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Messages - Blue Valkyrie

Pages: 1 ... 142 143 144 145 146 ... 157
Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: February 01, 2014, 05:20:56 PM »
Adventure #2 prologue

Two years have passed since Blue saved the Azure sea from captain White Beard and all seems peaceful again for it's inhabitants, however Blue's fears of others attacking the planet looking for the Omni-Gem force her to hide it deep within the same ruin she once slumbered in. For two years she remains close by guarding it closely on her own.

The days have begun to blend together for Blue, she isn't even sure how long she's been down there guarding the Gem, sleep proves to be the only way to drown out the silence of her "home" but lately her dreams have been fraught with nightmares.

Blue feeling a presence wakes from her slumber  "Hmm...?" Odd her proximity sensors hadn't gone off, no one had entered the ruins.

She's sure there's something in here with her, and as Blue jumps to her feet she sees what. A dark essence rising from the Omni-Gem.

"How long are you going to keep up this farce my dear?" The voice doesn't echo, it's not being spoken at least not directly, Blue feels the voice in her head.

"What are you talking about, who are you?!" Blue grasps her head as the pain becomes worse.

"Do you think you're a hero? That saving these primitives somehow changes what you really are?" The creature's shadowy limb points at her accusingly.

"They will know what you are soon enough, no amount of good deeds can erase what we did together my dear."

"I-I don't understa--" Blue responds, still grasping her head.

"You are but a shell, stop this nonsense and free me-us from this prison immediately!!!" The voice screams out louder than anything Blue had ever heard before. The sound jars her awake.

"Ah! T-the same dream--again." Blue frowns and looks to the Omni-Gem, still floating there as it had for two years. Nothing had changed.

Suddenly the floor below her shook, as if some great force above had hit.

"W-what?!" Blue jumps to her feet shaking her head as if to confirm she's still not dreaming. What ever that was it came from outside, someone was trying to get in or get her attention!

Blue jumped up to the higher platform and made a break for the surface, who ever it was wasn't getting the Omni-Gem or hurting the natives of Azure Star to get it!

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:39:26 PM »
All this talk of Tales of Phantasia makes me remember that really old fan translation of the snes version with the random swearing in it. I don't think I touched the game since.

Forum Games / Re: Add a caption to the previous poster's avatar, ROUND TWO!
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:06:58 PM »
Beware my gentlemanly wrath, for I wield the Bubble Lead Pipe!

Forum Games / Re: What are you currently Drinking?
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:03:10 PM »
Drinking breakfast tea, I'm not sure I can function without a cup in the morning.

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 30, 2014, 02:03:13 AM »
Oh nice, I might pick that up if I have some spare cash lying around. It's a really good figure.

Gaming / Re: Castlevania
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:20:07 PM »
yeah, Zobek looks pretty fuckin' [spoiler]nito.[/spoiler]




Forum Games / Re: Praise the above poster!
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:11:34 PM »
A dapper super villain!

Off The Wall / Re: Models and Figures
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:10:14 PM »
Argh curse my limited funds right now, are they planning to do more Mario themed Figuarts?

At the very least they could get a few repaints out of that figure, Classic Mario Colours, Fire Flower, Metal Mario. *shrugs*

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 29, 2014, 07:31:54 AM »
#1: Using you as a projectile for the Power Demonstration

#2: Trapping you in the pocket dimension.

#3: Joining the Resistance.

This would be #4:Keeping WilyII busy with extended you tube soundtracks while the resistance blows up his [parasitic bomb].  8D

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 29, 2014, 06:39:11 AM »
I'll just add it to the list of things Blue did to enrage DrWilyII.  XD

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:14:59 AM »
Yesh, I'd reconsider working at that place if that ever happened. How can you trust an employer like that.

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:05:14 AM »
Wait he donated an employee's pay check?! Can you even do that without their permission?

Forum Games / Re: Praise the above poster!
« on: January 29, 2014, 01:12:29 AM »
Is named after one of my favorite P3 characters.

Gaming / Re: Castlevania
« on: January 29, 2014, 12:46:13 AM »
Zobek's true "Death" form revealed, and it is awesome.

Looks like Zobek is buddies with the Grave Lord Nito.

Looking forward to this game joking aside.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 29, 2014, 12:42:12 AM »
You didn't have to listen to the whole thing you know!  XD

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 28, 2014, 02:19:49 PM »
I'll add what music I think fits the levels for Adventure#2 as I make them when I get around to post it.

Off The Wall / Re: The Mystery of the Forum Users - Take 4
« on: January 28, 2014, 03:30:43 AM »
Dr Who reference.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 28, 2014, 02:26:30 AM »
Thanks everyone, I had alot of fun telling Blue's back story with these mock "game screen shots" and I'll get work started on Adventure#2 soon bringing her story up to speed for the Wilypocolypse RP.

In the meantime just something I did for the hell of it--What game music best fits the stages in the first Adventure.

Level 1 - Azure Islands
Kirby Super Star (Grape Garden)

Grape Garden sums up the tropical feeling of the Azure Islands really well, there's also a slight sense of urgency in this track that also fits Blue's desire to protect her home from White Beard's attack.

