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Messages - Akamaru

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 ... 75
Anime & Manga / Re: Fate/zero by ufotable
« on: April 09, 2012, 09:20:40 AM »
If I regretted my decision, I am certainly not feeling it.  8D

Anime & Manga / Re: Fate/zero by ufotable
« on: April 09, 2012, 07:57:13 AM »
Yesterday, it officially started showing. Crunchyroll better not start it next Saturday though. The anime is the only reason I am going to pay for its membership while it airs.

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: April 06, 2012, 11:27:19 PM »
Well, that was fun. :D
Mirby, I didn't expect you to join the room. I just left it there and then next time I noticed: "Mirby joined the Room", and I'm like oh god, I am going to get raped. That final Daybreak in the last 5 seconds just cracked me up. It was a good and fun game.  0v0

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: April 05, 2012, 10:07:44 PM »
It's hard, but rewarding I'm sure.
I saw the reward on a picture: 1 heart short of 1 million...  *o*

I haven't tried online yet, is it any fun?  Scary?
As for online, I haven't met much lag. I think most of the lag was on my part because I am quite far from the wireless router. When I am at my cousin's house, I have no lag whatsoever. Multiplayer is really fun though. It looks like it tries to make the teams with similar weapon values, so it shouldn't be hard. It is expect that you'll lose a few rounds at first, but eventually, you'll find a niche.
I haven't experienced any lag while I've been playing... It's extremely fun though. Great playing with friends.
Alright, I want to play with some RPMers, now!

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: April 05, 2012, 11:12:50 AM »
The people who have completed the challenge where you beat all 24 levels at Intensity 9 are crazy. I was able to make an Aurum Palm with 5.5R and 5.5M and I was barely able to do the first two levels. I have no idea how to do the rest.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: April 05, 2012, 10:58:13 AM »
Really? 9 hours is pretty normal.
Depends on the job? I am in construction and painting. Admittedly, I do need to go work out again, seeing as I am weaker compared to the other guys, but the job is harder than most run-of-the-mill jobs.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: April 05, 2012, 10:39:45 AM »
6 PM to 2 PM? o.o Don't you mean 2 AM, or is the place you work for really making you work for 20 hours? >.>;
Or, rather, has your job mastered time so that you can work for four hours into the past?
Oh my god, I love you guys... Sapphire is right. I meant 2 AM. I have a hard time when I worked 9 hours once. There is no way I can work for 20 straight hours.

Wait what? 4 hours into the past?

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: April 05, 2012, 09:02:09 AM »
"Whoa... Working 6pm to 2pm shifts are not cool."  ;O;

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: April 03, 2012, 09:20:02 PM »
I got mine last Friday.  :\

Is it just me, or is getting a Dark Pit Staff with any decent number of stars a real crapshoot?  Feels like I had to give up an arm and a leg in weapon fusion just to get 4 stars in shooting (although, it also petrifies, which is cool).

So right now I'm camping Chapter 2 looking for a halfway decent Taurus Arm before I continue looking for the other Zodiac weapons.  Finally took my first crack at online and busted some heads with my Magnus Club.  And I made sure to keep my old 170-something Fortune Bow for Light-vs-Dark, so I can get aggressive without costing my team much.
Any and all staffs are hard to use... Quite honestly, try "No Scoping". Trying to scope is quite hard... Oh and anyone trying to snipe or shoot instead of going in close should try to use Energy Charge Power. It raised the power of your weapon as long as you don't get hit. An example is my 276 Shock Orbitars with 4R stars normally does 110 with a charged forward charge attack, but with Energy Charge lvl4 active, it shot up to 235.
Another power for those who like it close and personal should be Warp. It's fun mind-f***ing people when you suddenly appear near them or suddenly warp somewhere else during their attack. :D

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: April 01, 2012, 04:50:27 AM »
SO I decided to go to Gamestop to ask what I should do with my 3DS' cracked screen:

Me: So what happens when you crack the screen of a 3DS?
Cashier: You are left with a crack 3DS screen.

What I was thinking at that moment: "...No s***."

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:54:40 AM »
I hope I don't regret making my Cursed Palm into a Burst Blade with literally the same star value and properties.
But now I'm only have this one problem... I got the code for 3D Classics: Kid Icarus, but it's not going through... I bet because the game is still not showing up in the eshop.
I believe you have to go to under Account or Options or something like that and the Redeem Code. Its not going to show up like a regular game.

Fan Creations / Re: RPM RPG?
« on: March 29, 2012, 07:27:38 AM »
Gah, really?  :o

Well, I guess my worries are for naught. Well, just making sure someone doesn't feel downcast when another roleplaying comes along.  :-[

In that case, I want to be evil for once...

