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Messages - kuja killer

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Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: June 28, 2009, 03:14:28 AM »
Dont worry guys. :) They're working on it.

Dr juicy just posted an actual status update just today:
They appear to be focusing on just gernade man for the momment...
A script of a device and an animation have finished being paired with all small enemies of Gernade Stage.

What remains left...
* Gernade Man : 50% completed.

* Capture of the balance by stage map correction and enemy arrangement: 70%, complete.

* Mid-Boss :0% and necessary  of expansion trash waste moves and where it's a script system in business (Big correction?)  
* Well known bug
* The mounting for continuation: It depends on feeling.

The Mid boss will be post-poned (??)
8 stages, that, will the medium boss defer together? .

And a trial version of Gernade Stage, up, a corrected dot picture is also gathered, and, up.

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: June 24, 2009, 07:42:18 PM »
Doesn't even open for me. :(
Just opens for a split second appearing on the task bar then instantly closes.

I dont think that's the real version, cause there usually always 2 different programs being distributed from time to time. one that dr juicy does, and someone else doing it through another program. :\

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: June 24, 2009, 05:50:49 PM »
Yea, that is true. I personally have asked myself once when the project first started from the very beginning. I remember one time posting on the 2ch thread asking if Mr. Mend had started the Rock 8 FC project, and one person replied to me, "no, he did not, we are different people" or something like that.

The main leader of the project now appears to be named "Dr. Juicy".

Latest dicussions:
They're still talking every single day even today.

They got rid of the old uploader website and moved to a DIFFERENT uploader website.

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: June 04, 2009, 05:31:26 PM »
No, not even close at all..

Oh, okay so then still gotta wait to see what capcom says later today or this week ??

or nothing as in, they already talked today and their top secret thing had "nothing" to do with megaman ??

So did capcom already talk today ?? Did they already reveal their super top secret game they've been hiding ?? Or not yet ?? If so ... no megaman huh ??

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: May 27, 2009, 08:42:49 PM »
damn that's cool stuff.
your 4 objects

News and Announcements / Re: Happy 6th Anniversary, RPM!
« on: May 26, 2009, 06:31:13 PM »
Vixy - Some more submissions
Well i know you already got alot of these on the website already, but just giving you updates to the author's websites that you can make links to and such. :)

Rockman 2 GrayZone:

Rockman 2 MIN, and Rockman 5 WDS:

Rock 2 endless, mind roar, and DEM: (click the IPS link from main page)

Rock 2 Exhaust, and Unprecedented:

Rock 2 EXILE:

I know all these because i've been hanging with the japanese community for a couple years now, but you already know that. and lots of these links are found on
And on the far left side of the page on
You gotta scroll down a bit to see the bookmark links on the left side.

News and Announcements / Re: Happy 6th Anniversary, RPM!
« on: May 25, 2009, 09:43:12 AM »
Got another submission for you Vixy -

The IPS link at the top of the page is the hack download.
It's called Rockman 6 RE ... that's it, dont know what the RE stands for but the title screen is only slightly changed with like a red japanese symbol x'ed out. It's weird.

This hack is super freaking hard as god dang hell, im talking serously "savestate hard". :( I played this along time ago and it's just so unfair with the enemy placements, i did not bother keeping it on my comp after i finished it.

author's name is not known, they dont reveal themself in the readme file or anything.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: May 21, 2009, 10:51:14 PM »
Do you plan on making the controls/keys customizeable for your megaman fan game project? I seriously can't play any of these fan games when literally no one ever makes the keys be customizeable. :(

I tried out Megaman Rocks yesterday, took about an hour to download, and then i deleted in less than 5 minutes cause it's impossible for a guy like to me to use my left hand for moving up/down/left/right because it was asdw ....while using my right hand for shoot and was just un-bearable.

Tried out megaman dr wily's return, but i deleted that immediately too because the jump and shoot buttons were reversed (ex: like gamecube version of mm anniversary collection, which luckily i dont got a gamecube, i got the ps2 version) ..and as usual, keys are not customizeable

I do not own any sort of USB controls or or whatever that could hook up to computer ...

And then i tried some other fan game....and it'd be like "loading" ..and it's get to 99% and say unexpected error, and just close, even if i tried like 5 times, or restart my comp... i honestly have a big hate-passion for fan game maker programs. no offense to any of you people.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
« on: May 19, 2009, 11:56:53 PM »
Wow those 2 enemies you drew look pretty cool and original. :)

Fan Creations / Re: Sprites made by Blackhook
« on: May 19, 2009, 10:27:09 PM »
Hey RPM, here is my birthday present, but donĀ“t open it till tommorow  [eyebrow]

Is there actually something inside that your going to reveal tommorow ?? :P

Fan Games / Re: Megaman: Redemption
« on: May 16, 2009, 06:13:00 PM »
Woa so you decided to start your own huh? well goodluck with it. Hope you can finish yours sometime, compared to me taking years and years to finish my hack :P

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:33:54 PM »
Yea i understand, was the very first time i ever seen that picture (that girl) when i was skimming through thantas's posts.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:19:25 PM »
Miku Hatsune drawn by germans! ( Search for the german Manga and Anime Community Animexx)

Pictures made by MiyaSekai

Edit: fixed!

