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Messages - AquaTeamV3

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Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
« on: August 07, 2010, 04:09:07 AM »
The only problem I had with Tails' stages in SA1 was that you were constantly being chased.  It wasn't a bad thing, but in a sense you couldn't explore because you were trying to outrun something.  I actually like SA1's stage design FAR more than SA2's simply because of the fact that the stages were a lot more open and different characters got to see different sides of it.  Sonic had one version of Emerald Coast involving a whale chase and a lot of other stuff, E-102 had a shortened version of Sonic's, and Big got to see a whole new segment of it altogether.  It's this same mechanic that made S3&K interesting to play (with Knuckles), as you get to see the story from multiple sides, not just in storyline, but aesthetically as well.

Gaming / Re: A guy to make a game about peer- pressure on sex
« on: August 07, 2010, 04:02:53 AM »
Very true.  I just meant that it would make more sense to go at it from both sides of the spectrum.  Again, the parents should be doing the work, but what can you do?

Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
« on: August 07, 2010, 03:40:01 AM »
I actually really liked Tails' gameplay in SA2. Found it kind of an upgrade upon E-102's gameplay, minus the wheels (which I missed).

For me, I didn't like the deal of Tails being stuck in that thing all game.  For Eggman, it worked out great because you don't get to play as him normally, and having him play like an upgraded E-102 was genius.  Tails should be out in the field flying and whatnot.  I had the opportunity to try 2006 a couple of weeks ago, and I almost cried when I found out that Tails' only method of attack was that stupid dummy ring toss from Heroes. *facepalms*

Still, I seriously don't think we should be asking for ANY Tails gameplay at all until we get a proper game with Sonic. After that, MAYBE we'll see.

Good point.  Once we get some truly solid Sonic gameplay, we can ask for Tails and Knuckles (and Metal Sonic!) as playables.  IMO, the last time they really had a grip on that was SA1/SADX, as the stages were wonderfully designed with exploration in mind, and no character was a drag to use.

Gaming / Re: A guy to make a game about peer- pressure on sex
« on: August 07, 2010, 03:16:07 AM »
Now in days, were ever you turn to look, there's some sort of ad, or some girl were she's wearing something that our hormones just go berzerk. Not saying that's bad or anything, its just something that I realize after a while.

Bingo.  Unfortunately, we live in a culture that's sex-saturated, and when you mix that with parents who want other mediums to do the parenting for them, you get stuff like this.  To me, the really backwards part about it is making it for the girls.  It would make for sense for them to teach the guys not to pressure the girls and to treat them with respect, but whatever. :/

Gaming / Re: (Super) Street Fighter IV Thread
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:43:11 AM »
My friend loves Rolento! Undefeatable in SF EX2

You mean Alpha 2, right?  XD

TBPH, I would like to see some of the EX characters return, though.  EX as a whole is very underrated and was quite a fun little series.

Gaming / Re: Sonic Colors (Wii, DS)
« on: July 23, 2010, 08:13:55 AM »
Every game after S3K has tried to copy Doomsday Zone, and they all failed. It's about damn time SS gets to flex his muscles outside of final bosses.

I liked the fact that Sonic Advance (1) and Sonic Adventure at least broke the mold.  Dashing across the moon's surface and through a flooded city were just as, if not more, fun as Doomsday.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: July 22, 2010, 08:30:16 PM »
It might be because of the camera angle but that Luvdis evo looks pissed.

It's called tough love for a reason! xD

EXE / Re: A question regarding "Gospel" in the EXE series.
« on: July 22, 2010, 08:27:47 PM »
And then they had to go change the name to "Grave" in the American Manga/Anime...

EXE / Re: Wasted Potential
« on: July 17, 2010, 08:36:02 AM »
You know, this is the first time I've actually seen official art of the guy.  Didn't know the bottom of his hair was purple...

Zero / Re: The Blonde CO's Identity
« on: July 16, 2010, 09:43:48 PM »
I think that reploid's name is Isos, the other (brown-haired) one being Pasos. (either that or the inverse is true)  Not much is said about them in-game, but it's assumed that they are in charge of the resistance forces to some extent.

X / Re: Do you like Axl?
« on: July 16, 2010, 09:28:01 PM »
His shots are also half-strength to compensate for Rock's standard play no longer involving charging, and 10 has no upgrade to compensate either for that or for his inability to shoot through walls (MM&B gave you options for what to improve).


