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Messages - kuja killer

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Original / Re: Maybe I just like Mega Man games too much...
« on: February 23, 2009, 01:51:44 AM »
Hmm im just only curious about where you found images of all the enemies artwork like that, at ?

Fan Games / Re: Megaman Flash Fangame
« on: February 20, 2009, 07:24:02 AM »
it said
"sorry this video is no longer aviable" when i tried to look. :-/

Original / Re: Quick question - MM9 Theme pack download(s)
« on: February 14, 2009, 01:48:24 AM »
Oh master zed, i was looking at your "challenges FAQ" on this morning while playing, and i started a new game trying to go for severeal awards  all in a single playthrough.

* Peacekeeper: Never kill enemies, only mid bosses and bosses - Sucess
* Mega Diet: I failed cause i accidently collected that one un-avoidable energy on wily 3. :( My fault

* And well i thought i could get that one about beating 4 stages with the same weapon. I thought the only thing that mattered was just beating the bosses. I beat 4 with rush coil switched out only, didn't get it...beat the last 4 bosses with concrete weapon, still did not get the award.
I did not realize i was meant to play through the WHOLE stage(s) with the weapon switched out. I guess that was my fault again...but..

* 100% accuracy with Mega buster. I'm absolutely certain i only hit splash woman one time only, as the first boss i picked one time, then used rush coil for the rest of the game mostly. And i did not ever get the award. :( I know your guide said rush coil is allowed, but might NOT be. :(
So that was a failure.

Original / Re: Quick question - MM9 Theme pack download(s)
« on: February 14, 2009, 12:44:03 AM »
Er well damn. :( I asked one of my friends on yahoo who owns a 360, and he said it's just only background, no way to ever view them anywhere, ugh.
There's this cool thing of dr light pointing a finger and megaman whom is laying down on a table. And it looks like totally originally all drawn in nothing but pencil....but i can't hardly see it..

 oh man what a waste of money then. I sure learned my lesson then "never buy themes or gamer pictures" then. :( I'll never do it again for sure.

But i did buy the protoman and super hero game modes this morning, so i know that was WELL WORTH the 4 dollars or so. :) I only tried out the playable proto man mode so far for a little bit and i really like it. :) How his scarf animates all the time when standing still or sliding, the whistle sound at the beginnign of every level before the level music starts. :) Pretty cool.

And it feels SO weird seeing protoman bright green/white when switched to the tornado weapon. :P Since i'm so used to only viewing him as his trade mark red/white

Original / Quick question - MM9 Theme pack download(s)
« on: February 13, 2009, 01:29:29 PM »
I just bought one of those a few minutes ago. The #5 saying Inafune 1-4.  (for xbox 360 since i only own that version of mm9 and console)
Well i was wondering if there's anyway to possible ever view these images somewhere without like 3/4th's of it totally being blocked by all the damn xbox 360 menu's and crap ? :( ...I did not realize i wouldn't ever get to even look at these images full-screen without it being covered up almost completely...and that i have to keep clicking on tons of things to try making all the images show up. :(

I did not honestly know it was only just going to be a background thing. (Still new to this xbox 360 sort of)
I know they say "no refunds" but now i wish i did not buy this since i can't hardly see them. As well as those game pictures too. I bought one for the hell of it..but they're SOOO freaking tiny on my TV that i can't hardly see them at all. There's nothing wrong my with eye sight or anything..just there so darn tiny seriously (the little icon things)

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: February 10, 2009, 07:42:06 AM »
(Feb07,09) バグ修正
That says "bugfix correction"
I haven't looked myself, but there was probably a bug or glitch in something.

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: February 09, 2009, 12:17:24 AM »
No it was not removed. It's still there clearly in the ips section of his site:

ロックマン5 エンドレス(08/12/15)
the IPS link from the main page links to some of his test projects, endless, and an incomplete hack called "gravity trap"

Original / Re: Input on an all-inclusive Endless Stage application...
« on: January 28, 2009, 09:21:06 AM »
I once tried to create at least 1 screen from one of the levels on the gameboy megaman 5, on the NES. Those were all the exact tiles all copied using tile layer pro, and YY-CHR from megaman5.GB to megaman3.NES

And i did not stretch anything or touch any of it, but that's how it came out. It's sooo small for the NES screen :(

They would not be able to be stretched by double the size because the Gameboy's reolsution would have to end up matching the NES's precisly. And they do not equal each other. So it would not come out right any way whatsoever if it were done. I don't know how it would ever be possible to make gameboy graphics decent enough for a NES reoslution.

