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Messages - Rodrigo Shin

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Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
« on: September 05, 2009, 01:56:07 PM »
The overall ideas like the graphics and levels seem to be coming in very well and promising...

...the katakana, not so much.

Fan Games / Re: Untitled Megaman 3 Project
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:38:04 AM »
This one does look pretty promising, I hope you can finish it soon enough. I know how it is to have several projects on the backburner.

Though on the title front if you do want the game to have that sort of subtitle but still haven't thought of a storyline, worry about that for later. If anything pick a working title so people can refer to it as something else besides "Kujakiller's mm3 hack" and that'll do. When the story's fully fleshed, then the title should come naturally.

X / Re: The "Paradise Lost" technique?
« on: August 29, 2009, 11:58:25 PM »
However, the English BradyGames guide says this about it:
"His desperation move, Paradise Lost, is Lumine's most lethal move, yet it doesn't actually do any damage. Instead, it rips open a hole in the dimensional walls and begins a timer; you have thirty seconds to finish Lumine off, or else the dimensional rift closes... and it's goodnight."

I can't speak whether it is an 100% accurate interpretation of the move, although it is fact that Capcom supplied some official materials for the Brady Guides (but where is the line drawn?), and for the most part, the names of the boss' moves and such line up with the Japanese guides. But Greg Sepelak does incorporate his own fanon into the mix with his guides, so whether that was the official move explanation or just an educated guess, might not be clear until Rockman X Compendium vol 2 comes around.
Gravity's cooler.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: August 29, 2009, 08:18:09 PM »
Hahahaha! At 5:09 and onward, is Zero riding that time machine thing from Doraemon?
Seems to be the case.

The silhouette speaking to him in the end matches Doraemon's head as well, and if you look closely when Zero's riding it there's a blue ball in front of him, that well, would be his head pretty much.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: August 25, 2009, 12:44:53 AM »
Project G, Zero vs. Regear (hidden final mode included)

X / Re: X8. I didnt like it all that much.
« on: August 24, 2009, 10:21:59 AM »
X8. I didnt like it all that much.

I've been saying that ever since '05, but hey, I was just cranky.

But yeah. X8 didn't do any wonders to me, and at least used to be IMO one of the most hyped games of the entire series. If it's worn out I don't know nor do I care, but even when it was supposed to be pure gold (like every last released Mega Man game and [parasitic bomb]), I wasn't in love with it.

X / Re: The "Paradise Lost" technique?
« on: August 24, 2009, 10:16:08 AM »
Maybe the darkness is gravity manifest, and crushes the slow ones.
I always thought of it that way. More than likely some shady japanese databook explains the intricacies of purple-haired emo seraph.

Until the fateful day such light is shed, I'll ride with it. Well, it's not like it matters unless it's put to use somewhere, so... uh, yeah.

Rockman Series / Re: How has Rockman performed in Japan?
« on: July 12, 2009, 08:06:21 PM »
PS1 titles:
I'd wager this list isn't absolutely untouchable and incomplete at the moment or what have you before taking that for face value. They still have some updates going there, so who knows.

Regardless, that Command Mission bombed in Japan is a well documented fact ever since the game's release.

X / Re: How exactly was Wily brought back by the virus?
« on: July 12, 2009, 06:47:07 PM »
When did this interview happen? I had no idea Wily was brought back by the virus.
Capcom Unity 10 questions with Inafune, last year.

Quote from: Thread title
How exactly was Wily brought back by the virus?
That's just what Inafune said.

What remains are theories and attempts to rationalize it.

Quote from: Zan
The Virus can cause a similar reality altering phenomenon, but only as the ZERO Virus; that is, the substantiation of cyberspace programs in the real world.
Don't quote me on that - I'm posting this for the sake of marshmallow man sighting this and then seeing whether this is fact or not - but I thought I read somewhere the Nightmare sort of did the same thing. It would be possible since it's derived from the Sigma Virus and the Earth was still scorched with it.

X / Re: What did Lumine mean?
« on: July 09, 2009, 09:35:39 AM »
I wouldn't mind reading over X6's Japanese dialogue to see what parts of the investigators' pasts might make a more complete picture. If someone could get screen caps or something, that'd help...
I could certainly arrange that, if it means it would get done.

No, I'm not meaning to sound bitchy here.

Edit: be sure to check your inbox.

Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
« on: June 16, 2009, 11:11:16 AM »

Also, this

'pparently a shoop, has been sitting in my MMX images folder forever.

Fan Creations / Re: Gotham's MegaMissions Edits (and other things!)
« on: June 06, 2009, 05:57:19 AM »
Also, I had no clue there were attempted MegaMissions sprites before. I'd like to see'em, guess I'll have to go digging.
I got you covered.

Nope, it wasn't me who saved it as a JPEG but the author himself.

Fan Creations / Re: Gotham's MegaMissions Edits (and other things!)
« on: June 06, 2009, 01:43:28 AM »
Wait, you're Liquid X?

Small world.

Either rate, Chameleon's head horns seem to be bent the opposite way in his sprite. But it's a somewhat different take on the Mega Mission design considering the (fan-made, yes) sprite there is lurking in some corners of the web.

X / Re: Timeline of X
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:20:14 AM »
-Kitabayashi created Axl, Kitabayashi produced XCM. Kitabayashi is co-producer of X7 and X8.
Kitabayashi is an "Assistant Producer" in X7 (I'll be damned if this is a real indication of lesser involvement level than CO-producer, but it is what they worded it as), himself and Koji Nakajima produced CM together (sharing the same rank), and X8 he's full-fledged producer (CM was apparently Nakajima's last venture in the X series). All three games had Tatsuya Minami as executive producer.

