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Messages - AquaTeamV3

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Challenge Mode / Re: Megaman X4: Stylish Run
« on: April 09, 2011, 03:55:14 AM »
Oh, I forgot to mention that the boss theme is the Weather Channel Storm Alert theme (2006).  Yes, I fight bosses to Weather Channel music.  óVó

Challenge Mode / Re: Megaman X4: Stylish Run
« on: April 08, 2011, 11:03:51 PM »
Hah, I've actually been sneaking the track titles into the Youtube video tags.  But since I'm here:

Stage NameSong Name
Intro Stage
Stage Select
Cyber Peacock
Jet Stingray
Web Spider
Storm Owl
Repliforce Fight Music
Frost Walrus Part I
Frost Walrus Part II
Magma Dragoon
Confrontation Theme
Westopolis (Shadow the Hedgehog)
Hunter Base (MMX Command Mission)
Cyberspace (Rockman Zero 4 Arranged)
Blue Water Blue Sky (Guilty Gear X)
Adabat Day (Sonic Unleashed)
Moon Light~Psylocke's theme (X-Men Children of the Atom)
Epsilon, First Movemen (MMX Command Mission)
Ice Scream (Ristar)
Ice Brain (MMZ2 OST)
Volcano Valley (Sonic 3D Blast, Saturn/Richard Jacques)
PRESSURE (Megaman Battle Network 2)

Of course, the remaining songs will be shown as said stages are cleared and posted.

Challenge Mode / Re: Megaman X4: Stylish Run
« on: April 08, 2011, 09:13:53 PM »
OK I might be late but,

how did you give the game custom sound effects and BGM?

Well, as for the sound effects, Hypershell made a hack a little while ago of X4's PC version.  This hack changed X's voice clips to ones from Mark Gatha (X8-CM), and Zero's to Lucas Gilbertson (X8-CM).  The Iris death scene is re-dubbed IIRC

In case of the BGM, MMX4 PC uses .SE files for the music.  Funny thing is, they're just WAV files under a different name.  All I had to do was convert some of my songs to the WAV format, and from there replace the ones in MMX4's respective music folder.

Challenge Mode / Re: Megaman X4: Stylish Run
« on: April 08, 2011, 06:26:32 PM »
Very cool. Keep it up.  owob


Here's Storm Owl, arguably the hardest Maverick fight in X4.  Good thing he wasn't in a bad mood when I got to him.  :|

Posted on: March 27, 2011, 16:02:33
Let's show off the fact that Colonel's sword has the dumbest hitbox ever!

Posted on: March 31, 2011, 12:22:01
Frost Walrus is down!

Posted on: April 02, 2011, 02:21:24
Magma Dragoon is out cold, thanks to some Ride Armor goodness.

Original / Re: Windman isn't an Airman copy!
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:57:46 AM »
What can be said though is Wind Storm is a poor man's Air Shooter.

I dunno, I mean Air Shooter fires 3 tornadoes that do damage.  Wind Storm outright blows enemies and obstacles right off of the screen.  It's pretty much a Tornado Blow that can only hit one thing at a time.

Original / Re: Finally bought Mega Man 7!
« on: April 04, 2011, 04:38:49 PM »
IIRC the only password that let you save through the fortress in MM7 was the one you got after beating the game.  TBPH the fact that passwords themselves didn't let you save through the castle never really bothered me.  In this way you're allowed to replay through the stages without ever having to start your game over completely if you want to do it again.  And since continues still let you retry from where you were, you aren't penalized for losing.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: April 04, 2011, 01:54:43 AM »
You still reap the effects of it even after the prescribed time has elapsed, though you can't spread it anymore.  Though if it's still spreadable you may have to have the game running for 24 hours or something before that part wears off.

Original / Re: Finally bought Mega Man 7!
« on: April 03, 2011, 05:59:06 AM »
The only thing I really didn't like about 7 was the sprite size in relation to the rest of the screen.  Megaman's sprite just looked so big and it just felt off to me.  That and the fact that his charge shot only does 2 points of damage in this game.  Ah well, at least the NES fangame cleared up the first problem.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:09:23 AM »
Pokerus doubles the amount of EVs you get, so you want to spread that bad boy like wildfire.  It's only contagious for a day, so it's something that you want to do ASAP.