If you expend all of the Treble Boost's energy, you get access to the Mega Buster.  It's the same in all aspects, although you can't fire it while dashing.

X / Re: Maverick Boss Tournament
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:07:12 AM »
Well, Sponge was the first guy in the continuity you could sever in half, and I kind of liked how he turned red in anger.  And somehow he ended up in a tree in ZX Advent...

X / Re: Maverick Boss Tournament
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:55:56 AM »
I've always like Overdrive.  The whole thing with you stopping a missile and landing in his arena was cool, and I liked how he was just so darn fast.  While Sonic Slicer isn't as useful as Rolling Shield, it still holds it's own by being able to bounce up walls.

X / Re: Do you like Axl?
« on: July 11, 2010, 04:37:51 AM »
he kinda breaks up the seriousness of situations, if you know what I mean.

(X and Zero are having a conversation with Botos)
Axl: We're here as Maverick Hunters, to put a stop to your devious plans!
Zero: Thank you, Captain Obvious.

X / Re: Do you like Axl?
« on: July 04, 2010, 10:32:39 PM »
Even by default, though, X stands up to Axl pretty well given the huge power of his charged shots and his mobility while firing.  Also, while Axl's delayed barrier activation against bosses give his default weapon high damage; his specials don't give him the same benefit, leaving X superior if you have the appropriate weakness available.  The only thing that really makes unarmored X a bit of an underdog is that X relies on armor for the 1/2 damage benefit, whereas everyone else gets chip upgrades.  But then it's a pretty unfair comparison to allow one upgrade variety and disallow another.  Unless you're Alia; she's up the creek.


Actually both X and Axl can get 8 shots off on a boss without stopping.  I agree with the whole weakness thing, though, Axl's weapons are quite weak against bosses as your default weapon will outright overpower it, as odd as that is.

Also, unarmored X (as well as Alia) has the uncanny ability to charge and shoot at the same time, which can actually prove to be more useful than his armored variations given proper usage.  This is extremely helpful in instances where you need heavy firepower, such as the miniboss sections of Booster Forest.

X / Re: Maverick Boss Tournament
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:41:41 AM »
*Thinks that Ground Scaravich vs. Earthrock Trilobyte would've been more interesting*

Anywho, my vote goes to Cyber Peacock.  I find him a bit more challenging as a boss, although Trilobyte can really test you with his screen-filling Bound Blasters.  Peacock's design is easily better as well, and I really don't like any of Trilobyte's weapon drops, so yeah.

Original / Rate and Discuss: Treble Boost
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:55:49 AM »

Welcome to the newest installment in the 'Rate and Discuss' series.  This topic features an ability that really lets you fly, the Treble Boost!

The Treble Boost was first introduced in Megaman & Bass and later made its re-appearance in Megaman 10.  Of course, it was toned down signifigantly from Bass' appearances as a boss in MM7 and MM8, the latter of which was fueled by the Evil Energy.  This ability allows Bass' robo-hound Treble to fuse with his master, allowing free-flight as well as a spread shot (as well as turning a nice shade of purple!).  The spread shots do double the damage Bass' shots normally do (equal to Mega Man's), and give you some extra coverage.  You can even hit a single enemy with all 3 shots, although this certainly requires a bit more precision, as you may just end up flying into the very thing you were trying to avoid.  This also essentially functions as a combination of Rush Jet and Rush Coil for Bass, although the Treble Boost drains energy faster than either.

In Megaman & Bass, this upgrade had its uses, although it generally wasn't necessary unless you were trying to save time or grab a few otherwise unreachable CDs. It became a lot more practical in MM10, despite the game already feeling easy with Bass' standard mobility.  There were a few situations where you could use this to navigate certain segments of the game with much less difficulty (see: Commando Man), and it was there in situations as a replacement for Rush/Proto Coil.  It also had a rather useful property; if the Treble Boost ran out of energy, your buster used the exact same mechanics as Mega Man's!  This means that it was just as strong as his blue counterpart's and could also be fired by moving.  Combined with the dash mechanic, it almost feels as if you're playing as X!

Overall, the Treble Boost was a pretty decent upgrade, but I personally don't find it as fun to use as the variations Megaman has had (i.e. Rush Power).  The time limit certainly counts towards this, and if it weren't for the CDs and the use of Megaman's buster in MM10, I'd really have no motivation to use it other than when I just feel lazy.  6/10.