Level 2 - Emerald Forest
Kirby 64 - Quiet Forest

I love Kirby 64's soundtrack, it had upbeat music, calm music, even relaxing music. Quiet Forests sums up the calm of the Emerald Forest really well, the tree cover is quite heavy and you would rarely see the sun giving it a feeling like your in another world.

Level 3 - Jagged Peaks
Kirby 64 - Rock Star

Another Kirby 64 track, it's catchy upbeat tune makes Rock Star a perfect fit for the Jagged Peaks as Blue quickly ascends the mountain after white beard. This track would work for the outside and caverns.

Level 4 - Cloud City (Outside)
Kirby 64 - Neo Star (Black Fortress)

It was a tie between this and the Black Fortress Stage from Bomber Man 64 for outside Cloud City. Neo Star gives me the feeling of technology yet at the same time a feel of wonder as if you discovered a ruin centuries old, this is ultimately why I picked it over Black Fortress. Black Fortress might be a better choice for a tech themed base of some sort.

Level 4 - Cloud City (Inside)
Megaman Legends - Inside Cardon Sub Gate

Inside the Cloud City is the dark halls of the city's inner workings filled with forgotten robots still guarding the Omni-Gem within, I had in mind a more Atmospheric track that kinda had you on edge. Megaman Legends' first OST fit that perfectly.

Level 5 - Pursuing the Dark Star
Megaman 8 Tengu Man's Stage (PSX version)

This track fits perfectly as Blue using the hover bike is not that different from Megaman riding rush jet through Tengu Man's stage. The track just screams "Soaring Through the sky" to me.

Level 5 - The Dark Star
Kirby Super Star - Taking over the Halberd

This track fit the Dark Star perfectly, it really sums up Blue's assault on the ship in her efforts to retake the Omni-Gem

Boss Theme
Kirby 64 - Boss Theme

Blue's adventures are more light hearted and this track just had the right mix of energy and urgency for Blue's battles with White Beard's Machines, the Precursor Guardian and the Copy Bot.

Final Boss Theme
Megaman 8 - Wily Machine #8

I always though Megaman 8's soundtrack was very underrated. I loved the two final battle tracks. This track has a menacing feel to it, much like the White Beard Machine#4, and it's alien theme fits white beard well.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 28, 2014, 01:24:38 AM »
Keeping it simple is a good idea, you can always add other merchandise like imports later if you wanted and there was a big enough demand. Cards against Humanity Turneys would be interesting.   XD

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 28, 2014, 01:13:37 AM »
No I don't think you are being naive at all, you have some really good ideas. You may want to include some other hobby stuff like Board Games such as Arkham Horror but the idea of running Tournaments would definitely help bring people in, getting to know your customers is key in this sorta thing as you can't ignore the importance of a loyal customer base.

Location is also very important, you need a place that's easy to get to without being too expensive to rent.

Fan Creations / Re: Blue Valkyrie's Stuff
« on: January 28, 2014, 01:02:35 AM »
White Beard Machine #4 looks menacing! 

Thanks, I really liked how it turned out, Kong Bot or not.  XD

((The Final Battle is on the last page, it got pushed back with the discussion if you missed it.))

The Escape

White Beard: N-no this isn't possible, I can't lose with the Omni-Gem!

Reflecting the giant machine's attacks back at it Blue finally was victorious!

Captain White Beard bails out as his Machine explodes, the Omni-Gem survives without a scratch but the damage to the Dark Star is fatal, causing overloads and explosions across critical areas.

White Beard: W-what have you done wench?!

Blue: Taking back what isn't yours!

Explosions rip through the Dark Star the Captain and his crew evacuate, Blue however desperately searches for a way off the ship!

Blue comes across an abandoned Drop ship, storing the Omni-Gem on board she makes her escape.

But how was she going to prevent the city from falling into the azure sea!? Blue thought to her self, however luck was on her side and the sinking Dark Star collides with the Floating City the resulting explosion vaporizing both.

Blue returned to the Azure Islands as a hero to it's inhabitants, White Beard's forces had retreated and with the Omni-Gem safely hidden in the same ruin Blue had first awoken in she hoped no one would ever find it again. She wondered what the future had in store for her though, the Precursor robot had seemed to know her and there was still many questions in her mind.

However for now Blue would take a much deserved rest...until she was needed again.

The End (next up Adventure#2!)

Off The Wall / Re: The Mystery of the Forum Users - Take 4
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:21:50 PM »
*Four knocks*


Gaming / Re: Pokemon Generation VI: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:12:07 PM »
I like it, reminds me of the pictures you would see in fairytale books.  :)

Also I never noticed how creepy Hypno looked till now for some reason. XD

Off The Wall / Re: The Mystery of the Forum Users - Take 4
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:59:08 PM »
Oh ho. Nude Mud/Jell-O/Pudding Wrestling eh?


I'm not sure we thought this through everyone!

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:53:19 PM »
I'd support that invention! *emails a Multi-Grain Loaf to Quickie*

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