Original / Re: How will the series end?
« on: March 26, 2011, 10:21:19 PM »
Who says it needs to be ended/tied-in at all? They've pretty much given us all the info we need from games like Power Fighters, and they drop little tidbits of info like Roboenza being the "wake up call" that Dr. Light needed to built a robot immune to viruses (read: X).  Really, they can keep churning out games for quite some time now, since we already know the distant future of the series. The way I see it, Megaman & Co. will keep fighting for everlasting peace for a loooong time.

Original / Rate and Discuss: Rush Search
« on: March 25, 2011, 08:40:23 PM »

Welcome to the newest installment in the 'Rate and Discuss' series.  This topic features a useful yet often overlooked tool in Megaman's arsenal, the Rush Search!

Rush Search first made its debut in Megaman 7.  It could be found pretty early in the game, as all you need to do was make some really tricky jumps in Freeze Man's stage to get it, although said jumps were pretty difficult and it could be tempting to just wait until you've got Rush Jet or Super Adapter to fly over it.  At any rate, when Rush Search is used Rush will teleport right in front of you and begin to dig.  What he will find is generally random; he'll pull up anything from useful things like health & energy refills and bolts, to random knick-knacks like shoes, false teeth, and toy robots.  And there's always the chance that he'll just not find anything or fall asleep.  It should also be noted that Rush will teleport away if he's hit while digging, so it's adviseable to make the area as free of enemies as possible before digging, and you can fire while he's digging (but no charge shots) to help aid him.  Thankfully the energy consumption on him is pretty good.

Of course, there are plenty of key items in specific locations in Megaman 7.  Every item that can be bought in Auto's shop can be found in stages, and Rush Search is often the method to obtaining these items.  Sometimes there may be landmarks on the terrain or otherwise that will signal a good place to go for a dig (like Wily's portrait in Shade Man's stage), and other times you've just gotta search around (lawl).  Aside from the big-name items like the Energy Balancer, Exit Part, and Rocket Punch, Rush Search can be used to find other items like large energy refills and giant bolts.  These are often found in secret rooms and other special spots, but are well worth it when obtained.  It's also worth noting that Rush will bark if there's a nearby item or pathway that leads to something good.

Come Megaman & Bass, Rush Search was brought back as a shop item. He had pretty much the same function, but his main purpose was to help find CDs for the robot database.  100 CDs were spread across different stages in MM&B, and quite a few of them were underground.  Thankfully, there was an item that allowed you to see where you needed to dig, which helped a lot.  Of course, Rush still took damage if struck while digging, and there was a certain CD that was a nightmare to get due to this (you all know which one I'm talking about).  Rush still proved useful in that regard but didn't really hold much water otherwise, as Eddie and Beat had outclassed him in terms of being useful outside of disc collecting.

Overall Rush Search was pretty handy but was toned down in his 2nd (and final) appearance.  I preferred him a lot more in MM7 as his ability to scout was nice and the occasional health item you may get was always welcome.  Really got the whole dog/owner dynamic down even moreso than Rush's other (and arguably more useful) incarnations.  Counting both games I'd have to give Rock's best friend a 7/10.

Post your opinions/ratings/thoughts here!

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: March 24, 2011, 06:00:32 PM »
The move is about making the game more fair and balanced and no one should have to look up videos--ONLINE just to learn how to beat -one- character and base their teams off of beating that one character.

If you can use online gaming to play on then there's nothing wrong with using it to get information to beat certain tactics.  The internet is great because it allows you to share and collect information regarding fighting games and such.  Often times a certain strategy may feel downright unbeatable, and then when someone makes a video tutorial it allows the information to be broken down and explained better than if you were going off of nothing outside of sheer trial and error.  The internet's gone a long way of getting strategies out in the open for fighting game players, which allows you to further strategize and prepare.