Post your opinions/ratings/thoughts here!

P.S. If you want me to rate a specific weapon next, let me know!

Previous installments:

Homing Missile
Splash Mine
Rush Power Adapter
Eagle Ride Armor
Vacuum Arm
Falcon Armor
Hyper Shell
Arrow Shot
Blade Arm
Shining Laser
Spread Buster (MML1)
Team/Brother Style
Ground Crawler

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: June 26, 2010, 08:35:55 PM »
0_0  Something like this could only happen in MK64:


Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:24:35 PM »
For a minite I thought that Zero was in MvC3, then I realized that your talkin about Zero in TvC, XD .

Actually, given that (possibly fake) list a page or so back, Zero may just be in the game.  It wouldn't shock me if they just grabbed all the MM characters from TvC and shipped 'em here.

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: June 23, 2010, 05:25:44 AM »
I do that with the fake item boxes for the most part.  8D Mostly I keep items stuck behind me as a safeguard against red shells, although MKWii, the fake box doesn't protect you like they used to. O.o

Fake item boxes seem to get more and more useless as time goes on.  At least they looked similar in MK64; now they stick out like a sore thumb, even if you do place them near other item boxes.  They've been reduced to a poor man's banana, and that doesn't say much considering how much bananas have been nerfed.

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: June 22, 2010, 07:35:15 AM »
Heh, the best part was the fact that you couldn't see who was in what place; you pretty much had to find the best route through and pray that you were right.

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: June 22, 2010, 06:25:52 AM »
I think it's because they gimped the weapon so much that it didn't really matter.  Compare how much it slows you down in MK64 as oppose to afterwards.

Good point.  While it's true that the Banana didn't have the same earth-shattering effect that getting hit with a shell did in 64, it still did quite a number.  And when you consider the fact that the game's balanced enough for anyone to pose a threat...yeah.

It still seems odd to me how they've gimped and buffed items over the years.  One thing I love about MK64 is that you couldn't just toss Red Shells around like a maniac; since they didn't follow the path of the course, you actually had to aim them to a certain degree, which really balanced things out.  With the new mechanics, you simply just hit the attack button an let 'er rip, which is honestly more effective but has a tendency to short out the usefulness of the other weapons.  Instead of re-balancing that, Nintendo just adds more and more overbearing items that continue to push once useful items like bananas and fake item boxes to the rear.

More recent Mario Kart titles feel less like a race to the finish line and more like a race to see who can screw over the person in 1st place the most.  X(

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: June 22, 2010, 02:55:12 AM »
You know what else I miss? The ability to brake and save yourself after hitting a banana or slippery terrain.  I loved how the little musical note would appear when you pulled it off too.  Wonder why they dropped it after 64 and SC; it shouldn't be the end of the world if you happen to hit a banana.

Well if there aren't any other offers I guess you're on Hypershell.  Also if you can give me an opinion on my Mammoswine I'd appreciate it because I think I might have to switch it for a Weavile because Mammoswine has a lot of weaknesses.

ALL ice types have a number of weaknesses; it's pretty much a curse.  Mamoswine has great attack power and type coverage, but you have to know when to keep it in and when to get out of there.  He's better used on a hail team, where you have the chance of Snow Cloak saving you should you mis-predict.  Weavile's obviously stronger, but he's that much more frail as well.  Anything with Mach Punch or Bullet Punch is pretty much bad news.

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: June 19, 2010, 08:45:09 AM »
Oh wow, I didn't know that they'd actually give you green ones when you're that far behind.  Initially I figured that you got red ones when you were towards the rear and green ones in 1st-2nd.    That certainly puts thing into perspective.  :o

Eh, I do see your point as far as signatures go as a whole, though.  In terms of single racers (a la everything but DD), it'd pretty much kill the point of picking a character for their attributes, as you'd be more pressed to pick the one with the better item.  I mean, it's possible to pull both off at the same time; Battle & Chase had the customization system, but even then I'm sure there were balance issues all over the place, as the game was pretty much based on counter-picking according to whatever track you were going to, but I digress.

It's too bad though, the whole balance thing has pretty much been out of whack since Super Circuit.  It's a sad day when you play a racer and you actually dread being in first just because the game's out to get you at that point.

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