn't much better and the security systems were now in full alert, Blue encountered a new type of guardian. The Watcher can only ram into Blue to cause damage but if she gets into their field of vision they can enhance the range and aggro distance of other nearby guardians.

Blue wondered if the Precursors were beings of true evil, as their security systems included the dreaded vanishing blocks. Blue HATED vanishing blocks.

"Oh common!"

The darkness seemed to drag on forever, but blue began to feel the same draw she had when she found the entrance. What ever was down here was calling to her and she couldn't pull away. Before she could consider this further a light reached her eyes, a massive gem within the core of the city.

The Omni-Gem, a Precursor relic and in legend an infinite source of elemental power. It's been the mother load of treasure hunters for years although with Precursor ruins scattered across the galaxy it's location remained hidden until now. White Beard having stolen countless Precursor Star Maps finally tracked the legend of the Omni-Gem to Azure Star and desired to use it's power to achieve his goals.

The Omni-Gem shines with all the elements, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Darkness and was responsible for powering Cloud City keeping it airborne. Should the gem be removed the damage to Azure Star from the falling city would be catastrophic.

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:50:02 AM »
I've done that for one or two figures, I got basically new Akiba Yellow figuart for what amounted to less than 20$ Canadian.

Don't regret that buy at all.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:37:30 AM »
In truth though it's really WilyII in disguise trolling Blue.

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:36:23 AM »
Mandrake seems to have pretty good selection from a quick glance, I tend to use Hobby Link Japan and the prices aren't too bad but good luck finding anything that's not current there. Kinda drives me crazy as they keep discontinued figures listed that I can never get now.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:26:39 AM »
Does he leave capsules in very convenient locations?

I have the three adventures plotted out already, one or two hints to the "Dark Queen" are dropped in them with three being the payoff. Hopefully it won't happen as people expect.

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:22:26 AM »
I kinda regret not getting D-Arts Mewtwo when I had the chance.  :(

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:11:33 AM »
I have some cheap-brand superglue and it works fine.  Krazy Glue, if you want to go with a brand, but really, any will do.  Just be careful about excess glue squeezing out, so only put enough on the piece to hold it together.  Else, a cotton swab and a bit of nail polish remover will take off the excess, but be really, really careful, because it will take off paint.

As for stubborn shoulder joints, if the figure is in a warm room, try rotating the joint to work it loose.  Regular wear and tear will loosen joints nicely.  My D-Arts Mewtwo has a stubborn shoulder joint, and the most I've done was warm it with my hands and rotate it slowly to work it into position, followed by rotating the joint to loosen it.  Make sure to hold the joint itself, don't rotate below the bicep swivel.  Holding the joint will also help warm it.

I'll keep both options in mind, same with Epoxy.

As for D-Arts, I did some digging around and it seems that might just be some QC issues, some Zero MK-II's have that issue others don't, although I'm still not sure if it's a tight joint in my case or something deformed in there preventing the joint from functioning. I'll try your trick sometime and see if it fixes the problem, I also need to see if I can use some form of polish to make the peg for attaching Zero's buster larger because it falls off a lot.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:52:31 AM »
Yes--wait what?

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:51:39 AM »
It was a cold day and that box could have been in a freezing fed-ex truck for who knows how long, I'll be more careful next time, this isn't a cheap hobby.  >w<
I'll have to try that hairdryer trick on my D-Arts Zero Mk.II one of the shoulders refuses to move like the other and I'm not keen on testing how tough the joint is. As for fixing Siren's shield do you recommend any type of superglue, or does any brand work?

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:39:26 AM »
By chance, was the figure cold?

It was yes.

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:30:27 AM »
I'll keep that in mind thanks, although I hadn't even begun to slide the handle onto the hand (that is terrifying as it involves bending the fingers and I can see that leading to stress damage in the future). I think there might have been some prior stress damage in the plastic, luckily everything else seems solid, although the sword is seriously thin plastic and one wrong fall could be fatal for that weapon accessory.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:27:17 AM »
Might be a bit before the "Dark Queen" bit comes into play but I always love dropping early plot lines.

Otherwise The Guardian is not a talkative bot, and is mostly there to guard the Omni-Gem.

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:17:27 AM »
Figma Kamen Rider Siren.

I admit I know basically nothing about Kamen Rider but I love some of the designs. It's a cool figure but getting her to hold any of her weapons is kinda terrifying, the handle on her shield also imminently broke and I barely touched it.  >_<

The cloth cape is kinda cool, I was expecting a plastic one.

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:03:15 AM »
You could toss some "Pressure" based attacks into water if you want it to be less jokey.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:00:10 AM »
Not ready to talk about the Level 4 Boss in Great Detail, although it's not White beard this time. ((Yes Megaman Juno was what I ripped it's design off of XD))

The Guardian, a powerful Precursor robot.

"The Dark Queen has awakened---"

(It's only line will make sense way later, like WAAAAY later but might as well drop some plot points.)

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: January 15, 2014, 03:20:46 AM »
(Well that should be fine.)

(Poor wording on my part, Blue lived on a primitive world she's bound to pick up some things like ideas for cosplay powers while working with the resistance.))

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