I remember the translator of the X7 OST booklet giving someone else's name on the whole comments on Axl's design and the infamous "give all your love for my precious child!" line, but I'll be damned if I'll be arsed to remember who was it. Guess it was the character designer or something.

Fan Creations / Re: Gotham's bored so he doodles and such thread.
« on: June 03, 2009, 02:38:16 AM »

And a colour ref as well.
Funny thing, for the longest while we foreign devils (damn proud to be one too)  didn't have the means to access Mega Missions besides one or two scans here and there. I remember there was a japanese MMX shrine that I think maybe started the whole "Zero Omega" debacle with art for the girl here and her named as "Ann Aldworth". Sure, nobody there REALLY had any surnames, but I was wondering for the longest time whether she was named in the manga or not.

Seeing Ariga's model sheets proper calling her just "Doppler's support Reploid" makes me lean toward the latter.

So, anyway. Decent edits (I think Crab's hueg horn is actually a nice quirk in his L-design I must say though). I myself always wondered why nobody bothered with a MM fangame. Around '03/'04 tops there was one on the works that even had some music composed but didn't take off in the end.

X / Re: So hey guys...
« on: June 03, 2009, 12:04:54 AM »
55476 hours on MS Paint

Could've used Comic Sans, but the guy went and used Times New Roman. A true competitor.

X / Re: What exactly does Double say in X4 when he attacks you?
« on: May 31, 2009, 11:24:18 PM »
I thought it was "Evil Flap". My brother seeing me playing said it was "Ihmotep". He had just seen The Mummy and [parasitic bomb].

He suffered punishment by crushings.

X / Re: Megamission translation
« on: May 31, 2009, 09:31:17 PM »
Yeah, well since there is that whole X-X thing, he is often called iX. cuz well, thats technically how we the english reader should pronounce his name. we pronounce X as ekks, and he is Ekksu and if X is ikksu, we should pronounce it ikks. hence, iX (though its also to differentiate the names. It is often misassumed that the i means "irregular" X, which is not the case.) ,
Heard all that a lot in this decade. Moving on...

almost always. the armor kits did similar and said EX. Some of them also say "All X armor", no? that means All Ikksu armor. I assume they wanted to avoid confusion
On All X armor (coincidentaly the only Bandai model I own thanks to an awesome friend), exception to the two EX Armors (which also seem derived from RX) even there they always romanized イクス as "X", like the RX kits proper. In the end the cards themselves call these exceptions "X Armor", so at least as far as these two go, I guess people could ride with their favorite. "All X" though rides with sort of a romanization pun since it's both the X 'fused'.

X / Re: Megamission translation
« on: May 31, 2009, 07:36:40 PM »
iX, Ikksu, Irregular X, al = "X" with different writing. Ikksu, =/= Ekksu (Rockman X)
hence his name is actually also X. to the english reader there is no difference. to the japanese reader, they clearly see the difference, as if I spelled Flame as Fleym.
Fer serious? Yowza. Good thing nothing remotely close to that was said in the thread!

Point was that the toys romanized イクス as EX for the armors.

X / Re: Megamission translation
« on: May 31, 2009, 07:26:33 PM »
This help?
At least as fr as names are concerned there are some errors in these summaries - EX Armors appear only in Mega Mission 3 (and upon closer inspection in the back of the cards proper they're called X Armors and they apparently are derived from RX as well), in MM2 the armor has 3 different armor names, the final being Giga when the armor's transferred to X.

X / Re: Megamission translation
« on: May 29, 2009, 09:52:01 AM »
But what about the actual cards?
When "Ikusu"'s name is romanized in the cards, it also says X. But then they have the katakanas together. So you basically have "X -エックス- vs. X - イクス-" as the name of one of the cards even.

Also, does that mean I've also been saying the All X (Ekkusu) armor wrong, too? (All Ikusu Armor)
I don't think it's wrong since it's what they romanized it as. But I really don't know why they're riding with "イクス" most of the times standing for X, and others for "EX".

X / Re: Megamission translation
« on: May 29, 2009, 09:32:36 AM »
Also, on the subject of Return X, who I adore, how is the X pronounced on his revived form? Still the same as Ikusu?
The have the katakanas for "IKUSU" instead of "EKKUSU" in his Return X form too (リターン イクス), yes.
Ikusu Armor?
You see, even if it's the very same katakana the way they romanize X's-evil-Limited-clone in the toy manuals is... "X". Exactly that. Quotes included. To differ between "EX" and X proper, they always call X "Rockman X" then. But why they're romanizing the same katakana differently, don't ask me.

X / Re: The Z Buster
« on: May 29, 2009, 08:04:52 AM »
manga ain't canon.
This is one of the extra-games thing, but Creates itself stated circa the release of Z1 (I think around the OST release in its booklet or something) Zero took Milan's gun.

Fan Games / Re: Mega Man X: Corrupted (flash fangame)
« on: May 17, 2009, 12:56:54 AM »
Names taken, and so is Prometheus...
Having a Shadow Armor in X6 didn't stop a Reploid named "Shadow" from appearing in Command Mission.

Gaming / Re: New Sparkster/RKA?
« on: May 15, 2009, 10:31:03 PM »
SPARKSTER [tornado fang] YEAH

Just have the OST be fuckass epic like the SNes game and we'll be good to go. But come to think of it all the three games were awesome. Just that RKA2 and Sparkster (SNes) are at the top.

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