Edit: Oh yea, but check this out. Was looking through my screenshots from my fceuxd 1.0a folder, and this one time a really long time ago, i tested out more gameboy megaman 5 graphics, and you know the big wily ship right before going to the wily stages after fighting Terra ? ..well i did a test by seeing how the ship would look on the NES..and i stretched it out by double the size, and spent many hours adding color, and and so on.
THIS turned out pretty good. It's not a copy-paste in paint. It really was an in-game screenshot i took for reals. Even coded it to slowly move up and down, giving it a boss lifebar, but that's it :P

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: January 24, 2009, 09:35:25 PM »
Yea it would be really hard to edit that stuff. (anything other than the BMP images in the image folder). I don't know how you'd find all the japanese text without hex editing it.

But as far as I know, the program was coded using LGP (light game programming, which is a jap-only programming language). I once found the website for it, there's no english version of the language apparently at least not that I was able to find)

Original / Re: Input on an all-inclusive Endless Stage application...
« on: January 24, 2009, 08:58:39 PM »
Well to me eh, i don't know. I'm really not a fan of any sort of program that's outside of NES/SNES/etc emulators in comparison to flash, gamemaker, or whatever types of programs because they usually are never that good in my opinion in terms of the feel of gameplay, the controls, and especially how some people don't ever let the user customize the keys setup cause your forced to use whatever the author made only.

I recently tried out some "megaman return of wily" thing done with a game maker program, i know the graphics were great, lots of good stuff and level design, but i did not ever bother playing it because it felt very sluggish, and the jump/shoot buttons were reversed like the gamecube mm anniversary, and NOT customizable which really irritated me. :( I seriously can't play a megaman game at all with reversed controls. I'm not used to it at all.

I would not suggest taking the japanese hacks rock2, 3, and 5 endless by MISTY, and Rock5easily, hacking them, and re-releasing their patches as your own. I just wanted to say this because very recently alot of japanese people on the rockman 2ch forum i hang out at alot, were very upset and went berzerk over a youtube video posted by insedectuel where he accidently took some music from rockman DEM without the author's permission or something like that, which caused a bunch of japanese 2ch'ers to go real crazy. (this was only about 1 week ago)

Anyway, i'm not saying i hate your idea, don't mean that at all, i like it very much and look forward to see how ya do :) I'm just saying my honest thoughts. I've had thoughts about wanting to make an endless myself as well. for megaman 6 or 4. But I really do not have time to.

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: January 22, 2009, 10:30:24 PM »
Capcom doesn't visit the forum.

They did take care of their duties when they found mp3s on the RPM main site tho. >w<

Yea your prob right. So I won't worry. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if they saw this. I have linked to this thread from 2ch before once, so I'm sure they're okay with it.
That was the conversation they had with me.

But... what do you mean took care of duties when finding mp3's on rockman perfect memories? You mean some capcom people actually came here and got upset that you put up stuff ?? Yikes :|

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: January 22, 2009, 03:10:50 PM »
Oh wow, i did not realize that website had them. I never thought about looking on their before myself
Awesome! :)

Uh oh edit:
One of the main programmers, told me they do NOT want this project being spread around, cause the laws in japan are much more strict than in the US. And they worry they might be contacted by capcom and get into trouble if that happens.
I don't know if it's actually "OK" for this thread to be here now anymore. :-/ One other japanese person started to feel a little worrysome. (i never advertised anything anywhere, that's just what they do not want)

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: January 22, 2009, 02:40:01 AM »
Yea, the control sceheme really sucks right now for the momment. About up/down/left/right being asdf or something. :\

I do not think that's the actual real program though. It's a seperate one that 2ch user Dr. Juicy is making. I think it's just temporarily.
But yea they're defintely making progress. :) Someone recently just posted magazine scans of all the first 8 levels for the level design because the website unfortanetly does not have a megaman 8 section. :(

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: January 12, 2009, 08:48:48 PM »
Well it can go over just a little bit. It's probably like, when your able to start the next area after going in a teleport, the game's doing a check to see if it's 30 or more at that very momment, if it is, then only pick a boss room, otherwise continuing selecting random area's normally. So like say you got to a teleporter at screen #28 or 29, and it's not equal to 30 yet, and then you just happened to get a long place that was 5 or 6 screens long, then the next teleporter will defintely send ya to a boss since it was finally over 30.

That's just my guess anyway.

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: January 11, 2009, 09:08:58 AM »
Huh ??

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: January 11, 2009, 07:22:17 AM »

You guys will like this. From the author of Rockman DEM.
MISTY made rockman 2 endless. Not rock5easily. So now there's one for 2.

