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Messages - kuja killer

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Fan Creations / Re: Sprites made by Blackhook
« on: May 02, 2009, 08:39:46 PM »
I feel like mine's gonna ace this puny bugga.. and a fun fact is, Megaman himself goes over the three-color limit (Black, White, Blue, Tan and Cyan. That's five colors!)

Anyways, that's a decent Tenguman.

Well it's technically okay if in terms of following the NES limits because 2 of the 4 sections of the sprite pallete can be used for enemies and bosses. A boss can occupy the whole half of it (5 colors + allowed to use megaman's white/peach face colors)
but it can not be overdone too much though.

like my boltman does:
There's just a little bit of dark gold, white and light gold around the bolt on his head, and to the right of his face

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: May 02, 2009, 06:45:17 PM »
Gosh, well that's pretty darn good in my opinion. You guys are crazy good..
Heh, it took me about 6 months to code my duplexman boss after the sprite sheet was finished from my partner.

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: May 02, 2009, 06:43:15 PM »
How long did it take you to do that if i may ask? :O

Fan Creations / Re: Sprites made by Blackhook
« on: May 02, 2009, 04:45:49 PM »
Sorry, i was just saying like the things I have to do in order to be able to put sprites or animations in my mm3 hack. It just takes a ton of procedures. Wish it were easy like thos programs that just simply use PNG or BMP images where you dont gotta ever worry about things like those...but not in the case of the NES. :(

Fan Creations / Re: Sprites made by Blackhook
« on: May 02, 2009, 04:29:04 PM »
Yes, If anyone is willing to work together with me :P I have 0 programming skills

Oh, and about your details at the top:
A space station huh ? Wow, that's actually the type of theme of my 2nd level im working on, for my mm3 hack actually.

That's pretty much my quality/opposite of exactly what you say.
 Im an expert at coding in the NES's assembley for the last 4 years.
But i got next-to-zero skills in music composing, and sprites.
I would ask you for help, but the problem would be that it's going to still take me years to finish my project, and i would feel guilty to drag you into my project for "severeal" years due to how slow i am at doing stuff honestly.

 It takes a very long time just to even put new sprites/animations in my game cause I have to make new pointer sets, x/y data for every individual frame, constrct the tile data, and insert them using tile layer pro, or YY-CHR, set damage settings, hit detection settings.... THEN i would be allowed to do the coding part. >_<

Fan Creations / Re: Sprites made by Blackhook
« on: May 02, 2009, 04:17:28 PM »
Im so jealous of your skills blachook. :( Cant believe all of the stuff your doing is not even going into a real rom hack or anything...or is it ?? :\

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: May 02, 2009, 08:03:48 AM »
Yup, it's still active. There's about 5-10 new replies on the 2ch dicussion thread every day.
Someone just made these screens 2 days ago.

Rockman Series / Re: Wow. More.
« on: May 02, 2009, 04:11:13 AM »
Personally, I prefer 8bit. ;)
Yea i agree because I dont really like listening to all these high tech techno, rock, rap and pop whatever crap. :( I think it feels better listening to songs straight from the games, not from CD's where it sounds like 10x as advanced cause to my's only worse...
Just my feeling

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: May 01, 2009, 11:08:35 AM »
Same here. It seems that rom is heavily modified that even emulators cant handle it.

Well it's just that alot of emu's unfortantely either have very poor support for the MMC5 mapper, or just some of the most important registers are not emulated properly or at all literally. :\

Even the latest fceuxd 2.1 STILL does not even emulate the mmc5's $5130 register, which allows the rom to have 4x as much graphic space as normal games. which would mean that i could exapand the size of my rom as high as 2000 kb (2 MB) But it works in nestopia and nintendulator...

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: April 30, 2009, 10:48:41 PM »
Woa hey that's what those unused sprites came from...thats pretty cool.

One day i was talking to infidelity on AIM while he was working on his megaman ultra 2 rise of x hack, and he found those unused sprites in the rom while going through some stuff in TLP and yy-chr ...we found the data still actually exists in the rom, they just never had any actual code to do anything, but they were fully all had animation data to animate.

So now THAT"s what it was meant for huh...pretty interesting. (about Vixy's screenshot) On the far top right screen with the giant sand castle midboss

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 30, 2009, 01:35:46 AM »
Gosh. I dont have the slightest clue about any sort of homebrew type of emulators that are specific for real hardware like DS, GBA, PS3 and so on. :\ I dont own any sort of cards or hacking devices that let you play nes, gameboy, snes and so on on the current "next gen" consoles.