Fan Creations / Re: RPM RPG?
« on: March 29, 2012, 07:00:15 AM »
It sounds fun, but, not to rain on the parade, hasn't this been with PB's Galaxy of RPM and Ky's Busy World of RPM? Not to demoralize RPM here, but there did used to be more members to participate in the roleplaying, so it would be a bit harder today.

Other than that, I quite honestly would love to join an RPG'ish quest/story like we used to do a couple years back. Bring it back I say, but it a commitment to do.

Anime & Manga / Re: Fate/zero by ufotable
« on: March 29, 2012, 06:47:24 AM »
Has three months already gone by? I really can't wait for the last fight, especially when
[spoiler=For those who haven't read the novels...]Gilgamesh & Rider decide to duke it out. Their final Noble Phantasms and the the results were always hard to imagine it. New heavens and a new earth? I really wanna see how they decided to animate that.[/spoiler]

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: March 29, 2012, 06:36:34 AM »
Right now I'm going back looking for missed treasure (would you believe I didn't find ANY Zodiac weapons until replaying Gaol's level?).  Also made it a point to unlock the Palutena Bow (clear Chapter 24 in under 11 minutes, which I did using the Magnus Club), but finding decent materials to fuse a stronger one could be tricky.  The best I could do for now is 3-1/2 stars.
Combos to make Palutena's Bow:
Cursed Palm x Paw Pad Orbitars (My current weapon is a Cursed Palm with 4R-5M Star, so I just need a high valued Paw Pad)
Eyetrack Orbitars x Pudgy Palm
Volcano Arm x Samurai Blade (I got a Volcano with 4.5R-0M & a Samurai with 4R-0M. Ended up with a Palutena Bow with 6R-0M. Pretty good, but I am gonna go for a bow with more melee.)

It seems the way fusion works is the high valued weapon with another high valued weapon will most likely produce a better weapon regardless of stars or its properties. Bollocks...

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: March 28, 2012, 05:50:32 PM »
That is farther then what I was able to do. I only made it up to the 18th Boss... Although it is my fault for using Phosphora Bow instead of the Cursed Palm I had. Even then, I honestly don't even know how to last. There are way too many bosses.

On a side note on the challenges, damn you Hades. Your challenges are too damn hard!  >_<

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: March 28, 2012, 05:17:27 AM »
Just finished it also. I loved the comedic side that this video game brings. I haven't actually enjoyed the dialogue like this game brings out in a long time. It is going to take forever to complete the challenges and it doesn't help that my 3DS' screens' pixels are slowly dying around the cracked area...

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:08:24 AM »
I have not worked for 2 weeks and the bills are a-comin'. I'd feel better if I didn't crack my 3DS' screen.

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:06:35 AM »
Generally I just farm the early levels at high Intensity to get something with high stars, and use Fusion to manipulate the other attributes.
I should have thought of that... -AC

Man, eventually I'll finish story mode, but I can't stop whipping people's but in Light vs. Dark. So, when is RPM having it's first official Multiplayer room? :D

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: March 24, 2012, 07:29:37 PM »
Alright, I love the weapons, just that I seem to suck at fusion. I can raise the weapons stars, but I always seems to lose the attributes that I want to keep like poison +3 or something like that...

ON a side note, I drop my 3DS and now I got 3 cracks on the screen. They are thin, but still damn. I don't have money for repairs right now. Any advice other than suck it up or send it to nintendo?

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: March 23, 2012, 09:54:04 PM »
God, I love this game... *o*

The writing and and voice acting in the game makes this game so much more enjoyable. By the way, what cards did you guys get? I got: Pit, Palutena, Dark Pit, Twinbellows the Ferocious, crusher Arm, and Stackjaw.

Gaming / Re: The Light Myth: Palutena's Mirror / Kid Icarus Thread
« on: March 21, 2012, 06:52:59 AM »
Wow, that is ironic. Today, I finally tapped on the Nintendo Video icon and it turns out I was missing video since I got the 3DS in December. I didn't really mind until I saw that I was missing out on the Kid Icarus videos, then I was sad. Thanks Vixy! Now I don't have to go look for it. :D

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: March 20, 2012, 11:13:09 PM »
Please don't jynx it Gaia... Although as much as I hate to admit it, there are way too much advertisement for my liking for just one movie. When you see picture books with movie scene before the movie comes out, you know they are going too far. Unless they are trying to be like the Capitol in the books and overdo everything.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:31:33 PM »
Spring is in the air and ticks are in my hair.  -u-'
Check your bed for ticks! They can spread really quickly!

"I gotta stop slacking of on doing the driver's test so I don't a point on my license and was that a mouse I just saw run under my bed...? F***.

Forum Games / Re: "What Are You Thinking Now?"
« on: March 19, 2012, 08:31:58 PM »
If I tried, I don't think I can be any more bored than I am right now.

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