Edit: I think that we're way past the point of saying the game is a bit early for fixing, namely for the fact that I've run across people who've had 3,000+ matches already. But besides that, should they wait a year to fix some problems? Or maybe three years? Or ten when Marvel vs Capcom 4 comes out? ( "Ten more years") It's never "Too early" to fix problems in general. Why wait later? For -everyone- to look online, base their teams on beating one guy, everyone stops using Sentinel and then---they release a patch that makes him weaker? That makes no sense.

I wasn't thinking anywhere close to a year; two months would have even been a good time span.  And you can't really base time-spans on how many matches some people have played online.  Tournament results are generally a better source for that kind of data, and I hear that Sentinel really hasn't been over-centralizing too much.  Also, you shouldn't really have to base your entire team on beating one guy just to win.  In fighting games, bad matchups exist, and when using certain characters you'll have to work a lot harder to win than you would with others.  It all boils down to how much time you're willing to spend training and learning the game as a whole.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: March 24, 2011, 05:08:12 PM »
Oh, I couldn't tell you his flaws if I wanted to, as I don't even own the game (or have even played it for that matter), though there is a nifty video tutorial for that.  I have played many other fighters, though, and I tend to keep tabs on the fighting game community in general.  At any rate, health nerfing isn't a terrible idea in itself, but I agree that they went too far with it.  Instead of taking a little off the top, they went and cut the guy down completely.  He's still a good character, yes, but dropping his health so low (especially after only one month) seems a bit harsh.  It's always good to give the game some time to progress before making changes and all that.

That said, from what I'm hearing MvC3 seems like a pretty incomplete game.  I mean, people are dropping $60 for it and you've still got extra characters to pay for, as well as new modes and all that.  I mean, there were people that complained about MM9/10 having DLC, but for a $10 game it's not that big of a deal.  For a $60 game, that seems to be a bit much IMO.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: March 24, 2011, 04:27:51 PM »
Personally, I don't think that making a patch this early was a good idea.  Like any other competitive game, there may be a character that may be harder to deal with than usual, but over time people adapt to it and said character becomes easier to deal with over time.  Metagames generally change over time and when you release patches (especially this early) you generally stifle growth and creativity.  Instead of looking for ways to defeat said obstacle you just wait on a patch to make it easier for you.

Gaming / Re: Nintendo Vs. Capcom: Here We Go
« on: March 24, 2011, 12:32:40 PM »
It'd be nice to see Ken (SF) in a VS. game again...

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:12:06 AM »
Nah, it's more of an issue with me being too lazy to buy items at times.  With Kyurem I was having more problems trying to not kill him than actually staying alive.  Bisharp's Defiant raises his Attack 2 stages if one of his stats goes down, and Kyurem has a move that's guaranteed to lower your speed.  Let's just say that I had to soft-reset often as an Iron Head that was meant to get his health low would outright kill him with his ability activated.  Thankfully the boost does nothing but good on False Swipe.  Caught Kyurem on my first Dusk Ball and was promptly killed by the first Sneasel I met (Ice Shard) as I was at low health with no recovery items on-hand.  -u-'

Challenge Mode / Megaman X4: Stylish Run
« on: March 24, 2011, 01:01:07 AM »
I decided to undertake a challenge for Megaman X4, called the Stylish Run. What makes this run stylish, you ask? Here I play under the following conditions:

- No damage
- No armor/heart tanks
- No boss weaknesses; weapons are okay otherwise, and Reaper Sigma is an obvious exception.
- This run uses Hypershell's custom MMX4 PC hack, which changes X's voice actor to that of Mark Gatha. (Thanks!)
- Custom BGM is added to the game by replacing the source files of the game. This allows custom music while still keeping the game's sounds intact.
- I also use X's alternate color just because it's awesome!

These conditions not only make the game challenging, but it'll be a unique run due to the modifications.  This should help it stick out from the other runs that are floating around on YT.  Anwho, here are the ones that I've finished so far:

Opening/Intro Stage
Cyber Peacock

Posted on: March 19, 2011, 00:47:05
Alright, finished with Jet Stingray now.  Definitely wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.