So i wouldn't know about that. I wish i owned one of those things but i dont think i will anytime in the near future. I want to play GBA games on my DS so bad cause i refuse to on computer. :(

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 29, 2009, 06:17:58 PM »
Okay i made up my mind then. Your reply tempted me dr wily II. :)

At the very top of the list here. Im pretty proud that it's already been downaloded a total of 378 times actually. :) I never thought it would get that high considering i didn't spread it around much at all other than japanese players.

be sure to take note of the *warning* notice in the readme text file concerning the use of emulators other than fceuxd 2.xx as some are potentially the result of the emulators and not my game. I didn't abuse tricks to get what i want so that it only plays on speifici emulators, it's just my hack uses the most powerful NES mapper which not every emulator can handle.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 29, 2009, 05:43:20 PM »
I was wondering, should i just not keep it a secret anymore and let everyone try out of my boltman level for anyone who hasn't found out where i uploaded it to ?? I keep getting the feeling that i shouldn't be keeping this a secret anymore.

 I just felt that way because the reason it's taking me so many years to ever be able to stand a chance at completing my hack is because i want to surpass the quality, popularity, and so on of the most greatest megaman hacks of all time such as no constancy, exile, and a couple other specific few. I swear i won't give up on my project even if it means i aint done until the year 2015 sadly even. :(

It took me 7 months to complete very first level. :\ No joke

Off The Wall / Re: ESPN Konami Code lolol comedy
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:52:08 AM »
Oh haha, i just heard about this 30 minutes ago on Attack of the Show on G4. They mentioned this. :P ..funny stuff

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 28, 2009, 03:51:16 AM »
Is it just me, or is there too many Rock Man 2 hacks? Seems like there isn't enough of the other games hacks.
We need more megaman nes hacks with all new bosses. Not just modified versions.

Yea. Too much. But i think it's because it's everyone's favorite one compared to any of the other NES, and because it's the easiest to hack. At least i would think. Though i've never looked at mm2's inner workings myself before so i wouldn't know.

But there's very extremely well comprehenvsive guides and documents of mm 2 stuff around the internet. But they're all in japanese purely 100%. So that's why there's countless japanese mm2 hacks rather than english/non-japan people's hacks.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 27, 2009, 09:44:14 PM »
Ah cool, well if it's in NSF format. then that would help greatly cause i have this little program called GNSF ..a player for nsf's, and it has a option to toggle the FPS rate as high or as low as ya want which makes listening to the notes not give ya headaches literally when trying to listen a million times to each note one at a time. :)

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 27, 2009, 06:06:52 PM »
Oh yea, im aware of that. 'Course i'd want to have some songs from some other games franchises and stuff that i wouldn't even be familiar with myself that'd sound good.

Fan Creations / Re: Sprites made by Blackhook
« on: April 26, 2009, 09:17:00 PM »
BHN: 003 Honey Woman

Her primary function is beekeeping. She can also store a large amount of honey in her body.
"Life is sweet"
Good point: Optimist
Bad point: Stingy
Likes: Plant Man
Dislikes: Hornet Man

Battle strategy: Really simple: She will fly around the field, stopping for a while shooting three honey blobs (They will bounce around before vanishing). If one hits Megaman will be moving slower (Because he gets stuck to the ground), also his jumps will be shorter. If one of the blobs hits, 3 bees from the nearest hive will appear and attack Rock. Sometimes she will land on the ground, shooting 4 needles in different directions.

Weapon get: Sweet honey

Megaman will shoot a honey blob, if it hits an enemy except for causing damage it will cause smaller enemies to be unable to move (except those who can fly) and bigger enemies will have the same movement problems as Megaman after he gets hit by Honey Woman´s attack.

Woa that's some really cool stuff seriously. I sometimes have a hell of a time trying coming up with ideas for good attack patterns for my bosses. But i must say im really impressed by your information and technical details about this person. :)

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 26, 2009, 08:45:19 PM »
I can help you on graphics and song finding kuja  ;)

Well if you came up with 2 good songs that fit the themes well, and that i like it, i'll consider it. :) Im defintely open to people's ideas.

