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Messages - Dr. Wily II

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 13 14 15 ... 1168
Fan Creations / Re: Dood's Doodles
« on: October 23, 2016, 05:44:02 AM »
Thinking out of the box? Brilliant. XD

Fan Creations / Re: Cosake tosses a phoenix down!!!
« on: October 23, 2016, 05:42:28 AM »
The littler they are... The harder you burn. D:

Fan Creations / Re: Cosake tosses a phoenix down!!!
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:16:13 AM »
She just needs some luvin'. :D

Fan Creations / Re: Cosake tosses a phoenix down!!!
« on: October 22, 2016, 04:49:00 AM »
Overcompensation much? 8D

Fan Creations / Re: Dood's Doodles
« on: October 21, 2016, 03:27:15 PM »
In soviet Russia bill charge you!!

Well, I have triggered the Lillie event... Which wasn't much, haha. XD

Seriously want the Alolan Dugtrio event...

Fan Creations / Re: Cosake tosses a phoenix down!!!
« on: October 21, 2016, 05:17:09 AM »
That's some neck lock... D:

Fan Creations / Re: Dood's Doodles
« on: October 20, 2016, 04:03:24 PM »
I want a hug! *hugs*

Fan Creations / Re: Cosake tosses a phoenix down!!!
« on: October 20, 2016, 01:55:51 AM »
Smoke gives you wings!
... Wait.

Aye can't believe it!! 4 of me WBNs have been defeated!? This is not possible!!

Don't worry, you still have a trump card.

Ye mean her? Now?

Yes... If not now, when? She needs to experience the thrill of battle...

Aye see... Fine... Deploy her!!

Name: B

Designation: borockman Killer (bKN-003)

Weapons: B Arm, B Throw, B Counter

Background: B... Was a citizen of RPM City. Maybe more considered as a temporal citizen, due to circumstances that led her to RPM City in the first place. Either way, she blended in with the people there, and considered RPM City as a second home... Until [parasitic bomb] happens. After a certain incident, she loyally serves White Beard's mysterious backer, and is currently on loan to White Beard for his plans.
B's main weapon is her super strength. Using said strength, she can lift opponents that are 3 times her own weight, despite her petite size, her B Arm. She can then throw them far, far away, her B Throw. If there are no opponents to lift, anything can be used as a weapon, crates, boulders, the like. There is also her B Counter, where she basically parries most attacks on her to deal twice the amount of damage back at her opponent.

Character: Stoic, but can get a bit boisterious.

Weakness: Super strength?
[spoiler]Not a true weakness, but you can match her strength with your own using Bane Lifter![/spoiler]

Fan Creations / Re: Cosake tosses a phoenix down!!!
« on: October 19, 2016, 05:32:02 PM »
Man... Battle... That looked... Wow.

Fan Creations / Re: Dood's Doodles
« on: October 19, 2016, 05:30:53 PM »
Love gives you wings!

I like how the BGM, no matter the location, has Pokemon cries mixed in, and the BGM still sounds great.

It took them 2 gens, but it has finally happened.

Yea, that's true.

Also, noticeable was the visible lag when there's more than 2 Pokemon on screen (Totem Hakamo-o fight), and trainer battles when the screen starts to rotate around.

Thus game is more resource heavy on the 3DS likely due to full 3D realistic model sizes. Hopefully it won't be as bad on a physical cartridge.

Although unlikely, a choice between the d-pad or circle pad for movement would be awesome.

Guess so, since demo... You can't lose in a demo! 8D

Darn that Pikachu with Electro Ball on my Ash-Greninja when at 1/3 health. I SERIOUSLY thought that I was going to lose, but Ash-Greninja hung on in the red. Not helped that the Pikachu was 5 levels higher (42 compared to my 37). >_>

If it was Charizard, I would have lost SO badly. :P

I missed a few times too.

Which makes me wonder, what happens if you use up all 6 shots making off-centre photos?

Meh, no Instagram account, so it's fine. 8D

Kind of defeats the purpose of taking photos from various angles. :P


Sounds like me on my first run through for the trial. I believe you have 2 photos of Jangmo-o by now? The third photo of Hakamo-o is along the same side of the wall of the second Jangmo-o, you'll eventually get to another hole in the wall.

Ack, Greninja'd.

I used Tauros quite a bit in the demo to just move around, crashing into bystanders and into buildings and such, so the choice to map to the d-pad might work for me. I'll try it when I get back.

Plus, for me, it was very instinctive for me to use the d-pad for any movement. I only used the circle pad for limited skating in XY, and sneaking for ORAS.

I'm not complaining mind you, just that I will need time to adjust, haha.

Congrats Uncle Phi! :3

Fan Creations / Re: Dood's Doodles
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:09:04 AM »
That expression is so cute!

To be honest, it was a little disorienting that the d-pad is no longer usable for protag's movement. I was like struggling for a good few minutes at the very start using the d-pad and I was like "MOVE DARNIT".

overall, it was a fun demo, got my Nugget, my Star Piece, my 3 Stardusts, and 10 Pretty Wings. Just waiting for the timed deadlines.

Also, no Alolan Dugtrio for me either.

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