That blue haired girl seriously reminded me of runo from the anime show "bakugan". Looks very similiar in hair style.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: May 15, 2009, 09:39:38 PM »
Been a while since I've posted an update. ;)

I just have an unrelated question for ya. Did you like somehow make your video stop playback for your annotation messages yourself? Or is this some new youtube update or something cause it seriously annoyed the hell out of me when i try to read your messages, but instead the video keeps stopping and making the messages disappear when i wanna be the one that clicks the pause button.. Cause i tend to read slowly ...and they disappear way too quickly, so it seriously irritated me. :(

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: May 15, 2009, 08:15:00 PM »
Wow that's some cool stuff i like it.
You defintely would succeed in my opinion with your drawing and art skills..

Fan Creations / Re: Sprites made by Blackhook
« on: May 10, 2009, 06:56:18 PM »
Oh man your work is always top-notch...

Im just hoping that these will have like new content at least after completing the game like fire red/leaf green did with having a whole entire new land of islands to explore with storyline.....rather than just some battle tower place again..

General / Re: Computer Problem Thread
« on: May 04, 2009, 10:46:24 PM »
Well last night i was looking at one of the threads on this board about someone linking to a site about a rare megaman 1 cart with 5 screws right? ..
Well after i looked a bit, i closed the window. And i dont think i was quite paying attention, but i was midnlessly clicking stuff here on the board, and some IE window popped up saying ..i immediately closed it before the page could load.

My heart starting pounding for a minute or 2, so then i decided to just run some anti-malware and virus checks all last night just in case.

It took 5 and a half hours for the AntiMalware Bytes program to scan nothing found, good. i went asleep. After it was done at 4 AM i woke up and then started a AVG scan and stayed awake this morning while it went. At aroudn 7:30 AM this morning, it was still going after 2 hours 40 minutes...then suddenly my hard drive started having a heart attack or something making heartbeat noises.
It would sound like in the form of a heartbeat of 2 pulses per second or two. :( So i immedately shut off my comp and kept it off for about 2 minutes, turned it back on..been okay since then.

This is the 2nd time now i believe this has happened, and it really had my heart pounding hard. The last time it happened was EXACTLY the same result...while scanning with AVG, after a few hours and it wasn't done...the hard drive started making those heartbeat noises.

It's about to die soon isn't it ?? :(

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: May 04, 2009, 03:27:15 PM »
Yes it was. I seriously didn't feel like wanting to have to re-arrange over 500 bytes of other sprite's data because the dirll mole was currently in between enemies in the begining of one of my tables....and if 1 single frame were to become 1 tile longer, i'd have to re-shift hundreds of bytes of data over, re-update about 50 sets of pointers..and i just didn't feel like it.

The main thing is i should of just said to only stick with 3 colors, not 4. Because well it's true that i have 5 on it, but ONLY for 1 single little spot on it, being the drill on it's mouth, no where else period whatsoever. Tiles are only allowed to have 3 colors period. Anymore requires a double, or even triple tile layering which requires much much more individual 8x8 tiles to be used.  And it turns out i would of had to use an extra 6 or more tiles minimium on the frames where the mole is fully stickign out of the ground in order to have white, pink, blue and black. So it was much more trouble than it was worth to have to go through.
Sorry for telling you the wrong amount to use. :(

I'd say that your cold man sheet would literally take 3 full pages of graphic space on estimate just from looking at it. (64 tiles per page) It looks totally great, though if to be on a NES hack/real NES ..would take up a ton of graphic space, and that fact that parts of the weapon sprites appear to be 9 pixels wide which just takes up even more space.

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: May 04, 2009, 02:13:18 PM »
Matter of fact, if this were done an NES hack, and not a custom program like the FC7 or FC8 project, that would be over-doing it too much. I did not get the chance to really explain it last night when talking with you.

But the guys in the rom hacking IRC channel would like me to have you possibly come in sometime so they can explain it to you better than my attempt to. I did not decide to take your re-mod of the drill mole when i gave up after 2 hours of just even getting 3 of the frames drawn into TLP first. :(  And realizing that it would take "double" the amount of tiles to implement than before.

There's very specific reasons and rules why i didn't go for it anymore.

Rockman Series / Re: The way you play Mega Man games
« on: May 03, 2009, 03:43:27 AM »
Well for me, i like to try playing the games by using all the weapons equally instead of "only" using the mega buster, or a specific weapon all the time. Just changing weapons whenever needed, and trying different weapons on different enemies to try making the game more fun. :)

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: May 02, 2009, 09:12:36 PM »
Thanx but please dont compare each other's works; this is not war of hate, it is war of kindness. xD

Sorry i didn't mean to sound that way. :(
Im just so over-whelmed and mezmorized by you 2's awesome stuff.

Fan Creations / Re: Speedie's Workshop - Junkies' Party
« on: May 02, 2009, 09:04:33 PM »
TAKE THAT ! Eat my complicated NES sprites...

I like your's more than blackhook's tengu man. :) no offense to him.
This looks much more defined and clear.

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