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Messages - AquaTeamV3

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Can't we just agree to disagree?  -AC

I'm just confused as to why to you keep comparing Legends to first-person-shooters; they're two completely different things.  I understand that the controls will be upgraded to compensate for gameplay additions and the like, but a complete overhaul's kinda overkill, especially given Turian's point about Dead Rising and Lost Planet.

That said, I hope you know that there aren't any hard feelings on this side or anything.  I respect your opinion as much as anyone else's, but it wouldn't hurt to calm down a bit.  :D

Besides the obvious flaw of only having one rotatinal axis on the WM+, it would be fun to unlock the Z-Sabre and play Legends 3 with "1:1" controls. The obvious question is, how will Zero look in Dash Style? Or, by 3, would the Dash Style have changed?

Is it wrong if I say that I don't want to see Zero in the Legends series?  The (sometimes subtle) cameos are pretty much all that's necessary in the series, this isn't Battle Network, after all (remembers Network Transmission).

PPS: Zero's Sabre better be less broken and more fun this time.

The only way they could make the Blade Arm more fun would be to let us use it in the air.  Come to think of it, that'd probably just make it more broken, though.  :P

But of course, people will continue to not read my comments, and people will continue to say the same thing, that they liked the old controls and that the new game should have the old console, while banging their heads in the desks to make fire and drooling in their food to keep it warm. Thus is the ignorant weeaboo caveman life.

For me, it's just a matter of preference.  I understand where you're coming from, but the MML2 controls worked perfectly for me.  Lock-on may have had a few bugs, but TBPH you didn't need it as often as you think you did. 


I think a wise option would be to have multiple control schemes; one for people more used to the old one, and a next-gen one.  As a guy who knows little-to-nil about "modern" gaming controls, I'd probably be lost in the sauce with a new scheme.  A Wii setup that could potentially use the Classic Controller would sell me easily.

Now while I really do think that a FPS MegaMan would be awesome, I don't really think it'd be suited for the Legends series so much.  Now, I'm not a Legends expert, as I have yet to finish the first game or start the second, due to...well life really, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. However, based upon my experience of playing it, as well as watching our beloved Vixy play through the game, Legends seems more like a Zelda-ish type adventure game to me, more so than a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person shooter.


My sentiments exactly.  Legends is a unique game, and it doesn't necessarily need to be "upgraded" in terms of controls.  The Lock-on system in MML2 was nice the way it was, and it's one of those traits that really defined the game.  All MML3 needs to do is expand on what the previous games started; multiple full-explorable islands, more reaverbots, more Bonne shenanigans, more weapons, and the great story writing that the series is known for.

Controllers have evolved, and so have games

Well, if it's released for the PS3, it'll have the exact same controller.  I honestly haven't played many new games at all sans Wii (old-schooler here), but if the control scheme worked on the PSX, why wouldn't it work on PS3?  As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

"Bad" is pretty subjective.  It's one thing if you don't like the system, but complaining when the game clearly offers a solution to it (changing the controls) seems pointless.  I'd be perfectly fine if Capcom just included both control methods in a new game.

I'm still confused as to how you're having trouble with the control scheme.  Not only can you turn while running (streamlining things greatly), you can also do a quick turn with the circle button.  Rolling is pretty much the best evasive maneuver in the franchise, giving you large invincibility frames that really do wonders in boss fights.

retarded tank control scheme

Wait, what's wrong with MML's control scheme?  Played perfectly to me, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 18, 2010, 07:34:02 PM »
In that case, Seaking might be able to pull some crazy stuff off after all.   I've also heard that the Rotom forms actually change his typing now (i.e. Fridge Rotom is now Elec/Ice).

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:46:52 PM »
I dunno, it's not like CD collection was a major part of what made the game enjoyable.  As long as they fix the way the Bass fights bosses (which they probably will), they should do okay.  They even put the Wily Wars bosses in!

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:40:28 PM »
Now there's a nice reason to recapture the oldies.  I'm liking a lot of what I see, particularly for Ninetails (Drought, whoo-hoo!), and the fact that RBY/GSC legendaries have something other than F*@#!ING PRESSURE.


This honestly has me rather curious as to how the new metagame is gonna shape up, as we'll probably have to scrap a lot of old strategies and come up with new ones.  Some abilities that caught my eye:

-Lanturn with Water Absorb?  Oh the mindgames...
-What genius put Lightning rod on Seaking?!
-It's so great that starters aren't limited to the stock "pinch" ability anymore
-Electrode's Aftermath could be useful if you can't pull of an Explosion in time
-Sharpedo with Speed Boost?  8D
-Who in their right mind would use a Soundproof Abomasnow?
-The polar bear gets swift swim?  This changes everything!