Posted on: March 20, 2011, 21:54:37
Web Spider is a-finished.  Switched recorders so the quality's better than the last 3, not that those were bad at all.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: March 24, 2011, 12:40:48 AM »
Some of them are stage one, and some aren't.  I'm possibly thinking of the wild Pokemon that you find in tall grass over the trainers themselves.  In B/W, you can find a LOT of fully-evolved Pokemon in the wild, especially stuff that you'd never have found in earlier games.  My jaw dropped when I found a wild Gliscor just sitting there, and there's quite a few others as well that are like that.  Depending on the area, they can be found close to level 70 (try outside of Kyurem's cave).  This does make Pokemon collecting easier, though, as you don't have to level up as many Pokemon just to get them evolved.

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:09:35 PM »
I understand that the backseat position felt cool and it felt like you could influence some stuff, but it was ultimately completely useless as a Mario Kart mode, man. It's just not fun to play that way. If you were constantly doing stuff, then yes. But any game that has you wait for anything to happen while the other player plays happily while you do nothing most of the time, is just not a good one.

Thing is, I never really viewed it that way.  I personally enjoy doing tactical stuff, so the backseat position kind of fit me like a glove.  Really, in the crazy world of Mario Kart you're never really sitting there and doing nothing.  You're either watching for karts to punch/steal from, being aware of collected items, and watching the road so that you can correct a mistake if/when the driver makes one.  "Constantly doing stuff" doesn't exactly have to constitute of something that's more 'action-packed', as the backseat driver carries an equal importance to the driver, it's just a different style of play altogether.  Quick reaction and a sharp eye both go along way in either position, and one can't really function without the other.  I personally had fun being the backseat driver, and certainly wouldn't call it a useless mode.  If it ever comes back it'd be neat as an optional mode or something.  More options are never a bad thing when it comes to games, I'd say.

And I liked that gimmick, but I thought Rainbow Road in Super Circuit was needlessly hard compared to other games, not to mention a bit underwhelming when compared to 64's version. By the way, I just played the game just now. Just for curiosity. And amazingly... I think it feels like the most responsive of Mario Karts to me. It's probably because I spent so many years with it, but I haven't played it in a long, looooong time. But it feels like the best out of all the gameplays.

Yeah, I loved the way the karts 'felt' in SC, even moreso than 64.  Also, SC has the unique distinction of being the only game where Red Shells have an effect when tossed backwards.  It would just lie there motionless until someone got into the vicinity of it, in which case it would lock-on to the person who "woke it up" and hit them.  It was a neat concept, and it kinda stinks that they just up and scrapped it like that.

On the other hand, the coin-collecting never really sat well with me.  With so many carts in close proximity, you were bound to bump into people quite a bit.  Considering the fact that you lost a coin every time someone bumped you, and you automatically spun out after losing all of them...yeah.  That got annoying really quickly.  Thankfully you could turn them off in VS mode, and there were plenty of courses where you could collect a bundle of them so you could unlock the SNES courses.

Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: March 23, 2011, 08:29:43 PM »
Also, I'll be honest, making TMs infinitely reusable made this game SO much better just because I could actually experiment with them now instead of saving them all for god knows when and never using them.

^This, this, and this!  This is the first time that I've ever actually used a TM in-game while playing Pokemon, and it feels great!  I'm allowed to see early on what moves are a good fit, and now it feels like I've actually accomplished something by beating a Gym Leader, aside from the obligatory badge and all that.  Plus, now you're given more liberty when making teams, since the Gym Leader TMs aren't obtained only once anymore (and some others).  No one wants to play Voltorb Flip over and over again just to get more uses of Substitute.  >_<

Currently I've beaten the Elite Four and am working on grinding my team and trying to complete the Unova Dex.  After the game there is an immense power creep and you really can't touch any new trainers as they'll grind you to dust immediately.  Thankfully Audino's so friendly with the Exp.   8)  Interestingly enough, I found the game to be fairly easy throughout; I never blacked out a single time during my entire playthrough, and that's a first for any Pokemon game.  Only until the post-game does the game drop the bomb on you.