Quote: 8ボス分のステージのみプレイ可能。現在28エリア。
Translation - Only the stage of 8 bosses may be played. 28 Areas present

Fan Games / Re: Megaman 21XX: Final Version
« on: January 10, 2009, 08:17:46 AM »
Well i thought i would give this a try since I was bored.

Well my thoughts are not so great. I'm sorry. :(
But it feels so slugglish and unbalanced of sorts in terms of the control and feel of playing. I do not mean that the speed of the program is an issue or anything. Runs fine. I just mean things like how you can't dash-jump + shoot at the same time. (pressing all 3 buttons at once).

Jumping up walls is like real slow, i mean you get hardly any movement, then while dashing on ground normally is fast. And sometimes while dash-jumping, depending on how you do it, you'll move far, or hardly at all.

I don't like how the lifebar is on a bright yellow BG. It should of been black like all the X games.

I could not for the life of me figure out how to open the pause menu. I did setup the controls from the Options screen all the way i wanted, and i pressed every single possible button on my keyboard and absolutely no luck at being able to open the pause menu, or any sort of options-like screen during gameplay.  :\

I don't know, i just don't feel comfortable wanting to really play this. Compared to any of the real X games, the control and movement is all weird and not right. I'm sorry i hope you do not take anything i said the wrong way.
I do very much respect all your efforts, and for this project taking some 7 years.

But this particular fan game isn't going to hold my intrest.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: January 08, 2009, 10:48:58 PM »
I doubt it's actually real. Maybe a rom hack of a particular NES mm game. But i don't believe it for 1 second unless there were official word from Capcom of keiji Inafune himself.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: January 07, 2009, 10:06:17 PM »
Yea, i know. I wasn't going to or anything. I was just bored last night. I wouldn't ever wanna get in trouble.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: January 07, 2009, 10:11:13 AM »

really dont think it'd ever matter to anyone, since it'd be totally pointless having a real NES version of mm9.
I only did this for the sake of "just for fun". Copying a screen of galaxy using a mm 3 rom.

Just thought i'd show you people anyway

I know, "just only saying". I know it would never be.

Oh God. I can only hope it's not going to be a retro game, if it ever comes into being. It works for the Classic Series, NOT for X.
Yea just as long as it's not made to look like the megaman X games for the gameboy color. I can't standing playing those mm Xtreme games. :(

Original / Re: My thoughts so far on megaman 9.
« on: January 04, 2009, 07:48:38 PM »
Hmm yea your probably right. I sure look forward to mm10. :) I mean wily did escape during the ending of 9 saying "you will be destroyed along with the castle" So he's not "down 'in out" yet. :) He'll be back again.

Original / Re: My thoughts so far on megaman 9.
« on: January 02, 2009, 09:27:53 AM »
Well i beat the game earlier today. After my 3rd attempt at the wily castle.
Just in case people haven't, i'll just put my remaining thoughts in a spoiler tag thing to be safe, cause i have a question or two if i may.

Well first of all, i defintely loved the wily levels. Like that awesome boss fight with a giant ship having 3 seperate battles. I feel in love. :P Never seen something like that ever done in a mm game.

The gravity thing in the 3rd wily level. :) Man i died so many times in that area, the one with the spikes all over the screen, specifically the screen that had an M-Tank sitting on them. And then i was totally surprised that there were 3 extra lives after that, but they were metools in deguise. Pretty clever of capcom to surprise people with a quirk like that hehe. :P

Well my question is, with the dr light robot in that jail cell being a total fake that protoman tried to warn MM about ...then where was the REAL dr light then ??  :\ Did he even get put in jail at all ?? That kinda has me confused.

And what about how there was a outline of Bass on the screen during the scene? That had me going like "woa, is bass going to appear??" but nope.

Gaming / Re: What makes and kills replay value for you?
« on: December 30, 2008, 10:46:08 PM »
You can cheat in that challenge (replaying only the final levels 5 times will get you the achievement), so don't worry too much about it. If you want to worry about a challenge, worry about "Mr. Perfect" >____<

Oh did not know that would be possible. About just having to go through wily isntead of start the game all over, okay then :) Cool.

Wow mr. perfect huh? Beat the game without being damaged once. Yikes that sounds like "almost" impossible.

Also i can't wait to try the "super hero" mode sometime in the near future. I hope the enemy placements and stuff are actually different, unlike say in Megaman 2 US, where picking the hard difficulty only just meant it takes more hits to kill enemies and nothing else.

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