These changes range from game-changing to downright pointless, but it all adds some new flavor to the old guys so that they can compete with the new 5th gen pokes.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: September 17, 2010, 04:34:50 AM »

That said, I figured there would have been a few more ice types, but they've always been more on the scarce side, so I'm not really disappointed.  The polar bear's stats are kinda questionable, as ice isn't too great of a defensive type.  I don't know what his ability is, though, so we'll see how this goes.  Web Spider, Ice Cream, and Ice Dragon look interesting too.

EXE / Re: Is Battle Network good as pokemon?
« on: September 15, 2010, 05:15:23 AM »
No, it was easy because you could get good chips too early on.

Admittedly, the arsenals as a whole in BN2-3 were far more broken than anything you could pull in 6.  Stuff like Gater and the Flashman folder pretty much allowed you to wipe anything off the map with relative ease, while BN6's PA limitation makes you work a little harder for your kills.  Keep in mind that I'm taking 2-player mode into consideration with this statement; I've killed and been killed very quickly in my fair share of Netbattles.

Original / Re: Idea for Mega Man 10 (well, 11 now).
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:23:12 AM »
I'd like it if they returned to the MM8 system where you could still use your buster while you had a weapon equipped.  Not only does it give you more incentive to use the weapons, you also gain versatility and the ability to walk around in the color of your choice!  Of course, they could overshoot it like X8 where it practically broke Normal X...

Zero / Re: MMZ reference in Sonic Comics
« on: September 06, 2010, 08:29:45 PM »
Awesome, I just love stuff like this. Any idea how recent that particular issue is?

Sonic #141 was released on October of 2004, about a year after MMZ2 was released.

Zero / Re: MMZ reference in Sonic Comics
« on: September 05, 2010, 10:23:03 PM »

you forgot this one. the very first shot of the face is based on this one.
I caught that too, I just wasn't sure if anyone else had. xD  While we're at it, here's one from the same issue:


Zero / Re: MMZ reference in Sonic Comics
« on: September 05, 2010, 08:50:19 PM »
How did you even notice that? I mean I can see it now that you point it out, but...
To me, it stood out rather easily.  I've seen the Elpizo scene a few times so it wasn't hard to tell that Archie was referencing it. IMO the Zero cutscenes are the most memorable ones in the franchise barring Legends.  That and the above cutscene kinda freaked me out when I first saw it.

@Align: Sheesh, they practically copied those panels to the letter!  I recognized it when I first saw it, but I didn't realize that they were that thorough with it. 0_0

Zero / MMZ reference in Sonic Comics
« on: September 05, 2010, 07:56:29 PM »

Don't know why I never noticed this before.  I've always found little references like this interesting; apparently the artists were fans of Toru Nakayama's work and wanted to have a little homage to him.

News and Announcements / Re: Rockman Online artwork and details.
« on: August 31, 2010, 08:29:01 PM »
I don't think Rush is needed now anyway if Mega Man can now fly. I bet there actually is a plot reason for it in the game.

I highly doubt that flying Megaman will actually be an in-game thing.  They pulled the same thing in MM8's intro; Megaman's fighting Quick Man in mid-air as well, and there's no explanation for that either. (X4's intro did the same to a lesser extent.)  It's just there to make the trailer look good.

Gaming / Re: The Capcom/SNK Playmore Debate
« on: August 23, 2010, 03:28:38 AM »
SNK games are a little harder to get into than Capcom games, and the sprites may not look as visually pleasing as 3S', but the games are far more technical and they're a lot more fun to watch.  They're also more balanced from what I can tell.


You do know that this has already been up for quite some time now, right?  It's simply the JP version of the track; the one we got has the guitar riff.

Gaming / Re: ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE (The MvC3 topic)
« on: August 21, 2010, 05:56:21 PM »

Apparently they sped Desperado up to the point where he can use it in air combos, and Dormanmu seems to love OTGs.

Rockman Series / Re: Boss Dissonance
« on: August 17, 2010, 06:41:30 PM »
X6's bosses are pretty easy, mostly IMO, to compensate for the challenging levels, which are often difficult, especially when you combine the nightmare system in. Except for one or two, such as Miijinion where while the stage is somewhat challenging, its still only a walk down a ramp while avoiding things thrown at you. SO he makes up for that by being a pain in the ass.

Of course, that doesn't count the nightmare section of his stage.  It's easy on it's own, but I've always found that those reploids are the hardest to rescue.  Especially the few on the bottom right, as there's a nightmare positioned directly over one of their heads, and if you plummet into that bottomless pit you can pretty much just mark that one as "missing".  Metal Shark Player, on the other hand, is definitely a Mario type.  His stage is less hard and more grueling (music doesn't help either), although there's a reploid positioned in an evil spot towards the end, and if you're playing extreme mode the NIghtmare placement makes it that much harder.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:46:53 AM »
There was always the fun method in Yellow that involved catching a Mankey.  You're far more likely to keep it in your party than Butterfree, too.

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