In terms of Pokemon being good for in-game, I'd have to note that Darumaka is broken!  Seriously, this thing will kill off most Pokemon with around 1 hit, thanks to Hustle.  Once it evolves and drops Hustle for Sheer Force, he seriously goes wild.  Fire Punch is a killer in the hands of this guy.  Catching a Tympole early on will seriously help you in the long run as well.  Electric immunity pays off quite a bit in this, especially against a certain gym leader.  I wasn't disappointed one bit by choosing Oshawott as my starter.  While I don't like the way it initially looks, it gets much better as it evolves and actually hits pretty hard.

Gaming / Re: The Mario Kart Thread
« on: March 23, 2011, 08:15:13 PM »
As far as the whole co-op thing goes, I actually liked being the backseat driver!  At first glance you'd think that the only job was to toss items, but there's so much more strategy involved in that position.  You actually had the ability to sway the kart left or right using L or R, and this could do anything from help them dodge a Green Shell/Banana to avoiding falling into a pit for P1 making a driving mistake.  Swaying into a kart adjacent to you would cause you to punch them, which not only hit them but would steal their item if they were carrying once.  The backseat position is actually pretty important in its own right and serves to complement or correct the playing style of the driver.  I think the one thing that would've been nice was some kind of rear-view cam; since you're back there you should actually be able to see who's behind you and what's coming at you.  Would be nice as you could in theory prepare for what's coming and try to intercept it.  I do agree with PB's complaints about Double Dash as a whole, but I thought that the co-op mechanic was interesting and maybe could be revisited in a game that's more balanced as an optional mode of play.

I do think that Super Circuit is a very underrated game, though.  It doesn't suffer from a lot of the balance problems that are discussed in the newer titles, and plays like a neat fusion of SMK and MK64.  It did have a very interesting gimmick for its Rainbow Road, in that the majority of the walls were jump panels and could do anything from creating a shortcut to careening you off of the edge of the stage.  A lot of the tracks and music were nice too, such as Snow Land, Cheese Land, Boo Lake, Sky Garden, and the Bowser tracks.

Gaming / Re: Your Fondest Splitscreen Memories
« on: March 18, 2011, 11:39:09 PM »
Ah, good old Mario Kart 64.  We played that a lot back when I was in elementary school.  I vaguely remember getting stuck in the sand on Luigi's Circut/Raceway (I forget which name it is) before going into that tunnel.  We also played stuff like F-Zero X and Mario Party (the mini games count as split screen lol).

I haven't played many split-screen games as of late, mainly because I'm mostly into fighting games, which usually take place on a single screen.  I have played a bit of the DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi series with friends, though.

Gaming / Re: The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)
« on: March 14, 2011, 03:20:20 PM »
Daww, you beat me to it.  That was an odd mix of awesomeness and comedy.


Gaming / Re: The Official Pokémon Black & White Discussion Thread
« on: March 10, 2011, 01:37:59 AM »
Man, these shaky grass patches are something else.  On one hand, it's easy to get annoyed at the fact that finding anything other than an Audino in one is a rarity in itself.  On the other hand, Audino gives out so much EXP that it's not even funny.  I'm tempted to just start grinding on these things.

Original / Re: King Stages: It only exists to torment the player
« on: March 05, 2011, 07:48:50 PM »
I'm not sure if anyone else has watched HideofBeast's commentated speedruns, but he tends to have some of the most insightful stuff about the X series that I've ever heard.  Specifically he's talked about the issue of memorization (right down to the Contra example) "When you get massacred in a properly intense game, you don't feel cheated, you feel the need to improve".

In terms of Megaman 9, I personally thought that the spikes in Splash Woman's stage were unnecessary, at least with how they pulled it off. The prizegrabbers are avoidable, but you'll never see it coming the first time.  The one in Wily's Castle (3) surprised me because I honestly had never run into on my first few playthroughs.  And since you're free-floating at that point, you really aren't prepared for it at all, let alone being able to escape it.

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