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Messages - Dr. Wily II

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Huh, wonder where PB is... He should be gushing about it by now as well. XD

*hugs Quickie*

Well, the only restriction is no pork, everything else is fine.

Nah, a colleague of mine will be. So I'm helping her in asking for must-eat places in New York.

And my throat still feels very sore... Have been drinking a lot of water.
My sore throat is gone!

... But now I'm sniffling and sneezing away. >_>

On another note, to all the New Yorkers here, any must-eat places to recommend?

So the final update for Sun & Moon before the games' release.



So the localized names for the starters' exclusive Z-Moves are revealed.
Decidueye gets Sinister Arrow Raid which is Ghost-type (neutral on Primarina, super effective on Alolan Marowak).
Incineroar gets Malicious Moonsault which is Dark-type (super effective on both Decidueye and Alakazam).
Primarina gets Oceanic Operette which is Water-type (super effective on both Incineroar and Arcanine).

New Ultra Beasts are revealed, UB-03 Lighting and UB-05 Glutton.

Alolan Diglett and Alolan Dugtrio are finally revealed. They are both Ground/Steel, with the abilities Sand Veil or the new Tangling Hair. With this new ability, if Alolan Diglett/Dugtrio is hit by a physical move by the opponent Pokemon, that Pokemon's speed drops by one stage. Alolan Diglett knows Metal Claw, while Alolan Dugtrio knows Iron Head.

And my throat still feels very sore... Have been drinking a lot of water.

There's a bug going around... THERE'S A BUG!! :W

Laaaaaame. Wily, get this woman some soup!
Who do you think I am!? *brings out a warm bowl of soup*

... Strangely, I have a sore throat too.

Roleplay / Re: General RP Discussion topic
« on: November 12, 2016, 02:59:10 AM »
Hmmm... Reads simple enough.

CoroCoro leaks incoming! Images from


A new Pokemon is revealed, and might have something to do with Solgaleo & Lunala.

2 new Ultra Beasts, version exclusives again.

Exclusive Z-moves of the Alola starters.
Decidueye's Z-move in Japanese translates to Shadow Arrows Strike, while Incineroar's in Japanese translates to Hyper Dark Crusher. Primarina's Z-move is unfortunately cut off.

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 11, 2016, 09:35:31 AM »
That's pretty normal. Stay strong!

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 11, 2016, 05:46:25 AM »
Daawwww... Sleeping cute. :3

[spoiler]Hmm... I see. Gamefreak really went all out then.

[spoiler]Just gonna wait for the fusion sequence of Lusamine and UB-01 to be Rule34'd. >_>[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler]So you saw.

[spoiler] The thing is, it's implied by Guzma that the mini-UB-01s can possess and brainwash you. Guzma was possessed by one mini, so he's still pretty much "fine". Lusamine had 5 minis, plus literal fusion with the real UB-01. And that slasher smile.

Thankfully, she's fine at the end. A woobie, unlike Ghetsis. Both Cyrus and Lysandre are debatable.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

... And a Farfetch'd with great Agility? Best Christmas gift ever GF
Fixed. 8D

The final rewards list is...
Greninja (after beating story mode of demo)
10 Pretty Wings (guy outside Pokemon Center)
3 Stardust (mysterious old man at Mahalo Trail)
1 Nugget (catch 3 or more Pokemon in the catching game)
1 Star Piece (from Ace Trainer after beating 3 other trainers at Ten Carat Hill)
1 Balm Mushroom (old man with his Pikachu in the Town Hall)
1 Comet Shard (Lass inside the Pier Center)

So the final deadline event has the girl inside the pier center leaving the demo for good, and rewards you a Comet Shard for sending her off.

With that, all possible events have been triggered. Will still login everyday to take pictures of Alolan Dugtrio, until the main games arrive. XD

BV fantasy. 8D

Fantasy BV. 8D



Name: Parrot Man

Designation: Robot Master (WBN-007)

Weapon Get: Parrot Flurry (borockman/Vixy)
Skill Get: Hook Flurry (Blackhook)

Other weapons: Parrot Lunge, Parrot Storm, Parrot Whirlwind

Background: The seventh of Captain White Beard's special robot series, the White Beard Numbers (WBNs), Parrot Man is the team pet. Which fusters him greatly, leading to feathers flying everything. Still, he is not to be missed with.

Parrot Man's main weapon, the Parrot Flurry, has him summon a little parrot friend. This parrot friend will then drop large eggs onto the battlefield, which then unleashes a sheer swarm of tiny parrot drones that home in onto enemies. Great for overwhelming medium to long range attackers.
His other weapons include the Parrot Lunge where he flies high into the air, and then falls at great speed into his enemies, the Parrot Storm where he unleashes a rain of sharp feathers by flapping his wings, and the Parrot Whirlwind where he blasts out a pressurized stream of air from his buster to blast away his enemies.

Character: Not a bird-brain. Not at all.

Weakness: A flyer huh?
[spoiler]Ground him with the Gel Splasher!![/spoiler]

You get... PARROT FLURRY!!

borockman/Vixy gets this weapon from defeating Parrot Man. As demonstrated by borockman, s/he gets to throw out an egg, and upon cracking unleash a swarm of tiny parrot drones. It should be noted that the main damage output is from the tiny parrot drones, not the egg itself.

You gained... HOOK FLURRY!!

Blackhook gains this skill from defeating Parrot Man. Now Blackhook's hook becomes a rotary saw, great for getting pass invincibility frames.

I don't mind.

[spoiler=What I saw on YouTube...]So, when I loaded YouTube earlier, a recommended video was shown to me. The title was intriguing, so I watched it. Apparently, it's a video of an event in the main game of Sun & Moon.

So, I loaded the channel of the video, and apparently this person has PLAYED 10 hours of the game. The videos were all posted on the 9th of Nov.

The video I watched, part of a two-parter, had so much HUGE spoilers... It puts the darkness in BWB2W2 to shame, to me at least. Gamefreak really pulled out all stops if true.

I'm not linking it here, too spoilerific. Just take my word for it. Unless you have seen them yourself on YouTube.[/spoiler]

Pikachu is the mascot after all, so yea, I go with Pikachu shirt too.

Off The Wall / Re: Post Pictures Of Yourself
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:18:10 AM »
Her camo skills is quite good, almost could not see her in the last photo. XD

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