I know there's plenty of great songs out there, just so hard to really find something i'd be comfortable with.
Like for the tower level (2nd half boltman AFTER the valley) ..i thought about:
Megaman X1: Boomer Kuwanger...cause that's a tower level that's almost always going straight up completely ...and the song itself starts at a low tone...and keeps rising more and more until it gets really high...then restarts over in low tone again.

Megaman Wily Wars: Wily Tower 1...that's where about 50% of the inner tower graphics came from. And i like that song too. :) but ehhhh...
For the valley of storms level, i just dont know. :(

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: April 26, 2009, 05:47:12 PM »
Oh hey thanks for noticing my hack. :) I appreciate it. :)
Yes I do want to have new music for my game, the only thing is, that's one of my very very FEW weak spots in which i can not do myself. I ain't good at trying to compose music even if it's from another game.

I CAN however copy and paste songs and sound effects straight from mm4, 5 and 6 NES because mm3-6 share the same music engine format 100% purely. But i dont wanna take songs from the later NES mm games. :( Want stuff from other games like gameboy, SNES, or playstation or something. I seriously do not know what kind of songs i want to have for my 2 boltman levels. That would fit well to the theme.

And yea. I like to personally say as my own little slogan as one of the goals about my hack is "GO AWAY...from the NES as much as i can" when it comes to anything i can possibly do. As in get closer to the X games in graphics, gameplay, etc.

The sad thing is well, i started in mid 2005, and currently here in april 2009, i still only have 1 single stage done. :( Boltman, that's it. I'm so slow and just can not ever be able to make myself go any faster since im alone on my project, except for 1 other person who helps me with the graphic design, and sprites because i do not have good drawing skills at all.

BUT.. i have 4 years experience with NES 6502 assembley so i can code almost anything i want. Which is why i got sub tanks, heart tanks, an exit feature like in the X games so you can leave a stage at any time IF it's complete, megaman 9 inspired time attack mode, saving your progress like playstation games (no more dumb cheating with passwords), tons of stuff

News and Announcements / Re: Protodude's Ramblings: Who Wants Manga?
« on: April 25, 2009, 11:41:35 PM »
kuja-san... the leaderboards counts for the whole world, but they are locked to individual systems. That's why you don't see Wii records on the 360.

Secondly, both the English and Japanese language exist inside the ROM, so all you have to do is to switch the language of your system. I think a few of the Japanese users have bought+downloaded the game through an English 360/PS3 account.

This announcement is an official release for 360 and PS3 that sets the primary language to Japanese.

Oh i see okay. I remember how you told me the first statment before. But i never would have realized that. (about the rest of your reply) Well that's an interesting fact. :) okay.

News and Announcements / Re: Protodude's Ramblings: Who Wants Manga?
« on: April 25, 2009, 09:00:36 PM »
Megaman 9 was never on the 360 or ps3 this whole entire time for Japan? Seriously? But i've seen plenty of japanese people's profiles when looking at the time attack leaderboards on mm9, since i got the 360 version. :\
Im confused now ....

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
« on: April 10, 2009, 11:36:19 AM »
kinda like how Dr. Wily's Swiss bank number is the release date for the first Rockman game.

Wow i have never realized that fact, how interesting. :) I did not feel like turning on my 360 just now to take a look again at the intro to see what ya mean, so i looked at a quick youtube video and your right.
How cool! :)

Gaming / Re: Obligatory Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum thread
« on: March 22, 2009, 03:40:41 AM »
Where they're available doesn't matter. What matters is that someone is getting angry over pokemon. Getting angry over pokemon? Not cool. Noooooooot cool.

I ain't mad about the game(s) themself exactly, more rather what ballade said. The closest toy'r'us from me is about 300-400+ miles away. :\

Gaming / Re: Obligatory Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum thread
« on: March 21, 2009, 05:42:46 AM »

I freaking hate that myself too. It just pisses me off so much the fact that people are forced to have go to a toy-r-us in the US. Unless you really actually live close to one in one of the major cities like phoenix, los angelos, las vegas or new york. :(

But in japan, you dont gotta step foot out of your room or house at all whatsoever because the wifi will connect to the servers automatically without forcing people to  go to specific locations in the country, or to certain stores.....but never like that for america..... i can't help it how infintely mad that concept makes me. NOT in a way that "only the japanese are allowed cause it's closer or something" ..i just mean i think it's totally 100% unfair with the US's rules.

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